A client requested a website with a "retro-tech" look. Unfortunately, the client's business never saw the light of day, but I felt that the work I put into it is still interesting enough to show off. What you're looking at is a "3D layout" script. It gives elements with a class name of pop
(configurable, see below) the appearance of receeding toward a vanishing point.
Popout.js extends 2D HTML elements into the third dimension by projecting them toward a point on the screen(though I suppose there is nothing stopping you from defining a point off the screen). If you've ever taken a drawing class, you probably understand this as one-point perspective. It automatically picks up the background color of these elements and shades the sides accordingly, giving it a more realistic illusion of receeding into the depths of the screen.
This is easier to see in action than it is for me to explain:
Check it out in a simple demo here. As you can see and it handles :hover states, colors with transparency just fine.
Also, a somewhat more practical example that uses some non-default configuration options is here).
As you can see, Popout.js is fairly flexible.
Popout.js is fairly straight-forward to include in your pages. Just add:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/init.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/popout.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
to the bottom of your pages. If you need to support IE, include ExplorerCanvas as well.
By default, Popout.js will look for any elements with a classname of 'pop' and style them accordingly. You can override this classname and other variables by modifying the init.js
####Configuration variables include:
canvasID - Declare ID to give injected Canvas element. Default is depth
popoutSelector - Class name to targer. Default is pop
gradientStop - Adjust gradient. Higher values = darker gradients. Default is 60
stroke - Apply a stroke to drawn shapes. Deafuls is false
####Experimental variables These come with some caveats. You have been warned!
height - Declare canvas height. By default, the canvas is window-sized, and will resize along with the window. Overriding the default will set a static the canvas element to a static height.
noSides - Only draw top and bottom faces, ignoring the right and left sides. Default is false
vanishingPoint - Declare an alternate vanishing point, in the format:
'vanishingPoint': {
'x': 100,
'y': 200
Both x
and y
must be declared together. By default, vanishingPoint.x
& vanishingPoint.y
are set to the center of the window, and it is recalculated if the window is resized. Overriding this will result in a static vanishing point.
A proper To-Do.