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Masa CLI


$ masa --help
  __  __                            ____   _       ___
 |  \/  |   __ _   ___    __ _     / ___| | |     |_ _|
 | |\/| |  / _` | / __|  / _` |   | |     | |      | |
 | |  | | | (_| | \__ \ | (_| |   | |___  | |___   | |
 |_|  |_|  \__,_| |___/  \__,_|    \____| |_____| |___|

Usage: masa [command] [subcommand] [arguments] [options]

The Masa CLI

  -v, --version                                                                                                      output the version number
  --verbose                                                                                                          output with verbose logging
  -n, --network <network>                                                                                            Address override
  -pk, --privateKey <private-key>                                                                                    Private Key override
  -r, --rpcUrl <rpc-url>                                                                                             RPC URL override
  -h, --help                                                                                                         display help for command

  login                                                                                                              Login to the masa infrastructure
  logout                                                                                                             Logout from the masa infrastructure
  account                                                                                                            Shows information about your account
  identity                                                                                                           Identity commands
  identity info                                                                                                      Shows info about all Identities
  identity show [options]                                                                                            Shows detail about your masa identity
  identity burn                                                                                                      Burns your masa identity
  soul-name                                                                                                          Soul Name Commands
  soul-name info                                                                                                     Shows info about all Soul Names
  soul-name list [options]                                                                                           Lists your soul names
  soul-name tail [options]                                                                                             Tails your soul names
  soul-name resolve <soulname>                                                                                       Resolves a soul name to the address
  soul-name resolve-reverse <soulname>                                                                               Resolves an address to soul names
  soul-name burn <soulname>                                                                                          Burns soul name that you own
  soul-name renew <soulname> <years>                                                                                 Renews a soul name that you own
  soul-name send <soulname> <receiver>                                                                               Sends a soul name to that you own to a receiver
  soul-name show <soulname>                                                                                          Shows info about a Soul Name
  soul-name verify <soulname>                                                                                        Verifies a Soul Name
  credit-score                                                                                                       Credit Score Commands
  credit-score info                                                                                                  Shows info about all Credit Scores
  credit-score list [options]                                                                                        Lists your Credit Scores
  credit-score burn <credit-score-id>                                                                                Burns a Credit Score
  credit-score load <credit-score-id>                                                                                Loads a Credit Score
  credit-score link                                                                                                  Credit Score Soul Linker Commands
  credit-score link create <credit-score-id> <reader-identity-id>                                                    Creates a Soul Linker Passport
  credit-score link establish <passport>                                                                             Establishes a link to a Credit Score
  credit-score link query <passport>                                                                                 Queries a link to a Credit Score
  credit-score link list <credit-score-id>                                                                           Lists all soul links for a credit score id
  credit-score link verify [options] <credit-score-id>                                                               Verifies soul link
  credit-score link break <credit-score-id> <reader-identity-id>                                                     Verifies soul link
  green                                                                                                              Green Commands
  green info                                                                                                         Shows info about Masa Green
  green list [options]                                                                                               Lists your Greens
  green burn <green-id>                                                                                              Burns a green
  sbt                                                                                                                SBT Commands
  sbt info <contract-address>                                                                                        Shows info about an SBT
  sbt list [options] <contract-address>                                                                              Lists your SBTs
  sbt burn <contract-address> <sbt-id>                                                                               Burns an SBT
  sssbt                                                                                                              SSSBT Commands
  sssbt add-authority <contract-address> <authority-address>                                                         Adds an Authority to the SSSBT
  dynamic-sssbt                                                                                                      Dynamic SSSBT Commands
  dynamic-sssbt add-authority <contract-address> <authority-address>                                                 Adds an Authority to the SSSBT
  oracle                                                                                                             Oracle commands
  oracle stake <amount>
  oracle unstake <amount>
  marketplace                                                                                                        Marketplace commands
  marketplace points
  marketplace points show [options]
  marketplace points stake <address>
  token                                                                                                              Token commands
  token bridge                                                                                                       Bridge commands
  token bridge send [options] <to> <amount>
  token wrap                                                                                                         Wrapping commands
  token wrap deposit <amount>
  token wrap withdraw <amount>
  token governance                                                                                                   Governance commands
  token governance mesh [options]
  token governance timelock [options]
  token staking                                                                                                      Staking commands
  token staking stake <amount> <duration>
  token staking unlock <position>
  token staking claim <position>
  token staking list [options]
  token staking info
  settings                                                                                                           Set config settings
  settings set <key> <value>                                                                                         Changes setting <key> to <value>
  settings preset <environment>                                                                                      Changes setting <environment> presets
  settings preset-network <network-name>                                                                             Changes setting <network-name> presets
  settings show                                                                                                      Shows config values
  help [command]                                                                                                     display help for command

