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Export data from a database to sql script (file)

$ SqlDatabase export ^
      "-database=Data Source=server;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=True" ^
      "-fromSql=SELECT * FROM sys.tables" ^
      -toTable=#tables ^

PS> Export-SqlDatabase `
      -database "Data Source=server;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=True" `
      -fromSql "SELECT * FROM sys.tables" `
      -toFile c:\tables.sql `
      -toTable #tables `
      -InformationAction Continue

export data from sys.tables view into "c:\tables.sql" from "master" database on "server"


    [name] NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL
    ,[object_id] INT NOT NULL
    ,[principal_id] INT NULL
    ,[schema_id] INT NOT NULL
    ,[parent_object_id] INT NOT NULL
    ,[type] CHAR(2) NULL
    ,[type_desc] NVARCHAR(60) NULL
    ,[create_date] DATETIME NOT NULL
    ,[modify_date] DATETIME NOT NULL
    ,[is_ms_shipped] BIT NOT NULL
    ,[is_published] BIT NOT NULL
    ,[is_schema_published] BIT NOT NULL
    ,[lob_data_space_id] INT NOT NULL
    -- ...

INSERT INTO #tables([name], [object_id], [principal_id], [schema_id], [parent_object_id], [type], [type_desc], [create_date], [modify_date], [is_ms_shipped], [is_published], [is_schema_published], [lob_data_space_id] /* ... */)
VALUES (N'spt_fallback_db', 117575457, NULL, 1, 0, N'U ', N'USER_TABLE', '2003-04-08 09:18:01:557', '2018-11-30 15:06:04:520', 1, 0, 0, 0 /* ... */)
      ,(N'spt_fallback_dev', 133575514, NULL, 1, 0, N'U ', N'USER_TABLE', '2003-04-08 09:18:02:870', '2018-11-30 15:06:04:523', 1, 0, 0, 0 /* ... */)
      ,(N'spt_fallback_usg', 149575571, NULL, 1, 0, N'U ', N'USER_TABLE', '2003-04-08 09:18:04:180', '2018-11-30 15:06:04:527', 1, 0, 0, 0 /* ... */)
      ,(N'spt_monitor', 1803153469, NULL, 1, 0, N'U ', N'USER_TABLE', '2018-11-30 15:04:02:047', '2018-11-30 15:06:04:533', 1, 0, 0, 0 /* ... */)


Option Description
-database set connection string to target database
-from a path to a folder or zip archive with sql scripts or path to a sql script file. Repeat -from to setup several sources.
-fromSql an sql script to select export data. Repeat -fromSql to setup several scripts.
-toTable setup "INSERT INTO" table name. Default is dbo.SqlDatabaseExport for MSSQL and public.sqldatabase_export for PostgreSQL.
-toFile write sql scripts into a file. By default write into standard output (console/information stream).
-configuration a path to application configuration file.
-log optional path to log file
-var set a variable in format "=var[name of variable]=[value of variable]"


# execute data selections scripts from file Script.sql

# execute scripts from file Script.sql in archive


"-fromSql=SELECT * FROM sys.tables"

"-fromSql=SELECT * FROM [{{Schema}}].[{{Table}}]" -varSchema=sys -varTable=tables

"-fromSql=SELECT 1"




-- script.sql
SELECT * FROM [{{Schema}}].[{{Table}}]
# execute script.sql
-from=script.sql -varSchema=sys -varTable=tables

# output
script.sql ...
   variable Schema was replaced with sys
   variable Table was replaced with tables
-- script at runtime
SELECT * FROM sys.tables

Exit codes

  • 0 - OK
  • 1 - invalid command line
  • 2 - errors during execution

Predefined variables

Name Description
DatabaseName the target database name