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Utilities Function Reference


  • nonmaxsuppts - Non-maximal suppression for features/corners.
  • derivative3 - 3-Tap discrete derivative filters.
  • derivative5 - 5-Tap 1st and 2nd discrete derivatives.
  • derivative7 - 7-Tap 1st and 2nd discrete derivatives.
  • gaussfilt - Small wrapper function for convenient Gaussian filtering.
  • dilate1d - 1D morphological dilation of a signal
  • erode1d - 1D morphological erosion of a signal
  • imdilate - Image morpholgical dilation.
  • imerode - Image morpholgical erosion.
  • circularstruct - Generate circular structuring element for morphological operations.
  • medfilt2 - Convenience wrapper for median filtering.
  • stdfilt2 - Compute local standard deviation across an image.
  • floatyx - Convert 2D AbstractImage to 2D float array with y x spatial order.
  • histtruncate - Truncates ends of an image histogram.
  • imgnormalise/imgnormalize - Normalises image values to 0-1, or to desired mean and variance.
  • matchbycorrelation - Match image feature points by correlation.
  • grey2census - Convert image grey scale values to census values.
  • briefcoords - Compute BRIEF descriptor sampling coordinates within a patch.
  • grey2lbp - Convert image grey scale values to local binary pattern.
  • grey2lbp! - Convert image grey scale values to local binary pattern.
  • keypause - Wait for user to hit return before continuing.


Non maxima suppression and thresholding for points generated by a feature or corner detector.

Usage:   (r,c) = nonmaxsuppts(cimg; radius=1, thresh=0, N=Inf, subpix=false, img=[], fig=1)
           cimg   - corner strength image.

Keyword Arguments:
           radius - radius of region considered in non-maximal
                    suppression. Typical values to use might
                    be 1-3 pixels. Default is 1.
           thresh - Threshold, only features with value greater than
                    threshold are returned. Default is 0.
                N - Maximum number of features to return.  In this case the
                    N strongest features with value above 'thresh' are
                    returned. Default is Inf.
         subpixel - If set to true features are localised to subpixel
                    precision. Default is false.
             img  - Optional image data.  If an image is supplied the
                    detected corners are overlayed on this image. This can
                    be useful for parameter tuning. Default is [].
              fig - Optional figure number to display image and corner points. 

           r,c    - row and column coordinates of corner points.

Example of use:

 > hes = hessianfeatures(img, 1)   # Compute Hessian feature image in image img

Find the 1000 strongest features to subpixel precision using a non-maximal suppression radius of 2 and overlay the detected corners on the origin image.

 > (r,c) = nonmaxsuppts(abs(hes), radius=2, N=1000, img=img, subpixel=true)

Note: An issue with integer valued images is that if there are multiple pixels all with the same value within distance 2*radius of each other then they will all be marked as local maxima.

See also: harris(), noble(), shi_tomasi(), hessianfeatures()


3-Tap discrete derivative filters.

This function computes 1st derivatives of an image using the 3-tap coefficients given by Farid and Simoncelli. The results are significantly more accurate than simple gradient functions on edges that are at angles other than vertical or horizontal. This in turn improves gradient orientation estimation enormously. If you are after extreme accuracy try using derivative7().

Usage:  (gx, gy) = derivative3(img, derivative specifiers)

                     img - Image to compute derivatives from. ::Array{T,2}
   derivative specifiers - A tuple of character strings
                           that can be any of "x" or "y"
                           These can be in any order, the order of the
                           computed output arguments will match the order
                           of the derivative specifier strings.
 Function returns requested derivatives which can be:
    gx, gy   - 1st derivative in x and y

   Compute 1st derivatives in x and y
   (gx, gy) = derivative3(img, ("x", "y"))

See also: derivative5(), derivative7()


5-Tap 1st and 2nd discrete derivatives.

This function computes 1st and 2nd derivatives of an image using the 5-tap coefficients given by Farid and Simoncelli. The results are significantly more accurate than simple gradient functions on edges that are at angles other than vertical or horizontal. This in turn improves gradient orientation estimation enormously. If you are after extreme accuracy try using derivative7().

Usage:  (gx, gy, gxx, gyy, gxy) = derivative5(img, derivative_specifiers)

                     img - Image to compute derivatives from. ::Array{T,2}
   derivative specifiers - A tuple of character strings
                           that can be any of "x", "y", "xx", "yy" or "xy"
                           These can be in any order, the order of the
                           computed output arguments will match the order
                           of the derivative specifier strings.
 Function returns requested derivatives which can be:
    gx, gy   - 1st derivative in x and y
    gxx, gyy - 2nd derivative in x and y
    gxy      - 1st derivative in y of 1st derivative in x

   Just compute 1st derivatives in x and y
   (gx, gy) = derivative5(img, ("x", "y"))
   Compute 2nd derivative in x, 1st derivative in y and 2nd derivative in y
   (gxx, gy, gyy) = derivative5(img, ("xx", "y", "yy"))

See also: derivative7()


7-Tap 1st and 2nd discrete derivatives.

This function computes 1st and 2nd derivatives of an image using the 7-tap coefficients given by Farid and Simoncelli. The results are significantly more accurate than simple gradient functions on edges that are at angles other than vertical or horizontal. This in turn improves gradient orientation estimation enormously.

Usage:  (gx, gy, gxx, gyy, gxy) = derivative7(img, derivative specifiers)

                      im - Image to compute derivatives from. ::Array{T,2}
   derivative specifiers - A tuple of character strings
                           that can be any of "x", "y", "xx", "yy" or "xy"
                           These can be in any order, the order of the
                           computed output arguments will match the order
                           of the derivative specifier strings.
 Function returns requested derivatives which can be:
    gx, gy   - 1st derivative in x and y
    gxx, gyy - 2nd derivative in x and y
    gxy      - 1st derivative in y of 1st derivative in x

   Just compute 1st derivatives in x and y
   (gx, gy) = derivative7(img, ("x", "y"))  
   Compute 2nd derivative in x, 1st derivative in y and 2nd derivative in y
   (gxx, gy, gyy) = derivative7(img, ("xx", "y", "yy"))

See also: derivative5()


Small wrapper function for convenient Gaussian filtering.

Usage:  smimg = gaussfilt(img, sigma)

Arguments:  img - Image to be smoothed, can be multi-channel.
          sigma - Standard deviation of Gaussian filter.

Returns:  smimg - Smoothed image.

The function automatically generates a filter with size being the first odd integer >= 6*sigma.

If called with sigma = 0 the function immediately returns with im assigned to smim

Note: it would be normally recommended to use Images.imfilter_gaussian() for smoothing as this is a much more efficient function. However it seems that small sigma values (< 1) cause problems for that function. This function is less efficient but it will handle small values of sigma.

See also: integgaussfilt()


1D morphological dilation of a signal.

Usage:  df = dilate1d(f, k)

Arguments:  f - 1D array of values to be dilated
            k - Size of dilation kernel 

Returns:   df - Array of dilated values

Note that if the size of the structuring element is even then the centre pixel is taken to be the integer pixel location to the right of the ideal.

This function uses Marcel van Herk's algorithm to run in linear time with respect to the length of the signal, irrespective of the structing element size.

See also: erode1d(), imdilate(), imerode()


1D morphological erosion of a signal.

Usage:  ef = erode1d(f, k)

Arguments:  f - 1D array of values to be eroded
            k - Size of erosion kernel 

Returns:   ef - Array of eroded values

Note that if the size of the structuring element is even then the centre pixel is taken to be the integer pixel location to the right of the ideal.

This function uses Marcel van Herk's algorithm to run in linear time with respect to the length of the signal, irrespective of the structing element size.

