The plugin will search for any files ending in .appup.src
, evaluate them and write the result to the .appup
file. The last term for the expression in this file should a properly formatted .appup
Here is a simple example in the relapp test release:
Version = "1.0.17",
{ok, V} = relapp_m1:test("1.0.16"),
UpFrom = DownTo = V,
Note that we are able to access methods in our codebase (ie. the relapp_m1
Before being evaluated there is a template variable substitution phase using mustache templates, the following variables are available:
- the current release version
Here is an example of this in practice in the relapp test release:
{<<".*">>, [{restart_application, relapp}]}
{<<".*">>, [{restart_application, relapp}]}
The following built-in variables are exposed and made available when evaluating the .appup.src
's internal state
The plugin exposes these methods in order to ease extraction of useful information from the state:
rebar3_appup_utils:find_app_info(Name :: binary(), State :: #state_t{}) -> #app_info_t{}
. Given an app name obtains it's app info record from rebar's state,rebar_app_info
methods can then be used to extract all kinds of information.
Here is another example from the relapp test release:
%% find our app info in rebar's STATE
AppInfo = rebar3_appup_utils:find_app_info(<<"relapp">>, STATE),
"{{vsn}}" = rebar_app_info:original_vsn(AppInfo),
{<<".*">>, [{restart_application, relapp}]}
{<<".*">>, [{restart_application, relapp}]}