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Brave Api (v4)

Brave is a library used to capture and report latency information about distributed operations to Zipkin. Most users won't use Brave directly, rather libraries or frameworks than employ Brave on their behalf.

This module includes tracer creates and joins spans that model the latency of potentially distributed work. It also includes libraries to propagate the trace context over network boundaries, for example, via http headers.


Most importantly, you need a Tracer, configured to report to Zipkin.

Here's an example setup that sends trace data (spans) to Zipkin over http (as opposed to Kafka).

// Configure a reporter, which controls how often spans are sent
//   (the dependency is io.zipkin.reporter2:zipkin-sender-okhttp3)
sender = OkHttpSender.create("");
spanReporter = AsyncReporter.create(sender);

// Create a tracing component with the service name you want to see in Zipkin.
tracing = Tracing.newBuilder()

// Tracing exposes objects you might need, most importantly the tracer
tracer = tracing.tracer();

// Failing to close resources can result in dropped spans! When tracing is no
// longer needed, close the components you made in reverse order. This might be
// a shutdown hook for some users.

Zipkin v1 setup

If you need to connect to an older version of the Zipkin api, you can use the following to use Zipkin v1 format. See zipkin-reporter for more.

sender = URLConnectionSender.create("http://localhost:9411/api/v1/spans");
reporter = AsyncReporter.builder(sender)


The tracer creates and joins spans that model the latency of potentially distributed work. It can employ sampling to reduce overhead in process or to reduce the amount of data sent to Zipkin.

Spans returned by a tracer report data to Zipkin when finished, or do nothing if unsampled. After starting a span, you can annotate events of interest or add tags containing details or lookup keys.

Spans have a context which includes trace identifiers that place it at the correct spot in the tree representing the distributed operation.

In-process Tracing

When tracing code that never leaves your process, run it inside a scoped span.

// Start a new trace or a span within an existing trace representing an operation
ScopedSpan span = tracer.startScopedSpan("encode");
try {
  // The span is in "scope" meaning downstream code such as loggers can see trace IDs
  return encoder.encode();
} catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
  span.error(e); // Unless you handle exceptions, you might not know the operation failed!
  throw e;
} finally {
  span.finish(); // always finish the span

When you need more features, or finer control, use the Span type:

// Start a new trace or a span within an existing trace representing an operation
Span span = tracer.nextSpan().name("encode").start();
// Put the span in "scope" so that downstream code such as loggers can see trace IDs
try (SpanInScope ws = tracer.withSpanInScope(span)) {
  return encoder.encode();
} catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
  span.error(e); // Unless you handle exceptions, you might not know the operation failed!
  throw e;
} finally {
  span.finish(); // note the scope is independent of the span. Always finish a span.

Both of the above examples report the exact same span on finish!

In the above example, the span will be either a new root span or the next child in an existing trace. How this works is described later.

Customizing spans

Once you have a span, you can add tags to it, which can be used as lookup keys or details. For example, you might add a tag with your runtime version.

span.tag("clnt/finagle.version", "6.36.0");

When exposing the ability to customize spans to third parties, prefer brave.SpanCustomizer as opposed to brave.Span. The former is simpler to understand and test, and doesn't tempt users with span lifecycle hooks.

interface MyTraceCallback {
  void request(Request request, SpanCustomizer customizer);

Since brave.Span implements brave.SpanCustomizer, it is just as easy for you to pass to users.


for (MyTraceCallback callback : userCallbacks) {
  callback.request(request, span);

Implicitly looking up the current span

Sometimes you won't know if a trace is in progress or not, and you don't want users to do null checks. brave.CurrentSpanCustomizer adds to any span that's in progress or drops data accordingly.


// Some DI configuration wires up the current span customizer
@Bean SpanCustomizer currentSpanCustomizer(Tracing tracing) {
  return CurrentSpanCustomizer.create(tracing);

// user code can then inject this without a chance of it being null.
@Inject SpanCustomizer span;

void userCode() {

RPC tracing

Check for instrumentation written here and Zipkin's list before rolling your own RPC instrumentation!