See also: dilate1d(), imerode(), imdilate()


2D morphological dilation with rectangular or octagonal structing element

Usage: dimg = imdilate(img, seType, seSize)

Arguments: img - Image to be dilated
        seType - String either "rectangle" or "octagon" specifying the
                 structuring element type. Can be shortened to "rect" or
        seSize - Structuring element size.  
                 If the seType is 'rect' seSize can be a 2 element vector
                 indicating the size of the rectangular structuring element
                 [rows, cols], or if it is a single value the structuring
                 element is square [seSize x seSize]
                 If seType is 'oct' then seSize is the nominal radius of
                 the octagonal structuring element. 

Returns:  dimg - The dilated image.

Note that the radius of the octagonal structuring element is somewhat nominal due to discrete approximations. If anything the structuring element may end up with a slightly larger radius than specified rather than being smaller.

This function uses Marcel van Herk's algorithm to run in linear time with respect to the size of the image, irrespective of the structing element size.

See also imerode(), erode1d(), dilate1d()


2D morpholgical dilation with arbitrary structuring element

Usage:   dimg = imdilate(img, se)

          img - Image to be dilated.  May be greyscale or binary
           se - Structuring element defined by a 2D Bool array

         dimg - dilated image

See also: imerode(), circularstruct()


2D morphological erosion with rectangular or octagonal structing element

Usage: eimg = imerode(img, seType, seSize)

Arguments: img - Image to be eroded
        seType - String either "rectangle" or "octagon" specifying the
                 structuring element type. Can be shortened to "rect" or
        seSize - Structuring element size.  
                 If the seType is 'rect' seSize can be a 2 element vector
                 indicating the size of the rectangular structuring element
                 [rows, cols], or if it is a single value the structuring
                 element is square [seSize x seSize]
                 If seType is 'oct' then seSize is the nominal radius of
                 the octagonal structuring element. 

Returns:  eimg - The eroded image.

Note that the radius of the octagonal structuring element is somewhat nominal due to discrete approximations. If anything the structuring element may end up with a slightly larger radius than specified rather than being smaller.

This function uses Marcel van Herk's algorithm to run in linear time with respect to the size of the image, irrespective of the structing element size.

See also imdilate(), erode1d(), dilate1d()


2D morpholgical erosion with arbitrary structuring element

Usage:   dimg = imerode(img, se)

          img - Image to be eroded.  May be greyscale or binary
           se - Structuring element defined by a 2D array

         dimg - eroded image

See also: imdilate(), circularstruct()


Generate circular structuring element for morphological operations

Usage:  se = circularstruct(radius)

Argument:  radius - Desired radius of structuring element
Returns:       se - Bool structuring element of size (2*radius+1)^2

See also: imdilate(), imerode()


Convenience wrapper for median filtering.

Usage:  medimg = medfilt2(img, h::Int, w::Int)
        medimg = medfilt2(img, h::Int)   
        medimg = medfilt2(img, hw::Tuple)

Arguments:   img - Image to be processed, Array{T,2}
            h, w - Height and width of rectangular window over which the 
                   median is to be computed. Values must be odd.
                   h and w may be specified as a size tuple, or as a
                   single value in which case w and h are made equal.

Returns:  medimg - Median filtered image.


Compute local standard deviation across an image.

Usage:  stdimg = stdfilt2(img, h::Int, w::Int)
        stdimg = stdfilt2(img, h::Int)
        stdimg = stdfilt2(img, hw::Tuple)

Arguments:   img - Image to be processed, Array{T,2}
            h, w - Height and width of rectangular window over which the 
                   standard deviation is to be computed. Values must be odd.
                   h and w may be specified as a size tuple, or as a
                   single value in which case w and h are made equal.

Returns:  stdimg - Standard deviation image.


Convert 2D AbstractImage to float data in y x spatial order

Usage:  (fimg, prop) = floatyx(img)

Argument:  img - ::AbstractImage{T,2}

Returns:  fimg - ::Array{Float64,2} in "y" "x" spatial order.
          prop - A copy of the properties dictionary of the input image 
                 with "spatialorder" adjusted (if this was needed).

Most image processing functions expect 2D arrays in (row, column) format and most feature localisation functions return corner and edge coordinates in terms of (row, column) coordinates.

