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lowRISC SystemVerilog Coding Style Guide for Design Verification

This document is a supplemental Style Guide to the lowRISC Verilog style guide, with emphasis on writing code for Design Verification (DV) in SystemVerilog, following the UVM methodology.

Table of Contents


This guide defines the Comportable style for DV-specific SystemVerilog code. The goal is to use this common set of guidelines when implementing testbenches using the UVM methodology to allow all developed Comportable DV code to be uniform, reusable, and portable. This document assumes previous experience and working knowledge of UVM, and as such all included code snippets will be fairly concise.

Naming and Style

Refer to lowRISC Verilog naming conventions for any general naming style guidelines. In general, common UVM testbench components must be declared and assigned handles as follows:

Testbench component Style
Virtual interfaces virtual <if_name>_if <if_name>_vif;
Environment <dut>_env env;
Env level config object rand <dut>_env_cfg cfg;
Env coverage collection object <dut>_env_cov cov;
Agent <dut>_agent m_<dut>_agent;
Agent level config object rand <dut>_agent_cfg m_<dut>_agent_cfg;
Agent coverage collection object <dut>_agent_cov cov;
Driver <dut>_driver driver;
Monitor <dut>_monitor monitor;
Scoreboard <dut>_scoreboard scoreboard;
Virtual sequencer <dut>_virtual_sequencer virtual_sequencer;
Sequencer <dut>_sequencer <dut>_sequencer;

Additional naming guidelines:

  1. The top level testbench file that instantiates the DUT must be named The testbench module must be named tb, and the instance name of the DUT in must be dut. Using this standardized naming allows universal usage of any supporting DV sources (coverage cfg files, and so on).
  2. When instantiating any objects, the name argument to type_id::create() must match the name of the variable being assigned to. This ensures that any reporting messages refer to the right objects.
  3. To avoid name collisions, it is recommended that global types and types defined within a package have unique prefixes. This includes typedefs, enumerated types/values, package parameters, package localparams, any functions/tasks, and macros. This prefixing is not necessary for any types defined within a class, module, or interface, as they will be scoped by the parent entity.
  4. Note that all package variables (parameters, etc.) must have a specified type.
  5. When instantiating a user-defined class member variable that is a class object, it is recommended (but not necessary) to follow this prefixing scheme:
    • Prefix the instance name of the class object with m_, as such:

      my_animal m_my_animal;

      This scheme does not apply to any class member variables that are not themselves class objects.

    • If multiple instantiations of the class are desired without an array to store them, use <class_name> m_<instance_name> to declare a variable, and use an informative instance name.

      my_animal m_my_cat;
      my_animal m_my_dog;
      my_animal m_my_fish;
    • If an array of class handles or logic is desired, choose a name such that it follows one of the following schemes:

      int NUM_ANIMALS = 10;
      // This plural convention is recommended, but both are equally acceptable
      my_animal m_my_animals[NUM_ANIMALS];
      my_animal m_my_animal_array[NUM_ANIMALS];

Directory Structure and Packages

Define one class per file, and the filename should match the name of the class. The class files must be `include-ed into the package file. Directory structure of the UVM agent and UVM environment testbench components along with their related files are shown below, with some additional guidance on declaring functions from a package context.

uvm_agent directory structure

  • All DV code for a particular agent will be placed under a single directory <block>_agent/ separate from the DV code for the corresponding environment.
  • It is highly recommended that all agent directories be placed in a common area to create a repository of UVM agents that allows for more vertical reuse.
  <block> (Only if block requires a separate driver for host mode)
  <block> (Only if block requires a separate driver for device mode)

uvm_env directory structure

  • All DV code for the UVM environment, UVM tests, and top level block testbench will be placed in a directory <dut>/dv/ in three corresponding subdirectories <dut>/dv/env/, <dut>/dv/tests/, <dut>/dv/tb/.
  • The <dut>_env_pkg should import the <dut>_agent_pkg.
  • All UVM virtual sequences for a given DUT will be placed under env/seq_lib/, along with a <dut> file that `include-es all of the virtual sequence files. This virtual sequence list file must be `include-ed by env/<dut>
  • If applicable, env/<dut> must import the <dut>_agent_pkg.
  • tests/<dut> must import the <dut>_env_pkg package.
  • All files `include-ed into a single package must be in the same single directory.
      // These allow basic functionality to be added to the environment

<block>, <dut>, <dut>, and tb/ must include these `include-es and imports:

`include "dv_macros.svh"
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
import uvm_pkg::*;

An example environment level package file for an arbitrary block newblock should look similar to this:

package newblock_env_pkg;
  // dep packages
  import uvm_pkg::*;
  import newblock_agent_pkg::*;

  // macro includes
  `include "uvm_macros.svh"
  `include "dv_macros.svh"

  // define any parameters
  parameter int NEW_BLOCK_PARAMETER = 10;

  // define any local types/functions/tasks
  typedef enum bit {
  } newblock_boolean_e;

  // Functions declared within packages must be automatic
  function automatic bit newblock_test_function(newblock_boolean_e test_boolean);
    //function definition

UVM Guidelines

Always call run_test() without the test name argument. This allows command line test overrides to be performed using +UVM_TESTNAME=<testname> without having to recompile and allows testlists to be created for regression runs.

