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daronco edited this page Apr 3, 2013 · 6 revisions

The basic installation of bigbluebutton_rails require you to use the following generator:

rails generate bigbluebutton_rails:install

This generator will create a migration file and some additional resources the application needs. Take a look at the migration to see how the models used by BigbluebuttonRails look like.

The additional files created are basically a locale file and a schedule.rb used to synchronize recordings (see How recordings work).

To see all the options that the generator provides, run:

rails generate bigbluebutton_rails:install --help

All models, controllers and views used are embedded in the gem, but you can replace or extend them if you need to.

Usually the only thing you will want to customize are views. There is one generator to help you with that:

rails generate bigbluebutton_rails:views

It copies all BigbluebuttonRails' views into your application, so you can change them as you wish.

To change how controllers or models work, you can create classes that extend them. See How to: Inherit controllers.

Migrating from previous versions

For version >= 0.0.5, BigbluebuttonRails provides a generator to create a database migration to update the gem version.

When you run:

rails generate bigbluebutton_rails:install 0.0.5 --migration-only
rails generate bigbluebutton_rails:install 1.3.0 --migration-only

A migration file will be generated to migrate BigbluebuttonRails from the previous version to the target version (e.g. from 0.0.4 to 0.0.5 in the first example).

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