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Source and Documentation

Copyright © 2018 Kyebego. Code released under GNU GPLv3 (or any later version); documentation released under CC BY-SA 4.0. For more information, see the license notice at the bottom of this document.


Reference specifications:

A language tag parser, matching the ABNF specified in BCP47. Only tests well‐formedness, not validity.


This script provides a single constructor, which will attach itself to the BCP47 property on self/window/exports. Calling with new is optional. Pass in a string, and get an object back.

If a tag does not contain a production, you will get undefined. If a production contains multiple subtags, you will get back an array. Otherwise, you will get a string. For example:

//  ⇒  "en"

//  ⇒  undefined

//  ⇒  ["zh", "yue"]

//  ⇒  ["a", "b"]

Annotated Source

The remainder of this document gives the source code for langtag.


The following is just a regexification of the ABNF in BCP47.

regex = ///
    (  #  `privateuseonly` [= `privateuse`]
    ) | (  #  `grandfathered`
           #  non-redundant tags registered
           #  during the RFC 3066 era
      (  #  `irregular`
         #  irregular tags do not match
         #  the 'langtag' production and
         #  would not otherwise be
         #  considered 'well-formed'
         #  These tags are all valid,
         #  but most are deprecated
         #  in favor of more modern
         #  subtags or subtag
         #  combination
        | i-(?:
          | bnn
          | default
          | enochian
          | hak
          | klingon
          | lux
          | mingo
          | navajo
          | pwn
          | tao
          | tay
          | tsu
        ) | sgn-(?:
          BE-FR |
          BE-NL |
      ) | (  #  `regular`
             #  these tags match the 'langtag'
             #  production, but their subtags
             #  are not extended language
             #  or variant subtags: their meaning
             #  is defined by their registration
             #  and all of these are deprecated
             #  in favor of a more modern
             #  subtag or sequence of subtags
        | cel-gaulish
        | no-bok
        | no-nyn
        | zh-(?:
          | hakka
          | min(?:
          )? | xiang
    ) | (  #  `langtag`
      (  #  `language`
        [A-Za-z]{2,3}  #  shortest ISO 639 code
        (?:  #  sometimes followed by extended language subtags
          (  # `extlang`
            [A-Za-z]{3}  #  selected ISO 639 codes
            (?:-[A-Za-z]{3}){0,2}  #  permanently reserved
        | [A-za-z]{4}  #  or reserved for future use
        | [A-Za-z]{5,8}  #  or registered language subtag
        (  #  `script`
          [A-Za-z]{4}  #  ISO 15924 code
        (  #  `region`
          [A-Za-z]{2}  #  ISO 3166-1 code
          | \d{3}  #  UN M.49 code
        (  #  `variants`
          (?:  #  [= `variant`]
            [0-9A-Za-z]{5,8}  #  registered variants
            | \d[0-9A-Za-z]{3}
            (?:  #  [= `variant`]
              | \d[0-9A-Za-z]{3}
        (  #  `extensions`
          (?:  #  [= `extension`]
            (?:  #  [= `singleton`]
                       #  Single alphanumerics
                       #  "x" reserved for private use
              [0-9]    #  0 - 9
              | [A-W]  #  A - W
              | [Y-Z]  #  Y - Z
              | [a-w]  #  a - w
              | [y-z]  #  y - z
            (?:  #  [= `extension`]
              [0-9A-WY-Za-wy-z]  #  [= `singleton`]
        (  #  `privateuse`

The helper function splitTags() splits the given input on "-".

splitTags = (input) ->
  return [] unless input?
  if input instanceof Array then input, (
    (result, current) ->
      result.push (splitTags current)...
  ), []
  else input, "-"

BCP47's properties will return an array of subtags if more than one apply, or a string if there is only one result. gatherSubtagsFrom(subtags) produces the correct return value.

gatherSubtagsFrom = (subtags) ->
  tags = splitTags subtags
  return unless tags.length
  if tags.length is 1
    return tags[0] or undefined  #  Don't return the empty string
  return tags

The helper function buildSubtagArray() returns an array of subtags given a string or BCP47‐like object.

buildSubtagArray = (tag) ->
  return [] unless tag?
  if tags = tag.langtag ? (
    tag.privateuse ? (
      tag.grandfathered ? (tag.irregular ? tag.regular)
  ) then return splitTags tags
  return splitTags tag, "-" unless tags = tag.language?
  tags = splitTags tags
  tags.push (splitTags tag.script)...,
    (splitTags tag.region)...,
    (splitTags tag.variant ? tag.variants)...,
    (splitTags tag.extension ? tag.extensions)...,
    (splitTags tag.privateuse ? tag.privateUse)...

The Constructor:

The BCP47() function returns an object whose properties give the various components of the language tag, as arrays.

