All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 public domain dedication. By submitting a pull request or filing a bug, issue, or feature request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest. Details can be found in our LICENCE.
There are two primary ways to help:
Using the Issue tracker, or Submit a Pull Request.
Any feedback (bugs reports, feature requests, questions) is highly appreciated. We are happy to accept your contributions to make Nakadi UI better and more awesome! To avoid unnecessary work on either side, please stick to the following process:
- Check if there is already an issue for your concern.
- If there is not, open a new one to start a discussion. We hate to close finished PRs!
- If we decide your concern needs code changes, we would be happy to accept a pull request. Please consider the commit guidelines below. In case you just want to help out and don't know where to start, issues with "help wanted" label are good for first-time contributors.
The code should follow any stylistic and architectural guidelines prescribed by the project. In the absence of such guidelines, mimic the styles and patterns in the existing code-base. For any Elm change auto-formatting using elm-format is mandatory.
This is a rough outline of what the workflow for code contributions looks like:
- Fork the repository on GitHub
- Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work. This is usually master.
- Make commits of logical units.
- Write good commit messages (see below).
- Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository.
- Submit a pull request to zalando-nakadi/nakadi-ui
- Your pull request must receive a 👍 from two Maintainers
Thanks for your contributions!
Your commit messages ideally should answer two questions: what changed and why. The subject line should feature the “what” and the body of the commit should describe the “why”. If there is already a ticket, use this number at the start of the subject line.
When creating a pull request, its comment should reference the corresponding issue id.
First of all install and configure all dependencies. See
Start the development server.
npm start
Now you can go to https://localhost:3000
and look at the Nakadi UI interface.
Any changes in client source code will trigger a rebuild and new files will be automatically downloaded and applied to the browser without reload. (Hot Module Replacement).
To run all tests
npm test
It will run Elm tests, server unit tests, server API tests, and full end-to-end tests.
Nakadi UI server test coverage report will be created in reports
folder and
the client elm-test coverage report will be created in .coverage
In Travis CI all test reports will be published to
Have fun, and happy hacking!