Fitten Code AI Programming Assistant for Neovim, helps you to use AI for automatic completion in Neovim, with support for functions like login, logout, shortcut key completion.
- 🚀 Fast completion thanks to
Fitten Code
- 🐛 Asynchronous I/O for improved performance
- 🐣 Support for
- 1️⃣ Document code
- 2️⃣ Edit code
- 3️⃣ Explain code
- 4️⃣ Find bugs
- 5️⃣ Generate unit test
- 6️⃣ Implement features
- 7️⃣ Optimize code
- 8️⃣ Refactor code
- 9️⃣ Start chat
- ⭐️ Accept all suggestions with
- 🧪 Accept line with
Ctrl + 🡫
- 🔎 Accept word with
Ctrl + 🡪
- ❄️ Undo accepted text
- 🧨 Automatic scrolling when previewing or completing code
- 🍭 Multiple HTTP/REST backends such as
(WIP) - 🛰️ Run as a
(WIP) source ornvim-cmp
- Neovim >= 0.8.0
- curl
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
opts = {},
use {
config = function()
fittencode.nvim comes with the following defaults:
action = {
document_code = {
-- Show "Fitten Code - Document Code" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
edit_code = {
-- Show "Fitten Code - Edit Code" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
explain_code = {
-- Show "Fitten Code - Explain Code" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
find_bugs = {
-- Show "Fitten Code - Find Bugs" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
generate_unit_test = {
-- Show "Fitten Code - Generate UnitTest" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
start_chat = {
-- Show "Fitten Code - Start Chat" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
identify_programming_language = {
-- Identify programming language of the current buffer
-- * Unnamed buffer
-- * Buffer without file extension
-- * Buffer no filetype detected
identify_buffer = true,
disable_specific_inline_completion = {
-- Disable auto-completion for some specific file suffixes by entering them below
-- For example, `suffixes = {'lua', 'cpp'}`
suffixes = {},
inline_completion = {
-- Enable inline code completion.
---@type boolean
enable = true,
-- Disable auto completion when the cursor is within the line.
---@type boolean
disable_completion_within_the_line = false,
-- Disable auto completion when pressing Backspace or Delete.
---@type boolean
disable_completion_when_delete = false,
-- Auto triggering completion
---@type boolean
auto_triggering_completion = true,
-- Accept Mode
-- Available options:
-- * `commit` (VSCode style accept, also default)
-- - `Tab` to Accept all suggestions
-- - `Ctrl+Right` to Accept word
-- - `Ctrl+Down` to Accept line
-- - Interrupt
-- - Enter a different character than suggested
-- - Exit insert mode
-- - Move the cursor
-- * `stage` (Stage style accept)
-- - `Tab` to Accept all staged characters
-- - `Ctrl+Right` to Stage word
-- - `Ctrl+Left` to Revoke word
-- - `Ctrl+Down` to Stage line
-- - `Ctrl+Up` to Revoke line
-- - Interrupt(Same as `commit`, but with the following changes:)
-- - Characters that have already been staged will be lost.
accept_mode = 'commit',
delay_completion = {
-- Delay time for inline completion (in milliseconds).
---@type integer
delaytime = 0,
prompt = {
-- Maximum number of characters to prompt for completion/chat.
max_characters = 1000000,
chat = {
-- Highlight the conversation in the chat window at the current cursor position.
highlight_conversation_at_cursor = false,
-- Style
-- Available options:
-- * `sidebar` (Siderbar style, also default)
-- * `floating` (Floating style)
style = 'sidebar',
sidebar = {
-- Width of the sidebar in characters.
width = 42,
-- Position of the sidebar.
-- Available options:
-- * `left`
-- * `right`
position = 'left',
floating = {
-- Border style of the floating window.
-- Same border values as `nvim_open_win`.
border = 'rounded',
-- Size of the floating window.
-- <= 1: percentage of the screen size
-- > 1: number of lines/columns
size = { width = 0.8, height = 0.8 },
-- Enable/Disable the default keymaps in inline completion.
use_default_keymaps = true,
-- Default keymaps
keymaps = {
inline = {
['<TAB>'] = 'accept_all_suggestions',
['<C-Down>'] = 'accept_line',
['<C-Right>'] = 'accept_word',
['<C-Up>'] = 'revoke_line',
['<C-Left>'] = 'revoke_word',
['<A-\\>'] = 'triggering_completion',
chat = {
['q'] = 'close',
['[c'] = 'goto_previous_conversation',
[']c'] = 'goto_next_conversation',
['c'] = 'copy_conversation',
['C'] = 'copy_all_conversations',
['d'] = 'delete_conversation',
['D'] = 'delete_all_conversations',
-- Setting for source completion.
source_completion = {
-- Enable source completion.
enable = true,
-- engine support nvim-cmp and blink.cmp
engine = "cmp", -- "cmp" | "blink"
-- trigger characters for source completion.
-- Available options:
-- * A list of characters like {'a', 'b', 'c', ...}
-- * A function that returns a list of characters like `function() return {'a', 'b', 'c', ...}`
trigger_chars = {},
-- Set the mode of the completion.
