Thank you for contributing to JsPolicy! Here you can find common questions around developing jsPolicy.
We recommend to develop jsPolicy directly in a Kubernetes cluster as it makes feedback a lot quicker. For the quick setup, you'll need to install devspace, kubectl, helm and make sure you have a local Kubernetes cluster (such as Docker Desktop, minikube, KinD or similar) installed.
Clone the jsPolicy project into a new folder and run:
devspace run dev
Which should produce an output similar to:
[info] Using namespace 'jspolicy'
[info] Using kube context 'docker-desktop'
[done] √ Created namespace: jspolicy
[done] √ Created image pull secret jspolicy/devspace-auth-docker
[info] Building image 'loftsh/jspolicy:TwKqPQw' with engine 'docker'
Sending build context to Docker daemon 217.7MB
Step 1/15 : FROM node:16 as builder
16: Pulling from library/node
0bc3020d05f1: Already exists
Step 15/15 : RUN GOOS=${TARGETOS} GOARCH=${TARGETARCH} GO111MODULE=on go build -mod vendor -o jspolicy cmd/jspolicy/main.go
---> Running in 5160d1e0b498
---> 08ea57a93c02
Successfully built 08ea57a93c02
Successfully tagged loftsh/jspolicy:TwKqPQw
[info] Skip image push for loftsh/jspolicy
[done] √ Done processing image 'loftsh/jspolicy'
[info] Execute 'helm upgrade jspolicy ./chart --namespace jspolicy --values /var/folders/bc/qxzrp6f93zncnj1xyz25kyp80000gn/T/387972652 --install --kube-context docker-desktop'
[info] Execute 'helm list --namespace jspolicy --output json --kube-context docker-desktop'
[done] √ Deployed helm chart (Release revision: 1)
[done] √ Successfully deployed jspolicy with helm
[done] √ Scaled down Deployment jspolicy/jspolicy
[done] √ Successfully replaced pod jspolicy/jspolicy-54b7cf5557-xs54f
[info] DevSpace UI available at: http://localhost:8090
[0:sync] Waiting for pods...
[0:sync] Starting sync...
[0:sync] Sync started on /Users/fabiankramm/Programmieren/go-workspace/src/ <-> . (Pod: jspolicy/jspolicy-54b7cf5557-xs54f-devspace)
[0:sync] Waiting for initial sync to complete
[info] Opening shell to pod:container jspolicy-54b7cf5557-xs54f-devspace:jspolicy
Then you can start jsPolicy with
go run -mod vendor cmd/jspolicy/main.go
Now if you change a file locally, DevSpace will automatically sync the file into the container and you just have to rerun go run -mod vendor cmd/jspolicy/main.go
within the terminal.
You can run the test suite with hack/
which should execute all the jsPolicy tests.