To get help for a specific command use:

$ masa identity --help

to get help for the identity commands.

Usage / Installation


npm install -g @masa-finance/masa-cli

$ masa --version

CLI: v0.1.0 Contracts: v0.3.0 SDK: v0.9.1
Arweave Endpoint:
RPC Endpoint:
Masa Endpoint:


yarn global add @masa-finance/masa-cli

$ masa --version

CLI: v0.1.0 Contracts: v0.3.0 SDK: v0.9.1
Arweave Endpoint:
RPC Endpoint:
Masa Endpoint:


$ npx @masa-finance/masa-cli@latest --version

CLI: v0.1.0 Contracts: v0.3.0 SDK: v0.9.1
Arweave Endpoint:
RPC Endpoint:
Masa Endpoint:


masa login

Login to the masa infrastructure

masa logout

Logout from the masa infrastructure

masa account

Shows information about your account

  • -a, --address <address> Address override

masa identity

Identity commands

masa identity info

Shows info about all Identities

masa identity show

Shows detail about your masa identity


  • -a, --address <address> Address override

masa identity burn

Burns your masa identity

masa soul-name

Soul Name Commands

  • -c, --contract <contract> Contract address override

masa soul-name info

Shows info about all Soul Names

masa soul-name list

Lists your soul names


  • -a, --address <address> Address override

masa soul-name tail

Tails your soul names


  • -l, --limit <limit> Limit

masa soul-name resolve <soulname>

Resolves a soul name to the address

  • <soulname> Soul Name to resolve

masa soul-name resolve-reverse <soulname>

Resolves an address to soul names

  • <soulname> Address to resolve

masa soul-name burn <soulname>

Burns soul name that you own

  • <soulname> Soul Name to burn

masa soul-name renew <soulname> <years>

Renews a soul name that you own

  • <soulname> Soul Name to burn
  • <years> Years to renew for

masa soul-name send <soulname> <receiver>

Sends a soul name to that you own to a receiver

  • <soulname> Soul Name to send
  • <receiver> Receiver to receive the Soul Name

masa soul-name show <soulname>

Shows info about a Soul Name

  • <soulname> Soul Name to show

masa soul-name verify <soulname>

Verifies a Soul Name

  • <soulname> Soul Name to verify

masa credit-score

Credit Score Commands

masa credit-score info

Shows info about all Credit Scores

masa credit-score list

Lists your Credit Scores


  • -a, --address <address> Address override

masa credit-score burn <credit-score-id>

Burns a Credit Score

  • <credit-score-id> ID of the Credit Score to burn

masa credit-score load <credit-score-id>

Loads a Credit Score

  • <credit-score-id> ID of the Credit Score to load

masa credit-score link

Credit Score Soul Linker Commands

masa credit-score link create <credit-score-id> <reader-identity-id>

Creates a Soul Linker Passport

  • <credit-score-id> ID of the Credit Score to grant access
  • <reader-identity-id> ID of the identity that should receive access
masa credit-score link establish <passport>

Establishes a link to a Credit Score

  • <passport> Masa Soul Linker passport
masa credit-score link query <passport>

Queries a link to a Credit Score

  • <passport> Masa Soul Linker passport
masa credit-score link list <credit-score-id>

Lists all soul links for a credit score id

  • <credit-score-id> ID of the Credit Score to list all the links of
masa credit-score link verify <credit-score-id>

Verifies a Soul Link

  • <credit-score-id> ID of the Credit Score to grant access Options:
  • -r, --reader-identity-id <reader-identity-id> ID of the identity that should receive access
masa credit-score link break <credit-score-id> <reader-identity-id>

Breaks a Soul Link

  • <credit-score-id> ID of the Credit Score to grant access
  • <reader-identity-id> ID of the identity that should receive access

masa green

Green Commands

masa green info

Shows info about Masa Green

masa green list

Lists your Greens


  • -a, --address <address> Address override

masa green burn <green-id>

Burns a green

  • <green-id> ID of the Green to burn

masa sbt

SBT Commands

masa sbt info <contract-address>

Shows info about an SBT

  • <contract-address> Address of the SBT to sign

masa sbt list <contract-address>

Lists your SBTs

  • <contract-address> Address of the SBT contract to list Options:
  • -a, --address <address> Address override

masa sbt burn <contract-address> <sbt-id>

Burns an SBT

  • <contract-address> Address of the SBT to sign
  • <sbt-id> ID of the SBT to burn

masa sssbt

SSSBT Commands

masa sssbt add-authority <contract-address> <authority-address>

Adds an Authority to the SSSBT

  • <contract-address> Address of the SBT to add the authority to
  • <authority-address> Address of the Authority

masa dynamic-sssbt

Dynamic SSSBT Commands

masa dynamic-sssbt add-authority <contract-address> <authority-address>

Adds an Authority to the SSSBT

  • <contract-address> Address of the SBT to add the authority to
  • <authority-address> Address of the Authority

masa oracle

Oracle commands

masa oracle stake <amount>

  • <amount> Amount to stake

masa oracle unstake <amount>

  • <amount> Amount to unstake

masa marketplace

Marketplace commands

masa marketplace points

masa marketplace points show


  • -a, --address <address> Address override
masa marketplace points info

Shows information about the points

masa marketplace points stake <address>
  • <address> Pool address Options:
  • -t, --threshold <threshold> Number of points to skip before staking

masa token

Token commands

masa token bridge

Bridge commands

masa token bridge send <to> <amount>
  • <to> To network
  • <amount> Amount to send Options:
  • -s, --slippage <slippage> Slippage

masa token wrap

Wrapping commands

masa token wrap deposit <amount>
  • <amount> Amount to deposit
masa token wrap withdraw <amount>
  • <amount> Amount to withdraw

masa token governance

Governance commands

masa token governance mesh


  • -t, --testnets Show testnets
masa token governance timelock


  • -t, --testnets Show testnets

masa token staking

Staking commands

masa token staking stake <amount> <duration>
  • <amount> Amount to stake
  • <duration> Duration to stake
masa token staking unlock <position>
  • <position> Index to unlock
masa token staking claim <position>
  • <position> Index to claim
masa token staking list


  • -a, --address <address> Address to list
masa token staking info

masa settings

Set config settings

masa settings set <key> <value>

Changes setting <key> to <value>

  • <key> key to set
  • <value> value to set to key

masa settings preset <environment>

Changes setting <environment> presets

  • <environment> The environment to use as preset

masa settings preset-network <network-name>

Changes setting <network-name> presets

  • <network-name> The network to use as preset

masa settings show

Shows config values


All the below fields can be set with:

$ masa settings set <key> <value>
Key Type Description Default Value
cookie string Stores cookie value. Don't set this manually unless you know what you do!
api-url string The API Endpoint of the Masa Infrastructure for dev, test, beta and production. ""
environment string The environment to use dev, test, beta, production. "dev"
rpc-url string The RPC Endpoint to reach the Blockchain. ""
network string The network name ie. "goerli". "goerli"
private-key string Your private key of the account to use in the cli. ethers.Wallet.createRandom().privateKey
arweave-host string The arweave host to use for loading metadata. ""
arweave-port number The arweave port to use for loading metadata. 443
arweave-protocol string The arweave protocol to use for loading metadata. "https"
arweave-logging boolean Turn arweave logging on or off. false