-- Available options:
-- * 'inline' (VSCode style inline completion)
-- * 'source' (integrates into other completion plugins)
completion_mode = 'inline',
---@class LogOptions
log = {
-- Log level.
level = vim.log.levels.WARN,
-- Max log file size in MB, default is 10MB
max_size = 10,
Set updatetime
to a lower value to improve performance:
-- Neovim default updatetime is 4000
vim.opt.updatetime = 200
Now we can use fittencode.nvim
as a source
for nvim-cmp
or blink.cmp
completion_mode ='source',
-- cmp config
sources = { name = 'fittencode', group_index = 1 },
mapping = {
-- Accept multi-line completion
['<c-y>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Insert, select = false }),
-- blink config
-- add fittencode.nvim to dependencies
dependencies = {
{ "luozhiya/fittencode.nvim" },
opts = {
-- add fittencode to sources
sources = {
completion = {
enabled_providers = { "lsp", "path", "snippets", "buffer", "fittencode" },
-- set custom providers with fittencode
providers = {
fittencode = {
name = "fittencode",
module = "fittencode.sources.blink",
FittenCode's cmp source now has a builtin highlight group CmpItemKindFittencode. To add an icon to FittenCode for lspkind, simply add FittenCode to your lspkind symbol map.
-- lspkind.lua
local lspkind = require("lspkind")
symbol_map = {
FittenCode = "",
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CmpItemKindFittenCode", {fg ="#6CC644"})
Alternatively, you can add FittemCode to the lspkind symbol_map within the cmp format function.
-- cmp.lua
cmp.setup {
formatting = {
format = lspkind.cmp_format({
mode = "symbol",
max_width = 50,
symbol_map = { FittenCode = "" }
using lualine
local emoji = {"🚫", "⏸️ ", "⌛️", "⚠️ ", "0️⃣ ", "✅"}
return "🅕" .. emoji[require("fittencode").get_current_status()] end,
If you do not use lspkind, simply add the custom icon however you normally handle kind formatting and it will integrate as if it was any other normal lsp completion kind.
- Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets
. - Essential parameters are enclosed in
Command | Description |
Fitten register |
If you haven't registered yet, please run the command to register. |
Fitten login |
Try the command Fitten login to login. |
Fitten logout |
Logout account |
Command | Description |
Fitten enable_completions [filetypes] |
Enable global/filetypes completions. |
Fitten disable_completions [filetypes] |
Disable global/filetypes completions. |
Command | Description |
Fitten document_code |
Document code |
Fitten edit_code |
Edit code |
Fitten explain_code |
Explain code |
Fitten find_bugs |
Find bugs |
Fitten generate_unit_test [test_framework] [language] |
Generate unit test |
Fitten implement_features |
Implement features |
Fitten optimize_code |
Optimize code |
Fitten refactor_code |
Refactor code |
Fitten identify_programming_language |
Identify programming language |
Fitten analyze_data |
Analyze data |
Fitten translate_text |
Translate text |
Fitten translate_text_into_chinese |
Translate text into Chinese |
Fitten translate_text_into_english |
Translate text into English |
Fitten start_chat |
Start chat |
Fitten show_chat |
Show chat window |
Fitten toggle_chat |
Toggle chat window |
Mappings | Action |
Tab |
Accept all suggestions |
Ctrl + 🡫 |
Accept line |
Ctrl + 🡪 |
Accept word |
Ctrl + 🡩 |
Revoke line |
Ctrl + 🡨 |
Revoke word |
Alt + \ |
Manually triggering completion |
Mappings | Action |
q |
Close chat |
[c |
Go to previous conversation |
]c |
Go to next conversation |
c |
Copy conversation |
C |
Copy all conversations |
d |
Delete conversation |
D |
Delete all conversations |
provides a set of APIs to help you integrate it with other plugins or scripts.
- Access the APIs by calling
-- Log levels
vim.log = {
levels = {
TRACE = 0,
DEBUG = 1,
INFO = 2,
WARN = 3,
ERROR = 4,
OFF = 5,
---@class ActionOptions
---@field prompt? string
---@field content? string
---@field language? string
---@class GenerateUnitTestOptions : ActionOptions
---@field test_framework string
---@class ImplementFeaturesOptions : ActionOptions
---@field feature_type string
---@class TranslateTextOptions : ActionOptions
---@field target_language string
---@class EnableCompletionsOptions
---@field enable? boolean
---@field mode? 'inline' | 'source'
---@field global? boolean
---@field suffixes? string[]
---@type StatusCodes
local StatusCodes = {
IDLE = 2,
ERROR = 4,
API Prototype | Description |
login(username, password) |
Login to Fitten Code AI |
logout() |
Logout from Fitten Code AI |
register() |
Register to Fitten Code AI |
set_log_level(level) |
Set the log level |
get_current_status() |
Get the StatusCodes of the InlineEngine and ActionEngine |
triggering_completion() |
Manually triggering completion |
has_suggestions() |
Check if there are suggestions |
dismiss_suggestions() |
Dismiss suggestions |
accept_all_suggestions() |
Accept all suggestions |
accept_line() |
Accept line |
accept_word() |
Accept word |
accept_char() |
Accept character |
revoke_line() |
Revoke line |
revoke_word() |
Revoke word |
revoke_char() |
Revoke character |
document_code(ActionOptions) |
Document code |
edit_code(ActionOptions) |
Edit code |
explain_code(ActionOptions) |
Explain code |
find_bugs(ActionOptions) |
Find bugs |
generate_unit_test(GenerateUnitTestOptions) |
Generate unit test |
implement_features(ImplementFeaturesOptions) |
Implement features |
optimize_code(ActionOptions) |
Optimize code |
refactor_code(ActionOptions) |
Refactor code |
identify_programming_language(ActionOptions) |
Identify programming language |
analyze_data(ActionOptions) |
Analyze data |
translate_text(TranslateTextOptions) |
Translate text |
translate_text_into_chinese(TranslateTextOptions) |
Translate text into Chinese |
translate_text_into_english(TranslateTextOptions) |
Translate text into English |
start_chat(ActionOptions) |
Start chat |
enable_completions(EnableCompletionsOptions) |
Enable completions |
show_chat() |
Show chat window |
toggle_chat() |
Toggle chat window |