remove Cue in favor of pure signals and operationsadd duration to Signal and operatorsSequence classdetermine when cloning should happen -- when passed as a param, or only once passed to the session?finish implementing clone facilities (envelope, deep clone pointers, etc)Signal pool allocatoradd option to save Cues to chosen locationmove sum/prod machinery into signal itself (e.g. offset and scale factor) or template do template specializationspop signals from channel when overchange oscillator ctors to do 2pif scaling in Scalarrealtime channel pitch adjustmentspatializer classchange to bias/gainimport WAV filesgrid mechanism in spatializers- ~channel polyphony ~
- import CSV
- import Macaron JSON
- save/load spatializers
consider using unique_ptr in Signal with a clone methodeliminate Tweens in favor of static bezier objects- multi-time sample functions (all the way down)
- use of std::map for KeyedEnvelope complicates GUI, consider vectors
Repeater, Stretcher, Reverse signals- real-time manipulation of any parameter (see WebAudio AudioParam for inspiration)
- look into cereal's minimal load/save capabilities
- additional variables in expression
Abstracted signal nodes in Designer tabfix Info dialogdual sliders for pitch/volrender selected library itemfix library deletedon't load all lib items automaticallypop-up visualizerdark/light themesrefresh librarySequencer tabremove carnot depimprove dnd interfacedrag/drop help dialogs- improved slot header
KeyEnvelopelibrary signal busting- improve play/pause/stop interface
- library signal references
- log file
CPU usage meterdrag/drop lib to channelselect device from Details listingcustom plot renderer without decimationfaster startuplast use memory (e.g. boot with last used device)- copy/rename library items
- custom themes
- ASIO control panel
expose all (or most important) C++ API functionalityspatializer- determine if ASIO has an issue in C# (works fine in Unity, so unsure)
embed PortAudio / ASIO / guiupdate examples- create installer with NSIS
- document all classes/functions