Releases: mauricerenck/kirby-podcaster
php version increase
maintenance release
Kirby 3.6 ready
This release comes with no new features but makes kirby podcaster compatible with Kirby 3.6
Full Changelog: v2.0.7...v2.1.0
Fixes for PHP 8
This release comes with some fixes for MySQL stats running on php 8.
Copyright for Apple Podcasts
The copyright field is now mandatory for Apple Podcasts, so this field is required now.
Do Not Track Bots Option
You can now decide if downloads by bots are tracked or not
Podlove Subscribe Tag
Feature: New Podlove Subscribe Button/Modal Kirbytag
Fix: Id3 handling
Non-Composer installations fixed
v2.0.3 fix: version numbers
Improved package
v2.0.1 fix: ignore kirby folder in package
Tracking and Statistics
New tracking options for your Podcast!
Choose between sqlite (default) and mysql. Database migration included.
DEPRECATED: Tracking via file method (markdown)
Please read the Update docs before installing the package!
Disable XSL Styling of feed
feat(feed): option to en/disable xsl styling
feat(panel): allow multiple sources for the rss feed
fix(feed): episode type
improvement(player): don’t load player, when rss feed not found