This convenience function takes a 2D AbstractImage, extracts the data, converts it to a 2D Float64 array and, if necessary, transposes the data so that it is in "y" "x" (row, column) spatial order. The AbstractImage spatial order property is set to ["y","x"] and the properties returned.


Function truncates a specified percentage of the lower and upper ends of an image histogram.

This operation allows grey levels to be distributed across the primary part of the histogram. This solves the problem when one has, say, a few very bright values in the image which have the overall effect of darkening the rest of the image after rescaling.

1)   newimg = histtruncate(img, lHistCut, uHistCut)
2)   newimg = histtruncate(img, HistCut)

 Usage 1)
   img         -  Image to be processed.
   lHistCut    -  Percentage of the lower end of the histogram
                  to saturate.
   uHistCut    -  Percentage of the upper end of the histogram
                  to saturate.  If omitted or empty defaults to the value
                  for lHistCut.
 Usage 2)
   HistCut     -  Percentage of upper and lower ends of the histogram to cut.

   newimg      -  Image with values clipped at the specified histogram
                  fraction values.  If the input image was colour the
                  lightness values are clipped and stretched to the range
                  0-1.  If the input image is greyscale no stretching is
                  applied. You may want to use imgnormalise() to achieve this.


Normalises image values to 0-1, or to desired mean and variance.

Usage 1:      nimg = imgnormalise(img)

Offsets and rescales image so that the minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 1.

Usage 2:      nimg = imgnormalise(img, reqmean, reqvar)

Arguments:  img     - A grey-level input image.
            reqmean - The required mean value of the image.
            reqvar  - The required variance of the image.

Offsets and rescales image so that nimg has mean reqmean and variance reqvar.


Match image feature points by correlation.

Function generates putative matches between previously detected feature points in two images by looking for points that are maximally correlated with each other within windows surrounding each point. Only points that correlate most strongly with each other in both directions are returned.

This implements normalised cross correlation in its most basic form. There is no attempt to deal with scale or orientation differences between the images and thus it will only work if the images are not too dissimilar.

This is a simple-minded N^2 comparison.

Usage: (m1, m2, p1ind, p2ind, cormat) = 
                matchbycorrelation(img1, p1, img2, p2, w, dmax)

      img1, img2 - Images containing points that we wish to match.
        p1, p2   - Coordinates of feature pointed detected in img1 and
                   img2 respectively using a corner detector (say Harris
                   or phasecong3).  p1 and p2 are [2 x npts] arrays though
                   p1 and p2 are not expected to have the same number
                   of points.  The first row of p1 and p2 gives the row
                   coordinate of each feature point, the second row
                   gives the column of each point.
        w        - Window size (in pixels) over which the correlation
                   around each feature point is performed.  This should
                   be an odd number.
        dmax     - (Optional) Maximum search radius for matching
                   points.  Used to improve speed when there is little
                   disparity between images. Even setting it to a generous
                   value of 1/4 of the image size gives a useful
                   speedup. If this parameter is omitted it defaults to Inf. 

        m1, m2   - Coordinates of points selected from p1 and p2
                   respectively such that (putatively) m1[:,i] matches
                   m2[:,i]. m1 and m2 are [2 x npts] arrays defining the
                   points in each of the images in the form [row;col].
  p1ind, p2ind   - Indices of points in p1 and p2 that form a match.  Thus,
                   m1 = p1[:,p1ind] and m2 = p2[:,p2ind]
        cormat   - Correlation matrix; rows correspond to points in p1,
                   columns correspond to points in p2

This function is slow as mud! Needs some attention.


Convert image grey scale values to census values.

Usage:  cimg = grey2census(img, window)

          img - greyscale image to be processed
       window - Optional 2-vector [rows,cols] specifying the size of the
                window to be considered in computing the census
                transform. Defaults to [7, 9].  The values must be odd and
                their product must not be greater than 64.
         cimg - Census encoded UInt64 image.

