diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 859149866..5bf633a8b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ __pycache__
diff --git a/args_manager.py b/args_manager.py
index 5a2b37c97..f74782cdb 100644
--- a/args_manager.py
+++ b/args_manager.py
@@ -28,11 +28,14 @@
args_parser.parser.add_argument("--disable-preset-download", action='store_true',
help="Disables downloading models for presets", default=False)
-args_parser.parser.add_argument("--enable-describe-uov-image", action='store_true',
- help="Disables automatic description of uov images when prompt is empty", default=False)
+args_parser.parser.add_argument("--enable-auto-describe-image", action='store_true',
+ help="Enables automatic description of uov and enhance image when prompt is empty", default=False)
args_parser.parser.add_argument("--always-download-new-model", action='store_true',
- help="Always download newer models ", default=False)
+ help="Always download newer models", default=False)
+args_parser.parser.add_argument("--rebuild-hash-cache", help="Generates missing model and LoRA hashes.",
+ type=int, nargs="?", metavar="CPU_NUM_THREADS", const=-1)
diff --git a/css/style.css b/css/style.css
index 6ed0f6285..ad9de6f2d 100644
--- a/css/style.css
+++ b/css/style.css
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ div:has(> #positive_prompt) {
.advanced_check_row {
- width: 250px !important;
+ width: 330px !important;
.min_check {
diff --git a/experiments_mask_generation.py b/experiments_mask_generation.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a27eb39c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments_mask_generation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# https://github.com/sail-sg/EditAnything/blob/main/sam2groundingdino_edit.py
+import numpy as np
+from PIL import Image
+from extras.inpaint_mask import SAMOptions, generate_mask_from_image
+original_image = Image.open('cat.webp')
+image = np.array(original_image, dtype=np.uint8)
+sam_options = SAMOptions(
+ dino_prompt='eye',
+ dino_box_threshold=0.3,
+ dino_text_threshold=0.25,
+ dino_erode_or_dilate=0,
+ dino_debug=False,
+ max_detections=2,
+ model_type='vit_b'
+mask_image, _, _, _ = generate_mask_from_image(image, sam_options=sam_options)
+merged_masks_img = Image.fromarray(mask_image)
diff --git a/extras/GroundingDINO/config/GroundingDINO_SwinT_OGC.py b/extras/GroundingDINO/config/GroundingDINO_SwinT_OGC.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2e64680e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/GroundingDINO/config/GroundingDINO_SwinT_OGC.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+batch_size = 1
+modelname = "groundingdino"
+backbone = "swin_T_224_1k"
+position_embedding = "sine"
+pe_temperatureH = 20
+pe_temperatureW = 20
+return_interm_indices = [1, 2, 3]
+backbone_freeze_keywords = None
+enc_layers = 6
+dec_layers = 6
+pre_norm = False
+dim_feedforward = 2048
+hidden_dim = 256
+dropout = 0.0
+nheads = 8
+num_queries = 900
+query_dim = 4
+num_patterns = 0
+num_feature_levels = 4
+enc_n_points = 4
+dec_n_points = 4
+two_stage_type = "standard"
+two_stage_bbox_embed_share = False
+two_stage_class_embed_share = False
+transformer_activation = "relu"
+dec_pred_bbox_embed_share = True
+dn_box_noise_scale = 1.0
+dn_label_noise_ratio = 0.5
+dn_label_coef = 1.0
+dn_bbox_coef = 1.0
+embed_init_tgt = True
+dn_labelbook_size = 2000
+max_text_len = 256
+text_encoder_type = "bert-base-uncased"
+use_text_enhancer = True
+use_fusion_layer = True
+use_checkpoint = True
+use_transformer_ckpt = True
+use_text_cross_attention = True
+text_dropout = 0.0
+fusion_dropout = 0.0
+fusion_droppath = 0.1
+sub_sentence_present = True
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extras/GroundingDINO/util/inference.py b/extras/GroundingDINO/util/inference.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34ab8f011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/GroundingDINO/util/inference.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+from typing import Tuple, List
+import ldm_patched.modules.model_management as model_management
+from ldm_patched.modules.model_patcher import ModelPatcher
+from modules.config import path_inpaint
+from modules.model_loader import load_file_from_url
+import numpy as np
+import supervision as sv
+import torch
+from groundingdino.util.inference import Model
+from groundingdino.util.inference import load_model, preprocess_caption, get_phrases_from_posmap
+class GroundingDinoModel(Model):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.config_file = 'extras/GroundingDINO/config/GroundingDINO_SwinT_OGC.py'
+ self.model = None
+ self.load_device = torch.device('cpu')
+ self.offload_device = torch.device('cpu')
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ @torch.inference_mode()
+ def predict_with_caption(
+ self,
+ image: np.ndarray,
+ caption: str,
+ box_threshold: float = 0.35,
+ text_threshold: float = 0.25
+ ) -> Tuple[sv.Detections, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, List[str]]:
+ if self.model is None:
+ filename = load_file_from_url(
+ url="https://github.com/IDEA-Research/GroundingDINO/releases/download/v0.1.0-alpha/groundingdino_swint_ogc.pth",
+ file_name='groundingdino_swint_ogc.pth',
+ model_dir=path_inpaint)
+ model = load_model(model_config_path=self.config_file, model_checkpoint_path=filename)
+ self.load_device = model_management.text_encoder_device()
+ self.offload_device = model_management.text_encoder_offload_device()
+ model.to(self.offload_device)
+ self.model = ModelPatcher(model, load_device=self.load_device, offload_device=self.offload_device)
+ model_management.load_model_gpu(self.model)
+ processed_image = GroundingDinoModel.preprocess_image(image_bgr=image).to(self.load_device)
+ boxes, logits, phrases = predict(
+ model=self.model,
+ image=processed_image,
+ caption=caption,
+ box_threshold=box_threshold,
+ text_threshold=text_threshold,
+ device=self.load_device)
+ source_h, source_w, _ = image.shape
+ detections = GroundingDinoModel.post_process_result(
+ source_h=source_h,
+ source_w=source_w,
+ boxes=boxes,
+ logits=logits)
+ return detections, boxes, logits, phrases
+def predict(
+ model,
+ image: torch.Tensor,
+ caption: str,
+ box_threshold: float,
+ text_threshold: float,
+ device: str = "cuda"
+) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, List[str]]:
+ caption = preprocess_caption(caption=caption)
+ # override to use model wrapped by patcher
+ model = model.model.to(device)
+ image = image.to(device)
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ outputs = model(image[None], captions=[caption])
+ prediction_logits = outputs["pred_logits"].cpu().sigmoid()[0] # prediction_logits.shape = (nq, 256)
+ prediction_boxes = outputs["pred_boxes"].cpu()[0] # prediction_boxes.shape = (nq, 4)
+ mask = prediction_logits.max(dim=1)[0] > box_threshold
+ logits = prediction_logits[mask] # logits.shape = (n, 256)
+ boxes = prediction_boxes[mask] # boxes.shape = (n, 4)
+ tokenizer = model.tokenizer
+ tokenized = tokenizer(caption)
+ phrases = [
+ get_phrases_from_posmap(logit > text_threshold, tokenized, tokenizer).replace('.', '')
+ for logit
+ in logits
+ ]
+ return boxes, logits.max(dim=1)[0], phrases
+default_groundingdino = GroundingDinoModel().predict_with_caption
diff --git a/extras/censor.py b/extras/censor.py
index 45617fd85..c5dea3fde 100644
--- a/extras/censor.py
+++ b/extras/censor.py
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def censor(self, images: list | np.ndarray) -> list | np.ndarray:
single = False
- if not isinstance(images, list) or isinstance(images, np.ndarray):
+ if not isinstance(images, (list, np.ndarray)):
images = [images]
single = True
diff --git a/extras/inpaint_mask.py b/extras/inpaint_mask.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..086b7da6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/inpaint_mask.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+import sys
+import modules.config
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from extras.GroundingDINO.util.inference import default_groundingdino
+from extras.sam.predictor import SamPredictor
+from rembg import remove, new_session
+from segment_anything import sam_model_registry
+from segment_anything.utils.amg import remove_small_regions
+class SAMOptions:
+ def __init__(self,
+ # GroundingDINO
+ dino_prompt: str = '',
+ dino_box_threshold=0.3,
+ dino_text_threshold=0.25,
+ dino_erode_or_dilate=0,
+ dino_debug=False,
+ # SAM
+ max_detections=2,
+ model_type='vit_b'
+ ):
+ self.dino_prompt = dino_prompt
+ self.dino_box_threshold = dino_box_threshold
+ self.dino_text_threshold = dino_text_threshold
+ self.dino_erode_or_dilate = dino_erode_or_dilate
+ self.dino_debug = dino_debug
+ self.max_detections = max_detections
+ self.model_type = model_type
+def optimize_masks(masks: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """
+ removes small disconnected regions and holes
+ """
+ fine_masks = []
+ for mask in masks.to('cpu').numpy(): # masks: [num_masks, 1, h, w]
+ fine_masks.append(remove_small_regions(mask[0], 400, mode="holes")[0])
+ masks = np.stack(fine_masks, axis=0)[:, np.newaxis]
+ return torch.from_numpy(masks)
+def generate_mask_from_image(image: np.ndarray, mask_model: str = 'sam', extras=None,
+ sam_options: SAMOptions | None = SAMOptions) -> tuple[np.ndarray | None, int | None, int | None, int | None]:
+ dino_detection_count = 0
+ sam_detection_count = 0
+ sam_detection_on_mask_count = 0
+ if image is None:
+ return None, dino_detection_count, sam_detection_count, sam_detection_on_mask_count
+ if extras is None:
+ extras = {}
+ if 'image' in image:
+ image = image['image']
+ if mask_model != 'sam' or sam_options is None:
+ result = remove(
+ image,
+ session=new_session(mask_model, **extras),
+ only_mask=True,
+ **extras
+ )
+ return result, dino_detection_count, sam_detection_count, sam_detection_on_mask_count
+ detections, boxes, logits, phrases = default_groundingdino(
+ image=image,
+ caption=sam_options.dino_prompt,
+ box_threshold=sam_options.dino_box_threshold,
+ text_threshold=sam_options.dino_text_threshold
+ )
+ H, W = image.shape[0], image.shape[1]
+ boxes = boxes * torch.Tensor([W, H, W, H])
+ boxes[:, :2] = boxes[:, :2] - boxes[:, 2:] / 2
+ boxes[:, 2:] = boxes[:, 2:] + boxes[:, :2]
+ sam_checkpoint = modules.config.download_sam_model(sam_options.model_type)
+ sam = sam_model_registry[sam_options.model_type](checkpoint=sam_checkpoint)
+ sam_predictor = SamPredictor(sam)
+ final_mask_tensor = torch.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1]))
+ dino_detection_count = boxes.size(0)
+ if dino_detection_count > 0:
+ sam_predictor.set_image(image)
+ if sam_options.dino_erode_or_dilate != 0:
+ for index in range(boxes.size(0)):
+ assert boxes.size(1) == 4
+ boxes[index][0] -= sam_options.dino_erode_or_dilate
+ boxes[index][1] -= sam_options.dino_erode_or_dilate
+ boxes[index][2] += sam_options.dino_erode_or_dilate
+ boxes[index][3] += sam_options.dino_erode_or_dilate
+ if sam_options.dino_debug:
+ from PIL import ImageDraw, Image
+ debug_dino_image = Image.new("RGB", (image.shape[1], image.shape[0]), color="black")
+ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(debug_dino_image)
+ for box in boxes.numpy():
+ draw.rectangle(box.tolist(), fill="white")
+ return np.array(debug_dino_image), dino_detection_count, sam_detection_count, sam_detection_on_mask_count
+ transformed_boxes = sam_predictor.transform.apply_boxes_torch(boxes, image.shape[:2])
+ masks, _, _ = sam_predictor.predict_torch(
+ point_coords=None,
+ point_labels=None,
+ boxes=transformed_boxes,
+ multimask_output=False,
+ )
+ masks = optimize_masks(masks)
+ sam_detection_count = len(masks)
+ if sam_options.max_detections == 0:
+ sam_options.max_detections = sys.maxsize
+ sam_objects = min(len(logits), sam_options.max_detections)
+ for obj_ind in range(sam_objects):
+ mask_tensor = masks[obj_ind][0]
+ final_mask_tensor += mask_tensor
+ sam_detection_on_mask_count += 1
+ final_mask_tensor = (final_mask_tensor > 0).to('cpu').numpy()
+ mask_image = np.dstack((final_mask_tensor, final_mask_tensor, final_mask_tensor)) * 255
+ mask_image = np.array(mask_image, dtype=np.uint8)
+ return mask_image, dino_detection_count, sam_detection_count, sam_detection_on_mask_count
diff --git a/extras/sam/predictor.py b/extras/sam/predictor.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..337c549b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/sam/predictor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
+# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from ldm_patched.modules import model_management
+from ldm_patched.modules.model_patcher import ModelPatcher
+from segment_anything.modeling import Sam
+from typing import Optional, Tuple
+from segment_anything.utils.transforms import ResizeLongestSide
+class SamPredictor:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ model: Sam,
+ load_device=model_management.text_encoder_device(),
+ offload_device=model_management.text_encoder_offload_device()
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Uses SAM to calculate the image embedding for an image, and then
+ allow repeated, efficient mask prediction given prompts.
+ Arguments:
+ model (Sam): The model to use for mask prediction.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self.load_device = load_device
+ self.offload_device = offload_device
+ # can't use model.half() here as slow_conv2d_cpu is not implemented for half
+ model.to(self.offload_device)
+ self.patcher = ModelPatcher(model, load_device=self.load_device, offload_device=self.offload_device)
+ self.transform = ResizeLongestSide(model.image_encoder.img_size)
+ self.reset_image()
+ def set_image(
+ self,
+ image: np.ndarray,
+ image_format: str = "RGB",
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Calculates the image embeddings for the provided image, allowing
+ masks to be predicted with the 'predict' method.
+ Arguments:
+ image (np.ndarray): The image for calculating masks. Expects an
+ image in HWC uint8 format, with pixel values in [0, 255].
+ image_format (str): The color format of the image, in ['RGB', 'BGR'].
+ """
+ assert image_format in [
+ "RGB",
+ "BGR",
+ ], f"image_format must be in ['RGB', 'BGR'], is {image_format}."
+ if image_format != self.patcher.model.image_format:
+ image = image[..., ::-1]
+ # Transform the image to the form expected by the model
+ input_image = self.transform.apply_image(image)
+ input_image_torch = torch.as_tensor(input_image, device=self.load_device)
+ input_image_torch = input_image_torch.permute(2, 0, 1).contiguous()[None, :, :, :]
+ self.set_torch_image(input_image_torch, image.shape[:2])
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def set_torch_image(
+ self,
+ transformed_image: torch.Tensor,
+ original_image_size: Tuple[int, ...],
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Calculates the image embeddings for the provided image, allowing
+ masks to be predicted with the 'predict' method. Expects the input
+ image to be already transformed to the format expected by the model.
+ Arguments:
+ transformed_image (torch.Tensor): The input image, with shape
+ 1x3xHxW, which has been transformed with ResizeLongestSide.
+ original_image_size (tuple(int, int)): The size of the image
+ before transformation, in (H, W) format.
+ """
+ assert (
+ len(transformed_image.shape) == 4
+ and transformed_image.shape[1] == 3
+ and max(*transformed_image.shape[2:]) == self.patcher.model.image_encoder.img_size
+ ), f"set_torch_image input must be BCHW with long side {self.patcher.model.image_encoder.img_size}."
+ self.reset_image()
+ self.original_size = original_image_size
+ self.input_size = tuple(transformed_image.shape[-2:])
+ model_management.load_model_gpu(self.patcher)
+ input_image = self.patcher.model.preprocess(transformed_image.to(self.load_device))
+ self.features = self.patcher.model.image_encoder(input_image)
+ self.is_image_set = True
+ def predict(
+ self,
+ point_coords: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
+ point_labels: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
+ box: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
+ mask_input: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
+ multimask_output: bool = True,
+ return_logits: bool = False,
+ ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
+ """
+ Predict masks for the given input prompts, using the currently set image.
+ Arguments:
+ point_coords (np.ndarray or None): A Nx2 array of point prompts to the
+ model. Each point is in (X,Y) in pixels.
+ point_labels (np.ndarray or None): A length N array of labels for the
+ point prompts. 1 indicates a foreground point and 0 indicates a
+ background point.
+ box (np.ndarray or None): A length 4 array given a box prompt to the
+ model, in XYXY format.
+ mask_input (np.ndarray): A low resolution mask input to the model, typically
+ coming from a previous prediction iteration. Has form 1xHxW, where
+ for SAM, H=W=256.
+ multimask_output (bool): If true, the model will return three masks.
+ For ambiguous input prompts (such as a single click), this will often
+ produce better masks than a single prediction. If only a single
+ mask is needed, the model's predicted quality score can be used
+ to select the best mask. For non-ambiguous prompts, such as multiple
+ input prompts, multimask_output=False can give better results.
+ return_logits (bool): If true, returns un-thresholded masks logits
+ instead of a binary mask.
+ Returns:
+ (np.ndarray): The output masks in CxHxW format, where C is the
+ number of masks, and (H, W) is the original image size.
+ (np.ndarray): An array of length C containing the model's
+ predictions for the quality of each mask.
+ (np.ndarray): An array of shape CxHxW, where C is the number
+ of masks and H=W=256. These low resolution logits can be passed to
+ a subsequent iteration as mask input.
+ """
+ if not self.is_image_set:
+ raise RuntimeError("An image must be set with .set_image(...) before mask prediction.")
+ # Transform input prompts
+ coords_torch, labels_torch, box_torch, mask_input_torch = None, None, None, None
+ if point_coords is not None:
+ assert (
+ point_labels is not None
+ ), "point_labels must be supplied if point_coords is supplied."
+ point_coords = self.transform.apply_coords(point_coords, self.original_size)
+ coords_torch = torch.as_tensor(point_coords, dtype=torch.float, device=self.load_device)
+ labels_torch = torch.as_tensor(point_labels, dtype=torch.int, device=self.load_device)
+ coords_torch, labels_torch = coords_torch[None, :, :], labels_torch[None, :]
+ if box is not None:
+ box = self.transform.apply_boxes(box, self.original_size)
+ box_torch = torch.as_tensor(box, dtype=torch.float, device=self.load_device)
+ box_torch = box_torch[None, :]
+ if mask_input is not None:
+ mask_input_torch = torch.as_tensor(mask_input, dtype=torch.float, device=self.load_device)
+ mask_input_torch = mask_input_torch[None, :, :, :]
+ masks, iou_predictions, low_res_masks = self.predict_torch(
+ coords_torch,
+ labels_torch,
+ box_torch,
+ mask_input_torch,
+ multimask_output,
+ return_logits=return_logits,
+ )
+ masks = masks[0].detach().cpu().numpy()
+ iou_predictions = iou_predictions[0].detach().cpu().numpy()
+ low_res_masks = low_res_masks[0].detach().cpu().numpy()
+ return masks, iou_predictions, low_res_masks
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def predict_torch(
+ self,
+ point_coords: Optional[torch.Tensor],
+ point_labels: Optional[torch.Tensor],
+ boxes: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
+ mask_input: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
+ multimask_output: bool = True,
+ return_logits: bool = False,
+ ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
+ """
+ Predict masks for the given input prompts, using the currently set image.
+ Input prompts are batched torch tensors and are expected to already be
+ transformed to the input frame using ResizeLongestSide.
+ Arguments:
+ point_coords (torch.Tensor or None): A BxNx2 array of point prompts to the
+ model. Each point is in (X,Y) in pixels.
+ point_labels (torch.Tensor or None): A BxN array of labels for the
+ point prompts. 1 indicates a foreground point and 0 indicates a
+ background point.
+ box (np.ndarray or None): A Bx4 array given a box prompt to the
+ model, in XYXY format.
+ mask_input (np.ndarray): A low resolution mask input to the model, typically
+ coming from a previous prediction iteration. Has form Bx1xHxW, where
+ for SAM, H=W=256. Masks returned by a previous iteration of the
+ predict method do not need further transformation.
+ multimask_output (bool): If true, the model will return three masks.
+ For ambiguous input prompts (such as a single click), this will often
+ produce better masks than a single prediction. If only a single
+ mask is needed, the model's predicted quality score can be used
+ to select the best mask. For non-ambiguous prompts, such as multiple
+ input prompts, multimask_output=False can give better results.
+ return_logits (bool): If true, returns un-thresholded masks logits
+ instead of a binary mask.
+ Returns:
+ (torch.Tensor): The output masks in BxCxHxW format, where C is the
+ number of masks, and (H, W) is the original image size.
+ (torch.Tensor): An array of shape BxC containing the model's
+ predictions for the quality of each mask.
+ (torch.Tensor): An array of shape BxCxHxW, where C is the number
+ of masks and H=W=256. These low res logits can be passed to
+ a subsequent iteration as mask input.
+ """
+ if not self.is_image_set:
+ raise RuntimeError("An image must be set with .set_image(...) before mask prediction.")
+ if point_coords is not None:
+ points = (point_coords.to(self.load_device), point_labels.to(self.load_device))
+ else:
+ points = None
+ # load
+ if boxes is not None:
+ boxes = boxes.to(self.load_device)
+ if mask_input is not None:
+ mask_input = mask_input.to(self.load_device)
+ model_management.load_model_gpu(self.patcher)
+ # Embed prompts
+ sparse_embeddings, dense_embeddings = self.patcher.model.prompt_encoder(
+ points=points,
+ boxes=boxes,
+ masks=mask_input,
+ )
+ # Predict masks
+ low_res_masks, iou_predictions = self.patcher.model.mask_decoder(
+ image_embeddings=self.features,
+ image_pe=self.patcher.model.prompt_encoder.get_dense_pe(),
+ sparse_prompt_embeddings=sparse_embeddings,
+ dense_prompt_embeddings=dense_embeddings,
+ multimask_output=multimask_output,
+ )
+ # Upscale the masks to the original image resolution
+ masks = self.patcher.model.postprocess_masks(low_res_masks, self.input_size, self.original_size)
+ if not return_logits:
+ masks = masks > self.patcher.model.mask_threshold
+ return masks, iou_predictions, low_res_masks
+ def get_image_embedding(self) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """
+ Returns the image embeddings for the currently set image, with
+ shape 1xCxHxW, where C is the embedding dimension and (H,W) are
+ the embedding spatial dimension of SAM (typically C=256, H=W=64).
+ """
+ if not self.is_image_set:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "An image must be set with .set_image(...) to generate an embedding."
+ )
+ assert self.features is not None, "Features must exist if an image has been set."
+ return self.features
+ @property
+ def device(self) -> torch.device:
+ return self.patcher.model.device
+ def reset_image(self) -> None:
+ """Resets the currently set image."""
+ self.is_image_set = False
+ self.features = None
+ self.orig_h = None
+ self.orig_w = None
+ self.input_h = None
+ self.input_w = None
diff --git a/fooocus_colab.ipynb b/fooocus_colab.ipynb
index 7fa988798..1d8241851 100644
--- a/fooocus_colab.ipynb
+++ b/fooocus_colab.ipynb
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "!pip install pygit2==1.12.2\n",
+ "!pip install pygit2==1.15.1\n",
"%cd /content\n",
"!git clone https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus.git\n",
"%cd /content/Fooocus\n",
diff --git a/fooocus_version.py b/fooocus_version.py
index 84d1586b0..3d98bc1d1 100644
--- a/fooocus_version.py
+++ b/fooocus_version.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-version = '2.4.3'
+version = '2.5.0'
diff --git a/javascript/zoom.js b/javascript/zoom.js
index 450a03472..8d1d296d7 100644
--- a/javascript/zoom.js
+++ b/javascript/zoom.js
@@ -642,4 +642,5 @@ onUiLoaded(async() => {
+ applyZoomAndPan("#inpaint_mask_canvas");
diff --git a/language/en.json b/language/en.json
index 5819f4eed..c14b38758 100644
--- a/language/en.json
+++ b/language/en.json
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
"Image Prompt": "Image Prompt",
"Inpaint or Outpaint": "Inpaint or Outpaint",
"Outpaint Direction": "Outpaint Direction",
+ "Enable Advanced Masking Features": "Enable Advanced Masking Features",
"Method": "Method",
"Describe": "Describe",
"Content Type": "Content Type",
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
"Upscale (1.5x)": "Upscale (1.5x)",
"Upscale (2x)": "Upscale (2x)",
"Upscale (Fast 2x)": "Upscale (Fast 2x)",
- "\ud83d\udcd4 Document": "\uD83D\uDCD4 Document",
+ "\ud83d\udcd4 Documentation": "\uD83D\uDCD4 Documentation",
"Image": "Image",
"Stop At": "Stop At",
"Weight": "Weight",
@@ -44,8 +45,11 @@
"Top": "Top",
"Bottom": "Bottom",
"* \"Inpaint or Outpaint\" is powered by the sampler \"DPMPP Fooocus Seamless 2M SDE Karras Inpaint Sampler\" (beta)": "* \"Inpaint or Outpaint\" is powered by the sampler \"DPMPP Fooocus Seamless 2M SDE Karras Inpaint Sampler\" (beta)",
- "Setting": "Setting",
+ "Advanced options": "Advanced options",
+ "Generate mask from image": "Generate mask from image",
+ "Settings": "Settings",
"Style": "Style",
+ "Styles": "Styles",
"Preset": "Preset",
"Performance": "Performance",
"Speed": "Speed",
@@ -279,7 +283,7 @@
"Volumetric Lighting": "Volumetric Lighting",
"Watercolor 2": "Watercolor 2",
"Whimsical And Playful": "Whimsical And Playful",
- "Model": "Model",
+ "Models": "Models",
"Base Model (SDXL only)": "Base Model (SDXL only)",
"sd_xl_base_1.0_0.9vae.safetensors": "sd_xl_base_1.0_0.9vae.safetensors",
"bluePencilXL_v009.safetensors": "bluePencilXL_v009.safetensors",
@@ -367,10 +371,14 @@
"Disable preview during generation.": "Disable preview during generation.",
"Disable Intermediate Results": "Disable Intermediate Results",
"Disable intermediate results during generation, only show final gallery.": "Disable intermediate results during generation, only show final gallery.",
+ "Debug Inpaint Preprocessing": "Debug Inpaint Preprocessing",
+ "Debug GroundingDINO": "Debug GroundingDINO",
+ "Used for SAM object detection and box generation": "Used for SAM object detection and box generation",
+ "GroundingDINO Box Erode or Dilate": "GroundingDINO Box Erode or Dilate",
"Inpaint Engine": "Inpaint Engine",
"v1": "v1",
- "Version of Fooocus inpaint model": "Version of Fooocus inpaint model",
"v2.5": "v2.5",
+ "v2.6": "v2.6",
"Control Debug": "Control Debug",
"Debug Preprocessors": "Debug Preprocessors",
"Mixing Image Prompt and Vary/Upscale": "Mixing Image Prompt and Vary/Upscale",
@@ -400,5 +408,74 @@
"Image Prompt parameters are not included. Use png and a1111 for compatibility with Civitai.": "Image Prompt parameters are not included. Use png and a1111 for compatibility with Civitai.",
"fooocus (json)": "fooocus (json)",
"a1111 (plain text)": "a1111 (plain text)",
- "Unsupported image type in input": "Unsupported image type in input"
+ "Unsupported image type in input": "Unsupported image type in input",
+ "Enhance": "Enhance",
+ "Detection prompt": "Detection prompt",
+ "Detection Prompt Quick List": "Detection Prompt Quick List",
+ "Maximum number of detections": "Maximum number of detections",
+ "Use with Enhance, skips image generation": "Use with Enhance, skips image generation",
+ "Order of Processing": "Order of Processing",
+ "Use before to enhance small details and after to enhance large areas.": "Use before to enhance small details and after to enhance large areas.",
+ "Before First Enhancement": "Before First Enhancement",
+ "After Last Enhancement": "After Last Enhancement",
+ "Prompt Type": "Prompt Type",
+ "Choose which prompt to use for Upscale or Variation.": "Choose which prompt to use for Upscale or Variation.",
+ "Original Prompts": "Original Prompts",
+ "Last Filled Enhancement Prompts": "Last Filled Enhancement Prompts",
+ "Enable": "Enable",
+ "Describe what you want to detect.": "Describe what you want to detect.",
+ "Enhancement positive prompt": "Enhancement positive prompt",
+ "Uses original prompt instead if empty.": "Uses original prompt instead if empty.",
+ "Enhancement negative prompt": "Enhancement negative prompt",
+ "Uses original negative prompt instead if empty.": "Uses original negative prompt instead if empty.",
+ "Detection": "Detection",
+ "u2net": "u2net",
+ "u2netp": "u2netp",
+ "u2net_human_seg": "u2net_human_seg",
+ "u2net_cloth_seg": "u2net_cloth_seg",
+ "silueta": "silueta",
+ "isnet-general-use": "isnet-general-use",
+ "isnet-anime": "isnet-anime",
+ "sam": "sam",
+ "Mask generation model": "Mask generation model",
+ "Cloth category": "Cloth category",
+ "Use singular whenever possible": "Use singular whenever possible",
+ "full": "full",
+ "upper": "upper",
+ "lower": "lower",
+ "SAM Options": "SAM Options",
+ "SAM model": "SAM model",
+ "vit_b": "vit_b",
+ "vit_l": "vit_l",
+ "vit_h": "vit_h",
+ "Box Threshold": "Box Threshold",
+ "Text Threshold": "Text Threshold",
+ "Set to 0 to detect all": "Set to 0 to detect all",
+ "Inpaint": "Inpaint",
+ "Inpaint or Outpaint (default)": "Inpaint or Outpaint (default)",
+ "Improve Detail (face, hand, eyes, etc.)": "Improve Detail (face, hand, eyes, etc.)",
+ "Modify Content (add objects, change background, etc.)": "Modify Content (add objects, change background, etc.)",
+ "Disable initial latent in inpaint": "Disable initial latent in inpaint",
+ "Version of Fooocus inpaint model. If set, use performance Quality or Speed (no performance LoRAs) for best results.": "Version of Fooocus inpaint model. If set, use performance Quality or Speed (no performance LoRAs) for best results.",
+ "Inpaint Denoising Strength": "Inpaint Denoising Strength",
+ "Same as the denoising strength in A1111 inpaint. Only used in inpaint, not used in outpaint. (Outpaint always use 1.0)": "Same as the denoising strength in A1111 inpaint. Only used in inpaint, not used in outpaint. (Outpaint always use 1.0)",
+ "Inpaint Respective Field": "Inpaint Respective Field",
+ "The area to inpaint. Value 0 is same as \"Only Masked\" in A1111. Value 1 is same as \"Whole Image\" in A1111. Only used in inpaint, not used in outpaint. (Outpaint always use 1.0)": "The area to inpaint. Value 0 is same as \"Only Masked\" in A1111. Value 1 is same as \"Whole Image\" in A1111. Only used in inpaint, not used in outpaint. (Outpaint always use 1.0)",
+ "Mask Erode or Dilate": "Mask Erode or Dilate",
+ "Positive value will make white area in the mask larger, negative value will make white area smaller. (default is 0, always processed before any mask invert)": "Positive value will make white area in the mask larger, negative value will make white area smaller. (default is 0, always processed before any mask invert)",
+ "Invert Mask When Generating": "Invert Mask When Generating",
+ "Debug Enhance Masks": "Debug Enhance Masks",
+ "Show enhance masks in preview and final results": "Show enhance masks in preview and final results",
+ "Use GroundingDINO boxes instead of more detailed SAM masks": "Use GroundingDINO boxes instead of more detailed SAM masks",
+ "highly detailed face": "highly detailed face",
+ "detailed girl face": "detailed girl face",
+ "detailed man face": "detailed man face",
+ "detailed hand": "detailed hand",
+ "beautiful eyes": "beautiful eyes",
+ "face": "face",
+ "eye": "eye",
+ "mouth": "mouth",
+ "hair": "hair",
+ "hand": "hand",
+ "body": "body"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/launch.py b/launch.py
index 5d40cc5b0..77c2e2c29 100644
--- a/launch.py
+++ b/launch.py
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ def ini_args():
print("Set hf_mirror to:", args.hf_mirror)
from modules import config
+from modules.hash_cache import init_cache
+os.environ["U2NET_HOME"] = config.path_inpaint
os.environ['GRADIO_TEMP_DIR'] = config.temp_path
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ def ini_args():
print(f"[Cleanup] Failed to delete content of temp dir.")
-def download_models(default_model, previous_default_models, checkpoint_downloads, embeddings_downloads, lora_downloads):
+def download_models(default_model, previous_default_models, checkpoint_downloads, embeddings_downloads, lora_downloads, vae_downloads):
for file_name, url in vae_approx_filenames:
load_file_from_url(url=url, model_dir=config.path_vae_approx, file_name=file_name)
@@ -129,12 +131,17 @@ def download_models(default_model, previous_default_models, checkpoint_downloads
load_file_from_url(url=url, model_dir=config.path_embeddings, file_name=file_name)
for file_name, url in lora_downloads.items():
load_file_from_url(url=url, model_dir=config.paths_loras[0], file_name=file_name)
+ for file_name, url in vae_downloads.items():
+ load_file_from_url(url=url, model_dir=config.path_vae, file_name=file_name)
return default_model, checkpoint_downloads
config.default_base_model_name, config.checkpoint_downloads = download_models(
config.default_base_model_name, config.previous_default_models, config.checkpoint_downloads,
- config.embeddings_downloads, config.lora_downloads)
+ config.embeddings_downloads, config.lora_downloads, config.vae_downloads)
+init_cache(config.model_filenames, config.paths_checkpoints, config.lora_filenames, config.paths_loras)
from webui import *
diff --git a/ldm_patched/k_diffusion/sampling.py b/ldm_patched/k_diffusion/sampling.py
index ea5540a42..4d9d4ea64 100644
--- a/ldm_patched/k_diffusion/sampling.py
+++ b/ldm_patched/k_diffusion/sampling.py
@@ -835,4 +835,74 @@ def sample_tcd(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, n
x *= torch.sqrt(1.0 + sigmas[i + 1] ** 2)
+ return x
+def sample_restart(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, s_noise=1., restart_list=None):
+ """Implements restart sampling in Restart Sampling for Improving Generative Processes (2023)
+ Restart_list format: {min_sigma: [ restart_steps, restart_times, max_sigma]}
+ If restart_list is None: will choose restart_list automatically, otherwise will use the given restart_list
+ """
+ extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
+ s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
+ step_id = 0
+ def heun_step(x, old_sigma, new_sigma, second_order=True):
+ nonlocal step_id
+ denoised = model(x, old_sigma * s_in, **extra_args)
+ d = to_d(x, old_sigma, denoised)
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback({'x': x, 'i': step_id, 'sigma': new_sigma, 'sigma_hat': old_sigma, 'denoised': denoised})
+ dt = new_sigma - old_sigma
+ if new_sigma == 0 or not second_order:
+ # Euler method
+ x = x + d * dt
+ else:
+ # Heun's method
+ x_2 = x + d * dt
+ denoised_2 = model(x_2, new_sigma * s_in, **extra_args)
+ d_2 = to_d(x_2, new_sigma, denoised_2)
+ d_prime = (d + d_2) / 2
+ x = x + d_prime * dt
+ step_id += 1
+ return x
+ steps = sigmas.shape[0] - 1
+ if restart_list is None:
+ if steps >= 20:
+ restart_steps = 9
+ restart_times = 1
+ if steps >= 36:
+ restart_steps = steps // 4
+ restart_times = 2
+ sigmas = get_sigmas_karras(steps - restart_steps * restart_times, sigmas[-2].item(), sigmas[0].item(), device=sigmas.device)
+ restart_list = {0.1: [restart_steps + 1, restart_times, 2]}
+ else:
+ restart_list = {}
+ restart_list = {int(torch.argmin(abs(sigmas - key), dim=0)): value for key, value in restart_list.items()}
+ step_list = []
+ for i in range(len(sigmas) - 1):
+ step_list.append((sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1]))
+ if i + 1 in restart_list:
+ restart_steps, restart_times, restart_max = restart_list[i + 1]
+ min_idx = i + 1
+ max_idx = int(torch.argmin(abs(sigmas - restart_max), dim=0))
+ if max_idx < min_idx:
+ sigma_restart = get_sigmas_karras(restart_steps, sigmas[min_idx].item(), sigmas[max_idx].item(), device=sigmas.device)[:-1]
+ while restart_times > 0:
+ restart_times -= 1
+ step_list.extend(zip(sigma_restart[:-1], sigma_restart[1:]))
+ last_sigma = None
+ for old_sigma, new_sigma in tqdm(step_list, disable=disable):
+ if last_sigma is None:
+ last_sigma = old_sigma
+ elif last_sigma < old_sigma:
+ x = x + torch.randn_like(x) * s_noise * (old_sigma ** 2 - last_sigma ** 2) ** 0.5
+ x = heun_step(x, old_sigma, new_sigma)
+ last_sigma = new_sigma
return x
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldm_patched/modules/samplers.py b/ldm_patched/modules/samplers.py
index 9ed1fcd28..05b4b3174 100644
--- a/ldm_patched/modules/samplers.py
+++ b/ldm_patched/modules/samplers.py
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ def sample(self, model_wrap, sigmas, extra_args, callback, noise, latent_image=N
KSAMPLER_NAMES = ["euler", "euler_ancestral", "heun", "heunpp2","dpm_2", "dpm_2_ancestral",
"lms", "dpm_fast", "dpm_adaptive", "dpmpp_2s_ancestral", "dpmpp_sde", "dpmpp_sde_gpu",
- "dpmpp_2m", "dpmpp_2m_sde", "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu", "dpmpp_3m_sde", "dpmpp_3m_sde_gpu", "ddpm", "lcm", "tcd", "edm_playground_v2.5"]
+ "dpmpp_2m", "dpmpp_2m_sde", "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu", "dpmpp_3m_sde", "dpmpp_3m_sde_gpu", "ddpm", "lcm", "tcd", "edm_playground_v2.5", "restart"]
class KSAMPLER(Sampler):
def __init__(self, sampler_function, extra_options={}, inpaint_options={}):
diff --git a/modules/async_worker.py b/modules/async_worker.py
index 76e10f924..71cfba3f5 100644
--- a/modules/async_worker.py
+++ b/modules/async_worker.py
@@ -1,22 +1,167 @@
import threading
-import re
+from extras.inpaint_mask import generate_mask_from_image, SAMOptions
from modules.patch import PatchSettings, patch_settings, patch_all
+import modules.config
class AsyncTask:
def __init__(self, args):
- self.args = args
+ from modules.flags import Performance, MetadataScheme, ip_list, controlnet_image_count
+ from modules.util import get_enabled_loras
+ from modules.config import default_max_lora_number
+ import args_manager
+ self.args = args.copy()
self.yields = []
self.results = []
self.last_stop = False
self.processing = False
+ self.performance_loras = []
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ return
+ args.reverse()
+ self.generate_image_grid = args.pop()
+ self.prompt = args.pop()
+ self.negative_prompt = args.pop()
+ self.style_selections = args.pop()
+ self.performance_selection = Performance(args.pop())
+ self.steps = self.performance_selection.steps()
+ self.original_steps = self.steps
+ self.aspect_ratios_selection = args.pop()
+ self.image_number = args.pop()
+ self.output_format = args.pop()
+ self.seed = int(args.pop())
+ self.read_wildcards_in_order = args.pop()
+ self.sharpness = args.pop()
+ self.cfg_scale = args.pop()
+ self.base_model_name = args.pop()
+ self.refiner_model_name = args.pop()
+ self.refiner_switch = args.pop()
+ self.loras = get_enabled_loras([(bool(args.pop()), str(args.pop()), float(args.pop())) for _ in
+ range(default_max_lora_number)])
+ self.input_image_checkbox = args.pop()
+ self.current_tab = args.pop()
+ self.uov_method = args.pop()
+ self.uov_input_image = args.pop()
+ self.outpaint_selections = args.pop()
+ self.inpaint_input_image = args.pop()
+ self.inpaint_additional_prompt = args.pop()
+ self.inpaint_mask_image_upload = args.pop()
+ self.disable_preview = args.pop()
+ self.disable_intermediate_results = args.pop()
+ self.disable_seed_increment = args.pop()
+ self.black_out_nsfw = args.pop()
+ self.adm_scaler_positive = args.pop()
+ self.adm_scaler_negative = args.pop()
+ self.adm_scaler_end = args.pop()
+ self.adaptive_cfg = args.pop()
+ self.clip_skip = args.pop()
+ self.sampler_name = args.pop()
+ self.scheduler_name = args.pop()
+ self.vae_name = args.pop()
+ self.overwrite_step = args.pop()
+ self.overwrite_switch = args.pop()
+ self.overwrite_width = args.pop()
+ self.overwrite_height = args.pop()
+ self.overwrite_vary_strength = args.pop()
+ self.overwrite_upscale_strength = args.pop()
+ self.mixing_image_prompt_and_vary_upscale = args.pop()
+ self.mixing_image_prompt_and_inpaint = args.pop()
+ self.debugging_cn_preprocessor = args.pop()
+ self.skipping_cn_preprocessor = args.pop()
+ self.canny_low_threshold = args.pop()
+ self.canny_high_threshold = args.pop()
+ self.refiner_swap_method = args.pop()
+ self.controlnet_softness = args.pop()
+ self.freeu_enabled = args.pop()
+ self.freeu_b1 = args.pop()
+ self.freeu_b2 = args.pop()
+ self.freeu_s1 = args.pop()
+ self.freeu_s2 = args.pop()
+ self.debugging_inpaint_preprocessor = args.pop()
+ self.inpaint_disable_initial_latent = args.pop()
+ self.inpaint_engine = args.pop()
+ self.inpaint_strength = args.pop()
+ self.inpaint_respective_field = args.pop()
+ self.inpaint_advanced_masking_checkbox = args.pop()
+ self.invert_mask_checkbox = args.pop()
+ self.inpaint_erode_or_dilate = args.pop()
+ self.save_metadata_to_images = args.pop() if not args_manager.args.disable_metadata else False
+ self.metadata_scheme = MetadataScheme(
+ args.pop()) if not args_manager.args.disable_metadata else MetadataScheme.FOOOCUS
+ self.cn_tasks = {x: [] for x in ip_list}
+ for _ in range(controlnet_image_count):
+ cn_img = args.pop()
+ cn_stop = args.pop()
+ cn_weight = args.pop()
+ cn_type = args.pop()
+ if cn_img is not None:
+ self.cn_tasks[cn_type].append([cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight])
+ self.debugging_dino = args.pop()
+ self.dino_erode_or_dilate = args.pop()
+ self.debugging_enhance_masks_checkbox = args.pop()
+ self.enhance_input_image = args.pop()
+ self.enhance_checkbox = args.pop()
+ self.enhance_uov_method = args.pop()
+ self.enhance_uov_processing_order = args.pop()
+ self.enhance_uov_prompt_type = args.pop()
+ self.enhance_ctrls = []
+ for _ in range(modules.config.default_enhance_tabs):
+ enhance_enabled = args.pop()
+ enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text = args.pop()
+ enhance_prompt = args.pop()
+ enhance_negative_prompt = args.pop()
+ enhance_mask_model = args.pop()
+ enhance_mask_cloth_category = args.pop()
+ enhance_mask_sam_model = args.pop()
+ enhance_mask_text_threshold = args.pop()
+ enhance_mask_box_threshold = args.pop()
+ enhance_mask_sam_max_detections = args.pop()
+ enhance_inpaint_disable_initial_latent = args.pop()
+ enhance_inpaint_engine = args.pop()
+ enhance_inpaint_strength = args.pop()
+ enhance_inpaint_respective_field = args.pop()
+ enhance_inpaint_erode_or_dilate = args.pop()
+ enhance_mask_invert = args.pop()
+ if enhance_enabled:
+ self.enhance_ctrls.append([
+ enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text,
+ enhance_prompt,
+ enhance_negative_prompt,
+ enhance_mask_model,
+ enhance_mask_cloth_category,
+ enhance_mask_sam_model,
+ enhance_mask_text_threshold,
+ enhance_mask_box_threshold,
+ enhance_mask_sam_max_detections,
+ enhance_inpaint_disable_initial_latent,
+ enhance_inpaint_engine,
+ enhance_inpaint_strength,
+ enhance_inpaint_respective_field,
+ enhance_inpaint_erode_or_dilate,
+ enhance_mask_invert
+ ])
async_tasks = []
+class EarlyReturnException:
+ pass
def worker():
global async_tasks
@@ -24,16 +169,15 @@ def worker():
import traceback
import math
import numpy as np
- import cv2
import torch
import time
import shared
import random
import copy
+ import cv2
import modules.default_pipeline as pipeline
import modules.core as core
import modules.flags as flags
- import modules.config
import modules.patch
import ldm_patched.modules.model_management
import extras.preprocessors as preprocessors
@@ -42,18 +186,17 @@ def worker():
import extras.ip_adapter as ip_adapter
import extras.face_crop
import fooocus_version
- import args_manager
from extras.censor import default_censor
from modules.sdxl_styles import apply_style, get_random_style, fooocus_expansion, apply_arrays, random_style_name
from modules.private_logger import log
from extras.expansion import safe_str
from modules.util import (remove_empty_str, HWC3, resize_image, get_image_shape_ceil, set_image_shape_ceil,
- get_shape_ceil, resample_image, erode_or_dilate, get_enabled_loras,
- parse_lora_references_from_prompt, apply_wildcards)
+ get_shape_ceil, resample_image, erode_or_dilate, parse_lora_references_from_prompt,
+ apply_wildcards)
from modules.upscaler import perform_upscale
from modules.flags import Performance
- from modules.meta_parser import get_metadata_parser, MetadataScheme
+ from modules.meta_parser import get_metadata_parser
pid = os.getpid()
print(f'Started worker with PID {pid}')
@@ -71,8 +214,7 @@ def progressbar(async_task, number, text):
print(f'[Fooocus] {text}')
async_task.yields.append(['preview', (number, text, None)])
- def yield_result(async_task, imgs, black_out_nsfw, censor=True, do_not_show_finished_images=False,
- progressbar_index=flags.preparation_step_count):
+ def yield_result(async_task, imgs, progressbar_index, black_out_nsfw, censor=True, do_not_show_finished_images=False):
if not isinstance(imgs, list):
imgs = [imgs]
@@ -132,203 +274,844 @@ def build_image_wall(async_task):
async_task.results = async_task.results + [wall]
- @torch.no_grad()
- @torch.inference_mode()
- def handler(async_task):
- execution_start_time = time.perf_counter()
- async_task.processing = True
+ def process_task(all_steps, async_task, callback, controlnet_canny_path, controlnet_cpds_path, current_task_id,
+ denoising_strength, final_scheduler_name, goals, initial_latent, steps, switch, positive_cond,
+ negative_cond, task, loras, tiled, use_expansion, width, height, base_progress, preparation_steps,
+ total_count, show_intermediate_results):
+ if async_task.last_stop is not False:
+ ldm_patched.modules.model_management.interrupt_current_processing()
+ if 'cn' in goals:
+ for cn_flag, cn_path in [
+ (flags.cn_canny, controlnet_canny_path),
+ (flags.cn_cpds, controlnet_cpds_path)
+ ]:
+ for cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight in async_task.cn_tasks[cn_flag]:
+ positive_cond, negative_cond = core.apply_controlnet(
+ positive_cond, negative_cond,
+ pipeline.loaded_ControlNets[cn_path], cn_img, cn_weight, 0, cn_stop)
+ imgs = pipeline.process_diffusion(
+ positive_cond=positive_cond,
+ negative_cond=negative_cond,
+ steps=steps,
+ switch=switch,
+ width=width,
+ height=height,
+ image_seed=task['task_seed'],
+ callback=callback,
+ sampler_name=async_task.sampler_name,
+ scheduler_name=final_scheduler_name,
+ latent=initial_latent,
+ denoise=denoising_strength,
+ tiled=tiled,
+ cfg_scale=async_task.cfg_scale,
+ refiner_swap_method=async_task.refiner_swap_method,
+ disable_preview=async_task.disable_preview
+ )
+ del positive_cond, negative_cond # Save memory
+ if inpaint_worker.current_task is not None:
+ imgs = [inpaint_worker.current_task.post_process(x) for x in imgs]
+ current_progress = int(base_progress + (100 - preparation_steps) / float(all_steps) * steps)
+ if modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw or async_task.black_out_nsfw:
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Checking for NSFW content ...')
+ imgs = default_censor(imgs)
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress,
+ f'Saving image {current_task_id + 1}/{total_count} to system ...')
+ img_paths = save_and_log(async_task, height, imgs, task, use_expansion, width, loras)
+ yield_result(async_task, img_paths, current_progress, async_task.black_out_nsfw, False,
+ do_not_show_finished_images=not show_intermediate_results or async_task.disable_intermediate_results)
- args = async_task.args
- args.reverse()
+ return imgs, img_paths, current_progress
- prompt = args.pop()
- negative_prompt = args.pop()
- style_selections = args.pop()
- performance_selection = Performance(args.pop())
- aspect_ratios_selection = args.pop()
- image_number = args.pop()
- output_format = args.pop()
- image_seed = args.pop()
- read_wildcards_in_order = args.pop()
- sharpness = args.pop()
- guidance_scale = args.pop()
- base_model_name = args.pop()
- refiner_model_name = args.pop()
- refiner_switch = args.pop()
- loras = get_enabled_loras([(bool(args.pop()), str(args.pop()), float(args.pop())) for _ in
- range(modules.config.default_max_lora_number)])
- input_image_checkbox = args.pop()
- current_tab = args.pop()
- uov_method = args.pop()
- uov_input_image = args.pop()
- outpaint_selections = args.pop()
- inpaint_input_image = args.pop()
- inpaint_additional_prompt = args.pop()
- inpaint_mask_image_upload = args.pop()
- disable_preview = args.pop()
- disable_intermediate_results = args.pop()
- disable_seed_increment = args.pop()
- black_out_nsfw = args.pop()
- adm_scaler_positive = args.pop()
- adm_scaler_negative = args.pop()
- adm_scaler_end = args.pop()
- adaptive_cfg = args.pop()
- clip_skip = args.pop()
- sampler_name = args.pop()
- scheduler_name = args.pop()
- vae_name = args.pop()
- overwrite_step = args.pop()
- overwrite_switch = args.pop()
- overwrite_width = args.pop()
- overwrite_height = args.pop()
- overwrite_vary_strength = args.pop()
- overwrite_upscale_strength = args.pop()
- mixing_image_prompt_and_vary_upscale = args.pop()
- mixing_image_prompt_and_inpaint = args.pop()
- debugging_cn_preprocessor = args.pop()
- skipping_cn_preprocessor = args.pop()
- canny_low_threshold = args.pop()
- canny_high_threshold = args.pop()
- refiner_swap_method = args.pop()
- controlnet_softness = args.pop()
- freeu_enabled = args.pop()
- freeu_b1 = args.pop()
- freeu_b2 = args.pop()
- freeu_s1 = args.pop()
- freeu_s2 = args.pop()
- debugging_inpaint_preprocessor = args.pop()
- inpaint_disable_initial_latent = args.pop()
- inpaint_engine = args.pop()
- inpaint_strength = args.pop()
- inpaint_respective_field = args.pop()
- inpaint_mask_upload_checkbox = args.pop()
- invert_mask_checkbox = args.pop()
- inpaint_erode_or_dilate = args.pop()
- save_metadata_to_images = args.pop() if not args_manager.args.disable_metadata else False
- metadata_scheme = MetadataScheme(
- args.pop()) if not args_manager.args.disable_metadata else MetadataScheme.FOOOCUS
+ def apply_patch_settings(async_task):
+ patch_settings[pid] = PatchSettings(
+ async_task.sharpness,
+ async_task.adm_scaler_end,
+ async_task.adm_scaler_positive,
+ async_task.adm_scaler_negative,
+ async_task.controlnet_softness,
+ async_task.adaptive_cfg
+ )
- cn_tasks = {x: [] for x in flags.ip_list}
- for _ in range(flags.controlnet_image_count):
- cn_img = args.pop()
- cn_stop = args.pop()
- cn_weight = args.pop()
- cn_type = args.pop()
- if cn_img is not None:
- cn_tasks[cn_type].append([cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight])
+ def save_and_log(async_task, height, imgs, task, use_expansion, width, loras) -> list:
+ img_paths = []
+ for x in imgs:
+ d = [('Prompt', 'prompt', task['log_positive_prompt']),
+ ('Negative Prompt', 'negative_prompt', task['log_negative_prompt']),
+ ('Fooocus V2 Expansion', 'prompt_expansion', task['expansion']),
+ ('Styles', 'styles',
+ str(task['styles'] if not use_expansion else [fooocus_expansion] + task['styles'])),
+ ('Performance', 'performance', async_task.performance_selection.value),
+ ('Steps', 'steps', async_task.steps),
+ ('Resolution', 'resolution', str((width, height))),
+ ('Guidance Scale', 'guidance_scale', async_task.cfg_scale),
+ ('Sharpness', 'sharpness', async_task.sharpness),
+ ('ADM Guidance', 'adm_guidance', str((
+ modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].positive_adm_scale,
+ modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].negative_adm_scale,
+ modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].adm_scaler_end))),
+ ('Base Model', 'base_model', async_task.base_model_name),
+ ('Refiner Model', 'refiner_model', async_task.refiner_model_name),
+ ('Refiner Switch', 'refiner_switch', async_task.refiner_switch)]
+ if async_task.refiner_model_name != 'None':
+ if async_task.overwrite_switch > 0:
+ d.append(('Overwrite Switch', 'overwrite_switch', async_task.overwrite_switch))
+ if async_task.refiner_swap_method != flags.refiner_swap_method:
+ d.append(('Refiner Swap Method', 'refiner_swap_method', async_task.refiner_swap_method))
+ if modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].adaptive_cfg != modules.config.default_cfg_tsnr:
+ d.append(
+ ('CFG Mimicking from TSNR', 'adaptive_cfg', modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].adaptive_cfg))
+ if async_task.clip_skip > 1:
+ d.append(('CLIP Skip', 'clip_skip', async_task.clip_skip))
+ d.append(('Sampler', 'sampler', async_task.sampler_name))
+ d.append(('Scheduler', 'scheduler', async_task.scheduler_name))
+ d.append(('VAE', 'vae', async_task.vae_name))
+ d.append(('Seed', 'seed', str(task['task_seed'])))
+ if async_task.freeu_enabled:
+ d.append(('FreeU', 'freeu',
+ str((async_task.freeu_b1, async_task.freeu_b2, async_task.freeu_s1, async_task.freeu_s2))))
+ for li, (n, w) in enumerate(loras):
+ if n != 'None':
+ d.append((f'LoRA {li + 1}', f'lora_combined_{li + 1}', f'{n} : {w}'))
+ metadata_parser = None
+ if async_task.save_metadata_to_images:
+ metadata_parser = modules.meta_parser.get_metadata_parser(async_task.metadata_scheme)
+ metadata_parser.set_data(task['log_positive_prompt'], task['positive'],
+ task['log_negative_prompt'], task['negative'],
+ async_task.steps, async_task.base_model_name, async_task.refiner_model_name,
+ loras, async_task.vae_name)
+ d.append(('Metadata Scheme', 'metadata_scheme',
+ async_task.metadata_scheme.value if async_task.save_metadata_to_images else async_task.save_metadata_to_images))
+ d.append(('Version', 'version', 'Fooocus v' + fooocus_version.version))
+ img_paths.append(log(x, d, metadata_parser, async_task.output_format, task))
+ return img_paths
+ def apply_control_nets(async_task, height, ip_adapter_face_path, ip_adapter_path, width, current_progress):
+ for task in async_task.cn_tasks[flags.cn_canny]:
+ cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight = task
+ cn_img = resize_image(HWC3(cn_img), width=width, height=height)
+ if not async_task.skipping_cn_preprocessor:
+ cn_img = preprocessors.canny_pyramid(cn_img, async_task.canny_low_threshold,
+ async_task.canny_high_threshold)
+ cn_img = HWC3(cn_img)
+ task[0] = core.numpy_to_pytorch(cn_img)
+ if async_task.debugging_cn_preprocessor:
+ yield_result(async_task, cn_img, current_progress, async_task.black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True)
+ for task in async_task.cn_tasks[flags.cn_cpds]:
+ cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight = task
+ cn_img = resize_image(HWC3(cn_img), width=width, height=height)
+ if not async_task.skipping_cn_preprocessor:
+ cn_img = preprocessors.cpds(cn_img)
+ cn_img = HWC3(cn_img)
+ task[0] = core.numpy_to_pytorch(cn_img)
+ if async_task.debugging_cn_preprocessor:
+ yield_result(async_task, cn_img, current_progress, async_task.black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True)
+ for task in async_task.cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip]:
+ cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight = task
+ cn_img = HWC3(cn_img)
+ # https://github.com/tencent-ailab/IP-Adapter/blob/d580c50a291566bbf9fc7ac0f760506607297e6d/README.md?plain=1#L75
+ cn_img = resize_image(cn_img, width=224, height=224, resize_mode=0)
+ task[0] = ip_adapter.preprocess(cn_img, ip_adapter_path=ip_adapter_path)
+ if async_task.debugging_cn_preprocessor:
+ yield_result(async_task, cn_img, current_progress, async_task.black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True)
+ for task in async_task.cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip_face]:
+ cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight = task
+ cn_img = HWC3(cn_img)
+ if not async_task.skipping_cn_preprocessor:
+ cn_img = extras.face_crop.crop_image(cn_img)
+ # https://github.com/tencent-ailab/IP-Adapter/blob/d580c50a291566bbf9fc7ac0f760506607297e6d/README.md?plain=1#L75
+ cn_img = resize_image(cn_img, width=224, height=224, resize_mode=0)
+ task[0] = ip_adapter.preprocess(cn_img, ip_adapter_path=ip_adapter_face_path)
+ if async_task.debugging_cn_preprocessor:
+ yield_result(async_task, cn_img, current_progress, async_task.black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True)
+ all_ip_tasks = async_task.cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip] + async_task.cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip_face]
+ if len(all_ip_tasks) > 0:
+ pipeline.final_unet = ip_adapter.patch_model(pipeline.final_unet, all_ip_tasks)
+ def apply_vary(async_task, uov_method, denoising_strength, uov_input_image, switch, current_progress, advance_progress=False):
+ if 'subtle' in uov_method:
+ denoising_strength = 0.5
+ if 'strong' in uov_method:
+ denoising_strength = 0.85
+ if async_task.overwrite_vary_strength > 0:
+ denoising_strength = async_task.overwrite_vary_strength
+ shape_ceil = get_image_shape_ceil(uov_input_image)
+ if shape_ceil < 1024:
+ print(f'[Vary] Image is resized because it is too small.')
+ shape_ceil = 1024
+ elif shape_ceil > 2048:
+ print(f'[Vary] Image is resized because it is too big.')
+ shape_ceil = 2048
+ uov_input_image = set_image_shape_ceil(uov_input_image, shape_ceil)
+ initial_pixels = core.numpy_to_pytorch(uov_input_image)
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'VAE encoding ...')
+ candidate_vae, _ = pipeline.get_candidate_vae(
+ steps=async_task.steps,
+ switch=switch,
+ denoise=denoising_strength,
+ refiner_swap_method=async_task.refiner_swap_method
+ )
+ initial_latent = core.encode_vae(vae=candidate_vae, pixels=initial_pixels)
+ B, C, H, W = initial_latent['samples'].shape
+ width = W * 8
+ height = H * 8
+ print(f'Final resolution is {str((width, height))}.')
+ return uov_input_image, denoising_strength, initial_latent, width, height, current_progress
+ def apply_inpaint(async_task, initial_latent, inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_image,
+ inpaint_mask, inpaint_parameterized, denoising_strength, inpaint_respective_field, switch,
+ inpaint_disable_initial_latent, current_progress, skip_apply_outpaint=False,
+ advance_progress=False):
+ if not skip_apply_outpaint:
+ inpaint_image, inpaint_mask = apply_outpaint(async_task, inpaint_image, inpaint_mask)
+ inpaint_worker.current_task = inpaint_worker.InpaintWorker(
+ image=inpaint_image,
+ mask=inpaint_mask,
+ use_fill=denoising_strength > 0.99,
+ k=inpaint_respective_field
+ )
+ if async_task.debugging_inpaint_preprocessor:
+ yield_result(async_task, inpaint_worker.current_task.visualize_mask_processing(), 100,
+ async_task.black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True)
+ raise EarlyReturnException
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'VAE Inpaint encoding ...')
+ inpaint_pixel_fill = core.numpy_to_pytorch(inpaint_worker.current_task.interested_fill)
+ inpaint_pixel_image = core.numpy_to_pytorch(inpaint_worker.current_task.interested_image)
+ inpaint_pixel_mask = core.numpy_to_pytorch(inpaint_worker.current_task.interested_mask)
+ candidate_vae, candidate_vae_swap = pipeline.get_candidate_vae(
+ steps=async_task.steps,
+ switch=switch,
+ denoise=denoising_strength,
+ refiner_swap_method=async_task.refiner_swap_method
+ )
+ latent_inpaint, latent_mask = core.encode_vae_inpaint(
+ mask=inpaint_pixel_mask,
+ vae=candidate_vae,
+ pixels=inpaint_pixel_image)
+ latent_swap = None
+ if candidate_vae_swap is not None:
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'VAE SD15 encoding ...')
+ latent_swap = core.encode_vae(
+ vae=candidate_vae_swap,
+ pixels=inpaint_pixel_fill)['samples']
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'VAE encoding ...')
+ latent_fill = core.encode_vae(
+ vae=candidate_vae,
+ pixels=inpaint_pixel_fill)['samples']
+ inpaint_worker.current_task.load_latent(
+ latent_fill=latent_fill, latent_mask=latent_mask, latent_swap=latent_swap)
+ if inpaint_parameterized:
+ pipeline.final_unet = inpaint_worker.current_task.patch(
+ inpaint_head_model_path=inpaint_head_model_path,
+ inpaint_latent=latent_inpaint,
+ inpaint_latent_mask=latent_mask,
+ model=pipeline.final_unet
+ )
+ if not inpaint_disable_initial_latent:
+ initial_latent = {'samples': latent_fill}
+ B, C, H, W = latent_fill.shape
+ height, width = H * 8, W * 8
+ final_height, final_width = inpaint_worker.current_task.image.shape[:2]
+ print(f'Final resolution is {str((final_width, final_height))}, latent is {str((width, height))}.')
+ return denoising_strength, initial_latent, width, height, current_progress
+ def apply_outpaint(async_task, inpaint_image, inpaint_mask):
+ if len(async_task.outpaint_selections) > 0:
+ H, W, C = inpaint_image.shape
+ if 'top' in async_task.outpaint_selections:
+ inpaint_image = np.pad(inpaint_image, [[int(H * 0.3), 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], mode='edge')
+ inpaint_mask = np.pad(inpaint_mask, [[int(H * 0.3), 0], [0, 0]], mode='constant',
+ constant_values=255)
+ if 'bottom' in async_task.outpaint_selections:
+ inpaint_image = np.pad(inpaint_image, [[0, int(H * 0.3)], [0, 0], [0, 0]], mode='edge')
+ inpaint_mask = np.pad(inpaint_mask, [[0, int(H * 0.3)], [0, 0]], mode='constant',
+ constant_values=255)
+ H, W, C = inpaint_image.shape
+ if 'left' in async_task.outpaint_selections:
+ inpaint_image = np.pad(inpaint_image, [[0, 0], [int(W * 0.3), 0], [0, 0]], mode='edge')
+ inpaint_mask = np.pad(inpaint_mask, [[0, 0], [int(W * 0.3), 0]], mode='constant',
+ constant_values=255)
+ if 'right' in async_task.outpaint_selections:
+ inpaint_image = np.pad(inpaint_image, [[0, 0], [0, int(W * 0.3)], [0, 0]], mode='edge')
+ inpaint_mask = np.pad(inpaint_mask, [[0, 0], [0, int(W * 0.3)]], mode='constant',
+ constant_values=255)
+ inpaint_image = np.ascontiguousarray(inpaint_image.copy())
+ inpaint_mask = np.ascontiguousarray(inpaint_mask.copy())
+ async_task.inpaint_strength = 1.0
+ async_task.inpaint_respective_field = 1.0
+ return inpaint_image, inpaint_mask
+ def apply_upscale(async_task, uov_input_image, uov_method, switch, current_progress, advance_progress=False):
+ H, W, C = uov_input_image.shape
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, f'Upscaling image from {str((W, H))} ...')
+ uov_input_image = perform_upscale(uov_input_image)
+ print(f'Image upscaled.')
+ if '1.5x' in uov_method:
+ f = 1.5
+ elif '2x' in uov_method:
+ f = 2.0
+ else:
+ f = 1.0
+ shape_ceil = get_shape_ceil(H * f, W * f)
+ if shape_ceil < 1024:
+ print(f'[Upscale] Image is resized because it is too small.')
+ uov_input_image = set_image_shape_ceil(uov_input_image, 1024)
+ shape_ceil = 1024
+ else:
+ uov_input_image = resample_image(uov_input_image, width=W * f, height=H * f)
+ image_is_super_large = shape_ceil > 2800
+ if 'fast' in uov_method:
+ direct_return = True
+ elif image_is_super_large:
+ print('Image is too large. Directly returned the SR image. '
+ 'Usually directly return SR image at 4K resolution '
+ 'yields better results than SDXL diffusion.')
+ direct_return = True
+ else:
+ direct_return = False
+ if direct_return:
+ return direct_return, uov_input_image, None, None, None, None, None, current_progress
+ tiled = True
+ denoising_strength = 0.382
+ if async_task.overwrite_upscale_strength > 0:
+ denoising_strength = async_task.overwrite_upscale_strength
+ initial_pixels = core.numpy_to_pytorch(uov_input_image)
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'VAE encoding ...')
+ candidate_vae, _ = pipeline.get_candidate_vae(
+ steps=async_task.steps,
+ switch=switch,
+ denoise=denoising_strength,
+ refiner_swap_method=async_task.refiner_swap_method
+ )
+ initial_latent = core.encode_vae(
+ vae=candidate_vae,
+ pixels=initial_pixels, tiled=True)
+ B, C, H, W = initial_latent['samples'].shape
+ width = W * 8
+ height = H * 8
+ print(f'Final resolution is {str((width, height))}.')
+ return direct_return, uov_input_image, denoising_strength, initial_latent, tiled, width, height, current_progress
+ def apply_overrides(async_task, steps, height, width):
+ if async_task.overwrite_step > 0:
+ steps = async_task.overwrite_step
+ switch = int(round(async_task.steps * async_task.refiner_switch))
+ if async_task.overwrite_switch > 0:
+ switch = async_task.overwrite_switch
+ if async_task.overwrite_width > 0:
+ width = async_task.overwrite_width
+ if async_task.overwrite_height > 0:
+ height = async_task.overwrite_height
+ return steps, switch, width, height
+ def process_prompt(async_task, prompt, negative_prompt, base_model_additional_loras, image_number, disable_seed_increment, use_expansion, use_style,
+ use_synthetic_refiner, current_progress, advance_progress=False):
+ prompts = remove_empty_str([safe_str(p) for p in prompt.splitlines()], default='')
+ negative_prompts = remove_empty_str([safe_str(p) for p in negative_prompt.splitlines()], default='')
+ prompt = prompts[0]
+ negative_prompt = negative_prompts[0]
+ if prompt == '':
+ # disable expansion when empty since it is not meaningful and influences image prompt
+ use_expansion = False
+ extra_positive_prompts = prompts[1:] if len(prompts) > 1 else []
+ extra_negative_prompts = negative_prompts[1:] if len(negative_prompts) > 1 else []
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Loading models ...')
+ lora_filenames = modules.util.remove_performance_lora(modules.config.lora_filenames,
+ async_task.performance_selection)
+ loras, prompt = parse_lora_references_from_prompt(prompt, async_task.loras,
+ modules.config.default_max_lora_number,
+ lora_filenames=lora_filenames)
+ loras += async_task.performance_loras
+ pipeline.refresh_everything(refiner_model_name=async_task.refiner_model_name,
+ base_model_name=async_task.base_model_name,
+ loras=loras, base_model_additional_loras=base_model_additional_loras,
+ use_synthetic_refiner=use_synthetic_refiner, vae_name=async_task.vae_name)
+ pipeline.set_clip_skip(async_task.clip_skip)
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Processing prompts ...')
+ tasks = []
+ for i in range(image_number):
+ if disable_seed_increment:
+ task_seed = async_task.seed % (constants.MAX_SEED + 1)
+ else:
+ task_seed = (async_task.seed + i) % (constants.MAX_SEED + 1) # randint is inclusive, % is not
+ task_rng = random.Random(task_seed) # may bind to inpaint noise in the future
+ task_prompt = apply_wildcards(prompt, task_rng, i, async_task.read_wildcards_in_order)
+ task_prompt = apply_arrays(task_prompt, i)
+ task_negative_prompt = apply_wildcards(negative_prompt, task_rng, i, async_task.read_wildcards_in_order)
+ task_extra_positive_prompts = [apply_wildcards(pmt, task_rng, i, async_task.read_wildcards_in_order) for pmt
+ in
+ extra_positive_prompts]
+ task_extra_negative_prompts = [apply_wildcards(pmt, task_rng, i, async_task.read_wildcards_in_order) for pmt
+ in
+ extra_negative_prompts]
+ positive_basic_workloads = []
+ negative_basic_workloads = []
+ task_styles = async_task.style_selections.copy()
+ if use_style:
+ for j, s in enumerate(task_styles):
+ if s == random_style_name:
+ s = get_random_style(task_rng)
+ task_styles[j] = s
+ p, n = apply_style(s, positive=task_prompt)
+ positive_basic_workloads = positive_basic_workloads + p
+ negative_basic_workloads = negative_basic_workloads + n
+ else:
+ positive_basic_workloads.append(task_prompt)
+ negative_basic_workloads.append(task_negative_prompt) # Always use independent workload for negative.
+ positive_basic_workloads = positive_basic_workloads + task_extra_positive_prompts
+ negative_basic_workloads = negative_basic_workloads + task_extra_negative_prompts
+ positive_basic_workloads = remove_empty_str(positive_basic_workloads, default=task_prompt)
+ negative_basic_workloads = remove_empty_str(negative_basic_workloads, default=task_negative_prompt)
+ tasks.append(dict(
+ task_seed=task_seed,
+ task_prompt=task_prompt,
+ task_negative_prompt=task_negative_prompt,
+ positive=positive_basic_workloads,
+ negative=negative_basic_workloads,
+ expansion='',
+ c=None,
+ uc=None,
+ positive_top_k=len(positive_basic_workloads),
+ negative_top_k=len(negative_basic_workloads),
+ log_positive_prompt='\n'.join([task_prompt] + task_extra_positive_prompts),
+ log_negative_prompt='\n'.join([task_negative_prompt] + task_extra_negative_prompts),
+ styles=task_styles
+ ))
+ if use_expansion:
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ for i, t in enumerate(tasks):
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, f'Preparing Fooocus text #{i + 1} ...')
+ expansion = pipeline.final_expansion(t['task_prompt'], t['task_seed'])
+ print(f'[Prompt Expansion] {expansion}')
+ t['expansion'] = expansion
+ t['positive'] = copy.deepcopy(t['positive']) + [expansion] # Deep copy.
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ for i, t in enumerate(tasks):
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, f'Encoding positive #{i + 1} ...')
+ t['c'] = pipeline.clip_encode(texts=t['positive'], pool_top_k=t['positive_top_k'])
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ for i, t in enumerate(tasks):
+ if abs(float(async_task.cfg_scale) - 1.0) < 1e-4:
+ t['uc'] = pipeline.clone_cond(t['c'])
+ else:
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, f'Encoding negative #{i + 1} ...')
+ t['uc'] = pipeline.clip_encode(texts=t['negative'], pool_top_k=t['negative_top_k'])
+ return tasks, use_expansion, loras, current_progress
+ def apply_freeu(async_task):
+ print(f'FreeU is enabled!')