Class Definitions

  1. After variable declarations, register any objects and components with the factory using the uvm_component_utils and uvm_object_utils macros.

    • Declare any member variables to be registered with the UVM factory field automation macros uvm_field_int, uvm_field_enum, uvm_field_object, uvm_field_array_int, etc. within uvm_object/component_utils_begin and uvm_object/component_utils_end.
  2. For all field automation macros, use UVM_DEFAULT as the flag argument. For example, if it is desired that everything except comparing and printing be enabled for some rx_delay field, the macro would look like this:

    `uvm_field_int(rx_delay, UVM_DEFAULT | UVM_NOCOMPARE | UVM_NOPRINT)
  3. After factory registration, a constructor must be defined. Use the uvm_object_new macro for UVM objects and the uvm_component_new macro for UVM components. Both of these macros are defined in dv_macros.svh.

  4. Any constructors written manually should contain a call to [,parent]) as the first line. Any other lines in the constructor are optional.

  5. Do not add any extra arguments to the constructor other than name and parent.

  6. All objects should generally be instantiated in the build_phase() function for components, or in the beginning of the body() task for sequences, unless there is a good reason not to. This is to enable proper usage of uvm_factory overrides.

  7. When extending any user-defined component class, super.<phase_name>_phase must be called for every phase method that is being overridden.

  8. Transaction classes are usually logical representations of the data communicated over one or more interfaces executing a particular protocol. These classes:

    • Should extend uvm_sequence_item.
    • Should contain only information that is relevant to the data being transmitted over an interface, and not to the means of transmit.
    • Should result in a legal transaction when randomized.

UVM new() functions

The new() function of any class derived from uvm_object must have the default value of its name argument set to "", since the default name argument will be set by type_id::create(). The new() function of any class not derived from uvm_object must not have default values set for its arguments. Examples:


// class derived from uvm_object with correct default value
function new (string name = "");;
endfunction : new

// class derived from uvm_component with no default values
function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent);
endfunction : new


// Incorrect default value used for class derived from uvm_object
function new(string name = "my_rand_seq");;
endfunction : new

// Incorrect because default values for class derived from uvm_component are provided
function new(string name = "", uvm_component parent);, parent);
endfunction : new

uvm_scoreboard usage

Use uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo - can be directly connected to analysis ports, and has an unbounded size so that writes will always succeed without blocking, in situations where transactions need to be stored for some time before being consumed by the scoreboard for processing.

uvm_agent usage

  1. Interface agents should contain only a sequencer, driver, monitor, and config object.
  2. Use one agent for every interface of the DUT, with an optional sequencer and driver whose instantiation is determined by the value of <agent_cfg>.is_active. This is placed in the agent config object to allow for better access throughout the testbench.
  3. For any DUT interfaces that have multiple operation modes (such as host and device modes), two drivers should be created, one for each mode, and arbitration done in the uvm_agent::build_phase function to determine which driver to instantiate. Each driver should have different sequences that correspond to it.

uvm_driver usage

  1. A driver must only communicate with one sequencer on one SystemVerilog interface, and should not have any analysis ports.
  2. A driver should not randomize any data received from transaction items sent through analysis ports.
  3. A driver must assign X to any buses it controls during "don't-care" clock cycles in which no valid transaction is present.

Macro Usage

The UVM library provides several macros as shortcuts for commonly used sequences of code. In addition to this, the provided dv_macros.svh file defines other utility macros for even more common code sequences.

Guidelines for UVM library macros

  1. All lowercase `uvm_... expressions denote library macros, and do not require trailing semicolons.
  2. uvm_object_* and uvm_component_* macros
    • Use these macros to register classes with the uvm_factory.
  3. uvm_field_* macros
    • Use these macros for members of sequence items. While these macros implement expensive versions of common functions required for sequence items, the overhead is generally not worth implementing custom versions for every sequence item. Additionally, these macros add a great deal of readability and help avoid coding mistakes with custom implementations. Only implement custom versions of these macros if performance becomes a very noticeable issue. Do not use these macros with classes derived from uvm_component.
  4. Do not use uvm_do macros. Instead, start sequence items on a sequencer using the following high level steps:
    • start_item(<sequence_item>, <priority>).
    • Randomize the sequence item.
    • finish_item(<sequence_item>, <priority>).
    • get_response(<response>).