RPC tracing is often done automatically by interceptors. Under the scenes, they add tags and events that relate to their role in an RPC operation.

Note: this is intentionally not an HTTP example, as we have a special layer for that.

Here's an example of a client span:

// before you send a request, add metadata that describes the operation
span = tracer.nextSpan().name(service + "/" + method).kind(CLIENT);
span.tag("myrpc.version", "1.0.0");
span.remoteIpAndPort("", 8108);

// Add the trace context to the request, so it can be propagated in-band
                     .inject(span.context(), request);

// when the request is scheduled, start the span

// if there is an error, tag the span
span.tag("error", error.getCode());

// when the response is complete, finish the span

One-Way RPC tracing

Sometimes you need to model an asynchronous operation, where there is a request, but no response. In normal RPC tracing, you use span.finish() which indicates the response was received. In one-way tracing, you use span.flush() instead, as you don't expect a response.

Here's how a client might model a one-way operation

// start a new span representing a client request
oneWaySend = tracer.nextSpan().name(service + "/" + method).kind(CLIENT);

// Add the trace context to the request, so it can be propagated in-band
                     .inject(oneWaySend.context(), request);

// fire off the request asynchronously, totally dropping any response

// start the client side and flush instead of finish

And here's how a server might handle this..

// pull the context out of the incoming request
extractor = tracing.propagation().extractor(Request::getHeader);

// convert that context to a span which you can name and add tags to
oneWayReceive = nextSpan(tracer, extractor.extract(request))
    ... add tags etc.

// start the server side and flush instead of finish

// you should not modify this span anymore as it is complete. However,
// you can create children to represent follow-up work.
next = tracer.newSpan(oneWayReceive.context()).name("step2").start();

Note The above propagation logic is a simplified version of our http handlers.

There's a working example of a one-way span here.


Sampling may be employed to reduce the data collected and reported out of process. When a span isn't sampled, it adds no overhead (noop).

Sampling is an up-front decision, meaning that the decision to report data is made at the first operation in a trace, and that decision is propagated downstream.

By default, there's a global sampler that applies a single rate to all traced operations. Tracing.Builder.sampler is how you indicate this, and it defaults to trace every request.

For example, to choose 10 traces every second, you'd initialize like so:

tracing = Tracing.newBuilder()

Declarative sampling

Some need to sample based on the type or annotations of a java method.

Most users will use a framework interceptor which automates this sort of policy. Here's how they might work internally.

// derives a sample rate from an annotation on a java method
SamplerFunction<Traced> samplerFunction = DeclarativeSampler.createWithRate(Traced::sampleRate);

public Object traceThing(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, Traced traced) throws Throwable {
  // When there is no trace in progress, this overrides the decision based on the annotation
  ScopedSpan span = tracer.startScopedSpan(spanName(pjp), samplerFunction, traced);
  try {
    return pjp.proceed();
  } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
    throw e;
  } finally {

Custom sampling

You may want to apply different policies depending on what the operation is. For example, you might not want to trace requests to static resources such as images, or you might want to trace all requests to a new api.

Most users will use a framework interceptor which automates this sort of policy.

Here's a simplified version of how this might work internally.

SamplerFunction<Request> requestBased = (request) -> {
  if (request.url().startsWith("/experimental")) {
    return true;
  } else if (request.url().startsWith("/static")) {
    return false;
  return null;

Span nextSpan(final Request input) {
  return tracer.nextSpan(requestBased, input);

Note: the above is the basis for the built-in http sampler


Propagation is needed to ensure activity originating from the same root are collected together in the same trace. The most common propagation approach is to copy a trace context from a client sending an RPC request to a server receiving it.

For example, when an downstream Http call is made, its trace context is sent along with it, encoded as request headers:

   Client Span                                                Server Span
┌──────────────────┐                                       ┌──────────────────┐
│                  │                                       │                  │
│   TraceContext   │           Http Request Headers        │   TraceContext   │
│ ┌──────────────┐ │          ┌───────────────────┐        │ ┌──────────────┐ │
│ │ TraceId      │ │          │ X─B3─TraceId      │        │ │ TraceId      │ │
│ │              │ │          │                   │        │ │              │ │
│ │ ParentSpanId │ │ Extract  │ X─B3─ParentSpanId │ Inject │ │ ParentSpanId │ │
│ │              ├─┼─────────>│                   ├────────┼>│              │ │
│ │ SpanId       │ │          │ X─B3─SpanId       │        │ │ SpanId       │ │
│ │              │ │          │                   │        │ │              │ │
│ │ Sampled      │ │          │ X─B3─Sampled      │        │ │ Sampled      │ │
│ └──────────────┘ │          └───────────────────┘        │ └──────────────┘ │
│                  │                                       │                  │
└──────────────────┘                                       └──────────────────┘

The names above are from B3 Propagation, which is built-in to Brave and has implementations in many languages and frameworks.

Most users will use a framework interceptor which automates propagation. Here's how they might work internally.

Here's what client-side propagation might look like

// configure a function that injects a trace context into a request
injector = tracing.propagation().injector(Request.Builder::addHeader);

// before a request is sent, add the current span's context to it
injector.inject(span.context(), request);

Here's what server-side propagation might look like

// configure a function that extracts the trace context from a request
extractor = tracing.propagation().extractor(Request::getHeader);

// when a server receives a request, it joins or starts a new trace
span = tracer.nextSpan(extractor.extract(request));

Propagating extra fields

Sometimes you need to propagate extra fields, such as a request ID or an alternate trace context. For example, if you are in a Cloud Foundry environment, you might want to pass the request ID:

// when you initialize the builder, define the extra field you want to propagate
  ExtraFieldPropagation.newFactory(B3Propagation.FACTORY, "x-vcap-request-id")

// later, you can tag that request ID or use it in log correlation
requestId = ExtraFieldPropagation.get("x-vcap-request-id");

Appropriate usage

Brave is an infrastructure library: you will create lock-in if you expose its apis into business code. Prefer exposing your own types for utility functions that use this class as this will insulate you from lock-in.

While it may seem convenient, do not use this for security context propagation as it was not designed for this use case. For example, anything placed in here can be accessed by any code in the same classloader!

Passing through alternate trace contexts

You may also need to propagate an second trace context transparently. For example, when in an Amazon Web Services environment, but not reporting data to X-Ray. To ensure X-Ray can co-exist correctly, pass-through its tracing header like so.

  ExtraFieldPropagation.newFactory(B3Propagation.FACTORY, "x-amzn-trace-id")

Prefixed fields

You can also prefix fields, if they follow a common pattern. For example, the following will propagate the field "x-vcap-request-id" as-is, but send the fields "country-code" and "user-id" on the wire as "baggage-country-code" and "baggage-user-id" respectively.

Setup your tracing instance with allowed fields:

                       .addPrefixedFields("baggage-", Arrays.asList("country-code", "user-id"))

Later, you can call below to affect the country code of the current trace context

ExtraFieldPropagation.set("country-code", "FO");
String countryCode = ExtraFieldPropagation.get("country-code");

Or, if you have a reference to a trace context, use it explicitly

ExtraFieldPropagation.set(span.context(), "country-code", "FO");
String countryCode = ExtraFieldPropagation.get(span.context(), "country-code");

Redacting fields

You may have some fields that you would like to propagate in-process, but not downstream to other hosts. Use .addRedactedField() to indicate a field which should not be injected into headers.

Extracting a propagated context

The TraceContext.Extractor<C> reads trace identifiers and sampling status from an incoming request or message. The carrier is usually a request object or headers.

This utility is used in standard instrumentation like HttpServerHandler, but can also be used for custom RPC or messaging code.

TraceContextOrSamplingFlags is usually only used with Tracer.nextSpan(extracted), unless you are sharing span IDs between a client and a server.

Sharing span IDs between client and server

A normal instrumentation pattern is creating a span representing the server side of an RPC. Extractor.extract might return a complete trace context when applied to an incoming client request. Tracer.joinSpan attempts to continue the this trace, using the same span ID if supported, or creating a child span if not. When span ID is shared, data reported includes a flag saying so.

