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135 lines (107 loc) · 6.27 KB

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135 lines (107 loc) · 6.27 KB

How to contribute

This module was developed in to support Puppet training. It is open to the public so that students can see the code that goes in to creating the classroom experience. Although most of the development is done by Puppet employees we welcome outside contributions. Be aware that your suggested change may not fit in with our future plans, so even very good code may not be accepted.

Priority will be given to contributions from Puppet Professional Services engineers and Service Delivery Partners actively teaching classes.

There are a few guidelines that we need contributors to follow so that we can have a chance of keeping on top of things.

Getting Started

  • Make sure you have a Jira account
  • Make sure you have a GitHub account
  • Submit a ticket for your issue, assuming one does not already exist.
    • Clearly describe the issue including steps to reproduce when it is a bug.
    • Make sure you fill in the earliest version that you know has the issue.
  • Fork the repository on GitHub

Making Changes

Releases are made from the release branch, which should always be in a releasable state. master is the active development branch and changes are periodically moved to the release branch for acceptance testing.

Before you begin working on an issue or feature, check that it hasn't already been addressed in the master branch.

  • Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work.
    • This is usually the master branch.
    • Only target release branches if you are certain your fix must be on that branch.
    • To quickly create a topic branch based on master; git checkout -b fix/master/my_contribution master. Please avoid working directly on the master branch.
  • Make atomic commits of logical units. Do not combine unrelated fixes.
  • Check for unnecessary whitespace with git diff --check before committing.
  • Make sure your commit messages are in the proper format.
  • Don't update version numbers or changelogs. Instead, write a good commit subject and description. We will use the commit subject to update the changelog as needed.
    (PUP-1234) Make the example in CONTRIBUTING imperative and concrete

    Without this patch applied the example commit message in the CONTRIBUTING
    document is not a concrete example.  This is a problem because the
    contributor is left to imagine what the commit message should look like
    based on a description rather than an example.  This patch fixes the
    problem by making the example concrete and imperative.

    The first line is a real life imperative statement with a ticket number
    from our issue tracker.  The body describes the behavior without the patch,
    why this is a problem, and how the patch fixes the problem when applied.
  • Make sure you have added the necessary tests for your changes.
  • Run all the tests to assure nothing else was accidentally broken.
    • Tests can be run with the command rake spec

Making Trivial Changes


For changes of a trivial nature to comments and documentation, it is not always necessary to create a new ticket in Jira. In this case, it is appropriate to start the first line of a commit with '(doc)' instead of a ticket number.

    (doc) Add documentation commit example to CONTRIBUTING

    There is no example for contributing a documentation commit
    to the Puppet repository. This is a problem because the contributor
    is left to assume how a commit of this nature may appear.

    The first line is a real life imperative statement with '(doc)' in
    place of what would have been the ticket number in a
    non-documentation related commit. The body describes the nature of
    the new documentation or comments added.

Submitting Changes

  • Sign the Contributor License Agreement.
  • Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository.
  • Submit a pull request to the repository in the puppetlabs organization.
  • Update your Jira ticket to mark that you have submitted code and are ready for it to be reviewed (Status: Ready for Merge).
    • Include a link to the pull request in the ticket.
  • The Education team looks at pull requests on a regular basis.
  • After feedback has been given we expect responses within two weeks. After two weeks we may close the pull request if it isn't showing any activity.

Revert Policy

By running tests in advance and by engaging with peer review for prospective changes, your contributions have a high probability of becoming long lived parts of the the project. After being merged, the code will run through a series of testing pipelines on a large number of operating system environments. These pipelines can reveal incompatibilities that are difficult to detect in advance.

If the code change results in a test failure, we will make our best effort to correct the error. If a fix cannot be determined and committed within 24 hours of its discovery or as needed for expediency, the commit(s) responsible may be reverted, at the discretion of the committer and maintainers. This action would be taken to help maintain passing states in our testing pipelines.

The original contributor will be notified of the revert in the Jira ticket associated with the change. A reference to the test(s) and operating system(s) that failed as a result of the code change will also be added to the Jira ticket. This test(s) should be used to check future submissions of the code to ensure the issue has been resolved.

Release Policy

Stable features and bug fixes are moved to the release branch on a regular basis for full automated integration and acceptance testing. Published releases happen on an as needed basis, generally at least once a month if there are unpublished changes in the release branch.


  • Changes resulting in test pipeline failures will be reverted if they cannot be resolved within one business day.

Additional Resources