Guidelines for macros within dv_macros.svh

  1. UVM print macros - gfn, gtn, gn, gmv
    • These macros provide a concise wrapper for get_full_name(), get_type_name(), get_name(), and uvm_reg.get_mirrored_value(), respectively. By using these it is possible to drastically reduce line length and improve readability.
  2. downcast(<extended_class_handle>, <base_class_handle>)
    • Use this macro to cast a handle for any base class object that contains a handle to an extended class to the extended class type, useful for situations that require polymorphism.
  3. uvm_object_new and uvm_component_new
    • Use these macros to include the new() constructor for classes derived from uvm_object and uvm_component, respectively. If any additional logic must be included in the constructor, these macros must not be used, and a constructor must be written manually.
  4. uvm_create_obj and uvm_create_comp
    • Use these macros to call create(<instance_name>) and create(<instance_name>, this), respectively.
  5. DV_CHECK_* comparison checking macros
    • These macros must be used to perform checks on the input arguments and invoke one of the uvm_info, uvm_error, or uvm_fatal reporting macros if the check fails. These are much more concise than hand-writing the comparison checks and the corresponding UVM report macro and provide efficient readability.
    • The severity of the invoked report macro can be specified with the <uvm_severity> argument, the default reporting macro is uvm_error.
    • Append _FATAL to the end of these macro names to invoke variants of these macros that will automatically throw fatal errors upon check failure (e.g. DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL, DV_CHECK_LE_FATAL, etc..).
  6. Randomization macros
    • dv_macros.svh provides three sets of macros which must be used for all randomization functionality:
      • DV_CHECK_RANDOMIZE_FATAL - Shorthand for foo.randomize() with a uvm_fatal check.
      • DV_CHECK_STD_RANDOMIZE_FATAL - Shorthand for std::randomize(foo) with a uvm_fatal check.
      • DV_CHECK_MEMBER_RANDOMIZE_FATAL - Shorthand for this.randomize(foo) with a uvm_fatal check.
    • Variants of all three macros that allow constraints to be specified also exist, these macros are invoked by inserting WITH into the macro name: DV_..._RANDOMIZE_WITH_FATAL.
  7. DV_EOT_PRINT_..._CONTENTS TLM fifo display macros
    • It is recommended to use these macros to display the status of the various TLM fifos and queues in the scoreboard at the end of the test to ensure that those data structures have been emptied. There should be no pending transactions that have not yet been compared before the simulation ends. If used, these macros must be used during the check_phase.
    • It is recommended to use this macro in situations that require an isolation fork to disable some process after waiting for a specified amount of time, as it provides proper process isolation such as the example below:

      // forked threads should be labeled if they serve a specific purpose,
      // like the isolation thread below
      fork : isolation_fork
              <specified code to execute>
              <watchdog timer logic with error reporting>
          disable fork;

General macro use guidelines

  1. Macro Naming:
    • If the macro wraps some fundamental UVM functionality and deals directly with UVM functions, like uvm_component_new, and so on, the macro must be named all in lower_snake_case.
    • If the macro expands into a block of code that does not deal directly with UVM functionality, and is for convenience, like the DV_CHECK_* macros, the macro must be named in UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
  2. Macro vs. Parameters:
    • If the intent is to define a constant that is a basic data type or that is the result of an expression involving basic data types, a parameter (or localparam) must be used, depending on where the constants are being defined.
    • If the intent is to abstract away a code snippet or to represent a slice of an array, a macro must be used. If the macro is defined in a local perspective, it must be undefined at the end of the file, otherwise it will pollute the global namespace.

Typical gotchas with macro usage:

While it is better to avoid macros altogether, they do make our lives easier by shortening pieces of repeated code, in a manner that cannot be achieved with a function or a task. In general, the following describes the best practices to avoid common gotchas with macro usage.

  1. Always wrap macro arguments in parentheses. If the macro evaluates to an expression, also wrap the whole expansion in parentheses.The following example illustrates how failing to do this can cause an unexpected behavior.


    `define AND(a, b) a && b
    assign x = `AND(p || q, r) || s;
    // Bad: Wrong operator precedence! This results in: p || (q && r) || s
    //      which is not equal to ((p || q) && r) || s.


    `define AND(a, b) ((a) && (b))
    assign x = `AND(p || q, r) || s;
    // Good: Output in-line with the expectation.
  2. Macro usage scope and avoiding namespace collisions.

    Macros have a global scope regardless of where they are defined. Once compiled, they are visible to ALL subsequent sources in the same compilation unit as well as to all subsequent compilation units. Hence, care must be taken to prevent macro re-definitions. Some tools do not even warn about name collisions, causing unnecessary debug overhead.

    • Macro names must be appropriately prefixed with a thematically chosen string. It is typical to use the file name or the package name as the prefix string for all macros defined within that source.


      // file: dv_macros.h
      `define STRINGIFY(s) `"s`"
      // Bad: UVM library code also defines a macro with the same name.
      //      Depending on the tool, this may be flagged as an error.


