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Docker Developer's Guide

This guide is for developers and newcomers to help them debug and explore Docker.

This page describes how to test and debug your changes once you have set up the project, Product Opener with Docker using dev environment quick start guide.

Checking logs

Tail Docker Compose logs

make log

Tail other logs

make tail

It will tail -f all the files present in the logs/ directory:

  • apache2/error.log
  • apache2/log4perl.log
  • apache2/modperl_error.log
  • apache2/other_vhosts_access.log
  • nginx/access.log
  • nginx/error.log

You can also simply run:

tail -f <FILEPATH>

to check a specific log.

Increasing log verbosity

By default, the log4perl configuration conf/log.conf matches production settings. You can tweak that file with your own dev configuration settings and run make restart to reload the changes.

A setting useful for local environments is to set TRACE log level:

log4perl.rootLogger=TRACE, LOGFILE

Opening a shell in a Docker container

Run the following to open a bash shell within the backend container:

docker-compose exec backend bash

You should see root@<CONTAINER_ID>:/# (opened root shell): you are now within the Docker container and can begin typing some commands !

Checking permissions

Navigate to the directory the specific directory and run

ls -lrt

It will list all the directories and their permission status.

Creating directory

Navigate to your specific directory using cd command and run

mkdir directory-name

Running minion jobs

Minion is a high-performance job queue for Perl. Minion is used in openfoodfacts-server for time-consuming import and export tasks. These tasks are processed and queued using the minion jobs queue. Therefore, they are called minion jobs.

Go to /opt/product-opener/scripts and run

./ minion job

The above command will show the status of minion jobs. Run the following command to launch the minion jobs.

./ minion worker -m production -q

Restarting Apache

Sometimes restarting the whole backend container is overkill, and you can just restart Apache from inside the container:

apache2ctl -k restart

Exiting the container

Use exit to exit the container.

Making code changes

In the dev environment, any code change to the local directory will be written on the container. That said, some code changes require a restart of the backend container, or rebuilding the NPM assets.

Manual reload

To restart the backend container after a config (docker-compose.yml, docker/, .env):

make restart

To restart Apache within the backend container after a code change (lib/):

make restart_apache

Note: restart is not necessary when making changes in the cgi/ directory.

To rebuild frontend assets after an asset change (html/ folder):

make up

Live reload

To automate the live reload on code changes, you can install the Python package when-changed:

pip3 install when-changed
when-changed -r docker/ docker-compose.yml .env -c "make restart"                                         # restart backend container on compose changes
when-changed -r lib/ -r docker/ docker-compose.yml -c "make restart_apache"                               # restart Apache on code changes
when-changed -r html/ -r css/ -r scss/ -r icons/ Dockerfile Dockerfile.frontend package.json -c "make up" # rebuild containers on asset or Dockerfile changes

An alternative to when-changed is inotifywait.

Run queries on MongoDB database

docker-compose exec mongodb mongo

The above command will open a MongoDB shell, allowing you to use all the mongo commands to interact with the database:

show dbs
use off
db.products.find({_id: "5053990155354"})
db.products.deleteOne({_id: "5053990155354"})

See the mongo shell docs for more commands.

Adding environment variables

If you need some value to be configurable, it is best to set is as an environment variable.

To add a new environment variable TEST:

  • In .env file, add TEST=test_val [local].
  • In .github/workflows/container-deploy.yml, add echo "TEST=${{ secrets.TEST }}" >> .env to the "Set environment variables" build step [remote]. Also add the corresponding GitHub secret TEST=test_val.
  • In docker-compose.yml file, add it under the backend > environment section.
  • In conf/apache.conf file, add PerlPassEnv TEST.
  • In lib/, add $test = $ENV{TEST};. Also add $test to the EXPORT_OK list at the top of the file to avoid a compilation error.

The call stack goes like this:

make up > docker-compose > loads .env > pass env variables to the backend container > pass to mod_perl > initialized in

Managing multiple deployments

To juggle between multiple local deployments (e.g: to run different flavors of Open Food Facts on the same host), you will need:

  • Multiple .env files (one per deployment), such as:

    • : configuration for Open Food Facts dev env.
    • : configuration for Open Food Facts Producer's Platform dev env.
    • .env.obf: configuration for Open Beauty Facts dev env.
    • .env.opff: configuration for Open Ped Food Facts dev env.
  • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME set to different values in each .env file, so that container names across deployments are unique.

  • FRONTEND_PORT set to different values in each .env file, so that frontend containers don't port-conflict with each other.

To switch between configurations, set ENV_FILE before running make commands: make up # starts the OFF Producer's Platform containers.
ENV_FILE=.env.obf     make up # starts the OBF containers.
ENV_FILE=.env.opff    make up # starts the OPFF containers.

or export it to keep it for a while:

export # going to work on OFF for a while
make up
make restart
make down
make log

A good strategy is to have multiple terminals open, one for each deployment:

  • off [Terminal 1]:

    make up
  • off-pro [Terminal 2]:

    make up
  • obf [Terminal 3]:

    export ENV_FILE=.env.obf
    make up
  • opff [Terminal 3]:

    export ENV_FILE=.env.opff
    make up

Note: the above case of 4 deployments is a bit ambitious, since ProductOpener's backend container takes about ~6GB of RAM to run, meaning that the above 4 deployments would require a total of 24GB of RAM available.