This is a tracing filter for RPC providers and consumers in Dubbo 2.6+
When used on a consumer, TracingFilter
adds trace state as attachments
to outgoing requests. When a provider, it extracts trace state from
incoming requests. In either case, the filter reports to Zipkin how long
each request took, along with any error information.
Note: A Dubbo Provider is a server, and a Dubbo Consumer is a client in Zipkin terminology.
The filter "tracing" requires an extension of type brave.Tracing
"tracing" configured. Once that's configured, you assign the filter to
your providers and consumers like so:
Here's an example of with Spring 2.5+ XML
<!-- default to trace all services -->
<dubbo:consumer filter="tracing" />
<dubbo:provider filter="tracing" />
Here's an example with
Most typically, the brave.rpc.RpcTracing
extension is provided by Spring, so
have this in place before proceeding. The bean must be named "rpcTracing"
Here's an example in XML.
Dubbo supports custom extensions. You can supply your own instance of tracing by creating and registering an extension factory:
package com.yourcompany.dubbo;
import brave.Tracing;
import brave.rpc.RpcTracing;
import brave.rpc.RpcRuleSampler;
import zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter;
import zipkin2.Span;
import static brave.rpc.RpcRequestMatchers.methodEquals;
import static brave.sampler.Matchers.and;
public class TracingExtensionFactory implements ExtensionFactory {
@Override public <T> T getExtension(Class<T> type, String name) {
if (type != RpcTracing.class) return null;
return (T) RpcTracing.newBuilder(tracing())
RpcRuleSampler serverSampler() {
return RpcRuleSampler.newBuilder()
.putRule(methodEquals("sayHello"), Sampler.NEVER_SAMPLE)
Tracing tracing() {
return Tracing.newBuilder()
// NOTE: The reporter should be closed with a shutdown hook
AsyncReporter<Span> spanReporter() {
Make sure the following line is in META-INF/dubbo/
in your classpath: