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92 lines (80 loc) · 2.69 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (80 loc) · 2.69 KB

Project Architecture

The majority of the code resides in the src folder, structured as follows:

+-- api               # API-related functions and utilities
+-- assets            # static files used across the entire application (images, fonts, etc.)
+-- components        # shared components used across the entire application
+-- config            # global configuration, env variables, etc., exported for application-wide use
+-- features          # feature-based modules
+-- hooks             # shared hooks used across the entire application
+-- layouts           # layout components used across the entire application
+-- lib               # re-exported libraries preconfigured for the application
+-- pages             # page components used in routing
+-- providers         # application providers
+-- routes            # routes configuration
+-- stores            # global state stores
+-- test              # test utilities and mock server
+-- utils             # shared utility functions

To ensure scalability and maintainability, the primary codebase is organized within the features folder. This folder contains feature-specific code, following a structured approach to keep functionalities isolated.

The structure of a typical feature is as follows:

+-- api         # exported API request declarations and API hooks specific to the feature
+-- assets      # static files for the feature
+-- components  # components scoped to the feature
+-- hooks       # hooks scoped to the feature
+-- pages       # page components used in routing for the feature
+-- routes      # route components for the feature pages
+-- stores      # state stores for the feature
+-- types       # TypeScript types for the feature-specific domain
+-- utils       # utility functions for the feature
+-- index.ts    # entry point for the feature, serving as the public API and exporting all necessary features

The index.ts file of each feature acts as its public API, exporting everything that should be used outside the feature. When importing from other features, use:

import { AwesomeComponent } from "@/features/awesome-feature";`

Avoid detailed paths like:

import { AwesomeComponent } from '@/features/awesome-feature/components/AwesomeComponent';

To enforce this practice, consider configuring ESLint with the following rule:

    rules: {
        'no-restricted-imports': [
                patterns: ['@/features/*/*'],
    // of the configuration

This ensures cleaner and more maintainable import statements throughout the project.