A collection of utility classes and extension methods that allow developers to have a social life.
More examples about how to use it can be found at Test Project
Nzr.ToolBox is shipped in two compiled versions:
Each utility class and the extensions methods were compiled in individual classes and you need to import them individually, based on your needs.
using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.BooleanUtils;
using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.CollectionUtils;
using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.DateTimeUtils;
using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.EnumUtils;
using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.NumberUtils;
using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.ObjectUtils;
using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.RandomUtils;
using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.ReflectionUtils;
using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.StringUtils;
All the classes were compiled as partial classes named ToolBox and you just need one import to get all extensions and utility classes.
using static Nzr.ToolBox.Core.ToolBox
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Added the following group of utilities and extension methods:
- BooleanUtils
- CollectionUtils
- DateTimeUtils
- EnumUtils
- NumberUtils
- ObjectUtils
- RandomUtils
- ReflectionUtils
- StringUtils
Added null check for some extension methods.
Added new extensions:
- NumberUtils: PadLeft extension for numeric values.
- CollectionUtils: Contains extension for Arrays
Added new extensions:
- Equals: Compare string ignoring diacritics
There are no known issues so far. The tests were written as a how-to guide but also to cover almost 100% of the code (currently 99.5% (718 of 721) line covered and 99.6% (305 of 306) branch covered).