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An Nx plugin that adds Playwright end-to-end testing using a native runner to your NX workspace.


Note Don't forget to replace the placeholder <APP-NAME>


pnpm add --dev @mands/nx-playwright
pnpm playwright install --with-deps

Generate e2e test app

Warning If you have an existing e2e test app, please remove it first pnpm nx generate remove <APP-NAME>-e2e

pnpm nx generate @mands/nx-playwright:project <APP-NAME>-e2e --project <APP-NAME>

Optionally the --includeAxe flag can be included to generate axe-playwright accessibility tests.

Running tests

pnpm nx e2e <APP-NAME>-e2e

Running accessibility tests

pnpm nx e2e <APP-NAME>-e2e --configuration=axe

Execution Flags

nx-playwright has some flags that you can utilize at execution time

  • --browser=BROWSER_TYPE: allowed browser types being chromium, firefox or webkit (or an all type to execute against all 3 types)
  • --testProject: playwright project name to run (NOTE: this is --project option in playwright itself, but it conflicts with nx's option)
  • --config: configuration file. Defaults to playwright.config.ts
  • --format=FORMAT_TYPE: this allows values such as json or html
  • --headed: launches the browser in non-headless mode
  • --debug: runs tests in a browser plus another interactive debugger window that you can pause/play tests
  • --packageRunner: package runner to use for running playwright (npx, pnpm, or yarn), use only when running NX directly, not required when running via package manager (e.g. pnpm nx run your-app-e2e:e2e)
  • --path: path to run tests at. Defaults to src
  • --skipServe: skips the execution of a devServer
  • --timeout=<number>: adds a timeout for your tests in milliseconds
  • --grep=<RegExp|Array<RegExp>>: filter to only run tests with a title matching one of the patterns
  • --grepInvert=<RegExp|Array<RegExp>>: filter to only run tests with a title not matching one of the patterns
  • --ui: launches the browser in ui mode to explore, run and debug tests (preview)

Note These flags can also be used in project.json or nx.json

These flags align with the standard playwright flags, as well as the nx-cypress ones.

Testing this plugin locally

Create a new Nx workspace containing one application. Then run, in the root of this repo:

./ -w path/to/workspace -a app-name

⚠️ The flag -C can optionally be used to reverse any changes made to the workspace during the test run. However, this is a potentially destructive operation that performs a stash save before the run and a stash pop at the end of the run.

Example script for testing locally from scratch

git clone [email protected]:marksandspencer/nx-plugins.git

# Create a test workspace and app, and remove the e2e app

pnpm create nx-workspace --name=test-nx --appName=test-app --style=@emotion/styled --preset=next --nxCloud=false --interactive=false
pushd test-nx
pnpm nx generate remove test-app-e2e
git commit -am "Remove test-app-e2e"

# Run the test script
pushd nx-plugins
./ -w ../test-nx -a test-app -C