+ pipeline.final_unet = core.apply_freeu(
+ pipeline.final_unet,
+ async_task.freeu_b1,
+ async_task.freeu_b2,
+ async_task.freeu_s1,
+ async_task.freeu_s2
+ )
+ def patch_discrete(unet, scheduler_name):
+ return core.opModelSamplingDiscrete.patch(unet, scheduler_name, False)[0]
+ def patch_edm(unet, scheduler_name):
+ return core.opModelSamplingContinuousEDM.patch(unet, scheduler_name, 120.0, 0.002)[0]
+ def patch_samplers(async_task):
+ final_scheduler_name = async_task.scheduler_name
+ if async_task.scheduler_name in ['lcm', 'tcd']:
+ final_scheduler_name = 'sgm_uniform'
+ if pipeline.final_unet is not None:
+ pipeline.final_unet = patch_discrete(pipeline.final_unet, async_task.scheduler_name)
+ if pipeline.final_refiner_unet is not None:
+ pipeline.final_refiner_unet = patch_discrete(pipeline.final_refiner_unet, async_task.scheduler_name)
+ elif async_task.scheduler_name == 'edm_playground_v2.5':
+ final_scheduler_name = 'karras'
+ if pipeline.final_unet is not None:
+ pipeline.final_unet = patch_edm(pipeline.final_unet, async_task.scheduler_name)
+ if pipeline.final_refiner_unet is not None:
+ pipeline.final_refiner_unet = patch_edm(pipeline.final_refiner_unet, async_task.scheduler_name)
+ return final_scheduler_name
+ def set_hyper_sd_defaults(async_task, current_progress, advance_progress=False):
+ print('Enter Hyper-SD mode.')
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Downloading Hyper-SD components ...')
+ async_task.performance_loras += [(modules.config.downloading_sdxl_hyper_sd_lora(), 0.8)]
+ if async_task.refiner_model_name != 'None':
+ print(f'Refiner disabled in Hyper-SD mode.')
+ async_task.refiner_model_name = 'None'
+ async_task.sampler_name = 'dpmpp_sde_gpu'
+ async_task.scheduler_name = 'karras'
+ async_task.sharpness = 0.0
+ async_task.cfg_scale = 1.0
+ async_task.adaptive_cfg = 1.0
+ async_task.refiner_switch = 1.0
+ async_task.adm_scaler_positive = 1.0
+ async_task.adm_scaler_negative = 1.0
+ async_task.adm_scaler_end = 0.0
+ return current_progress
+ def set_lightning_defaults(async_task, current_progress, advance_progress=False):
+ print('Enter Lightning mode.')
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading Lightning components ...')
+ async_task.performance_loras += [(modules.config.downloading_sdxl_lightning_lora(), 1.0)]
+ if async_task.refiner_model_name != 'None':
+ print(f'Refiner disabled in Lightning mode.')
+ async_task.refiner_model_name = 'None'
+ async_task.sampler_name = 'euler'
+ async_task.scheduler_name = 'sgm_uniform'
+ async_task.sharpness = 0.0
+ async_task.cfg_scale = 1.0
+ async_task.adaptive_cfg = 1.0
+ async_task.refiner_switch = 1.0
+ async_task.adm_scaler_positive = 1.0
+ async_task.adm_scaler_negative = 1.0
+ async_task.adm_scaler_end = 0.0
+ return current_progress
+ def set_lcm_defaults(async_task, current_progress, advance_progress=False):
+ print('Enter LCM mode.')
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading LCM components ...')
+ async_task.performance_loras += [(modules.config.downloading_sdxl_lcm_lora(), 1.0)]
+ if async_task.refiner_model_name != 'None':
+ print(f'Refiner disabled in LCM mode.')
+ async_task.refiner_model_name = 'None'
+ async_task.sampler_name = 'lcm'
+ async_task.scheduler_name = 'lcm'
+ async_task.sharpness = 0.0
+ async_task.cfg_scale = 1.0
+ async_task.adaptive_cfg = 1.0
+ async_task.refiner_switch = 1.0
+ async_task.adm_scaler_positive = 1.0
+ async_task.adm_scaler_negative = 1.0
+ async_task.adm_scaler_end = 0.0
+ return current_progress
+ def apply_image_input(async_task, base_model_additional_loras, clip_vision_path, controlnet_canny_path,
+ controlnet_cpds_path, goals, inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_image, inpaint_mask,
+ inpaint_parameterized, ip_adapter_face_path, ip_adapter_path, ip_negative_path,
+ skip_prompt_processing, use_synthetic_refiner):
+ if (async_task.current_tab == 'uov' or (
+ async_task.current_tab == 'ip' and async_task.mixing_image_prompt_and_vary_upscale)) \
+ and async_task.uov_method != flags.disabled.casefold() and async_task.uov_input_image is not None:
+ async_task.uov_input_image, skip_prompt_processing, async_task.steps = prepare_upscale(
+ async_task, goals, async_task.uov_input_image, async_task.uov_method, async_task.performance_selection,
+ async_task.steps, 1, skip_prompt_processing=skip_prompt_processing)
+ if (async_task.current_tab == 'inpaint' or (
+ async_task.current_tab == 'ip' and async_task.mixing_image_prompt_and_inpaint)) \
+ and isinstance(async_task.inpaint_input_image, dict):
+ inpaint_image = async_task.inpaint_input_image['image']
+ inpaint_mask = async_task.inpaint_input_image['mask'][:, :, 0]
+ if async_task.inpaint_advanced_masking_checkbox:
+ if isinstance(async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload, dict):
+ if (isinstance(async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload['image'], np.ndarray)
+ and isinstance(async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload['mask'], np.ndarray)
+ and async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload['image'].ndim == 3):
+ async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload = np.maximum(
+ async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload['image'],
+ async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload['mask'])
+ if isinstance(async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload,
+ np.ndarray) and async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload.ndim == 3:
+ H, W, C = inpaint_image.shape
+ async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload = resample_image(async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload,
+ width=W, height=H)
+ async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload = np.mean(async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload, axis=2)
+ async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload = (async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload > 127).astype(
+ np.uint8) * 255
+ inpaint_mask = np.maximum(inpaint_mask, async_task.inpaint_mask_image_upload)
+ if int(async_task.inpaint_erode_or_dilate) != 0:
+ inpaint_mask = erode_or_dilate(inpaint_mask, async_task.inpaint_erode_or_dilate)
+ if async_task.invert_mask_checkbox:
+ inpaint_mask = 255 - inpaint_mask
+ inpaint_image = HWC3(inpaint_image)
+ if isinstance(inpaint_image, np.ndarray) and isinstance(inpaint_mask, np.ndarray) \
+ and (np.any(inpaint_mask > 127) or len(async_task.outpaint_selections) > 0):
+ progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading upscale models ...')
+ modules.config.downloading_upscale_model()
+ if inpaint_parameterized:
+ progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading inpainter ...')
+ inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_patch_model_path = modules.config.downloading_inpaint_models(
+ async_task.inpaint_engine)
+ base_model_additional_loras += [(inpaint_patch_model_path, 1.0)]
+ print(f'[Inpaint] Current inpaint model is {inpaint_patch_model_path}')
+ if async_task.refiner_model_name == 'None':
+ use_synthetic_refiner = True
+ async_task.refiner_switch = 0.8
+ else:
+ inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_patch_model_path = None, None
+ print(f'[Inpaint] Parameterized inpaint is disabled.')
+ if async_task.inpaint_additional_prompt != '':
+ if async_task.prompt == '':
+ async_task.prompt = async_task.inpaint_additional_prompt
+ else:
+ async_task.prompt = async_task.inpaint_additional_prompt + '\n' + async_task.prompt
+ goals.append('inpaint')
+ if async_task.current_tab == 'ip' or \
+ async_task.mixing_image_prompt_and_vary_upscale or \
+ async_task.mixing_image_prompt_and_inpaint:
+ goals.append('cn')
+ progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading control models ...')
+ if len(async_task.cn_tasks[flags.cn_canny]) > 0:
+ controlnet_canny_path = modules.config.downloading_controlnet_canny()
+ if len(async_task.cn_tasks[flags.cn_cpds]) > 0:
+ controlnet_cpds_path = modules.config.downloading_controlnet_cpds()
+ if len(async_task.cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip]) > 0:
+ clip_vision_path, ip_negative_path, ip_adapter_path = modules.config.downloading_ip_adapters('ip')
+ if len(async_task.cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip_face]) > 0:
+ clip_vision_path, ip_negative_path, ip_adapter_face_path = modules.config.downloading_ip_adapters(
+ 'face')
+ if async_task.current_tab == 'enhance' and async_task.enhance_input_image is not None:
+ goals.append('enhance')
+ skip_prompt_processing = True
+ async_task.enhance_input_image = HWC3(async_task.enhance_input_image)
+ return base_model_additional_loras, clip_vision_path, controlnet_canny_path, controlnet_cpds_path, inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_image, inpaint_mask, ip_adapter_face_path, ip_adapter_path, ip_negative_path, skip_prompt_processing, use_synthetic_refiner
+ def prepare_upscale(async_task, goals, uov_input_image, uov_method, performance, steps, current_progress,
+ advance_progress=False, skip_prompt_processing=False):
+ uov_input_image = HWC3(uov_input_image)
+ if 'vary' in uov_method:
+ goals.append('vary')
+ elif 'upscale' in uov_method:
+ goals.append('upscale')
+ if 'fast' in uov_method:
+ skip_prompt_processing = True
+ steps = 0
+ else:
+ steps = performance.steps_uov()
+ if advance_progress:
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Downloading upscale models ...')
+ modules.config.downloading_upscale_model()
+ return uov_input_image, skip_prompt_processing, steps
+ def prepare_enhance_prompt(prompt: str, fallback_prompt: str):
+ if safe_str(prompt) == '' or len(remove_empty_str([safe_str(p) for p in prompt.splitlines()], default='')) == 0:
+ prompt = fallback_prompt
+ return prompt
+ def stop_processing(async_task, processing_start_time):
+ async_task.processing = False
+ processing_time = time.perf_counter() - processing_start_time
+ print(f'Processing time (total): {processing_time:.2f} seconds')
+ def process_enhance(all_steps, async_task, callback, controlnet_canny_path, controlnet_cpds_path,
+ current_progress, current_task_id, denoising_strength, inpaint_disable_initial_latent,
+ inpaint_engine, inpaint_respective_field, inpaint_strength,
+ prompt, negative_prompt, final_scheduler_name, goals, height, img, mask,
+ preparation_steps, steps, switch, tiled, total_count, use_expansion, use_style,
+ use_synthetic_refiner, width, show_intermediate_results=True):
+ base_model_additional_loras = []
+ inpaint_head_model_path = None
+ inpaint_parameterized = inpaint_engine != 'None' # inpaint_engine = None, improve detail
+ initial_latent = None
+ prompt = prepare_enhance_prompt(prompt, async_task.prompt)
+ negative_prompt = prepare_enhance_prompt(negative_prompt, async_task.negative_prompt)
+ if 'vary' in goals:
+ img, denoising_strength, initial_latent, width, height, current_progress = apply_vary(
+ async_task, async_task.enhance_uov_method, denoising_strength, img, switch, current_progress)
+ if 'upscale' in goals:
+ direct_return, img, denoising_strength, initial_latent, tiled, width, height, current_progress = apply_upscale(
+ async_task, img, async_task.enhance_uov_method, switch, current_progress)
+ if direct_return:
+ d = [('Upscale (Fast)', 'upscale_fast', '2x')]
+ if modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw or async_task.black_out_nsfw:
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Checking for NSFW content ...')
+ img = default_censor(img)
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, f'Saving image {current_task_id + 1}/{total_count} to system ...')
+ uov_image_path = log(img, d, output_format=async_task.output_format)
+ yield_result(async_task, uov_image_path, current_progress, async_task.black_out_nsfw, False,
+ do_not_show_finished_images=not show_intermediate_results or async_task.disable_intermediate_results)
+ return current_progress, img, prompt, negative_prompt
+ if 'inpaint' in goals and inpaint_parameterized:
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Downloading inpainter ...')
+ inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_patch_model_path = modules.config.downloading_inpaint_models(
+ inpaint_engine)
+ if inpaint_patch_model_path not in base_model_additional_loras:
+ base_model_additional_loras += [(inpaint_patch_model_path, 1.0)]
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Preparing enhance prompts ...')
