My last NEIPA was delicious and I want more. Considering how good the last batch was, I probably shouldn't change anything. But I will anyway. To keep things interesting.
Throwing out the 2-row and golden promise in favour of Maris Otter as base malt. Bumping up the Flaked Oats to 8 oz because why not?
Hops mostly stay as is, but I'll lower the first wort addition to 0.5 oz. Last batch was just a tad to bitter imho.
No distilled water this time. NY tap water is sufficiently low in ions that I bet it'll work fine with the same additions as before. Won't bother with the phosphoric acid though. Not sure why the BYO recipe had it, considering how distilled or RO water shouldn't be alkaline to begin with. But what do I know?
As for yeast, I was really happy with Voss but will try Hornindal this time. The former is said to produce orange and citrus notes, while the latter gives off more tropical flavours.
- Volume: 2. gal
- 60 minute boil
- Yeast: Hornindal (OYL-091)
- 5 lbs Maris Otter
- 8 oz Flaked Wheat
- 8 oz Flaked Oats
- 3 oz Rice Hulls
Water treatment (5 gal NY tap water):
- 3/4 tsp Calcium Chloride
- 1/4 tsp Gypsum
- First wort
- 0.5 oz Amarillo
- Flameout
- 0.75 oz Amarillo
- Hopstand (20 min)
- 0.5 oz Citra
- 0.5 oz Galaxy
- 0.5 oz Mosaic
- Dry hop (near end of primary fermentation):
- 1.5 oz Citra
- 1 oz Galaxy
- 0.5 oz Mosaic
60 minute mash at 152 F. Hop stand for 20 minutes when wort is at 180 F post boil.
Predictions (Brewer's Friend):
- OG: 1.063
- FG: 1.013
- ABC: 6.49%
- IBU: 35.27
- SRM: 6.39
Treated 5 gal water with 1g CaSO4 and 3g CaCl. Heated to 160 F. Added grains. Mashed for 60 min at 152 F. Raised to 170 and sparged with 1 gal at ~170F. Added first wort hops and fermcap. Brought to boil. Yeast nutrients at 20 minutes. Flameout and more amarillo hops. Started cooling down to 180 F after ~5 minutes. Did the hopstand for 20 minutes, with Foundry maintaining a steady 180 F. Cooled. Whirlpool w paddle, although batteries ran out in cordless drill halfway through. Let it settle for 40 minutes. Transferred. Pitched yeast.
The wort was a bit darker than last time, as expected given the switch to Maris Otter. It was also a lot more cloudy:
Big difference from last time. I was a bit worried that this was all trub that could clog up the fermentor spigot down the line, but it definitely looked like I had a more solid cone on the bottom of the kettle.
I forgot to check the wort pH btw. Should've done that.
- OG: 1.059 (Hydrometer)
- OG: 1.059 (Tilt)
Tilt reported SG 1.021, so it's time to dry hop. Boiled a hop bag, added hops and gently lowered into fermenter. Thick layer of krausen in the fermenter still.
Ended up adding an extra 0.5 oz Galaxy, just to get rid of the leftovers from brew day. So 1.5 oz Citra, 1.5 oz Galaxy and 0.5 oz Mosaic this time.
39g sugar in 3/4 cup water. Didn't pur off a first pint of gunk this time, just went straight into the keg.
Sample was very cloudy. More so than last time. Guessing that's the additional flaked oats. So that's a success. Color is noticeably darker too, presumably due to using maris otter over pale 2-row as base. Unfortunately I think this makes it a bit less appealing, as far as looks are concerned. Taste is very NEIPA. Mouthfeel is fine. Less bitter than last time, but also less fruity and aromatic. Will be interesting to see how it pans out.
Had some issues with Tilt and didn't get a log this time. Good thing I have a hydrometer.
- FG: 1.010 (Hydrometer)
- ABV: 6.3%
A bit late, but this was delicious. Brought the keg to thanksgiving dinner and it was all consumed. Delicious!