Here's an example of B3 propagation:

                              ┌───────────────────┐      ┌───────────────────┐
 Incoming Headers             │   TraceContext    │      │   TraceContext    │
┌───────────────────┐(extract)│ ┌───────────────┐ │(join)│ ┌───────────────┐ │
│ X─B3-TraceId      │─────────┼─┼> TraceId      │ │──────┼─┼> TraceId      │ │
│                   │         │ │               │ │      │ │               │ │
│ X─B3-ParentSpanId │─────────┼─┼> ParentSpanId │ │──────┼─┼> ParentSpanId │ │
│                   │         │ │               │ │      │ │               │ │
│ X─B3-SpanId       │─────────┼─┼> SpanId       │ │──────┼─┼> SpanId       │ │
└───────────────────┘         │ │               │ │      │ │               │ │
                              │ │               │ │      │ │  Shared: true │ │
                              │ └───────────────┘ │      │ └───────────────┘ │
                              └───────────────────┘      └───────────────────┘

Some propagation systems only forward the parent span ID, detected when Propagation.Factory.supportsJoin() == false. In this case, a new span ID is always provisioned and the incoming context determines the parent ID.

Here's an example of AWS propagation:

                              ┌───────────────────┐      ┌───────────────────┐
 x-amzn-trace-id              │   TraceContext    │      │   TraceContext    │
┌───────────────────┐(extract)│ ┌───────────────┐ │(join)│ ┌───────────────┐ │
│ Root              │─────────┼─┼> TraceId      │ │──────┼─┼> TraceId      │ │
│                   │         │ │               │ │      │ │               │ │
│ Parent            │─────────┼─┼> SpanId       │ │──────┼─┼> ParentSpanId │ │
└───────────────────┘         │ └───────────────┘ │      │ │               │ │
                              └───────────────────┘      │ │  SpanId: New  │ │
                                                         │ └───────────────┘ │

Note: Some span reporters do not support sharing span IDs. For example, if you set Tracing.Builder.spanReporter(amazonXrayOrGoogleStackdrive), disable join via Tracing.Builder.supportsJoin(false). This will force a new child span on Tracer.joinSpan().

Implementing Propagation

TraceContext.Extractor<C> is implemented by a Propagation.Factory plugin. Internally, this code will create the union type TraceContextOrSamplingFlags with one of the following:

  • TraceContext if trace and span IDs were present.
  • TraceIdContext if a trace ID was present, but not span IDs.
  • SamplingFlags if no identifiers were present

Some Propagation implementations carry extra data from point of extraction (ex reading incoming headers) to injection (ex writing outgoing headers). For example, it might carry a request ID. When implementations have extra data, here's how they handle it.

  • If a TraceContext was extracted, add the extra data as TraceContext.extra()
  • Otherwise, add it as TraceContextOrSamplingFlags.extra(), which Tracer.nextSpan handles.

Handling Finished Spans

By default, data recorded before (Span.finish()) are reported to Zipkin via what's passed to Tracing.Builder.spanReporter. FinishedSpanHandler can modify or drop data before it goes to Zipkin. It can even intercept data that is not sampled for Zipkin.

FinishedSpanHandler can return false to drop spans that you never want to see in Zipkin. This should be used carefully as the spans dropped should not have children.

Here's an example of SQL COMMENT spans so they don't clutter Zipkin.

tracingBuilder.addFinishedSpanHandler(new FinishedSpanHandler() {
  @Override public boolean handle(TraceContext context, MutableSpan span) {
    return !"comment".equals(;

Another example is redaction: you may need to scrub tags to ensure no personal information like credit card numbers end up in Zipkin.

tracingBuilder.addFinishedSpanHandler(new FinishedSpanHandler() {
  @Override public boolean handle(TraceContext context, MutableSpan span) {
    span.forEachTag((key, value) ->
      value.replaceAll("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}", "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx")
    return true; // retain the span

  @Override public boolean supportsOrphans() {
    return true; // orphaned data created by bugs must also be cleaned!

An example of redaction is here

Sampling locally

While Brave defaults to report 100% of data to Zipkin, many will use a lower percentage like 1%. This is called sampling and the decision is maintained throughout the trace, across requests consistently. Sampling has disadvantages. For example, statistics on sampled data is usually misleading by nature of not observing all durations.

FinishedSpanHandler returns alwaysSampleLocal() to indicate whether it should see all data, or just all data sent to Zipkin. You can override this to true to observe all operations.

Here's an example of metrics handling:

tracingBuilder.addFinishedSpanHandler(new FinishedSpanHandler() {
  @Override public boolean alwaysSampleLocal() {
    return true; // since we want to always see timestamps, we have to always record

  @Override public boolean handle(TraceContext context, MutableSpan span) {
    if (namesToAlwaysTime.contains( {
      registry.timer("spans", "name",
          .record(span.finishTimestamp() - span.startTimestamp(), MICROSECONDS);
    return true; // retain the span

An example of metrics handling is here

Current Tracing Component

Brave supports a "current tracing component" concept which should only be used when you have no other means to get a reference. This was made for JDBC connections, as they often initialize prior to the tracing component.

The most recent tracing component instantiated is available via Tracing.current(). There's also a shortcut to get only the tracer via Tracing.currentTracer(). If you use either of these methods, do not cache the result. Instead, look them up each time you need them.

Current Span

Brave supports a "current span" concept which represents the in-flight operation.

Tracer.currentSpanCustomizer() never returns null and SpanCustomizer is generally a safe object to expose to third-party code to add tags.

Tracer.currentSpan() should be reserved for framework code that cannot reference the span it wants to finish, flush or abandon explicitly.

Tracer.nextSpan() uses the "current span" to determine a parent. This creates a child of whatever is in-flight.

Setting a span in scope via custom executors

Many frameworks allow you to specify an executor which is used for user callbacks. The type CurrentTraceContext implements all functionality needed to support the current span. It also exposes utilities which you can use to decorate executors.

CurrentTraceContext currentTraceContext = ThreadLocalCurrentTraceContext.create();
tracing = Tracing.newBuilder()

Client c = Client.create();

Setting a span in scope manually

When writing new instrumentation, it is important to place a span you created in scope as the current span. Not only does this allow users to access it with Tracer.currentSpanCustomizer(), but it also allows customizations like SLF4J MDC to see the current trace IDs.

The easiest way to scope a span is via Tracer.startScopedSpan(name):

ScopedSpan span = tracer.startScopedSpan("encode");
try {
  // The span is in "scope" meaning downstream code such as loggers can see trace IDs
  return encoder.encode();
} catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
  span.error(e); // Unless you handle exceptions, you might not know the operation failed!
  throw e;
} finally {
  span.finish(); // always finish the span

If doing RPC or otherwise advanced tracing, Tracer.withSpanInScope(Span) scopes an existing span via the try-with-resources idiom. Whenever external code might be invoked (such as proceeding an interceptor or otherwise), place the span in scope like this.

try (SpanInScope ws = tracer.withSpanInScope(span)) {
  return inboundRequest.invoke();
} catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
  throw e;
} finally { // note the scope is independent of the span

In edge cases, you may need to clear the current span temporarily. For example, launching a task that should not be associated with the current request. To do this, simply pass null to withSpanInScope.

try (SpanInScope cleared = tracer.withSpanInScope(null)) {

Working with callbacks

Many libraries expose a callback model as opposed to an interceptor one. When creating new instrumentation, you may find places where you need to place a span in scope in one callback (like onStart()) and end the scope in another callback (like onFinish()).

Provided the library guarantees these run on the same thread, you can simply propagate the result of Tracer.withSpanInScope(Span) from the starting callback to the closing one. This is typically done with a request-scoped attribute.

Here's an example:

class MyFilter extends Filter {
  public void onStart(Request request, Attributes attributes) {
    // Assume you have code to start the span and add relevant tags...

