Action Painting Demo Apps:
Here's a few techniques I used to collect shapes from action film sequences for an artwork called Action Painting.
Action Painting is a series of animated paintings in the style of Jackson Pollock composed using sampled shapes and sounds from action flicks as material.
You can view the animations at
01_ColorPicking demonstrates how to use openCV to extract and save shapes of a specific color using a rotoscope-like technique 02_MovieColorTracking demonstrates how to track colors within the frames of movies to create painterly animations 03_MovieColorTracking demonstrates how to track movement within the frames of movies to create painterly animations 04_WeightedBezier demonstrates how to create Bezier curves using shapes extracted using openCV
These apps were made with OpenFrameworks and require version 0.71 to compile:
These apps use the following CC media from
"Sprengung der Fliegerbombe / Schwabing, Muenchen / 28.8.2012" By Simon Aschenbrenner:
"The Target" by Jacob Dow: