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Data structures

Most functions to retrieve and compare distributions between repertoires expect data.table objects as input. For example, the package contains an annotations dataset in the extdata folder, which can be read in as a data.table as follows:

f <- system.file("extdata/test_annotations.csv", package="sumrep")
dat_a <- data.table::fread(f)

This file was generate via the following commands:

f <- system.file("extdata/test_annotations.csv", package="sumrep")
getPartisAnnotations(f, locus="igh") %$% 
    annotations %>% 

While sumrep is able to handle rather general annotations datasets, things work best when the annotations dataset is a data.table object with specific defaults chosen by members of the AIRR Community Software Working Group. In particular, by default, sumrep adheres to the AIRR Rearrangement standard, with specific default column names and definitions laid out in the extended documention. Columns can be manually set via the column argument to any function which acts on a single column; functions acting on more than one column have similar arguments for each column involved. An example of this is shown below.

To encourage principled analyses, we recommend the following specification of sequence_alignment and germline_alignment (which have somewhat open-ended definitions in the general AIRR schema):

  1. The recommended specification of sequence_alignment will be the aligned portion of the query sequence with IMGT gaps, constrained to the V(D)J region. Similarly, the recommended specification of germline_alignment will be the assembled, aligned, fully length inferred germline sequence spanning the same region as the sequence_alignment field, with IMGT gaps.
  2. If IMGT gaps are not available, we will still recommend that the sequences in sequence_alignment be pairwise aligned and constrained to the V(D)J region, and that germline_alignment adhere to the same properties as above, just without the IMGT gaps.
  3. The user may specify custom columns to any function which uses sequence_alignment and/or germline_alignment as defaults. In this case, we note that the results will be sensible insofar as these sequences are well-defined and compared over a span that is covered by the reads in both sets, so please take caution.

Moreover, any function which acts on a column of sequences in an annotations object by default performs the following filters:

  1. Any gaps/spacers (defined here as - or . characteres) are removed for distance-based functions.
  2. Any sequences with a stop codon (with respect to the start of the germline V sequence ), as determined by the stop_codon column, are excluded.
  3. Any sequences that are out-of-frame with respect to the start of the germline V sequence, as determined by the vj_in_frame column, are excluded.

If the stop_codon and/or vj_in_frame columns are missing, the function will output a warning and return the values without applying the respective filter. The user can adjust one or more of these flags for any summary that operates on sequences from a column in a data.table.

These defaults attempt to encourage sensible analyses that are not biased from sequencing artifacts or otherwise noisy data. Nonetheless, we have tried to keep sumrep as flexible as possible to accomodate a wide range of use cases.

There are many helper functions which take other types of data structures as input. These are available to the user but are not as polished or standardized. For example, the getDistanceMatrix function returns the pairwise distance matrix of a list or vector of input sequences. This object may be of auxiliary interest to the user but is not directly useful for plotting or comparison functions within the package.

Retrieving distributions

Functions for retrieving distributions are generally of the form getXDistribution. For example, the pairwise distance distribution of dat can be obtained via

pairwise_distances <- getPairwiseDistanceDistribution(dat_a)

This returns a vector of pairwise distances rather than a matrix, which is more practical for plotting and comparison. This function will by default compute this distribution on the sequence column. To specify a different, column, say the junction column, if present, you would instead want:

junction_pairwise_distances <- getPairwiseDistanceDistribution(dat_a, column="junction")

A complete table of available summary functions can be found in the extended documentation.

Comparing distributions

Functions to compare distributions of two annotations datasets, say dat_a and dat_b, are in general of the form compareXDistributions, and expect two data.tables as input. Let's read in another dataset, this time a post-processed annotations dataset is provided in the sumrep package:

data(test_dat_boot, package="sumrep")
dat_b <- test_dat_boot

Then, to compare the pairwise distance distributions of dat_a and dat_b, we simply run

divergence <- comparePairwiseDistanceDistributions(dat_a, dat_b)

In this case, the output is the scalar JS-divergence between the pairwise distance distributions of the two distributions.

Running a full comparison

The function compareRepertoires performs the full suite of summary comparisons between two repertoires. The main inputs of this function, repertoire_1 and repertoire_2 are lists, rather than data.tables. These lists should include an annotations field corresponding to the annotations data.table objects discussed above, and optionally a mutation_rates field, which is described below. For example, the following would do the trick:

repertoire_a <- list(annotations=dat_a)
repertoire_b <- list(annotations=dat_b)
compareRepertoires(repertoire_a, repertoire_b, locus="igh")

This would perform every comparison sans comparePerGeneMutationRates and comparePerGenePerPositionMutationRates. Note that by default getPartisAnnotations and getIgBlastAnnotations return lists of this sort, although only getPartisAnnotations includes the mutation_rates object.

The mutation_rates object should be equivalent to a data structure returned by getMutationInfo, which is called within getPartisAnnotations. This structure includes a field for each gene name (e.g. `IGHD2-21\*01`), which then includes subfields overall_mut_rate and mut_rate_by_position.

Plotting distributions

The function plotUnivariateDistributions takes in a list of annotations datasets as well as a locus, and returns a plot of as many summaries are as relevant to the locus and data. For example, using our datasets above, we can run

plot_1 <- plotUnivariateDistributions(list(dat_a, dat_b), locus="igh")

By default, this creates two plots: a frequency polygon of each distribution, as well as an empirical CDF of each distribution. You can access these plots by calling plot_1[["freqpoly"]] and plot_1[["ecdf"]] respectively.

This function is easy to modify; for example, if we wish to only plot frequency polygons of the pairwise distance distribution and aromaticity distribution, we could run

plot_2 <- plotUnivariateDistributions(list(dat_a, dat_b), locus="igh", plot_types="freqpoly", plot_function_strings=c("getPairwiseDistanceDistribution", "getAromaticityDistribution"))


The Examples folder includes a few scripts that demonstrate basic sumrep usage:

  • ExampleComparisonUsingPartis.R shows how to obtain partis annotations and parameters from sumrep; how to simulate from these parameters using partis from sumrep; and how to compare these observed and simulated annotations datasets with the compareRepertoires function.

  • ExampleComparisonWithoutPartis.R loads pre-computed annotations, so that partis need not be installed, and shows how to compare these observed and simulated annotations datasets with the compareRepertoires function.

  • MDS.R downloads many post-processed IgH datasets from Gupta et al. (2017), computes divergences of each pairwise CDR3 length distribution, performs an multidimensional scaling of these divergences, and plots the first 2 coordinates.