    // We now set the span in scope so that any code between here and
    // the end of the request can modify it with Tracer.currentSpan()
    // or Tracer.currentSpanCustomizer()
    SpanInScope spanInScope = tracer.withSpanInScope(span);

    // We don't want to leak the scope, so we place it somewhere we can
    // lookup later
    attributes.put(SpanInScope.class, spanInScope);

  public void onFinish(Response response, Attributes attributes) {
    // as long as we are on the same thread, we can read the span started above
    Span span = tracer.currentSpan();

    // Assume you have code to complete the span

    // We now remove the scope (which implicitly detaches it from the span)

Sometimes you have to instrument a library where There's no attribute namespace shared across request and response. For this scenario, you can use ThreadLocalSpan to temporarily store the span between callbacks.

Here's an example:

class MyFilter extends Filter {
  final ThreadLocalSpan threadLocalSpan;

  public void onStart(Request request) {
    // Assume you have code to start the span and add relevant tags...

    // We now set the span in scope so that any code between here and
    // the end of the request can see it with Tracer.currentSpan()

  public void onFinish(Response response, Attributes attributes) {
    // as long as we are on the same thread, we can read the span started above
    Span span = threadLocalSpan.remove();
    if (span == null) return;

    // Assume you have code to complete the span

Working with callbacks that occur on different threads

The examples above work because the callbacks happen on the same thread. You should not set a span in scope if you cannot close that scope on the same thread. This may be the case in some asynchronous libraries. Often, you will need to propagate the span directly in a custom attribute. This will allow you to trace the RPC, even if this approach doesn't facilitate use of Tracer.currentSpan() from external code.

Here's an example of explicit propagation:

class MyFilter extends Filter {
  public void onStart(Request request, Attributes attributes) {
    // Assume you have code to start the span and add relevant tags...

    // We can't open a scope as onFinish happens on another thread.
    // Instead, we propagate the span manually so at least basic tracing
    // will work.
    attributes.put(Span.class, span);

  public void onFinish(Response response, Attributes attributes) {
    // We can't rely on Tracer.currentSpan(), but we can rely on explicit
    // propagation
    Span span = attributes.remove(Span.class);

    // Assume you have code to complete the span

Customizing in-process propagation (Ex. log correlation)

The CurrentTraceContext makes a trace context visible, such that spans aren't accidentally added to the wrong trace. It also accepts hooks like log correlation.

For example, if you use Log4J 2, you can copy trace IDs to your logging context with our decorator:

tracing = Tracing.newBuilder()

Besides logging, other tools are available. StrictScopeDecorator can help find out when code is not closing scopes properly. This can be useful when writing or diagnosing custom instrumentation.

Disabling Tracing

If you are in a situation where you need to turn off tracing at runtime, invoke Tracing.setNoop(true). This will turn any new spans into "noop" spans, and drop any data until Tracing.setNoop(false) is invoked.


Brave has been built with performance in mind. Using the core Span api, you can record spans in sub-microseconds. When a span is sampled, there's effectively no overhead (as it is a noop).

Unlike previous implementations, Brave 4 only needs one timestamp per span. All annotations are recorded on an offset basis, using the less expensive and more precise System.nanoTime() function.

Troubleshooting instrumentation

Instrumentation problems can lead to scope leaks and orphaned data. When testing instrumentation, use StrictScopeDecorator, as it will throw errors on known scoping problems.

If you see data with the annotation brave.flush, you may have an instrumentation bug. To see which code was involved, set Tracing.Builder.trackOrphans() and ensure the logger brave.Tracer is at 'FINE' level. Do not do this in production as tracking orphaned data incurs higher overhead.

Note: When using log4j2, set the following to ensure log settings apply: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager

Unit testing instrumentation

When writing unit tests, there are a few tricks that will make bugs easier to find:

  • Report spans into a concurrent queue, so you can read them in tests
  • Use StrictScopeDecorator to reveal subtle thread-related propagation bugs
  • Unconditionally cleanup Tracing.current(), to prevent leaks

Here's an example setup for your unit test fixture:

ConcurrentLinkedDeque<Span> spans = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>();

Tracing tracing = Tracing.newBuilder()

  @After public void close() {
    Tracing current = Tracing.current();
    if (current != null) current.close();

Upgrading from Brave 3

Brave 4 was designed to live alongside Brave 3. Using TracerAdapter, you can navigate between apis, buying you time to update as appropriate.

