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KOTLIN/Everywhere & Hacktoberfest Mataram

See who has contributed

more information :

WEB Challenge

Dalam repository ini anda di challenge untuk membuat sebuah website dengan menggunakan Kotlin. Framework yang digunakan pada repository ini yakni: ktor.

Cara Berkontribusi:

Sebelum memulai, silahkan beri Bintang.

  1. Fork Project
  2. Clone ke lokal komputer anda
  3. Buka project dengan IntelliJ IDEA
  4. Buka direktory src/contributors
  5. Tambahkan class baru (WAJIB KOTLIN), format penamaan: NamaAnda, atau NamaAnda123, dst.
  6. Implement Contributor interface di class tersebut.
  7. Isi kontent. Lihat contoh pada file HayiNukman.kt jangan lupa buat companion object initialize untuk memidahkan linking class dengan helper.
    companion object {
        fun initialize(map: MutableMap<String, Contributor>) {
            map["ha-yi"] = HayiNukman()
            map["hayinukman"] = HayiNukman()
            map["hayi"] = HayiNukman()


  • saat mapping, gunakan unique id, bisa id github anda, atau email address.
  • jangan ganti ID orang lain yang sudah ada. first come first serve. Bagi yang mengoverride nama orang lain, maka tidak akan di merge (PR ditolak).
  1. Setelah class dibuat, buka file ContributorHelper.kt
  2. Tambahkan inisialisasi class contributor anda ke sini dalam blok ini di class ContributorHelper. Contohnya:
    init {
        contributors.apply {
  1. Test.
  2. Commit perubahan, kemudian lakukan pull request.

Cara menjalankan

  1. Linux / Mac

    • Buka terminal dan masuk ke path projek ini
    • Jalankan perintah ./gradlew run
    • Akses http://localhost:8080 di browser mu
    • Untuk lebih mudah, jalankan printah ./gradlew -t build di terminal yang lain untuk mengaktifkan autobuild dan selamatkan waktumu
  2. Windows

    • Buka CMD dan masuk ke directory project ini.
    • jalankan perintah gradlew.bat run dari dalam folder project
    • akses http://localhost:8080 melalui web browser
  3. IntelliJ IDEA

    • Buka Tab gradle yang ada pada panel sebelah kanan
    • kemudian Pilih Tasks > application > run


KOTLIN/Everywhere & Hacktoberfest Mataram

WEB Challenge

In this Repository you are challenged to make a Website using Kotlin. Framework used in this repository is ktor.

How to Contribute :

Before start contributing, please give star to this repo.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Clone or Download to your local storage
  3. Open the project using IntelliJ IDEA
  4. Open directory src/contributors
  5. Added new class (MUST BE KOTLIN), format name : YourName, or Name123 etc.
  6. Implement Contributor interface in your class.
  7. Content value. see an example on file HayiNukman.kt , dont forget to create companion object initialize to move linking class with helper.
    companion object {
        fun initialize(map: MutableMap<String, Contributor>) {
            map["ha-yi"] = HayiNukman()
            map["hayinukman"] = HayiNukman()
            map["hayi"] = HayiNukman()

Noted :

  • when mapping, use unique id, you can use your github id or your email address.
  • don't change other people's IDs that already exist. first come first serve. for those who override the name another person, it will not be merged(Pull Request Rejected)
  1. after the class created, open file ContributorHelper.kt
  2. add your initialization class contribution into the block of the class ContributorHelper. e.g. :
    init {
        contributors.apply {
  1. Testing
  2. Commit your changes, then do pull request

How to run

  1. Linux / Mac

    • Open your terminal and enter into this project path
    • run command ./gradlew run
    • Access http://localhost:8080 on your browser
    • For better, run ./gradlew -t build command in another terminal to activate autobuild and save your time
  2. Windows

    • open CMD and navigate to root directory project.
    • run command gradlew.bat run
    • open http://localhost:8080 from any web browser
  3. IntelliJ IDEA

    • open gradle Tab on the right panel of IDE
    • then choose Tasks > application > run



Noted : Swags can be claimed when attending Kotlin/Everywhere & Hacktoberfest Mataram at 26'th October 2019.