      // file: dv_macros.h
      `define DV_STRINGIFY(s) `"s`"
    • If the scope of the macros defined are global in nature (useful for the entire testbench), then place them in a separate SystemVerilog header file with `ifndef guards. It must only contain macro definitions and nothing else. The file name must be suffixed with _macros and have the .svh extension to denote that it is a header file.


      // file: dv_macros.h
      automatic function void get_nco();
      // Bad: Putting functions and tasks in a header file that is potentially
      //      included multiple times.
      `define DV_FOO(...) ...
      // Bad: No ifndef guard. Macro re-definition warnings will be thrown if
      //      this header file is included in multiple sources.


      // file: dv_macros.svh
      `ifndef DV_FOO
        `define DV_FOO(...) ...
      `ifndef DV_BAR
        `define DV_BAR xyz
    • If the scope of the macros defined is limited to a package or source (individual interface, module or a class), then place them at the top of the file. Always `undef them at the end of the file so that they are no longer visible to subsequent sources during compilation. Do not put `ifndef guards on these macros, so that the re-definitions if encountered, are flagged.


      // file:
      `ifndef GET_DATA
        `define GET_DATA(baz) ...
      // Bad: Macro-redefinition if encountered, will be ignored due to the
      //      ifndef guard. Previously defined macro is invoked instead.
      // Bad: Macro name is not specific enough.
      class foo_init_seq;
      // EOF
      // Bad: Macro is not undefined at the end of the file.


      // file:
      `define GET_FOO_TX_FIFO_DATA_AFTER_OP(baz) ...
      class foo_init_seq;


      // file:
      `define GET_FOO_TX_FIFO_DATA(baz) ...
      // Package sources
      `include ""
      `include ""
      `include ""
      `undef GET_FOO_TX_FIFO_DATA
      // Good: Only the package sources can invoke this macro. It is not
               visible in any other code.
  3. Wrap macros that resolve to multiple statements within begin and end.

    Multi-statement macros are typically problematic when invoked in a single line conditional expression without begin..end. It is better to preempt this bug by wrapping the macro definition itself in begin..end.


    `define UPDATE_VALUES(a, b) \
      a = 88;                   \
      b = 1955;
    if (power_gw == 1.21) `UPDATE_VALUES(speed, year)
    // Great Scott! The year is unconditionally set to 1955.


    `define UPDATE_VALUES(a, b) \
      begin                     \
        a = 88;                 \
        b = 1955;               \
    if (power_gw == 1.21) `UPDATE_VALUES(speed, year)
    // Good: Both values are set only if the condition is met.

Please see this paper for more details and examples.


To use the UVM factory, these guidelines should be followed:

  1. All classes must be registered with the factory. Use the uvm_object_utils and uvm_component_utils macros to register all non-parameterized classes, and use uvm_object_param_utils and uvm_component_param_utils to register all parameterized classes.

  2. The create() API must be used to create all objects and components. Exceptions for this rule are any TLM related objects and covergroup objects, which should be created by directly calling new(), as they should not be registered with the factory.

  3. When using the factory to create objects with <type_name>::type_id::create(), the <type_name> must be explicitly declared, parameters representing types must not be used here.

  4. When using the factory to create objects, it is recommended to use the same name for both the name of the object and the variable used as a handle to the object to prevent unnecessary confusion from error messages.

    // create a single agent
    m_myblock_agent = myblock_agent::type_id::create("m_myblock_agent", this);
  5. When using the factory to create an array of objects, decorate the name of the object in the create() call with the index of the object in the array.

    // create an array of objects
    foreach (myobject_array[i]) begin
      myobject_array[i] = myobject::type_id::create($sformatf("myobject_array[%0d]", i), this);
  6. For classes derived from uvm_component, the parent argument should be the keyword this, so that the object hierarchy can be built correctly.

    m_axi_driver = axi_driver::type_id::create("m_axi_driver", this);
  7. For classes derived from uvm_object, use gfn as part of the name argument to append the full hierachy name, since uvm_object hierarchies are not automatically built. Note that this only applies to class instances that are not instantiated within a uvm_component in the test hierarchy, as in this case the full hierarchy name will already be provided.

    m_my_txn = my_txn::type_id::create({`gfn, ".m_my_txn"});
  8. All type or instance overrides must be in place before creating the class instance. Factory usage examples:

    // Override all drivers in testbench with my_driver
    factory.set_type_override_by_type(current_driver::get_type(), my_driver::get_type());
    // Override all drivers in testbench with my_driver - alternative syntax
    // Override specific instance of current_driver with my_driver
    factory.set_inst_override_by_type("env1.m_agent1.driver", current_driver::get_type(), my_driver::get_type());
    // Override specific instance of current driver - alternative syntax
    current_driver::type_id::set_inst_override(my_driver::get_type(), "env.m_agent1.driver");

Configuration Mechanism

When using the UVM configuration database, these guidelines should be followed:

  1. The uvm_config_db API must be used. Do not use uvm_resource_db. Do not use set/get_config_object(), set/get_config_string(), or set/get_config_int(), these have been deprecated.

  2. In general, a designated configuration object extended from uvm_object should be used for every uvm_env and uvm_agent component in the testbench.

  3. It is recommended that the environment's configuration object contain the agent's configuration object.

  4. The uvm_config_db API should be used to pass configuration objects to locations where they are needed. It should not be used to pass integers, strings, or other basic data types, since it is much easier for namespace collisions to occur when using lower level types.

  5. Checks for success must always be performed when using the uvm_config_db. If the lookup fails, issue a uvm_fatal to terminate the simulation. This should be done as follows:

    if (!uvm_config_db#(...)::get(...)) begin
  6. Wildcards must not be used in the field argument of uvm_config_db::set(...) calls. It is allowed to use wildcards in the inst_name argument of these calls, with proper precautions.


  1. It is recommended to keep sequences as generic as possible and to avoid writing directed sequences unless absolutely necessary.
  2. It is recommended to avoid explicit delays in terms of absolute time to make code emulation friendly. Delays in terms of clock cycles are allowed.
  3. The body() method should only execute the raw functional behavior of the sequence. Any associated housekeeping code should be placed elsewhere, such as in the pre_start() and post_start() methods.
    • pre_start() and post_start() must be used instead of pre_body() and post_body(), as these will always be called, even for subsequences called from a parent sequence.
  4. When creating a sequence object, always randomize the sequence before starting it.
  5. Virtual sequences must be used to coordinate the behavior of multiple agents and multiple sequences.
  6. Virtual sequences must be started on the null sequencer or on a valid virtual sequencer.

Sequence Items

It is recommended, but not necessary, to create small "unit tests" for transactions objects to ensure the randomization constraints are working as intended.

RAL Usage

When using the UVM RAL model, care must be taken when using uvm_reg::set() and uvm_reg::update(), as these are both non-atomic operations that can easily cause race conditions if there are any parallel threads.

Objections and Coordinating End of Test

As a general principle, a phase should not end when either there is more stimulus to send during that phase or the DUT has yet to respond to some stimulus that has been sent.

To prevent a phase from ending when there is more stimulus to send, a test class must raise and lower objections.

To prevent a phase from ending before the DUT has responded to some stimulus, classes derived from uvm_component should raise and lower objections in their phases_ready_to_end() method.

It is also recommended to only include objections in the monitor component. When using this approach, these guidelines should be followed:

  1. The monitor's phase_ready_to_end() method should implement a watchdog timer that raises an objection if any traffic is seen on the bus and lowers it once no traffic is seen within the timeout period. If traffic is seen, the watchdog resets its timer. Refer to the example below:

    // Example code for the monitor class.
    // This code assumes that the associated configuration object has an integer
    // property "ok_to_end_delay_ns", which gives the window timeout in
    // nanoseconds.
    protected bit ok_to_end = 1'b1;
    protected bit watchdog_done = 1'b0;
    function void phase_ready_to_end(uvm_phase phase);
     if ( begin
       if (watchdog_done) fork
       if (!ok_to_end || !watchdog_done) begin
         phase.raise_objection(this, $sformatf("%s objection raised", `gfn));
             // wait until ok_to_end is set
             phase.drop_objection(this, $sformatf("%s, objection dropped",
    // This watchdog waits for ok_to_end_delay_ns nanoseconds while checking for
    // any traffic seen on the bus during this period.
    // If traffic is seen, the watchdog will restart until it sees no traffic.
    task watchdog_ok_to_end();
        begin : isolation_fork
          bit watchdog_reset;
            forever begin
              // check bus interface for traffic
              @(ok_to_end or watchdog_reset);
              if (!ok_to_end && !watchdog_reset) watchdog_reset = 1;
            forever begin
              #(cfg.ok_to_end_delay_ns * 1ns);
              if (!watchdog_reset) begin
              end else begin
                watchdog_reset = 0;
          disable fork;
          watchdog_done  = 1;
        end : isolation_fork
    // This task is invoked as a non-blocking thread when phase_ready_to_end()
    // is first entered.
    // This task should monitor the DUT's interface and control ok_to_end: it
    // should be cleared whenever there are any pending transactions and
    // set to 1 if there are no pending transactions.
    virtual task monitor_ready_to_end();
  2. It is recommended not to use other objections in the scoreboard; the scoreboard should just make use of information already available to it (like fifo size, etc...) to determine when it is ready to end, as the monitor has already guaranteed that no more traffic is seen on the bus. These fifo checks should be checked during its check_phase().

