common lint reporter
This is multiple format supported lint reporter for GitHub Actions
Focuses on:
- Many lint file format support
- Flexible extendable reporting
- Multiple report format support, as check-run, comment or inline-comment
Current supporting lint file format:
report format | file format | tool compatibility |
androidlint | xml | androidlint |
checkstyle | xml | eslint |
dotnet format | json | dotnet format |
eslint | json | eslint |
junit | xml | eslint, textlint, cpplint, RuboCop |
markdownlint | txt | markdownlint |
RuboCop | json | RuboCop |
stylelint | json | stylelint |
textlint | json | textlint |
Now, this action is WIP. Features are not enough and should improve about transformer and operator. If you have nice idea, please send as issue:heart:
This action have 3 steps. Flexible and extendable are realized by separating step
- Transform lint report file to common lint format file
- Operate converting common lint file
- Report common lint to GitHub
name: CI
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 20
- run: npm install
- run: npm run build
- run: npm run lint
continue-on-error: true
- uses: MeilCli/common-lint-reporter/transformer/eslint@1
# your output path
report_files: |
- uses: MeilCli/common-lint-reporter/operator/filter-by-file-changed@v1
- uses: MeilCli/common-lint-reporter@v1
report_type: 'check_run'
report_to_same_check_run: 'true'
- General
- Transformer
- Operator
- Reference
- actions/toolkit, published by MIT License
- apollo-client, published by MIT License
- cross-fetch, published by MIT License
- graphql, published by MIT License
- fast-xml-parser, published by MIT License
- he, published by MIT License
common lint reporter is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.