We are creating a "conveyor" user to run the conveyor script as. This is set up and handled by the postinst script. The postrm script removes this user.
Any directories that conveyor needs access to are set to it group and user.
The conveyor server is called by the /usr/bin/conveyord script. This is a wrapper that runs the virtualenv and then the server.
We're playing a little fast and loose with the Linux filesystem hierarchy, but to be blunt it's not terribly well-defined anyway.
Configuration files are stored in /etc. Currently there is one configuration file for conveyor, conveyor.conf.
- /etc/conveyor.conf ** Copied by scons, installed by conveyor.install
The static library is stored in /usr/lib.
- /usr/lib/libconveyor.a ** Built by scons, installed by conveyor.install
The header files are stored in /usr/include.
- /usr/include/conveyor.h ** Copied by scons, installed by conveyor.install
The Conveyor python module is stored in /usr/share/conveyor/lib.
- /usr/share/conveyor/lib/conveyor/ ** Copied by scons, installed by conveyor.install
An argument could be made that this belongs in /usr/lib/conveyor; this was avoided to ensure that we didn't touch too many bits of the filesystem.
Conveyor does not install its own version of the virtualenv script; instead a depenedency is created on the repository version. This version is run instead.
The virtualenv environment is generated in /usr/share/conveyor.
- /usr/share/conveyor/virtualenv ** Generated by conveyor.postinst
The binary wrapper, conveyor, is installed in /usr/bin.
- /usr/bin/conveyor ** //TODO// - does not exist
Log files are kept in /usr/log/conveyor, a directory owned by the conveyor user.
- /var/log/conveyor ** Created and chowned by postinst script, cleaned up by postrm script
The Upstart script is located in data/conveyor.conf.
- /etc/init/conveyor.conf This file is installed by conveyor.install.
Lock files are created in the /var/run/conveyor directory by conveyor itself. This directory is owned by the conveyor user.
- /var/run/conveyor ** Created by postinst