The more general guidelines below should be followed when dealing with end-of-test timeouts or objections:

  1. When calling raise_objection or drop_objection, a string must be passed as a second argument to describe the objection to help with debugging.

    phase.raise_objection(this, $sformatf("%s objection raised", `gfn));
    phase.drop_objection(this, $sformatf("%s objection dropped", `gfn));
  2. It is recommended to use the built-in UVM timeout mechanism, uvm_root::set_timeout(<time_limit>, 1). The base test in every testbench should specify a default timeout limit, which can be overridden by every derivative test. A standard plusarg +UVM_TIMEOUT=... is recommended to be used for this override mechanism.

Logging and Print Messages

  1. Print messages sent to the console should be kept to a minimum. Logs should be as concise as possible, by only writing key information when activity is present.
  2. Whenever possible, log any data directly to log files instead of the console. It is recommended that only critical information/errors be sent to both the console and the log files.
  3. Logging messages should be architected to be parsing "friendly"
    • All related information should be kept on a single line.
    • Only the relevant data should be logged, for example, there is no need to log all fields of a transaction object when only a small subset is valid and relevant to the transaction being performed.
    • Log files should format lines consistently, starting with the simulation time that the logging event occurs, enabling easier post-processing.
    • The build in print() function of uvm_object classes is not parsing "friendly", it is recommended not to use this function.
  4. Do not use the uvm_report_* messaging functionality, or $display to print any messages. The uvm_{info/error/fatal} macros must be used instead.
  5. Do not use the uvm_warning macro, use uvm_error or uvm_fatal instead.
  6. The first argument to these report macros must be one of the gfn or gtn shorthand macros used in place of get_full_name() and get_type_name(). This will allow for easier debugging should something go wrong.
  7. The UVM_NONE and UVM_FULL verbosity levels must not be used for any report messages. Recommended criteria for the choice of VERBOSITY value for uvm_info messages:
    • UVM_LOW - important messages that occur a small number of times during a simulation.
      • Instantiation of testbench components.
      • Reset assert/deassert, start/end of DUT initialization.
      • Start/end of traffic generation.
    • UVM_MEDIUM - slightly more detailed messages.
      • Contents of CSR fields during CSR transactions.
      • Reporting of significant events inside the DUT - fifo full, fifo empty, and so on.
    • UVM_HIGH - Any information about DUT activity, reference model, and testbench that could be helpful for monitoring stimulation progress.
      • Parsing/interpretation of fields in requests to the DUT and reference model.
      • Read/write operations to a memory model.
      • Status of transactions over SystemVerilog interfaces.
      • Values of data output by the DUT.
    • UVM_DEBUG - Extremely specific information used for debugging failures.
      • Any CSR exclusions.
      • Interface buses used to drive the interface protocol.

DPI and C Connections

  1. DPI and native SystemVerilog calls have the same semantics and are thus indistinguishable. To preserve readability, a decorator must be added as such:

    • Functions/tasks exported from SV to C must be prefixed with sv_dpi_.

      export "DPI" sv_dpi_adder = adder_function;
    • Functions imported from C to SV must be prefixed with c_dpi_.

      extern int c_dpi_adder(const int a, const int b);
  2. DPI usage is recommended in the following scenarios:

    • Interfacing with C/C++ based reference models.
    • Usage of optimized C/C++ libraries.
    • Emulation.
  3. DPI usage is not recommended when the functionality can be handled natively in SV.

  4. General DPI coding guidelines

    • Do not cross the language boundary frequently.
    • If a SV->C call consumes time and the C routine is not thread safe, protect the call with a semaphore to avoid synchronization issues.
    • In general, pass only basic data types as arguments to DPI calls.

SystemVerilog Language Features

Function Declarations

Functions declared within packages, as well as any other static entities such as modules and interfaces, must be explicitly scoped with either the static or automatic keyword.


Good constraint coding style is important for faster simulations and better simulation performance.

  1. Give all constraints a name that matches with what is being constrained, and suffix the constraint name with _c.

    constraint num_packets_c {
      num_packets < 8;
  2. Avoid using loops in constraints whenever possible. In some cases, foreach can be replaced by inside.


    constraint con_c {
      foreach (data[i]) {
        a != data[i];


    constraint con_c {
      !(a inside {data});
  3. If using loops in constraints is necessary, avoid doing calculations inside the loops.

  4. Whenever possible, use bitmasking operations over modulus operations, as bitmasking operations are much faster.

  5. If a constraint becomes too complex, it is highly recommended to split the constraint and separately randomize all relevant variables.

  6. When randomizing an array of objects, it is generally recommended to not directly randomize the array, but to iterate through it and directly randomize each object to see better simulation performance.


Enum names should be written in lower_snake_case, and should include the block name for clarity. The enumerated values should be written in UpperCamelCase and should include the name of the enum for clarity.

typedef enum bit {
} uart_interrupt_e;

Interfaces, Clocking Blocks, Modports

  1. Do not use the program construct.
  2. Clocks and reset must be generated in SystemVerilog modules, interfaces, or in the UVM component hierarchy. Do not do this generation in uvm_object derived classes.
  3. Use clocking blocks in a SystemVerilog interface to sample and drive synchronous DUT interfaces.
  4. It is recommended to implement a reusable interface scheme for block level testbenches that will be included in integration/system level testbenches.

Loop Operators

It is highly recommended to use foreach loops as often as possible over any equivalent loop operators, as they are much more concise and less prone to any subtle errors.

Code Within Asserts

For any randomization that is required, the macros specified in the Randomization Macros section must be used. Do not use assert() to check manual randomization calls, use the provided macros instead. More broadly, do not place any expression with side effects into an assert() statement.


// Do not assert the output of randomize() calls
// 1.
ret = item.randomize() with {<constraints>};
// 2.
assert(randomize(<variable>) with {<constraints>});
// 3.
assert(item.randomize() with {<constraints>});
// 4.

Wait and Fork

Always put wait fork and disable fork constructs inside of an isolation fork...join block to avoid erroneous waiting. It is recommended to use the DV_SPINWAIT macro whenever possible, as described here.

When disabling subprocesses, this may be done by using disable fork to terminate all processes or by disable thread_label to disable a specific thread. You may not use disable fork_label to disable all threads in a fork statement because there is inconsistent support for this among EDA tools. The use of disable fork_label is not compliant to the SystemVerilog-2017 standard (see Section 9.6.2 and 9.6.3 of the SV2017 LRM). Example code:

fork: fork_label
  begin: thread_label

disable fork_label;
// Valid, but does not respect parent child process relationships.
disable thread_label;
// Kills all threads spawned by the parent thread, including the ones in the
// past.
disable fork;

Wait And Non-Forever Loop

Always create a watchdog timer along with the wait statement or the non-forever loop. Recommend to use the following macros.

// This does `wait (condition);` with a default watchdog timer.
`DV_SPINWAIT(while (condition) begin

Void Casts

Do not void cast any function/task calls that have useful return values, EXCEPT the following:

  • system functions.
  • RAL predict() calls.
  • fifo/queue methods.

Associative Arrays

Do not use wildcard indexed [*] associative arrays. Always specify a particular index type.

Bind Statements

bind statements are the preferred approach for using assertion-based monitors. For these situations, using .* is allowed for making implicit port declarations when binding a module whose ports are all inputs.

Simulator-specific Code

Always wrap simulator-specific code inside preprocessor guards. The macro names VCS, INCA, XCELIUM are defined for the VCS, Incisive/NCsim/Irun, and Xcelium/xrun simulators respectively, these must be used to wrap relevant code, as shown below:

`ifdef VCS

Forbidden System Tasks and Functions

Do not use the following system functions

  • $psprintf, this is not in the SystemVerilog LRM. Use $sformatf instead.
  • $random and $dist_*, these functions are not part of the SystemVerilog random stability model and can break simulation reproducibility. Use $urandom or a randomization macro instead.
  • $srandom, this is not part of the SystemVerilog standard. Use process::self().srandom() instead.

Backdoor Force and Probe in Chip-level

Chip-level tests could be run in both RTL and gate sim. Since some signals may not be preserved in the same path after synthesis, we need follow these rules to use backdoor force or probe. This assumes gate-level netlist won't be flattened.

  • Reference module inputs/outputs rather than the internal nets, as input/output ports will be preserved in non-flattened netlist.
  • Reference logic if possible. If that is not possible, structs are likely converted to a giant vector. We can cast that vector to the struct and thus still access the individual members.
  • Do not reference internal nets, as those will likely not be preserved. If we really need to do so, they should be placed in an anchored buffer, in order to preserve the path.
  • Do not reference to internal clocks/resets, as they may not be preserved, even if the clocks/resets are in the module inputs/outputs. If we have to, place it in an anchored buffer.
  • CSR hierarchies are likely to be preserved, so CSR backdoor access will still work.

SystemVerilog Assertions

Most, if not all design properties are captured as in-line assertions within the RTL itself. The guidance on usage and implementation of assertions can be found in the adjoining lowRISC Verilog style guide.

In some cases, it may be useful to capture specific design behaviors and their expected outcomes as assertion checks, rather than checks in the scoreboard, or other UVM testbench components. Such properties may reference internal RTL signals at the same or different hierarchies. They may be too complex to embed within the RTL itself. So, they may instead be captured in a separate SystemVerilog assertion (SVA) module.

The following guidelines help maximize the reuse of these SVA modules horizontally (an IP design is enhanced externally, and thus, has an extended testbench that reuses heavily from the original testbench) and vertically (an IP instantiated in a larger design, such as an SoC).

  1. The SVA module ports must all be inputs only. Since they are passive checkers, they must not drive or force internal signals. Doing so may lead to confusion and increase the debug overhead.

