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File metadata and controls

200 lines (138 loc) · 5.46 KB

attribute-based access control - frontend

The frontend of the application handles the authentication flow (sign-up, sign-in, etc.) through AWS SDK and libraries. It does this through a set of Node.js scripts to quickly build the functionality. However, the same principles is applied to the real frontend (browser) application as well.


  • Ensure that the backend application is deployed first.

    A successful deployment will copy the required AWS configurations such as User pool ID, Identity pool ID, S3 bucket names to the git-ignored ./config/aws.json file to be used in the authentication flow.


Ensure that you are in the frontend directory and run the following command:

npm install

Configure the User's Credentials

There are two types of users in the application: free and premium. All attributes are required, and the username must be a valid email address. In a browser application, these fields are filled in during sign-up.

  "free": {
    "username": "<valid email address>",
    "password": "",
    "givenName": ""
  "premium": {
    "username": "<valid email address>",
    "password": "",
    "givenName": ""
  • Copy ./config/users.local.json to ./config/users.json. The new file is git-ignored.
  • Update the username, password, and givenName attributes for the free-type user.


If you have a gmail account, use + trick to create unique email addresses. e.g. [email protected].

Testing the Application

1. Create a New User

The following command creates a new free-type user using the credentials set up in the ./config/users.json file.

npm run signup userType=free

The email address receives a verification code if the user is created successfully.

verification code

2. Confirm the Registration

After registering, the user account must be confirmed using the verification code.

npm run confirm userType=free confirmationCode=<verification code>

confirmed user account

3. Login to the Application

The command uses the credentials set up earlier to log in to the application. A successful login will:

  • Receive tokens (ID, Access, and Refresh) from Cognito.
  • Fetch temporary AWS credentials from Identity Pool using the obtained tokens.
  • Store both the tokens and temporary credentials under the free user in the ./config/users.json file.
npm run signin userType=free

4. Access the Resources

The free-type user has the following permissions in the application:

  • Read access to the S3 bucket that contains free contents.
  • Access to the /membership API Gateway endpoint to become a premium user.

The command below lists the free contents from the dev-attr-based-acc-ctrl-free-content S3 bucket.

npm run list-bucket userType=free

The command prints a similar output:

  IsTruncated: false,
  Marker: '',
  MaxKeys: 2,
  Name: 'dev-attr-based-acc-ctrl-free-content',
  Prefix: ''

Check if the free-type user has access to the premium content. The command below attempts to list the premium contents by explicitly specifying the bucket name.

npm run list-bucket userType=free bucketName=dev-attr-based-acc-ctrl-premium-content

The command should receive an Access Denied response.

AccessDenied: Access Denied
  '$fault': 'client',
  '$metadata': {
    httpStatusCode: 403,
  Code: 'AccessDenied',
  RequestId: 'xxx',
  HostId: ''

5. Become a Premium User

The command below calls the /membership endpoint to upgrade the user's membership to premium.

npm run become-premium-user userType=free

If the command succeeds, it will print the following message:

{ message: 'Membership updated successfully' }

Rename the free attribute to premium and the premium attribute to free in ./config/users.json.

6. Access the resources as a Premium User

Premium users have access to both free and premium contents.

# lists the premium contents from the `dev-attr-based-acc-ctrl-premium-content` S3 bucket
npm run list-bucket userType=premium

# lists the free contents
npm run list-bucket userType=premium bucketName=dev-attr-based-acc-ctrl-free-content

7. Refresh the Session (Optional)

The temporary AWS credentials expire after 1 hour. They can be refreshed by running the following command.

npm run refresh-session userType=<free | premium>


We created a free-type user and upgraded to a premium user. You can additionally create a free-type user alongside the premium user for testing their permissions in parallel.

Libraries used

  • The @aws-crypto/sha256-js, @aws-sdk/protocol-http, and @aws-sdk/signature-v4 packages are used to sign requests with AWS Signature Version 4. The /membership endpoint is secured by IAM authorization, so only authenticated users can invoke it.

  • The amazon-cognito-identity-js package is used to communicate with the user pool to handle the sign-in.


  • Replace the amazon-cognito-identity-js package with the compatible V3 version of the AWS SDK.
  • Update the sign-up flow to use PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange).