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Computer Pointer Controller


Computer Pointer Controller is an application which use a gaze detection model to control the mouse pointer of you computer. The position of mouse pointer will change by following the user's Gaze. The Gaze Estimation model is used to estimate the gaze of the user's eyes and then feed the result into pyautogui module to change the position of mouse pointer.

The pipline of application as shown below: pipline


Recorded video of running the project: Demo video of project



Project Set Up and Installation


2.Environment setup Initialize openVINO environment (command in cmd)


cd C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\bin\ && setupvars.bat

3.Download the required model

   python "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\deployment_tools\open_model_zoo\tools\downloader\" --name face-detection-adas-binary-0001
   python "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\deployment_tools\open_model_zoo\tools\downloader\" --name head-pose-estimation-adas-0001
   python "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\deployment_tools\open_model_zoo\tools\downloader\" --name landmarks-regression-retail-0009
   python "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\deployment_tools\open_model_zoo\tools\downloader\" --name gaze-estimation-adas-0002

The source structure of project as showm below:

E:\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO>tree /a /f
Folder PATH listing for volume entertainment
Volume serial number is 00000060 0003:B93B
|   requirements.txt
|       .gitkeep
|       demo.mp4
|       pipeline.png
|       show_app.PNG
|   +---face-detection-adas-binary-0001
|   |   \---FP32-INT1
|   |           face-detection-adas-binary-0001.bin
|   |           face-detection-adas-binary-0001.xml
|   |
|   +---gaze-estimation-adas-0002
|   |   +---FP16
|   |   |       gaze-estimation-adas-0002.bin
|   |   |       gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml
|   |   |
|   |   +---FP16-INT8
|   |   |       gaze-estimation-adas-0002.bin
|   |   |       gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml
|   |   |
|   |   \---FP32
|   |           gaze-estimation-adas-0002.bin
|   |           gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml
|   |
|   +---head-pose-estimation-adas-0001
|   |   +---FP16
|   |   |       head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.bin
|   |   |       head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml
|   |   |
|   |   +---FP16-INT8
|   |   |       head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.bin
|   |   |       head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml
|   |   |
|   |   \---FP32
|   |           head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.bin
|   |           head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml
|   |
|   \---landmarks-regression-retail-0009
|       +---FP16
|       |       landmarks-regression-retail-0009.bin
|       |       landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml
|       |
|       +---FP16-INT8
|       |       landmarks-regression-retail-0009.bin
|       |       landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml
|       |
|       \---FP32
|               landmarks-regression-retail-0009.bin
|               landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml


1. cd to src folder first

2. Template of run the

python -fd <Path of xml file for face detection model> -fl <Path of xml file for facial landmarks detection model> -hp <Path of xml file for head pose estimation model> -ge <Path of xml file for gaze estimation model> -i <Path of input video file or enter cam for feeding input from webcam> -d <choose the device to run the model (default CPU)> -show <select the visualization: win fd fl hp ge crop> -pc <use perf_counts to display performance of layers on each model> -info <show related information such as infer time of model, FPS, No.frame in command window>

3. Examples of run the

  • Running model with percision FP32 in CPU:
python -fd "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\face-detection-adas-binary-0001\FP32-INT1\face-detection-adas-binary-0001.xml" -fl "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\landmarks-regression-retail-0009\FP32\landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml" -hp "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001\FP32\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml" -ge "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\gaze-estimation-adas-0002\FP32\gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml" -i "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\bin\demo.mp4" -d CPU -show win fd fl hp ge -info -pc
  • Running model with percision FP16 in CPU:
python -fd "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\face-detection-adas-binary-0001\FP32-INT1\face-detection-adas-binary-0001.xml" -fl "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\landmarks-regression-retail-0009\FP16\landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml" -hp "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001\FP16\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml" -ge "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\gaze-estimation-adas-0002\FP16\gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml" -i "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\bin\demo.mp4" -d CPU -show win fd fl hp ge -info -pc
  • Running model with percision FP16-INT8 in CPU:
python -fd "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\face-detection-adas-binary-0001\FP32-INT1\face-detection-adas-binary-0001.xml" -fl "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\landmarks-regression-retail-0009\FP16-INT8\landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml" -hp "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001\FP16-INT8\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml" -ge "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\gaze-estimation-adas-0002\FP16-INT8\gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml" -i "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\bin\demo.mp4" -d CPU -show win fd fl hp ge -info -pc
  • Running model with percision FP32 in CPU and input through webcam
python -fd "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\face-detection-adas-binary-0001\FP32-INT1\face-detection-adas-binary-0001.xml" -fl "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\landmarks-regression-retail-0009\FP32\landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml" -hp "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001\FP32\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml" -ge "\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\gaze-estimation-adas-0002\FP32\gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml" -i cam -d CPU -show win fd fl hp ge -info -pc