  2. Use the assertion macros.


     // Manually typing the complete assertion statement is tedious and error-
     // prone.
     OneHotCheck_A: assert property((@posedge clk) disable iff (!rst_n)
                                    valid |=> $onehot(data));
       else $error(...);


    // Assertion macros are concise and hide some extra functionalities
    // underneath.
    `ASSERT(OneHotCheck_A, valid |=> $onehot(data))
  3. Do not instantiate the SVA module in the testbench. Instead, bind it to the RTL module within which it references the signals. When the SVA module is bound to the RTL module, an instance of the SVA module is created underneath all instances of the RTL module.


    // Instantiating the SVA module in the testbench forces the user to use
    // absolute hierarchical paths to signals within the assertion properties
    // in the SVA module. This hampers reuse, since those paths may not exist
    // in other testbenches.
    sva_module_for_aes_core u_sva_module_for_aes_core(.clk(...), ...);


    // Bind the SVA module to the RTL module directly. All instances of
    // `aes_core` in the design will benefit from the SVA checks. The SVA
    // module can also be reused in other testbenches, which may contain
    // additional instances of this RTL module elsewhere in the design.
    bind aes_core sva_module_for_aes_core
        u_sva_module_for_aes_core(.clk(...), ...);
  4. Do not use absolute hierarchical paths to signals in the SVA modules (the previous bullet explains why). The bind enables cross module references to signals in the RTL module and its sub-hierarchies using partial paths in the SVA module.


      // Path tb.dut.u_aes.u_aes_core.u_foo does not exist in other
      // testbenches. This module is not reusable in other testbenches.
      `ASSERT(CheckProp_A, valid |=> $onehot(tb.dut.u_aes.u_aes_core.u_bar.u_baz.u_quux.data_q))
          tb.dut.u_aes.u_aes_core.u_foo.state_q == Idle |=> `AES_CORE_BAR_HIER.u_baz.u_quux.data_q == 0)


      // Binding the SVA module to `aes_core` obviates the need to specify the
      // absolute hierarchical paths to internal signals. Cross module
      // reference with partial paths is sufficient. This SVA module can now be
      // reused in the other testbenches.
      `ASSERT(CheckProp_A, valid |=> $onehot(u_bar.u_baz.u_quux.data_q))
          u_foo.state_q == Idle |=> u_bar.u_baz.u_quux.data_q == 0)
  5. If the assertions reference signals at different sub-hierarchies, then bind the SVA module to the closest common ancestor RTL module. In previous examples, that would be the aes_core module.

  6. Consolidate all SVA binds in a dedicated bindfile. The bind invocations are placed in a dedicated SystemVerilog module, called the 'bindfile'. Bindfiles are treated as entities that are separate from the testbench module. They are passed to the simulator as one of the 'top level' modules for elaboration. The bindfiles themselves, can be reused in other testbenches, by simply passing them as a 'top level' entity to the simulator in those other testbenches as well.


    // The testbench module which instantiates the design under test (DUT).
    module tb;
      // This module is considered 'unreusable'. The `bind` invocations below
      // must hence be replicated in other testbenches where the SVA module can
      // be reused.
      bind aes_core sva_module_for_aes_core
          u_sva_module_for_aes_core(.clk(...), ...);


    // A dedicated bindfile for all AES assertions.
    module aes_sva_bind;
      // This module is reusable in other testbenches. The `bind` invocations
      // need not be replicated in other testbenches.
      bind aes_core sva_module_for_aes_core
          u_sva_module_for_aes_core(.clk(...), ...);
  7. Bind SVA modules to RTL modules and not to specific instances of the RTL module. Binding the SVA module to an instance again, creates reusability issues - other testbenches may have additional instances of the RTL module elsewhere in the design, which will miss out on the SVA checks. If there is a strong justifiable reason to bind the SVA module to a specifc instance, then refrain from specifying the absolute hierarchical path to the instance. Instead, use the bind <module_name>: <instance_name> notation.


      // This bindfile is not reusable in other testbenches, because the `bind`
      // is applied to an instance with absolute hierarchical path, which may
      // not exist in other testbenches.
      bind tb.dut.u_aes.u_aes_core sva_module_for_aes_core
          u_sva_module_for_aes_core(.clk(...), ...);


      // SVA module is only bound to `u_aes_core` instance of `aes_core`. This
      // bindfile is reusable in other testbenches. But note that only the
      // `aes_core` instance named `u_aes_core` will receive the SVA checks.
      // Discouraged, but fine reusablility-wise.
      bind aes_core: u_aes_core sva_module_for_aes_core
          u_sva_module_for_aes_core(.clk(...), ...);


      // This bindfile is reusable in other testbenches.
      bind aes_core sva_module_for_aes_core
          u_sva_module_for_aes_core(.clk(...), ...);