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The kubectl command line program as a GitHub Action
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GitHub Action for Kubernetes CLI

This action provides kubectl for GitHub Actions.

Upgrading from v1 to v2

If you upgrade from v1 to v2, note that you need to specify new variables via with, namely version, config, and command. See below for an example.



on: push
name: deploy
    name: deploy to cluster
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@master
    - name: deploy to cluster
      uses: steebchen/[email protected]
      with: # defaults to latest kubectl binary version
        config: ${{ secrets.KUBE_CONFIG_DATA }}
        command: set image --record deployment/my-app container=${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}
    - name: verify deployment
      uses: steebchen/[email protected]
        config: ${{ secrets.KUBE_CONFIG_DATA }}
        version: v1.21.0 # specify kubectl binary version explicitly
        binaries-url: "" # specify the download url explicitly
        command: rollout status deployment/my-app


commandrequired: The command you want to run, without kubectl, e.g. get pods

configrequired: A base64-encoded kubeconfig file with credentials for Kubernetes to access the cluster. You can get it by running the following command:

cat $HOME/.kube/config | base64

version: The kubectl version with a 'v' prefix, e.g. v1.21.0. It defaults to the latest kubectl binary version available.

binaries-url: The url to download the binaries from. It defaults to the official release page if empty.

Note: Do not use kubectl config view as this will hide the certificate-authority-data.

kubectl-simple is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


The kubectl command line program as a GitHub Action

kubectl-simple is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.