Concepts are explained below, and there's an elaborate example of interop here.

Note: The last version of Brave 3 types is io.zipkin.brave:brave-core:4.13.4 TracerAdapter also should work with later versions of io.zipkin.brave:brave

Creating a Brave 3 instance

If your code uses Brave 3 apis, all you need to do is use TracerAdapter to create a (Brave 3) .. Brave. You don't have to change anything else.

Tracing brave4 = Tracing.newBuilder();
Brave brave3 = TracerAdapter.newBrave(brave4.tracer());

Converting between types

Those coding directly to both apis can use TracerAdapter.toSpan to navigate between span types. This is useful when working with client RPC and in-process (local) spans.

If you have a reference to a Brave 3 Span, you can convert like this:

brave3Span = brave3.localSpanThreadBinder().getCurrentLocalSpan();
brave4Span = TracerAdapter.toSpan(brave4, brave3Span);

You can also attach Brave 4 Span to a Brave 3 thread binder like this:

brave3Span = TracerAdapter.toSpan(brave4Span.context());

Server spans

Brave 3's ServerTracer works slightly differently than Brave 3's client or local tracers. Internally, it uses a ServerSpan which keeps track of the original sample status. To interop with ServerTracer, use the following hooks:

Use TracerAdapter.getServerSpan to get one of..

  • a real span: when a sampled server request preceded this call
  • a noop span: when a server request preceded this call, but was not sampled
  • null: if no server request preceded this call
brave4Span = TracerAdapter.getServerSpan(brave4, brave3.serverSpanThreadBinder());
// Since the current server span might be empty, you must check null
if (brave4Span != null) {
  // use or finish the span

If you have a reference to a Brave 4 span, and know it represents a server request, use TracerAdapter.setServerSpan to attach it to Brave 3's thread binder.

TracerAdapter.setServerSpan(brave4Span.context(), brave3.serverSpanThreadBinder());
brave3.serverTracer().setServerSend(); // for example


io.zipkin.brave:brave(Brave 4) is an optional dependency of io.zipkin.brave:brave-core(Brave 3). To use TracerAdapter, you need to declare an explicit dependency, and ensure both libraries are of the same version.


  • Never mutate com.twitter.zipkin.gen.Span directly. Doing so will break the above integration.
  • The above only works when com.github.kristofa.brave.Brave was instantiated via TracerAdapter.newBrave

128-bit trace IDs

Traditionally, Zipkin trace IDs were 64-bit. Starting with Zipkin 1.14, 128-bit trace identifiers are supported. This can be useful in sites that have very large traffic volume, persist traces forever, or are re-using externally generated 128-bit IDs.

If you want Brave to generate 128-bit trace identifiers when starting new root spans, set Tracing.Builder.traceId128Bit(true)

When 128-bit trace ids are propagated, they will be twice as long as before. For example, the X-B3-TraceId header will hold a 32-character value like 163ac35c9f6413ad48485a3953bb6124.

Before doing this, ensure your Zipkin setup is up-to-date, and downstream instrumented services can read the longer 128-bit trace IDs.

Note: this only affects the trace ID, not span IDs. For example, span ids within a trace are always 64-bit.


Brave 4's design lends from past experience and similar open source work. Quite a lot of decisions were driven by portability with Brave 3, and the dozens of individuals involved in that. There are notable new aspects that are borrowed or adapted from others.

Stateful Span object

Brave 4 allows you to pass around a Span object which can report itself to Zipkin when finished. This is better than using thread contexts in some cases, particularly where many async hops are in use. The Span api is derived from OpenTracing, narrowed to more cleanly match Zipkin's abstraction. As a result, a bridge from Brave 4 to OpenTracing v0.20.2 is relatively little code. It should be able to implement future versions of OpenTracing as well.