Command line agruments

Try command python -h to get help for command line arguments of the application

E:\Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\src>python -h
               [-show FLAG_VISUALIZATION [FLAG_VISUALIZATION ...]] [-info]
               [-l CPU_EXTENSION] [-d DEVICE] [-pt PROB_THRESHOLD]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -fd FACE_DETECTION_PATH, --face_detection_path FACE_DETECTION_PATH
                        (required) Path to Face Detection Model .xml file.
                        (required) Path to Facial Landmarks Detection Model
                        .xml file.
  -hp HEAD_POSE_PATH, --head_pose_path HEAD_POSE_PATH
                        (required) Path to Head Pose Estimation Model .xml
                        (required) Path to Gaze Estimation Model .xml file.
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        (required) Path to Input File either image or video or
                        CAM (using camera).
  -pc, --perf_counts    Report performance countersPrint the real time takes
                        for each layer in the model
                        (optional) Visualize the selected model on the output
                        frame window. 'win': display the visualization window
                        (To visualize other model must with 'win'), 'fd': Face
                        Detection Model, 'fl': Facial Landmarks Detection
                        Model, 'crop': Cropped face with Landmarks
                        Detection,'hp': Head Pose Estimation Model, 'ge': Gaze
                        Estimation Model. For example, '--show win fd fl hp ge
                        crop' (Seperate each flag by space).
  -info, --show_info    Flag to show all the related information in command
                        window. No. of frame, Average and total infer time of
                        each models, Total frame, FPS...
  -l CPU_EXTENSION, --cpu_extension CPU_EXTENSION
                        (optional) MKLDNN (CPU)-targeted custom
                        layers.Absolute path to cpu_extension if layers from
                        model are not supported on device.
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        (optional) Specify the target device to infer on: CPU,
                        GPU, FPGA or MYRIAD is acceptable. Sample will look
                        for a suitable plugin for device specified (CPU by
  -pt PROB_THRESHOLD, --prob_threshold PROB_THRESHOLD
                        (optional) Probability threshold for detections (0.6
                        by default)


  • FP32, FP16, FP16-INT8 tested on my CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)i7-3632QM CPU @ 2.20GHz
  • Checked each model load time, average inference time, total load model, total inference time, FPS and model size.

Example result of enable -pc:

## Head pose estimation model performance:
name                                                                   layer_type      exet_type       status          real_time, us
48/Output_0/Data__const123_const_nchw_OIhw8i8o_pool1                   Reorder         jit_uni_FP32    NOT_RUN         0
60/Output_0/Data__const146_const                                       Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
60/Output_0/Data__const146_const_nchw_OIhw8i8o_pool3                   Reorder         jit_uni_FP32    NOT_RUN         0
70/Output_0/Data__const114_const                                       Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
70/Output_0/Data__const114_const_nchw_Ohwi8o_conv1                     Reorder         jit_uni_FP32    NOT_RUN         0
80/Output_0/Data__const137_const                                       Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
80/Output_0/Data__const137_const_nchw_OIhw8i8o_conv3                   Reorder         jit_uni_FP32    NOT_RUN         0
Add_/Fused_Add_                                                        ScaleShift      jit_sse42_FP32  EXECUTED        35
Constant_11352                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11352_nchw_OhIw8o4i_conv2                                     Reorder         ref_any_I8      NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11353                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11353_nchw_OhIw8o4i_conv4                                     Reorder         ref_any_I8      NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11354                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11354_nchw_OhIw8o4i_conv5                                     Reorder         ref_any_I8      NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11355                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11355_nchw_OhIw8o4i_conv_fm                                   Reorder         ref_any_I8      NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11356                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11356_nchw_OhIw8o4i_angle_y                                   Reorder         ref_any_I8      NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11359                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11359_nchw_OhIw8o4i_angle_r/Fused_Add_                        Reorder         ref_any_I8      NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11362                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_11362_nchw_OhIw8o4i_angle_p                                   Reorder         ref_any_I8      NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12941                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12942                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12943                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12944                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12945                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12946                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12947                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12948                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12949                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12951                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12952                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12954                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12955                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
Constant_12957                                                         Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
angle_p                                                                Convolution     jit_sse42_I8    EXECUTED        13
angle_p/WithoutBiases/fq_input_0                                       FakeQuantize    undef           NOT_RUN         0
angle_p_fc                                                             FullyConnected  jit_gemm_FP32   EXECUTED        3
angle_p_fc/WithoutBiases/1_port_transpose3315_const184_const           Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
angle_p_fc/flatten_fc_input                                            Reshape         unknown_FP32    NOT_RUN         0
angle_p_fc/flatten_fc_input_ScaleShift_angle_p_fc                      ScaleShift      jit_sse42_FP32  EXECUTED        5
angle_p_nhwc_nchw_angle_p_fc/flatten_fc_input                          Reorder         jit_uni_FP32    EXECUTED        5
angle_r/Fused_Add_                                                     Convolution     jit_sse42_I8    EXECUTED        16
angle_r/Fused_Add__nhwc_nchw_angle_r_fc/flatten_fc_input               Reorder         jit_uni_FP32    EXECUTED        5
angle_r_fc                                                             FullyConnected  jit_gemm_FP32   EXECUTED        4
angle_r_fc/WithoutBiases/1_port_transpose3323_const195_const           Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
angle_r_fc/flatten_fc_input                                            Reshape         unknown_FP32    NOT_RUN         0
angle_r_fc/flatten_fc_input_ScaleShift_angle_r_fc                      ScaleShift      jit_sse42_FP32  EXECUTED        6
angle_y                                                                Convolution     jit_sse42_I8    EXECUTED        15
angle_y_fc                                                             FullyConnected  jit_gemm_FP32   EXECUTED        49
angle_y_fc/WithoutBiases/1_port_transpose3319_const210_const           Const           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
angle_y_fc/flatten_fc_input                                            Reshape         unknown_FP32    NOT_RUN         0
angle_y_fc/flatten_fc_input_ScaleShift_angle_y_fc                      ScaleShift      jit_sse42_FP32  EXECUTED        6
angle_y_nhwc_nchw_angle_y_fc/flatten_fc_input                          Reorder         jit_uni_FP32    EXECUTED        6
bn1/variance/Fused_Add_                                                ScaleShift      undef           NOT_RUN         0
bn3/variance/Fused_Add_                                                ScaleShift      undef           NOT_RUN         0
conv1                                                                  Convolution     jit_sse42_FP32  EXECUTED        142
conv2                                                                  Convolution     jit_sse42_I8    EXECUTED        145
conv2/WithoutBiases/fq_input_0                                         FakeQuantize    undef           NOT_RUN         0
conv2_nhwc_nChw8c_pool2                                                Reorder         jit_uni_FP32    EXECUTED        23
conv3                                                                  Convolution     jit_sse42_FP32  EXECUTED        594
conv4                                                                  Convolution     jit_sse42_I8    EXECUTED        89
conv4/WithoutBiases/fq_input_0                                         FakeQuantize    undef           NOT_RUN         0
conv5                                                                  Convolution     jit_sse42_I8    EXECUTED        90
conv_fm                                                                Convolution     jit_sse42_I8    EXECUTED        120
conv_fm/WithoutBiases/fq_input_0                                       FakeQuantize    undef           NOT_RUN         0
data                                                                   Input           unknown         NOT_RUN         0
out_angle_p_fc                                                         Output          unknown_FP32    NOT_RUN         0
out_angle_r_fc                                                         Output          unknown_FP32    NOT_RUN         0
out_angle_y_fc                                                         Output          unknown_FP32    NOT_RUN         0
pool1                                                                  Convolution     jit_sse42_FP32  EXECUTED        190
pool1_FP32_nChw8c_U8_nhwc_conv2                                        Reorder         jit_uni_FP32    EXECUTED        19
pool2                                                                  Pooling         jit_avx_FP32    EXECUTED        26
pool2_ScaleShift_conv3                                                 ScaleShift      jit_sse42_FP32  EXECUTED        8
pool3                                                                  Convolution     jit_sse42_FP32  EXECUTED        189
pool3_FP32_nChw8c_U8_nhwc_conv4                                        Reorder         jit_uni_FP32    EXECUTED        13
pool4                                                                  Pooling         jit_sse42_I8    EXECUTED        7
pool4/fq_input_0                                                       FakeQuantize    undef           NOT_RUN         0
relu_conv1                                                             ReLU            undef           NOT_RUN         0
relu_conv2                                                             ReLU            undef           NOT_RUN         0
relu_conv3                                                             ReLU            undef           NOT_RUN         0
relu_conv4                                                             ReLU            undef           NOT_RUN         0
relu_conv5                                                             ReLU            undef           NOT_RUN         0
relu_p_1                                                               ReLU            undef           NOT_RUN         0
relu_r_1                                                               ReLU            undef           NOT_RUN         0
relu_y_1                                                               ReLU            undef           NOT_RUN         0
Average inference time of HeadPoseEstimation model: 16.855223137035704 ms

