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177 lines (139 loc) · 5.38 KB

File metadata and controls

177 lines (139 loc) · 5.38 KB


Convenience utilities for Amazon Web Services

import ""

EasyAWS makes the common use cases trivial to implement, without having to remember or lookup documentation details. It uses the official AWS SDK for Go 'under the hood'.

The library has been implemented, as described below, but the CLI has not been implemented yet.

Before making any AWS service call, you will need to acquire a pointer to an AWS Session. With this utility, that requires only one line of code.

Once an AWS Session has been acquired, you can make an AWS service call, passing your AWS Session pointer into the service call function. Ideally, it should be done without an allocation, as in the examples below.


Convenience methods that return a pointer to an AWS session.Session.

If (and only if) you need to allocate a variable for the *session.Session, you must:

import ""

Four approaches to return a pointer to an AWS *session.Session are supported:

AWS Session From Environmental Variables

func SessionFromEnvVars() *session.Session
sessPtr := easyaws.SessionFromEnvVars()

Supports these environmental variables:


AWS Session from Profile (file)

func SessionFromProfile(Profile string) *session.Session
sessPtr := easyaws.SessionFromProfile("gopher")

Looks for profile settings in two locations - both required:

  • ~/.aws/credentials
  • ~/.aws/config


func SessionFromStaticCreds(AwsAccessKeyID string, AwsSecretAccessKey string, AwsRegion string) *session.Session
AwsAccessKeyID := "AKIAJDFYZLXQ7NR4FG7A"  // Example only.  Not valid.
AwsSecretAccessKey := "o6Aahq0dEJMvBWd0QmNb4a0zrEoTyBsKMdwxo54F"  // Example only.  Not valid.
AwsRegion := "us-east-1"
sessPtr := easyaws.SessionFromStaticCreds(AwsAccessKeyID, AwsSecretAccessKey, AwsRegion)


Send Email

func SendMail(to []string, from string, cc []string, bcc []string, subject string, body string, awsSession *session.Session) (string, error)
to 	:= []string{"[email protected]"}
from 	:= "[email protected]"
cc 	:= []string{"[email protected]"}
bcc 	:= []string{}
subject := "Joke"
body 	:= "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
profile := "default"
messageID, err := aws.SendMail(to, from, cc, bcc, subject, body, easyaws.SessionFromEnvVars())
if err != nil{
fmt.Println("Message ID: " + messageID)


Download Files from S3

func FilesFromS3(localDir string, bucket string, keys []string, awsSession *session.Session) error
localDir := "/Users/chrisbenson"
bucket := "chrisbenson"
keys := []string{"myTestFiles/test1.txt", "myTestFiles/test2.txt", "myTestFiles/test3.txt"}
err := FilesFromS3(localDir, bucket, keys, easyaws.SessionFromEnvVars())
if err != nil {

Download Bytes from S3

func BytesFromS3(bucket string, keys []string, awsSession *session.Session) (map[string][]byte, error)
bucket := "chrisbenson"
keys := []string{"myTestFiles/test1.txt", "myTestFiles/test2.txt", "myTestFiles/test3.txt"}
bytesMap, err := BytesFromS3(bucket, keys, easyaws.SessionFromEnvVars())
if err != nil {

Upload Bytes to S3

func BytesToS3(byteMap map[string][]byte, bucket string, prefix string, awsSession *session.Session) error
var byteMap = make(map[string][]byte, 3)
byteMap["luke"] = []byte("skywalker")
byteMap["princess"] = []byte("leia")
byteMap["darth"] = []byte("vader")
bucket := "chrisbenson"
prefix := "myTestFiles/" //If present, full S3 file path prefix without file name.  Include a trailing slash, but not a leading slash.
profile := "default"
err := easyaws.BytesToS3(byteMap, bucket, prefix, easyaws.SessionFromEnvVars()) error
if err != nil {

Upload Files to S3

func FilesToS3(files []string, bucket string, prefix string, awsSession *session.Session) error
files := []string{"/Users/chrisbenson/test1.txt", "/Users/chrisbenson/test2.txt", "/Users/chrisbenson/test3.txt"} // Full local file path
bucket := "chrisbenson"
prefix := "myTestFiles/" //If present, full S3 file path prefix without file name.  Include a trailing slash, but not a leading slash.
profile := "default"
err := aws.FilesToS3(files, bucket, prefix, easyaws.SessionFromEnvVars())
if err != nil {

Delete From S3

func DeleteFromS3(bucket string, keys []string, awsSession *session.Session) error
bucket := "chrisbenson"
keys := []string{"myTestFiles/test1.txt", "myTestFiles/test2.txt", "myTestFiles/test3.txt"}
err := aws.DeleteFromS3(bucket, keys, easyaws.SessionFromEnvVars())
if err != nil {

List S3 Keys

func ListS3Keys(bucket string, prefix string, awsSession *session.Session) ([]string, error)
bucket := "chrisbenson"
prefix := "documents/" // Leave empty to list the entire bucket, or include a path prefix for a subset of keys.  Include a trailing slash, but not a leading slash.
profile := "default"
keys, err := aws.ListS3Keys(bucket, prefix, easyaws.SessionFromEnvVars())
if err != nil {
} else {
    for _, key := range keys {


This is an early development version. New features are being added all the time.