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This is a pure-nim client library for interacting with Stomp compliant messaging brokers.

Stomp is a simple protocol for message passing between clients, using a central broker. It is a subset of other more elaborate protocols (like AMQP), supporting only the most used features of common brokers.

Because this library is pure-nim, there are no external dependencies. If you can compile a nim binary, you can participate in advanced messaging between processes.

A list of broker support for Stomp can be found here:

This library has been tested with recent versions of RabbitMQ. If it works for you with another broker, please let the author know.


The easiest way to install this module is via the nimble package manager, by simply running 'nimble install stomp'.

Alternatively, you can fetch the 'stomp.nim' file yourself, and put it in a place of your choosing.

Protocol support

This library supports (almost) the entirety of the Stomp 1.2 spec, with the exception of client to server heartbeat. Server to client heartbeat is fully supported, which should normally be sufficient to keep firewall state tables open and sockets alive.


Because a client can receive frames at any time, most of the behavior of this module is implemented via callback procs.

By default, most every event is a no-op. You can override various behaviors with the following callbacks:

  • connected_callback: Called when the Stomp library makes a successful connection to the broker.

  • error_callback: Called if there was a ERROR frame in the stream. By default, this raises a StompError exception with the error message.

  • heartbeat_callback: Called when a server heartbeat is received.

  • message_callback: Called when a MESSAGE frame is received.

  • missed_heartbeat_callback: Called when the Stomp socket is idle longer than the specified heartbeat time -- usually an indication of a problem. The default behavior raises a StompError exception.

  • receipt_callback: Called when a RECEIPT frame is received.

Custom headers

Depending on the broker, you may be able to add addtional features to outgoing messages by adding specific headers. You can also add "x-headers" that are carried between messages.

Another use is to issue "receipts" on sends or subscriptions, to ensure the broker has processed your request. Here's an example of how to perform receipt processing:

proc accept_receipt( c: StompClient, r: StompResponse ) =
   var receipt = r[ "receipt-id" ]
   # ... match this receipt up to the request that generated it

var client = newStompClient( socket, "..." )

client.receipt_callback = accept_receipt

var headers = seq[ tuple[name:string, value:string] ]
headers.add( ("x-breakfast", "tequila") )
headers.add( ("receipt", "special-identifier") )

client.send( "/destination", "message!", "text/plain", headers )


This library has full support for transactions. Once entering a transaction, any messages or acknowledgments attached to it must be committed before the broker will release them.

With one open transaction, messages are automatically attached to it. If you have multiple open transactions, you'll need to add which one you want a message to be part of via the custom headers.

# Single transaction
client.begin( "trans-1" )
client.send( "/destination", "hi" ) # Part of "trans-1"
client.send( "/destination", "yo" ) # Part of "trans-1"
client.send( "/destination", "whaddup" ) # Part of "trans-1"
client.commit # or client.abort

# Multiple simultaneous transactions
client.begin( "trans-1" )
client.begin( "trans-2" )
client.begin( "trans-3" )

var headers = seq[ tuple[name:string, value:string] ]
headers.add( ("transaction", "trans-1") )
client.send( "/destination", "hi", nil, headers ) # Part of "trans-1"

headers = @[]
headers.add( ("transaction", "trans-2") )
client.send( "/destination", "hi", nil, headers ) # Part of "trans-2"
client.ack( "some-ack-id", "trans-2" ) # Part of "trans-2"

headers = @[]
headers.add( ("transaction", "trans-3") )
client.send( "/destination", "hi", nil, headers ) # Part of "trans-3"
client.ack( "some-ack-id", "trans-3" ) # Part of "trans-3"

client.abort( "trans-1" )  # anything "trans-1" never happened
client.commit( "trans-2" ) # "trans-2" messages and acks are released
client.abort( "trans-3" )  # anything "trans-3" never happened


This is a complete client that does the following:

  • Connect to an AMQP server at via SSL as the test user, in the /example vhost.
  • Request heartbeats every 5 seconds.
  • Subscribe to a topic exchange events with the key of user.create, requiring message acknowledgement.
  • Accept incoming messages, parsing the JSON payloads.
  • If parsing was successful, ACK the message and emit a new message to the exchange with JSON results to the user.created key -- presumably to be picked up by another process elsewhere.
# (This should be compiled with -d:ssl)


   socket = newSocket()
   sslContext = newContext( verifyMode = CVerifyNone )

sslContext.wrapSocket( socket )
var client = newStompClient( socket, "stomp+ssl://test:[email protected]/%2Fexample?heartbeat=5" )

# Announce when we're connected.
proc connected( c: StompClient, r: StompResponse ) =
   echo "Connected to a ", c["server"], " server."

# Echo to screen when we see a heartbeat.
proc heartbeat( c: StompClient, r: StompResponse ) =
   echo "Heartbeat at: ",  c.last_msgtime

# Parse JSON, perform work, send success message.
proc message( c: StompClient, r: StompResponse ) =
   let id = r[ "ack" ]

   if r[ "content-type" ] != "application/json":
	   echo "I expect JSON payloads."
	   c.nack( id )

	   var json = r.payload.parse_json

	   # ... do the heavy lifting with the parsed data.
	   # ... and assuming is was successful, ack and emit!
	   c.ack( id )

	   var message = %*{ "user": json["user"].getStr, "otherstuff": true }
	   c.send( "/exchange/events/user.created", $message, "application/json" )

   except JsonParsingError:
	   echo "Couldn't parse JSON! ", r.payload
	   c.nack( id )

# Attach callbacks
client.connected_callback = connected
client.message_callback = message
client.heartbeat_callback = heartbeat

# Open a session with the broker

# Subscribe to a topic key, requiring acknowledgements.
client.subscribe( "/exchange/events/user.create", "client-individual" )

# Enter message loop.