diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7f15ab3..f7638a1 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -2,118 +2,20 @@ # VaporAPNS -![Swift](http://img.shields.io/badge/swift-3.0.2-brightgreen.svg) -![Vapor](https://img.shields.io/badge/Vapor-1.3.1-green.svg) +![Swift](http://img.shields.io/badge/swift-3.1-brightgreen.svg) +![Vapor](https://img.shields.io/badge/Vapor-1.5.15-green.svg) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/rustc-serialize.svg?maxAge=2592000)]() [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/matthijs2704/vapor-apns.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/matthijs2704/vapor-apns) VaporAPNS is a simple, yet elegant, Swift library that allows you to send Apple Push Notifications using HTTP/2 protocol in Linux & macOS. It has support for the brand-new [Token Based Authentication](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2016/724/) but if you need it, the traditional certificate authentication method is ready for you to use as well. Choose whatever you like! -## 🔧 Installation +## 🚀 Installation and Usage -A quick guide, step by step, about how to use this library. - -### 1- Install libcurl with http/2 support - -In macOS using `brew` you can easily do with: - -```shell -brew reinstall curl --with-openssl --with-nghttp2 -brew link curl --force -``` - -### 2- Add VaporAPNS to your project - -Add the following dependency to your `Package.swift` file: - -```swift -.Package(url:"https://github.com/matthijs2704/vapor-apns.git", majorVersion: 1, minor: 1) -``` - -And then make sure to regenerate your xcode project. You can use `vapor xcode -y` command, if you have the Vapor toolbox installed. - -## 🚀 Usage - -It's really easy to get started with the VaporAPNS library! First you need to import the library, by adding this to the top of your Swift file: -```swift -import VaporAPNS -``` -### 🔒 Authentication methods -Then you need to get yourself an instance of the VaporAPNS class: -There are two ways you can initiate VaporAPNS. You can either use the new authentication key APNS authentication method or the 'old'/traditional certificates method. -#### 🔑 Authentication key authentication (preferred) -This is the easiest to setup authentication method. Also the token never expires so you won't have to renew the private key (unlike the certificates which expire at a certain date). -```swift -let options = try! Options(topic: "", teamId: "", keyId: "", keyPath: "/path/to/your/APNSAuthKey.p8") -let vaporAPNS = try VaporAPNS(options: options) -``` -#### 🎫 Certificate authentication -If you decide to go with the more traditional authentication method, you need to convert your push certificate, using: -```shell -openssl pkcs12 -in Certificates.p12 -out push.crt.pem -clcerts -nokeys -openssl pkcs12 -in Certificates.p12 -out push.key.pem -nocerts -nodes -``` -After you have those two files you can go ahead and create a VaporAPNS instance: -```swift -let options = try! Options(topic: "", certPath: "/path/to/your/certificate.crt.pem", keyPath: "/path/to/your/certificatekey.key.pem") -let vaporAPNS = try VaporAPNS(options: options) -``` -### 📦 Push notification payload -After you have the VaporAPNS instance, we can go ahead and create an Payload: -There are multiple quick ways to create a push notification payload. The most simple one only contains a body message: -```swift -let payload = Payload(message: "Your push message comes here") -``` -Or if you need a Payload with a title and a message: -```swift -let payload = Payload(title: "Title", body: "Your push message comes here") -``` -Or you can create a content-available push payload using: -```swift -let payload = Payload.contentAvailable -``` - -If you want a more advanced way of creating a push payload, you can create the Payload yourself: -(This example creates a localized push notification with Jena and Frank as passed arguments) -```swift -let payload = Payload() -payload.bodyLocKey = "GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT" -payload.bodyLocArgs = [ "Jenna", "Frank" ] -``` -The possibilities are endless! - -### 🚀 Send it! - -After we've created the payload it's time to actually send the push message. To do so, we have to create an ApplePushMessage object, by doing: -```swift -let pushMessage = ApplePushMessage(topic: "nl.logicbit.TestApp", priority: .immediately, payload: payload, sandbox: true) -``` -`topic` being the build identifier of your app. This is an *optional* parameter. If left out or `nil` it'll use the topic from Options you've provided in the initializer. -Priority can either be `.energyEfficient` or `.immediately`. What does that mean? In short, immediately will `.immediately` deliver the push notification and `.energyEfficient` will take power considerations for the device into account. Use `.immediately` for normal message push notifications and `.energyEfficient` for content-available pushes. -`sandbox` determines to what APNS server to send the push to. Pass `true` for development and `false` for production. - -Now you can send the notification to just one device, using: -```swift -let result = vaporAPNS.send(pushMessage, to: "488681b8e30e6722012aeb88f485c823b9be15c42e6cc8db1550a8f1abb590d7") -``` -The `to` string is the `deviceToken`, which is the notification registration token of the device you want to send the push to. -You can use `result` to handle an error or a success. (Also see the Result enum) - - - -Or you can send the notification to multiple deviceTokens using: -```swift -vaporAPNS.send(pushMessage, to: ["488681b8e30e6722012aeb88f485c823b9be15c42e6cc8db1550a8f1abb590d7", "2d11c1a026a168cee25690f2770993f6068206b1d11d54f88910b8166b23f983"]) { result in - print(result) - if case let .success(messageId,deviceToken,serviceStatus) = result, case .success = serviceStatus { - print ("Success!") - } -} -``` -The block at the end is called every time a push notification is sent (you can handle errors here per notification. `to` has now changed from a String into an [String] - - -Done! +A quick guide, step by step, on how to use this library can be found in the wiki! +#### 1. [🔧 Installation](https://github.com/matthijs2704/vapor-apns/wiki/🔧-Installation) +#### 2. [🚀 Getting started](https://github.com/matthijs2704/vapor-apns/wiki/🚀-Getting-started) +#### 3. [📦 Creating payloads](https://github.com/matthijs2704/vapor-apns/wiki/📦-Creating-payloads) +#### 4. [🛩 Sending notifications](https://github.com/matthijs2704/vapor-apns/wiki/🛩-Sending-notifications) ## ⭐ Contributing