FP32 Project_log

INFO:root:## Face Model path is correct: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\face-detection-adas-binary-0001\FP32-INT1\face-detection-adas-binary-0001.xml
INFO:root:## Landmarks Model path is correct: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\landmarks-regression-retail-0009\FP32\landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml
INFO:root:## Headpose Model path is correct: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001\FP32\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml
INFO:root:## Gaze Model path is correct: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\gaze-estimation-adas-0002\FP32\gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml
Input path exists: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\bin\demo.mp4
INFO:root:## Loaded Input Feeder 
INFO:root:FaceDetection load time: 402.233 ms
INFO:root:FacialLandmarkDetection load time: 202.0 ms
INFO:root:HeadPoseEstimation load time: 178.005 ms
INFO:root:GazeEstimation load time: 211.995 ms
INFO:root:Total Load time: 994.233 ms
INFO:root:## All model successfully loaded!
INFO:root:## Start inference on frame!
ERROR:root:flag_return: False. Video has reach to the end...
INFO:root:Average inference time of FaceDetection model: 50.7061845165188 ms
INFO:root:Average inference time of FacialLandmarkDetection model: 1.6961178537142478 ms
INFO:root:Average inference time of HeadPoseEstimation model: 3.2278723635915982 ms
INFO:root:Average inference time of GazeEstimation model: 3.6383079270185053 ms
INFO:root:Total inference time: 38241.687 ms
INFO:root:Total frame: 59
INFO:root:FPS: 1.5428063385806183
ERROR:root:### Camera Stream or Video Stream has reach to the end...###

FP16 Project_log

INFO:root:## Face Model path is correct: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\face-detection-adas-binary-0001\FP32-INT1\face-detection-adas-binary-0001.xml
INFO:root:## Landmarks Model path is correct: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\landmarks-regression-retail-0009\FP16\landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml
INFO:root:## Headpose Model path is correct: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001\FP16\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml
INFO:root:## Gaze Model path is correct: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\gaze-estimation-adas-0002\FP16\gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml
Input path exists: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\bin\demo.mp4
INFO:root:## Loaded Input Feeder 
INFO:root:FaceDetection load time: 378.925 ms
INFO:root:FacialLandmarkDetection load time: 187.5 ms
INFO:root:HeadPoseEstimation load time: 187.506 ms
INFO:root:GazeEstimation load time: 203.12 ms
INFO:root:Total Load time: 957.05 ms
INFO:root:## All model successfully loaded!
INFO:root:## Start inference on frame!
ERROR:root:flag_return: False. Video has reach to the end...
INFO:root:Average inference time of FaceDetection model: 46.96024070351811 ms
INFO:root:Average inference time of FacialLandmarkDetection model: 0.5190655336541644 ms
INFO:root:Average inference time of HeadPoseEstimation model: 2.277273242756472 ms
INFO:root:Average inference time of GazeEstimation model: 3.472477702771203 ms
INFO:root:Total inference time: 36004.365 ms
INFO:root:Total frame: 59
INFO:root:FPS: 1.6387068103544051
ERROR:root:### Camera Stream or Video Stream has reach to the end...###

