This is a simple Node app with an Express API for returning taco recipes.
Note: this API is running in a free Heroku dyno so it may take a minute to spin up, be patient 😌
This API only has a single GET request at the root /
. This will return all the recipe data.
To filter recipes by name, use the name
query parameter
To filter recipes by included ingredients, use the includeIngredients
query parameter
To filter by more than one ingredient, comma separate them. Note: this does an OR query returning recipes that have any of the comma separated ingredients.
To filter recipes by excluded ingredients, use the excludeIngredients
query parameter. This will return recipes that do not included the filtered ingredient.
To filter by more than one ingredient, comma separate them. Note: this does an OR query returning recipes that don't have one or more of the comma separated ingredients.
If you want to contribute to this project, below you will find everything you need.
This project uses Yarn for its package manager.
yarn install
node server.js
yarn test
If you'd like to add your taco recipe, pull requests are welcome.
To add recipes, add an object to the array of data in the recipes.json
file with the following shape
"name": "name of the recipe",
"ingredients": [
"quantity": "quantity of ingredient, ex. 1 cup, 1/2 tablespoon, etc.",
"name": "name of ingredient",
"preparation": "preparation if it exists, ex. chopped, minced, etc."
//... more ingredients as needed
"directions": [
"step by step",
"instructions to prepare",
"this taco recipe"
This application is deployed to Heroku
Make sure you are logged into the Tandem team account in the CLI
heroku login -i
Check that you have Heroku's remote setup for the app
heroku git:remote -a guac-is-extra
Push the updated code to Heroku
git push heroku main
And make sure you don't forget to push your changes to the Github remote as well 🤗
git push origin head