Each pixel is encoded with a bit pattern formed by comparing the pixel with the pixels in the window around it. If a window pixel is less than the centre pixel its corresponding bit in the census encoding is set. This provides an encoding that describes a pixel in terms of its surrounding pixels in a way that is invariant to lighting variations. Note, however, that the encoding is dependent on the image orientation.

Use the Hamming distance to compare encoded pixel values when matching.


Compute BRIEF descriptor sampling coordinates within a patch.

Usage:  rc = briefcoords(S, nPairs, UorG; disp=false)

Arguments:  S - An odd integer specifying the patch size (S x S).  
       nPairs - Number of point pairs required.  Typically this is a power
                of 2, 128, 256, 512 for packing the descriptor values into
                a bit string.
         UorG - Character 'U' or 'G' indicating whether a uniform or
                gaussian distribution of point pairings is formed within
                the patch.  
         disp - Optional boolean flag indicating whether a plot of the point
                pairings should be displayed.

Returns:   rc - [2 x 2*nPairs] array of integer (row; col) coordinates
                with all values in the range -(S-1)/2..(S-1)/2.  Each
                successive pair of columns is intended to provide a pair of
                points for comparing image grey values against each other
                for forming a BRIEF descriptor of a patch about some
                central feature location. 

Use of the Gaussian distribution of point pairings corresponds to the approach suggested by Calonder et al in their original paper. Note, however that for small patches and a large number of pairings one will get repeated pairings which reduces the degrees of freedom in the final descriptor. The uniformly distributed option does not result in repeated pairings making it the preferred option for small patch sizes.

See also: grey2lbp(), grey2lbp!()


Convert image grey scale values to local binary pattern.

Usage:  lbpim = grey2lbp(img, rc, window)

          img - greyscale image to be processed
           rc - [2 x 2*nPairs] array of integer (row;col) coordinates.
                Each successive pair of columns provides a pair of
                points for comparing image grey values against each other
                for forming a binary descriptor of a patch about some
                central feature location. Array rc must not have more than
                128 columns corresponding to an encoding of 64 bits,
       window - 2-vector specifying the size of the window to be considered
                in computing the local standard deviation for determining
                regions to be encoded with a 0.  The window size values
                should match the range of values in rc and be odd.

        lbpim - Local Binary Pattern encoded UInt64 image.

Each pixel is encoded with a bit pattern formed by comparing pairs of pixels. If the difference between pixels is -ve they are are encoded with 1, else 0. This provides an encoding that describes a pixel in terms of its surrounding pixels in a way that is invariant to lighting variations. Note, however, that the encoding is dependent on the image orientation. The encoding is also sensitive to noise on near constant regions.

Use the Hamming distance to compare encoded pixel values when matching.

See also: grey2lbp!(), grey2census(), briefcoords()

grey2lbp! - Convert image grey scale values to local binary pattern.

Usage:   grey2lbp!(lbpim, img, rc, window)

        lbpim - Buffer for Local Binary Pattern encoded image. 
                Must be of type Array{UInt64,2}.
          img - greyscale image to be processed
           rc - [2 x 2*nPairs] array of integer (row;col) coordinates.
                Each successive pair of columns provides a pair of
                points for comparing image grey values against each other
                for forming a binary descriptor of a patch about some
                central feature location. Array rc must not have more than
                128 columns corresponding to an encoding of 64 bits,
       window - 2-vector specifying the size of the window to be considered
                in computing the local standard deviation for determining
                regions to be encoded with a 0.  The window size values
                should match the range of values in rc and be odd.

Returns:  nothing

Each pixel is encoded with a bit pattern formed by comparing pairs of pixels. If the difference between pixels is -ve they are are encoded with 1, else 0. This provides an encoding that describes a pixel in terms of its surrounding pixels in a way that is invariant to lighting variations. Note, however, that the encoding is dependent on the image orientation. The encoding is also sensitive to noise on near constant regions.

Use the Hamming distance to compare encoded pixel values when matching.

See also: grey2lbp(), grey2census(), briefcoords()


Wait for user to hit return before continuing.

Usage:  keypause()