ScopedSpan type

Brave 4.19 introduced ScopedSpan which derives influence primarily from OpenCensus SpanBuilder.startScopedSpan() Api, a convenience type to start work and ensure scope is visible downstream. One main difference here is we assume the scoped span is used in the same thread, so mark it as such. Also, we reduce the size of the api to help secure users against code drift.

Error Handling

Brave 4.19 added ErrorParser, internally used by Span.error(Throwable). This design incubated in Spring Cloud Sleuth prior to becoming a primary type here. Our care and docs around error handling in general is credit to Nike Wingtips.

Recorder architecture

Much of Brave 4's architecture is borrowed from Finagle, whose design implies a separation between the propagated trace context and the data collected in process. For example, Brave's MutableSpanMap is the same overall design as Finagle's. The internals of MutableSpanMap were adapted from WeakConcurrentMap.

Propagation Api

OpenTracing's Tracer type has methods to inject or extract a trace context from a carrier. While naming is similar, Brave optimizes for direct integration with carrier types (such as http request) vs routing through an intermediate (such as a map). Brave also considers propagation a separate api from the tracer.

Current Tracer Api

The first design work of Tracing.currentTracer() started in Brave 3, which was itself influenced by Finagle's implicit Tracer api. This feature is noted as edge-case, when other means to get a reference to a trace are impossible. The only instrumentation that needed this was JDBC.

Returning a possibly null reference from Tracing.currentTracer() implies:

  • Users never cache the reference returned (noted in javadocs)
  • Less code and type constraints on Tracer vs a lazy forwarding delegate
  • Less documentation as we don't have to explain what a Noop tracer does

CurrentTraceContext Api

The first design of CurrentTraceContext was borrowed from ContextUtils in Google's instrumentation-java project. This was possible because of high collaboration between the projects and an almost identical goal. Slight departures including naming (which prefers Guice's naming conventions), and that the object scoped is a TraceContext vs a Span.

Propagating a trace context instead of a span is a right fit for several reasons:

  • TraceContext can be created without a reference to a tracer
  • Common tasks like making child spans and staining log context only need the context
  • Brave's recorder is keyed on context, so there's no feature loss in this choice

Local Sampling flag

The Census project has a concept of aSampledSpanStore. Typically, you configure a span name pattern or choose individual spans for local (in-process) storage. This storage is used to power administrative pages named zPages. For example, Tracez displays spans sampled locally which have errors or crossed a latency threshold.

The "sample local" vocab in Census was re-used in Brave to describe the act of keeping data that isn't going to necessarily end up in Zipkin.

The main difference in Brave is implementation. For example, the sampledLocal flag in Brave is a part of the TraceContext and so can be triggered when headers are parsed. This is needed to provide custom sampling mechanisms. Also, Brave has a small core library and doesn't package any specific storage abstraction, admin pages or latency processors. As such, we can't define specifically what sampled local means as Census' could. All it means is that FinishedSpanHandler will see data for that trace context.

FinishedSpanHandler Api

Brave had for a long time re-used zipkin's Reporter library, which is like Census' SpanExporter in so far that they both allow pushing a specific format elsewhere, usually to a service. Brave's FinishedSpanHandler is a little more like Census' SpanExporter.Handler in so far as the structure includes the trace context.. something we need access to in order to do things like advanced sampling.

Where it differs is that the MutableSpan in Brave is.. well.. mutable, and this allows you to cheaply change data. Also, it isn't a struct based on a proto, so it can hold references to objects like Exception. This allows us to render data into different formats such as Amazon's stack frames without having to guess what will be needed by parsing up front. As error parsing is deferred, overhead is less in cases where errors are not recorded (such as is the case on spans intentionally dropped).

Public namespace

Brave 4's public namespace is more defensive that the past, using a package accessor design from OkHttp.

Rate-limiting sampler

RateLimitingSampler was made to allow Amazon X-Ray rules to be expressed in Brave. We considered their Reservoir design. Our implementation differs as it removes a race condition and attempts to be more fair by distributing accept decisions every decisecond.