BCP47 = (tag) ->
  throw new TypeError "
    Language tag not well-formed under BCP47.
  " unless tag? and match = tag, regex
  [ match
  ] = match

It is not required that BCP47() be called as a constructor.

  result = if @ instanceof BCP47 then @ else Object.create BCP47::
  Object.defineProperties result,

Instance Properties:


langtag can be used to access the entire language tag, unless it is a grandfathered or private-use tag.

    langtag: value: gatherSubtagsFrom langtag


The language component of the tag, or the empty string.

    language: value: gatherSubtagsFrom language


The extlang component of the tag, or the empty string.

    extlang: value: gatherSubtagsFrom extlang


The script component of the tag, or the empty string.

    script: value: gatherSubtagsFrom script


The region component of the tag, or the empty string.

    region: value: gatherSubtagsFrom region


The variant component of the tag, or the empty string.

    variant: value: gatherSubtagsFrom variants


The extension component of the tag, or the empty string.

    extension: value: gatherSubtagsFrom extensions


The singleton component of the tag, or the empty string. This holds the first (single‐character) subtag of each extension.

    singleton: value: gatherSubtagsFrom (
      splitTags extensions
        .filter (subtag) -> subtag.length is 1


The privateuse component of the tag, or the empty string.

    privateuse: value: gatherSubtagsFrom privateuse ? privateuseonly


The grandfathered component of the tag, or the empty string.

    grandfathered: value: gatherSubtagsFrom grandfathered


The irregular component of the tag, or the empty string. This holds irregular grandfathered tags.

    irregular: value: gatherSubtagsFrom irregular


The regular component of the tag, or the empty string. This holds regular grandfathered tags.

    regular: value: gatherSubtagsFrom regular


Subscripting may also be used to access the subtags of the instance.

  subtags = splitTags match
  for subtag, index in subtags
    Object.defineProperty result, index,
      enumerable: yes
      value: subtag


length gives the number of subtags.

  Object.defineProperty result, "length", value: subtags.length

The Prototype:

BCP47 just inherits from Object.

Object.defineProperty BCP47, "prototype",
  writable: no
  value: Object.defineProperties {},

Instance Methods:


constructor() is just the BCP47() constructor.

    constructor: value: BCP47


The toString() method returns string representation of the tag.

    toString: value: -> (buildSubtagArray @).join "-"


The valueOf() method returns the Array representation of the tag.

    valueOf: value: -> buildSubtagArray @

Constructor Properties:


The BCP47 regex is available as a property on the BCP47() constructor itself.

Object.defineProperties BCP47,
    enumerable: yes
    value: regex

Constructor Methods:


The test() function checks if a given string is a well-formed tag, returning true or false.

    enumerable: yes
    value: (tag) -> regex.test tag


The testǃ() function does the same, but returns undefined, and throws an error if it is not.

    enumerable: yes
    value: (tag) -> throw new TypeError "
      Language tag not well-formed under to BCP47.
    " unless regex.test tag


langtag's BCP47 constructor is defined on "the global object", which is the first of the following which is defined:

  • self

  • window

  • exports

  • global ^

    globalObject = self ? (window ? (exports ? (global ? null)))

It is an error if no global object could be found.

throw new ReferenceError "
  Unknown global object.
" unless globalObject?

langtag targets vanilla ES 5.1, so it doesn't bother with modules or similar. It simply attaches its constructor to the global object at "BCP47". For the adventurous, you can also access the BCP47 constructor from the emoji sequence "🌐🏷".

do ->
  GLOBE = "\u{1F310}"
  LABEL = "\u{1F3F7}"
  Object.defineProperties globalObject,
      configurable: yes
      value: BCP47
      configurable: yes
      value: BCP47

Identity Information:

The global BCP47 constructor identifies itself using a number of properties, so that you can easily tell which version you are using (and so that you can build tools which support multiple versions!)

Object.defineProperties BCP47,

The property provides an identifying URI for the API author of this version of langtag. If you fork langtag and change its API, you should also change this value.

  ℹ: value: ""

The property provides the version number of this version of langtag, as an object with three parts: major, minor, and patch. It is up to the API author (identified above) to determine how these parts should be interpreted. It is recommended that the toString() and valueOf() methods be implemented as well.

  Nº: value: Object.freeze
    major: 1
    minor: 0
    patch: 1
    toString: -> "#{@major}.#{@minor}.#{@patch}"
    valueOf: -> @major * 100 + @minor + @patch / 100


BCP47 doesn't have any dependencies. If it did, it would access them from the context property, which defaults to self or window. This is only defined for compatibility with other scripts.

    writable: yes
    value: self ? (window ? {})
License notice

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Similarly, you can redistribute and/or modify the documentation sections of this document under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License along with this source. If not, see and