diff --git a/src/examples/aster_plot/README.md b/src/examples/aster_plot/README.md
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+++ b/src/examples/aster_plot/README.md
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+# Aster Plot for Looker
+Aster plots are used to display two metrics per slice in a pie chart visualisation. Each pie slice has a length and width component.
+The first measure, the *length*, represents the **score** of each slice, is the value extending from the centre of the pie outwards to the edge (*0* is the centre and the outer circle length is defaulted to max value of all scores).
+The second measure, the *width*, represents the **weight** of each slice, which gets used to arrive at a weighted mean score of the length scores in the centre. This score can also be overriden by entering a custom keyword search to use a row level value's length in place of the weighted mean score. See example below.
+This implementation for Looker was built based on the [Ben Best’s Aster Plot in D3 Block](http://bl.ocks.org/bbest/2de0e25d4840c68f2db1).
+## Example
+## Implementation Instructions
+1. Fork this repository
+2. Turn on [GitHub Pages](https://help.github.com/articles/configuring-a-publishing-source-for-github-pages/)
+3. Follow directions on Looker's documentation to add a [new custom visualisation manifest](https://docs.looker.com/admin-options/platform/visualizations#adding_a_new_custom_visualization_manifest):
+ - In the 'Main' field, the URI of the visualization will be `https://DOMAIN_NAME/aster_plot/aster_plot.js`. For example: https://davidtamaki.github.io/aster_plot/aster_plot.js
+ - The required dependencies are:
+ - [d3](https://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js)
+ - [d3-tip](https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3-tip/0.9.1/d3-tip.min.js)
diff --git a/src/examples/aster_plot/aster_plot.js b/src/examples/aster_plot/aster_plot.js
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+++ b/src/examples/aster_plot/aster_plot.js
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+ //plot and series (colors)
+ options: {
+ radius: {
+ section: "Data",
+ order: 1,
+ type: "number",
+ label: "Circle Radius"
+ },
+ keyword_search: {
+ section: "Data",
+ order: 2,
+ type: "string",
+ label: "Custom keyword to search for",
+ placeholder: "Enter row value to display score"
+ },
+ label_value: {
+ section: "Data",
+ order: 3,
+ type: "string",
+ label: "Data Labels",
+ values: [
+ {"On":"on"},
+ {"Off":"off"}
+ ],
+ display: "radio",
+ default: "off"
+ },
+ legend: {
+ section: "Data",
+ order: 4,
+ type: "string",
+ label: "Legend",
+ values: [
+ { "Left": "left" },
+ { "Right": "right" },
+ { "Off": "off"}
+ ],
+ display: "radio",
+ default: "off"
+ },
+ color_range: {
+ section: "Format",
+ order: 1,
+ type: "array",
+ label: "Color Range",
+ display: "colors",
+ default: ["#9E0041", "#C32F4B", "#E1514B", "#F47245", "#FB9F59", "#FEC574", "#FAE38C", "#EAF195", "#C7E89E", "#9CD6A4", "#6CC4A4", "#4D9DB4", "#4776B4", "#5E4EA1"]
+ },
+ chart_size: {
+ section: "Format",
+ order: 2,
+ type: "string",
+ label: "Chart Size",
+ default: '100%'
+ },
+ inner_circle_color: {
+ section: "Inner Circle",
+ order: 1,
+ type: "string",
+ label: "Circle Color",
+ display: "color",
+ default: "#ffffff"
+ },
+ text_color: {
+ section: "Inner Circle",
+ order: 2,
+ type: "string",
+ label: "Text Color",
+ display: "color",
+ default: "#000000"
+ },
+ font_size: {
+ section: "Inner Circle",
+ order: 3,
+ type: "number",
+ label: "Font Size",
+ display: "range",
+ min: 10,
+ max: 100,
+ default: 40
+ }
+ },
+ // Set up the initial state of the visualization
+ create: function(element, config) {
+ var css = `
+ `;
+ element.innerHTML = css;
+ var container = element.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); // Create a container element to let us center the text.
+ this.container = container
+ container.className = "d3-aster-plot";
+ this._textElement = container.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); // Create an element to contain the text.
+ },
+ // Render in response to the data or settings changing
+ updateAsync: function(data, element, config, queryResponse, details, done) {
+ this.container.innerHTML = '' // clear container of previous vis
+ this.clearErrors(); // clear any errors from previous updates
+ // ensure data fit - requires no pivots, exactly 1 dimension_like field, and exactly 2 measure_like fields
+ if (!handleErrors(this, queryResponse, {
+ min_pivots: 0, max_pivots: 0,
+ min_dimensions: 1, max_dimensions: 1,
+ min_measures: 2, max_measures: 2})) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var dimension = queryResponse.fields.dimension_like[0].name;
+ var measure_1_score = queryResponse.fields.measure_like[0].name, measure_2_weight = queryResponse.fields.measure_like[1].name;
+ // SVG margins to make labels visible. Otherwise they overflow visible area
+ // src: https://www.visualcinnamon.com/2015/09/placing-text-on-arcs.html
+ var margin = {
+ top: 30,
+ right: 30,
+ bottom: 30,
+ left: 30
+ };
+ var width = element.clientWidth - margin.left - margin.right,
+ height = element.clientHeight - margin.top - margin.bottom,
+ radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2,
+ innerRadius = 0.3 * radius;
+ // set custom chart size
+ if (!isNaN(parseFloat(config.chart_size))) {
+ var ratio = parseFloat(config.chart_size) / 100.0;
+ if (ratio > 2) {
+ radius = radius*2;
+ }
+ else if (ratio < 0.2) {
+ radius = radius*0.2;
+ }
+ else {
+ radius = radius*ratio;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!config.color_range) {
+ config.color_range = ["#9E0041", "#C32F4B", "#E1514B", "#F47245", "#FB9F59", "#FEC574", "#FAE38C", "#EAF195", "#C7E89E", "#9CD6A4", "#6CC4A4", "#4D9DB4", "#4776B4", "#5E4EA1"];
+ }
+ var all_scores = [],
+ all_weight = [],
+ color_length = config.color_range.length,
+ dataset_tiny = {};
+ for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ if (i >= color_length) {
+ let j = Math.floor(i/color_length)
+ data[i].color = config.color_range[i-(j*color_length)]; // loop through color array if there are too many series
+ } else {
+ data[i].color = config.color_range[i];
+ }
+ data[i].label = data[i][dimension].value; // dimension label
+ data[i].score = +data[i][measure_1_score].value; // length of slice (circle radius default is 100)
+ data[i].weight = +data[i][measure_2_weight].value; // angle of slice (width of slice)
+ data[i].width = +data[i][measure_2_weight].value; // angle of slice (width of slice)
+ data[i].rendered = data[i][measure_1_score].rendered; // used for tooltip and legened
+ all_scores.push(data[i][measure_1_score].value); // used to set max radius
+ all_weight.push(data[i][measure_2_weight].value); // used to set custom inner circle size
+ dataset_tiny[data[i][dimension].value] = data[i][measure_1_score].rendered;
+ }
+ if (!config.radius) {
+ console.log('Radius not set. Defaulting to max score: ' + getMaxOfArray(all_scores))
+ config.radius = getMaxOfArray(all_scores)
+ } else {
+ console.log('Radius config set to: ' + config.radius)
+ }
+ // calculate the weighted mean score (value in centre of pie)
+ if (!config.keyword_search) {
+ // console.log('Default weighted mean score')
+ var score =
+ Math.round(
+ data.reduce(function(a, b) {
+ //console.log('a:' + a + ', b.score: ' + b.score + ', b.weight: ' + b.weight);
+ return a + (b.score * b.weight);
+ }, 0) /
+ data.reduce(function(a, b) {
+ return a + b.weight;
+ }, 0)
+ );
+ } else {
+ // custom keyword option
+ for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ if (data[i].label.toLowerCase().includes(config.keyword_search.toLowerCase())) {
+ console.log(data[i].label + ' is used for centre score');
+ var score = data[i].weight,
+ min = Math.min( ...all_weight),
+ max = Math.max( ...all_weight),
+ scale_min = 0.2, // setting scale is 0.2 -> 0.6 of radius
+ scale_max = 0.6,
+ diff = max-min,
+ percentile = (score-min)/diff;
+ data.splice(i,1);
+ innerRadius = ((percentile * 0.4) + scale_min) * radius; // reshape inner circle size based on weight
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var pie = d3.layout.pie()
+ .sort(null)
+ .value(function(d) {
+ return d.width;
+ });
+ var tip = d3.tip()
+ .attr('class', 'd3-tip')
+ .offset([0, 0])
+ .html(function(d) {
+ return d.data.label + ": " + d.data.rendered + "";
+ });
+ var arc = d3.svg.arc()
+ .innerRadius(innerRadius)
+ .outerRadius(function(d) {
+ return (radius - innerRadius) * (d.data.score / (1.0*config.radius)) + innerRadius;
+ });
+ var outlineArc = d3.svg.arc()
+ .innerRadius(innerRadius)
+ .outerRadius(radius);
+ var svg = d3.select(".d3-aster-plot").append("svg")
+ .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
+ .attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom)
+ .append("g")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(" + (width / 2 + margin.left) + "," + (height / 2 + margin.top) + ")");
+ svg.call(tip);
+ // inner circle color
+ var inner_circle = svg.append("circle")
+ .attr("cx", 0)
+ .attr("cy", 0)
+ .attr("r", innerRadius)
+ .attr("fill",config.inner_circle_color);
+ // affix score to centre of pie
+ svg.append("svg:text")
+ .attr("class", "aster-score")
+ .attr("dy", ".35em")
+ .attr("text-anchor", "middle") // text-align: right
+ .style('fill', config.text_color)
+ .attr("font-size", config.font_size)
+ .text(score);
+ var path = svg.selectAll(".solidArc")
+ .data(pie(data))
+ .enter().append("path")
+ .attr("data-legend",function(d) { return d.data.label }) // for legend
+ .attr("fill", function(d) { return d.data.color })
+ .attr("class", "solidArc")
+ .attr("stroke", "gray")
+ .attr("d", arc)
+ .on('mouseover', tip.show)
+ .on('mouseout', tip.hide);
+ // Create the Ouline Arc and also the invisible arcs for labels
+ // src: https://www.visualcinnamon.com/2015/09/placing-text-on-arcs.html
+ var outerPath = svg.selectAll(".outlineArc")
+ .data(pie(data))
+ .enter().append("path")
+ .attr("fill", "none")
+ .attr("stroke", "gray")
+ .attr("class", "outlineArc")
+ .attr("d", outlineArc)
+ // Create the new invisible arcs and flip the direction for the bottom half labels
+ .each(function(d, i) {
+ // Search pattern for everything between the start and the first capital L
+ var firstArcSection = /(^.+?)L/;
+ // Grab everything up to the first Line statement
+ var newArc = firstArcSection.exec( d3.select(this).attr("d") )[1];
+ // Replace all the commas so that IE can handle it
+ newArc = newArc.replace(/,/g , " ");
+ if (shouldFlipLabel(d.startAngle, d.endAngle)) {
+ // Arc path
+ // Template: M start-x, start-y A radius-x, radius-y, x-axis-rotation, large-arc-flag, sweep-flag, end-x, end-y
+ // Example: M 0 300 A 200 200 0 0 1 400 300
+ // Everything between the capital M and first capital A
+ var startLoc = /M(.*?)A/;
+ // Everything between the capital A and 0 0 1
+ var middleLoc = /A(.*?)0 0 1/;
+ // Everything between the 0 0 1 and the end of the string (denoted by $)
+ var endLoc = /0 0 1 (.*?)$/;
+ // Flip the direction of the arc by switching the start and end point
+ // and using a 0 (instead of 1) sweep flag
+ var newStart = endLoc.exec( newArc )[1];
+ var newEnd = startLoc.exec( newArc )[1];
+ var middleSec = middleLoc.exec( newArc )[1];
+ // Build up the new arc notation, set the sweep-flag to 0
+ newArc = "M" + newStart + "A" + middleSec + "0 0 0 " + newEnd;
+ }
+ // Create a new invisible arc that the label can flow along
+ svg.append("path")
+ .attr("class", "hiddenDonutArcs")
+ .attr("id", "sliceOutlineArc_"+i)
+ .attr("d", newArc)
+ .style("fill", "none");
+ });
+ if (config.label_value == "on") {
+ // Create labels
+ // src: https://www.visualcinnamon.com/2015/09/placing-text-on-arcs.html
+ // Line 1
+ svg.selectAll(".label-line-1")
+ .data(pie(data))
+ .enter()
+ .append("text")
+ .attr("class", "label-line-1")
+ // Move the labels below the arcs
+ .attr("dy", function(d,i) {
+ return shouldFlipLabel(d.startAngle, d.endAngle)
+ ? 18
+ : -21
+ })
+ .append("textPath")
+ .attr("startOffset","50%")
+ .style("text-anchor","middle")
+ .attr("xlink:href", function(d, i) { return "#sliceOutlineArc_"+i; })
+ .text(function(d) { return d.data.label; });
+ // Line 2
+ svg.selectAll(".label-line-2")
+ .data(pie(data))
+ .enter()
+ .append("text")
+ .attr("class", "label-line-2")
+ // Move the labels below the arcs
+ .attr("dy", function(d,i) {
+ return shouldFlipLabel(d.startAngle, d.endAngle)
+ ? 28
+ : -11
+ })
+ .append("textPath")
+ .attr("startOffset","50%")
+ .style("text-anchor","middle")
+ .attr("xlink:href", function(d, i) { return "#sliceOutlineArc_"+i; })
+ .text(function(d) { return d.data.rendered; });
+ }
+ // legend
+ if (config.legend == "left") {
+ applyLegend(-width/2.2)
+ } else if (config.legend == "right") {
+ applyLegend(width/3.0)
+ }
+ // Helper functions
+ // Flip the end and start position
+ //
+ // We do not flip slices that more than 180 to not think about condition of how to flip
+ // them. Custom condition is required because > 180 slices have "large-arc-flag" set to 1,
+ // but we handle only case when it's set to 0 (Look at "0 0 1")
+ function shouldFlipLabel(startAngle, endAngle) {
+ return (
+ // End angle lies beyond a quarter of a circle (90 degrees or pi/2)
+ radiansToDegrees(endAngle) > 90 &&
+ radiansToDegrees(endAngle) < 270 &&
+ // Slice "length" is less than 180 degrees
+ radiansToDegrees(endAngle - startAngle) < 180
+ );
+ }
+ function radiansToDegrees(ragiansAngle) {
+ return ragiansAngle * 180 / Math.PI;
+ }
+ function getMaxOfArray(numArray) {
+ return Math.max.apply(null, numArray);
+ }
+ function handleErrors(vis, res, options) {
+ var check = function (group, noun, count, min, max) {
+ if (!vis.addError || !vis.clearErrors) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (count < min) {
+ vis.addError({
+ title: "Not Enough " + noun + "s",
+ message: "This visualization requires " + (min === max ? 'exactly' : 'at least') + " " + min + " " + noun.toLowerCase() + (min === 1 ? '' : 's') + ".",
+ group: group
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (count > max) {
+ vis.addError({
+ title: "Too Many " + noun + "s",
+ message: "This visualization requires " + (min === max ? 'exactly' : 'no more than') + " " + max + " " + noun.toLowerCase() + (min === 1 ? '' : 's') + ".",
+ group: group
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
+ vis.clearErrors(group);
+ return true;
+ };
+ var _a = res.fields, pivots = _a.pivots, dimensions = _a.dimension_like, measures = _a.measure_like;
+ return (check('pivot-req', 'Pivot', pivots.length, options.min_pivots, options.max_pivots)
+ && check('dim-req', 'Dimension', dimensions.length, options.min_dimensions, options.max_dimensions)
+ && check('mes-req', 'Measure', measures.length, options.min_measures, options.max_measures));
+ }
+ function applyLegend(horizontalScale) {
+ var legend = svg.append("g")
+ .attr("class","legend")
+ .attr("transform","translate(" + horizontalScale + " ,-" + height/2.5 + ")")
+ .style("font-size","12px")
+ .call(d3legend)
+ }
+ // Legend
+ // (C) 2012 ziggy.jonsson.nyc@gmail.com
+ // MIT licence
+ function d3legend(g) {
+ g.each(function() {
+ var g= d3.select(this),
+ items = {},
+ svg = d3.select(g.property("nearestViewportElement")),
+ legendPadding = g.attr("data-style-padding") || 5,
+ lb = g.selectAll(".legend-box").data([true]),
+ li = g.selectAll(".legend-items").data([true])
+ lb.enter().append("rect").classed("legend-box",true)
+ li.enter().append("g").classed("legend-items",true)
+ svg.selectAll("[data-legend]").each(function() {
+ var self = d3.select(this)
+ items[self.attr("data-legend")] = {
+ pos : self.attr("data-legend-pos") || this.getBBox().y,
+ color : self.attr("data-legend-color") != undefined ? self.attr("data-legend-color") : self.style("fill") != 'none' ? self.style("fill") : self.style("stroke"),
+ rendered : '100' // testing adding values to legend
+ }
+ })
+ // sort alphanumerically
+ items = d3.entries(items).sort(function(a,b) { return (a.key < b.key) ? -1 : (a.key > b.key) ? 1 : 0})
+ // adding rendered values to legend
+ for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+ items[i].value.rendered = dataset_tiny[items[i].key]
+ }
+ li.selectAll("text")
+ .data(items,function(d) { return d.key})
+ .call(function(d) { d.enter().append("text")})
+ .call(function(d) { d.exit().remove()})
+ .attr("y",function(d,i) { return i+"em"})
+ .attr("x","1em")
+ .text(function(d) { return d.key + ' ' + d.value.rendered});
+ li.selectAll("circle")
+ .data(items,function(d) { return d.key})
+ .call(function(d) { d.enter().append("circle")})
+ .call(function(d) { d.exit().remove()})
+ .attr("cy",function(d,i) { return i-0.25+"em"})
+ .attr("cx",0)
+ .attr("r","0.4em")
+ .style("fill",function(d) { return d.value.color});
+ // Reposition and resize the box
+ var lbbox = li[0][0].getBBox()
+ lb.attr("x",(lbbox.x-legendPadding))
+ .attr("y",(lbbox.y-legendPadding))
+ .attr("height",(lbbox.height+2*legendPadding))
+ .attr("width",(lbbox.width+2*legendPadding))
+ })
+ return g
+ }
+ done()
+ }
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