- trans - Homogeneous transformation for a translation by x, y, z.
- rotx - Homogeneous transformation for a rotation about the x axis.
- roty - Homogeneous transformation for a rotation about the y axis.
- rotz - Homogeneous transformation for a rotation about the z axis.
- dhtrans - Computes Denavit Hartenberg matrix.
- homotrans - Homogeneous transformation of points/lines.
- invht - Inverse of a homogeneous transformation matrix.
- inveuler - Inverse of Euler transform.
- invrpy - Inverse of Roll Pitch Yaw transform.
- angleaxis - Constructs angle-axis descriptor.
- normaliseangleaxis - Normalises angle-axis descriptor.
- angleaxisrotate - Uses angle axis descriptor to rotate vectors.
- angleaxis2matrix - Converts angle-axis descriptor to 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix.
- matrix2angleandaxis - Decompose homogeneous matrix to angle and axis.
- matrix2angleaxis - Homogeneous matrix to angle-axis description.
- quaternion - Construct quaternion.
- quaternionconjugate - Conjugate of a quaternion.
- quaternionproduct - Computes product of two quaternions.
- quaternionrotate - Rotates a 3D vector by a quaternion.
- quaternion2matrix - Quaternion to a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix.
- matrix2quaternion - Homogeneous matrix to quaternion.
- vector2quaternion - Embeds 3-vector in a quaternion representation.
Homogeneous transformation for a translation by x, y, z
Usage: T = trans(x, y, z)
T = trans(v)
Arguments: x,y,z - translations in x,y and z, or alternatively
v - 3x1 vector or array defining x, y and z.
Returns: T - 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix.
Homogeneous transformation for a rotation about the x axis
Usage: T = rotx(theta)
Argument: theta - rotation about x axis
Returns: T - 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix
Homogeneous transformation for a rotation about the y axis
Usage: T = roty(theta)
Argument: theta - rotation about y axis
Returns: T - 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix
Homogeneous transformation for a rotation about the z axis
Usage: T = rotz(theta)
Argument: theta - rotation about z axis
Returns: T - 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix
Computes Denavit Hartenberg matrix.
This function calculates the 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix, representing the Denavit Hartenberg matrix of a robot arm link, given link parameters of joint angle, length, joint offset and twist.
Usage: T = dhtrans(theta, offset, length, twist)
Arguments: theta - joint angle (rotation about local z)
offset - offset (translation along z)
length - translation along link x axis
twist - rotation about link x axis
Returns: T - 4x4 Homogeneous transformation matrix.
Homogeneous transformation of points/lines.
Function to perform a transformation on 2D or 3D homogeneous coordinates The resulting coordinates are normalised to have a homogeneous scale of 1
Usage: t = homotrans(P, v)
P - 3 x 3 or 4 x 4 homogeneous transformation matrix.
v - 3 x n or 4 x n matrix of homogeneous coordinates.
Returns t - Transformed homogeneous coordinates
Inverse of a homogeneous transformation matrix
Usage: Tinv = invht(T)
Argument: T - 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix
Returns: Tinv - inverse
Inverse of Roll Pitch Yaw transform.
Usage: (rpy1, rpy2) = invrpy(RPY)
Argument: RPY - 4x4 Homogeneous transformation matrix or 3x3 rotation matrix
Returns: rpy1 = [phi1, theta1, psi1] - the 1st solution and
rpy2 = [phi2, theta2, psi2] - the 2nd solution
rotz(phi1) * roty(theta1) * rotx(psi1) = RPY
rotz(rpy1[1]) * roty(rpy1[2]) * rotx(rpy1[3]) = RPY
Inverse of Euler transform.
Usage: (euler1, euler2) = inveuler(T)
Argument: T - 4x4 Homogeneous transformation matrix or 3x3 rotation matrix
Returns: euler1 = [phi1, theta1, psi1] - the 1st solution and,
euler2 = [phi2, theta2, psi2] - the 2nd solution
rotz(phi1) * roty(theta1) * rotz(psi1) = T
rotz(euler1[1]) * roty(euler1[2]) * rotz(euler1[3]) = T
Constructs angle-axis descriptor.
Usage: t = angleaxis(theta, axis)
Arguments: theta - angle of rotation.
axis - 3x1 vector or array defining axis of rotation.
Returns: t - 3-vector giving rotation axis with magnitude equal to the
rotation angle in radians.
Normalises angle-axis descriptor.
Function normalises theta so that it lies in the range -pi to pi to ensure one-to-one mapping between angle-axis descriptor and resulting rotation.
Usage: t2 = normaliseangleaxis(t)
Argument: t - 3-vector giving rotation axis with magnitude equal to the
rotation angle in radians.
Returns: t2 - Normalised angle-axis descriptor
Uses angle axis descriptor to rotate vectors
Usage: v2 = angleaxisrotate(t, v)
Arguments: t - 3-vector defining rotation axis and having magnitude
equal to the rotation angle in radians.
v - 4xn matrix of homogeneous 4-vectors to be rotated or
3xn matrix of inhomogeneous 3-vectors to be rotated.
Returns: v2 - The rotated vectors.
Converts angle-axis descriptor to 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix
Usage: T = angleaxis2matrix(t)
Argument: t - 3x1 vector or array specifying the rotation axis and having
magnitude equal to the rotation angle in radians.
Returns: T - 4x4 Homogeneous transformation matrix.
Decompose homogeneous matrix to angle and axis.
Usage: (ang, axis) = matrix2angleandaxis(T)
Argument: T - 4x4 Homogeneous transformation matrix, or 3x3 rotation matrix.
Returns: ang - Rotation angle in radians.
axis - Unit 3-vector defining the rotation axis.
Note that only the top left 3x3 rotation component of T is used, any translation component in T is ignored.
Homogeneous matrix to angle-axis description.
Usage: t = matrix2angleaxis(T)
Argument: T - 4x4 Homogeneous transformation matrix, or 3x3 rotation matrix.
Returns: t - 3x1 column vector giving rotation axis with magnitude equal
to the rotation angle in radians.
Note that only the top left 3x3 rotation component of T is used, any translation component in T is ignored.
Construct quaternion.
Usage: Q = quaternion(theta, axis)
Arguments: theta - angle of rotation
axis - 3x1 vector or array defining axis of rotation.
Returns: Q - a 4-vector quaternion in the form [w, xi, yj, zk]
Conjugate of a quaternion.
Usage: Qconj = quaternionconjugate(Q)
Argument: Q - Quaternions in the form Q = [Qw, Qi, Qj, Qk].
Returns: Qconj - Conjugate.
Computes product of two quaternions.
Usage: Q = quaternionproduct(A, B)
Arguments: A, B - Quaternions assumed to be 4-vectors in the
form A = [Aw, Ai, Aj, Ak].
Returns: Q - Quaternion product.
Rotates a 3D vector by a quaternion.
Usage: vnew = quaternionrotate(Q, v)
Arguments: Q - a quaternion in the form [w, xi, yj, zk]
v - a vector to rotate, either an inhomogeneous 3-vector or a
homogeneous 4-vector.
Returns: vnew - rotated vector.
Quaternion to a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix.
Usage: T = quaternion2matrix(Q)
Argument: Q - a quaternion in the form [w, xi, yj, zk].
Returns: T - 4x4 Homogeneous rotation matrix.
Homogeneous matrix to quaternion.
Converts 4x4 homogeneous rotation matrix to quaternion
Usage: Q = matrix2quaternion(T)
Argument: T - 4x4 Homogeneous transformation matrix
Returns: Q - 4-vector quaternion in the form [w, xi, yj, zk]
Embeds 3-vector in a quaternion representation.
Usage: Q = vector2quaternion(v)
Argument: v - 3-vector.
Returns: Q - Quaternion given by [0; v]