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KMP Build Web App

Build the Kotlin JS Web App using Gradle
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KMP Build Web App GitHub Action


This GitHub Action is designed to build a Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) web application using Gradle. It automates the process of setting up the development environment, caching dependencies, and packaging the web application.



Required: Yes

  • Description: Name of the web project module
  • Used to specify the correct path for building and uploading the web app artifact



  • Description: Name of the generated artifact
  • Value: web-app

Action Workflow

flowchart TD
    A[Start Action] --> B[Set up Java Development Environment\nJava 17 with Zulu OpenJDK]
    B --> C[Setup Gradle]
    C --> D[Cache Gradle Dependencies]
    D --> E[Run jsBrowserDistribution\nPackage Web Application]
    E --> F[Upload Web App Artifact]
    F --> G[End Action]

The action performs the following steps:

  1. Set up Java Development Environment

    • Uses Zulu distribution of OpenJDK
    • Configures Java version 17
  2. Setup Gradle

    • Prepares Gradle for building the project
  3. Cache Management

    • Caches Gradle dependencies, build outputs, and Kotlin/Native artifacts
    • Speeds up subsequent builds by reusing cached components
    • Caches include:
      • Gradle caches
      • Gradle wrapper
      • Kotlin/Native artifacts
      • Build directory
  4. Package Web Application

    • Runs ./gradlew jsBrowserDistribution to create the web app distribution
  5. Artifact Upload

    • Uploads the web app artifact from the specified module's build directory

Usage Example

name: Build Web App

on: [push, pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: openMF/[email protected]
          web_package_name: 'web'


  • GitHub Actions runner with bash support
  • Gradle project configured for Kotlin Multiplatform
  • Java 17
  • Zulu OpenJDK distribution

Best Practices

  • Ensure your Gradle build scripts are configured for JS browser distribution
  • Verify that the web_package_name matches your project's module structure
  • Use consistent Gradle and Java versions across local and CI environments


  • Check Gradle logs if the build fails
  • Verify that the jsBrowserDistribution task is correctly configured in your build script
  • Ensure all necessary dependencies are declared in your Gradle files

KMP Build Web App is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Build the Kotlin JS Web App using Gradle

KMP Build Web App is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.