FP16-INT8 Project_log

INFO:root:## Face Model path is correct: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\face-detection-adas-binary-0001\FP32-INT1\face-detection-adas-binary-0001.xml
INFO:root:## Landmarks Model path is correct: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\landmarks-regression-retail-0009\FP16-INT8\landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml
INFO:root:## Headpose Model path is correct: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001\FP16-INT8\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml
INFO:root:## Gaze Model path is correct: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\intel\gaze-estimation-adas-0002\FP16-INT8\gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml
Input path exists: \Intel-AI\Computer-Pointer-Controller-OpenVINO\bin\demo.mp4
INFO:root:## Loaded Input Feeder 
INFO:root:FaceDetection load time: 328.122 ms
INFO:root:FacialLandmarkDetection load time: 218.754 ms
INFO:root:HeadPoseEstimation load time: 312.502 ms
INFO:root:GazeEstimation load time: 365.017 ms
INFO:root:Total Load time: 1224.395 ms
INFO:root:## All model successfully loaded!
INFO:root:## Start inference on frame!
ERROR:root:flag_return: False. Video has reach to the end...
INFO:root:Average inference time of FaceDetection model: 46.5065099425235 ms
INFO:root:Average inference time of FacialLandmarkDetection model: 0.9639626842434124 ms
INFO:root:Average inference time of HeadPoseEstimation model: 2.110372155399646 ms
INFO:root:Average inference time of GazeEstimation model: 4.738435906878973 ms
INFO:root:Total inference time: 35699.297 ms
INFO:root:Total frame: 59
INFO:root:FPS: 1.6527073587495449
ERROR:root:### Camera Stream or Video Stream has reach to the end...###

Comparison model size and load time

Model Type Size Load time Average inference time
face-detection-adas-binary-0001 FP32-INT1 1.86 MB 402.233 ms 50.7061845165188 ms
FP32-INT1 1.86 MB 378.925 ms 46.96024070351811 ms
FP32-INT1 1.86 MB 328.122 ms 46.5065099425235 ms
landmarks-regression-retail-0009 FP32 786 KB 202.0 ms 1.6961178537142478 ms
FP16 413 KB 187.5 ms 0.5190655336541644 ms
FP16-INT8 314 KB 218.754 ms 0.9639626842434124 ms
head-pose-estimation-adas-0001 FP32 7.34 MB 178.005 ms 3.2278723635915982 ms
FP16 3.69 MB 187.506 ms 2.277273242756472 ms
FP16-INT8 2.05 MB 312.502 ms 2.110372155399646 ms
gaze-estimation-adas-0002 FP32 7.24 MB 211.995 ms 3.6383079270185053 ms
FP16 3.69 MB 203.12 ms 3.472477702771203 ms
FP16-INT8 2.09 MB 365.017 ms 4.738435906878973 ms

Comparison of total load and inference time

Total Model Load time Total Inference Time FPS
FP32 994.233 ms 38241.687 ms 1.5428063385806183
FP16 957.05 ms 36004.365 ms 1.6387068103544051
FP16-INT8 1224.395 ms 35699.297 ms 1.6527073587495449


  • For different precision, the model size decreases follow the order of FP32 > FP16 > FP16-INT8. The total inference time follows the same order in this case, the INT8 is faster than FP16 and FP32 is slower than FP32. Lower precision model uses less memory. However, remember lower precision of model also lose the accuracy of model.
  • Memory Access of FP16 is half the size compared with FP32, which reduces memory usage of a neural network. FP16 data transfers are faster than FP32, which improves speed (TFLOPS) and performance.
  • The Model load time and FPS of them are almost the same, but Total model load time of FP16 is much faster than others. For FPS INT-8 is better than others. Besides model only load only when model initializes.
  • In order to achieving the most reasonable combination, we do not want too longer inference time also too low accuracy. Moreover, in some specific scenario such as low budget. We do not want to waste storage attempt to get very high accuracy. To achieve the balance, we need to consider the volume of sacrifice.
  • I would choose FP16 as best option based on all results, for each model the load time, average inference time, total load time and total inference time in FP16 gives very good results.

Stand Out Suggestions

  • Use the VTune Amplifier to find hotspots in inference engine pipline.
  • Build an inference pipeline for both video file and webcam feed as input. Allow the user to select their input option in the command line arguments.
  • Benchmark the running times of different parts of the preprocessing and inference pipeline and let the user specify a CLI argument if they want to see the benchmark timing. Use the get_perf_counts API to print the time it takes for each layer in the model.

Edge Cases

  • If there will multiple face situation, the model only extracts one face to control the mouse pointer and ignore the other faces.
  • If due to certain reason, model couldn't detect the face. It will continue process another frame untill it detects face or keyboard interrupt to exit the program.