+ # positive and negative conditioning aren't available here anymore, process prompt again
+ tasks_enhance, use_expansion, loras, current_progress = process_prompt(
+ async_task, prompt, negative_prompt, base_model_additional_loras, 1, True,
+ use_expansion, use_style, use_synthetic_refiner, current_progress)
+ task_enhance = tasks_enhance[0]
+ # TODO could support vary, upscale and CN in the future
+ # if 'cn' in goals:
+ # apply_control_nets(async_task, height, ip_adapter_face_path, ip_adapter_path, width)
+ if async_task.freeu_enabled:
+ apply_freeu(async_task)
+ patch_samplers(async_task)
+ if 'inpaint' in goals:
+ denoising_strength, initial_latent, width, height, current_progress = apply_inpaint(
+ async_task, None, inpaint_head_model_path, img, mask,
+ inpaint_parameterized, inpaint_strength,
+ inpaint_respective_field, switch, inpaint_disable_initial_latent,
+ current_progress, True)
+ imgs, img_paths, current_progress = process_task(all_steps, async_task, callback, controlnet_canny_path,
+ controlnet_cpds_path, current_task_id, denoising_strength,
+ final_scheduler_name, goals, initial_latent, steps, switch,
+ task_enhance['c'], task_enhance['uc'], task_enhance, loras,
+ tiled, use_expansion, width, height, current_progress,
+ preparation_steps, total_count, show_intermediate_results)
+ del task_enhance['c'], task_enhance['uc'] # Save memory
+ return current_progress, imgs[0], prompt, negative_prompt
+ def enhance_upscale(all_steps, async_task, base_progress, callback, controlnet_canny_path, controlnet_cpds_path,
+ current_task_id, denoising_strength, done_steps_inpainting, done_steps_upscaling, enhance_steps,
+ prompt, negative_prompt, final_scheduler_name, height, img, preparation_steps, switch, tiled,
+ total_count, use_expansion, use_style, use_synthetic_refiner, width):
+ # reset inpaint worker to prevent tensor size issues and not mix upscale and inpainting
+ inpaint_worker.current_task = None
+ current_progress = int(base_progress + (100 - preparation_steps) / float(all_steps) * (done_steps_upscaling + done_steps_inpainting))
+ goals_enhance = []
+ img, skip_prompt_processing, steps = prepare_upscale(
+ async_task, goals_enhance, img, async_task.enhance_uov_method, async_task.performance_selection,
+ enhance_steps, current_progress)
+ steps, _, _, _ = apply_overrides(async_task, steps, height, width)
+ exception_result = ''
+ if len(goals_enhance) > 0:
+ try:
+ current_progress, img, prompt, negative_prompt = process_enhance(
+ all_steps, async_task, callback, controlnet_canny_path,
+ controlnet_cpds_path, current_progress, current_task_id, denoising_strength, False,
+ 'None', 0.0, 0.0, prompt, negative_prompt, final_scheduler_name,
+ goals_enhance, height, img, None, preparation_steps, steps, switch, tiled, total_count,
+ use_expansion, use_style, use_synthetic_refiner, width)
+ except ldm_patched.modules.model_management.InterruptProcessingException:
+ if async_task.last_stop == 'skip':
+ print('User skipped')
+ async_task.last_stop = False
+ # also skip all enhance steps for this image, but add the steps to the progress bar
+ if async_task.enhance_uov_processing_order == flags.enhancement_uov_before:
+ done_steps_inpainting += len(async_task.enhance_ctrls) * enhance_steps
+ exception_result = 'continue'
+ else:
+ print('User stopped')
+ exception_result = 'break'
+ finally:
+ done_steps_upscaling += steps
+ return current_task_id, done_steps_inpainting, done_steps_upscaling, img, exception_result
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ @torch.inference_mode()
+ def handler(async_task: AsyncTask):
+ preparation_start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ async_task.processing = True
- outpaint_selections = [o.lower() for o in outpaint_selections]
+ async_task.outpaint_selections = [o.lower() for o in async_task.outpaint_selections]
base_model_additional_loras = []
- raw_style_selections = copy.deepcopy(style_selections)
- uov_method = uov_method.lower()
+ async_task.uov_method = async_task.uov_method.casefold()
+ async_task.enhance_uov_method = async_task.enhance_uov_method.casefold()
- if fooocus_expansion in style_selections:
+ if fooocus_expansion in async_task.style_selections:
use_expansion = True
- style_selections.remove(fooocus_expansion)
+ async_task.style_selections.remove(fooocus_expansion)
use_expansion = False
- use_style = len(style_selections) > 0
+ use_style = len(async_task.style_selections) > 0
- if base_model_name == refiner_model_name:
+ if async_task.base_model_name == async_task.refiner_model_name:
print(f'Refiner disabled because base model and refiner are same.')
- refiner_model_name = 'None'
- steps = performance_selection.steps()
- performance_loras = []
- if performance_selection == Performance.EXTREME_SPEED:
- print('Enter LCM mode.')
- progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading LCM components ...')
- performance_loras += [(modules.config.downloading_sdxl_lcm_lora(), 1.0)]
- if refiner_model_name != 'None':
- print(f'Refiner disabled in LCM mode.')
- refiner_model_name = 'None'
- sampler_name = 'lcm'
- scheduler_name = 'lcm'
- sharpness = 0.0
- guidance_scale = 1.0
- adaptive_cfg = 1.0
- refiner_switch = 1.0
- adm_scaler_positive = 1.0
- adm_scaler_negative = 1.0
- adm_scaler_end = 0.0
- elif performance_selection == Performance.LIGHTNING:
- print('Enter Lightning mode.')
- progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading Lightning components ...')
- performance_loras += [(modules.config.downloading_sdxl_lightning_lora(), 1.0)]
- if refiner_model_name != 'None':
- print(f'Refiner disabled in Lightning mode.')
- refiner_model_name = 'None'
- sampler_name = 'euler'
- scheduler_name = 'sgm_uniform'
- sharpness = 0.0
- guidance_scale = 1.0
- adaptive_cfg = 1.0
- refiner_switch = 1.0
- adm_scaler_positive = 1.0
- adm_scaler_negative = 1.0
- adm_scaler_end = 0.0
- elif performance_selection == Performance.HYPER_SD:
- print('Enter Hyper-SD mode.')
- progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading Hyper-SD components ...')
- performance_loras += [(modules.config.downloading_sdxl_hyper_sd_lora(), 0.8)]
- if refiner_model_name != 'None':
- print(f'Refiner disabled in Hyper-SD mode.')
- refiner_model_name = 'None'
- sampler_name = 'dpmpp_sde_gpu'
- scheduler_name = 'karras'
- sharpness = 0.0
- guidance_scale = 1.0
- adaptive_cfg = 1.0
- refiner_switch = 1.0
- adm_scaler_positive = 1.0
- adm_scaler_negative = 1.0
- adm_scaler_end = 0.0
- print(f'[Parameters] Adaptive CFG = {adaptive_cfg}')
- print(f'[Parameters] CLIP Skip = {clip_skip}')
- print(f'[Parameters] Sharpness = {sharpness}')
- print(f'[Parameters] ControlNet Softness = {controlnet_softness}')
+ async_task.refiner_model_name = 'None'
+ current_progress = 0
+ if async_task.performance_selection == Performance.EXTREME_SPEED:
+ set_lcm_defaults(async_task, current_progress, advance_progress=True)
+ elif async_task.performance_selection == Performance.LIGHTNING:
+ set_lightning_defaults(async_task, current_progress, advance_progress=True)
+ elif async_task.performance_selection == Performance.HYPER_SD:
+ set_hyper_sd_defaults(async_task, current_progress, advance_progress=True)
+ print(f'[Parameters] Adaptive CFG = {async_task.adaptive_cfg}')
+ print(f'[Parameters] CLIP Skip = {async_task.clip_skip}')
+ print(f'[Parameters] Sharpness = {async_task.sharpness}')
+ print(f'[Parameters] ControlNet Softness = {async_task.controlnet_softness}')
print(f'[Parameters] ADM Scale = '
- f'{adm_scaler_positive} : '
- f'{adm_scaler_negative} : '
- f'{adm_scaler_end}')
+ f'{async_task.adm_scaler_positive} : '
+ f'{async_task.adm_scaler_negative} : '
+ f'{async_task.adm_scaler_end}')
+ print(f'[Parameters] Seed = {async_task.seed}')
- patch_settings[pid] = PatchSettings(
- sharpness,
- adm_scaler_end,
- adm_scaler_positive,
- adm_scaler_negative,
- controlnet_softness,
- adaptive_cfg
- )
+ apply_patch_settings(async_task)
- cfg_scale = float(guidance_scale)
- print(f'[Parameters] CFG = {cfg_scale}')
+ print(f'[Parameters] CFG = {async_task.cfg_scale}')
initial_latent = None
denoising_strength = 1.0
tiled = False
- width, height = aspect_ratios_selection.replace('×', ' ').split(' ')[:2]
+ width, height = async_task.aspect_ratios_selection.replace('×', ' ').split(' ')[:2]
width, height = int(width), int(height)
skip_prompt_processing = False
inpaint_worker.current_task = None
- inpaint_parameterized = inpaint_engine != 'None'
+ inpaint_parameterized = async_task.inpaint_engine != 'None'
inpaint_image = None
inpaint_mask = None
inpaint_head_model_path = None
@@ -339,477 +1122,114 @@ def handler(async_task):
controlnet_cpds_path = None
clip_vision_path, ip_negative_path, ip_adapter_path, ip_adapter_face_path = None, None, None, None
- seed = int(image_seed)
- print(f'[Parameters] Seed = {seed}')
goals = []
tasks = []
+ current_progress = 1
- if input_image_checkbox:
- if (current_tab == 'uov' or (
- current_tab == 'ip' and mixing_image_prompt_and_vary_upscale)) \
- and uov_method != flags.disabled and uov_input_image is not None:
- uov_input_image = HWC3(uov_input_image)
- if 'vary' in uov_method:
- goals.append('vary')
- elif 'upscale' in uov_method:
- goals.append('upscale')
- if 'fast' in uov_method:
- skip_prompt_processing = True
- else:
- steps = performance_selection.steps_uov()
- progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading upscale models ...')
- modules.config.downloading_upscale_model()
- if (current_tab == 'inpaint' or (
- current_tab == 'ip' and mixing_image_prompt_and_inpaint)) \
- and isinstance(inpaint_input_image, dict):
- inpaint_image = inpaint_input_image['image']
- inpaint_mask = inpaint_input_image['mask'][:, :, 0]
- if inpaint_mask_upload_checkbox:
- if isinstance(inpaint_mask_image_upload, np.ndarray):
- if inpaint_mask_image_upload.ndim == 3:
- H, W, C = inpaint_image.shape
- inpaint_mask_image_upload = resample_image(inpaint_mask_image_upload, width=W, height=H)
- inpaint_mask_image_upload = np.mean(inpaint_mask_image_upload, axis=2)
- inpaint_mask_image_upload = (inpaint_mask_image_upload > 127).astype(np.uint8) * 255
- inpaint_mask = np.maximum(inpaint_mask, inpaint_mask_image_upload)
- if int(inpaint_erode_or_dilate) != 0:
- inpaint_mask = erode_or_dilate(inpaint_mask, inpaint_erode_or_dilate)
- if invert_mask_checkbox:
- inpaint_mask = 255 - inpaint_mask
- inpaint_image = HWC3(inpaint_image)
- if isinstance(inpaint_image, np.ndarray) and isinstance(inpaint_mask, np.ndarray) \
- and (np.any(inpaint_mask > 127) or len(outpaint_selections) > 0):
- progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading upscale models ...')
- modules.config.downloading_upscale_model()
- if inpaint_parameterized:
- progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading inpainter ...')
- inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_patch_model_path = modules.config.downloading_inpaint_models(
- inpaint_engine)
- base_model_additional_loras += [(inpaint_patch_model_path, 1.0)]
- print(f'[Inpaint] Current inpaint model is {inpaint_patch_model_path}')
- if refiner_model_name == 'None':
- use_synthetic_refiner = True
- refiner_switch = 0.8
- else:
- inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_patch_model_path = None, None
- print(f'[Inpaint] Parameterized inpaint is disabled.')
- if inpaint_additional_prompt != '':
- if prompt == '':
- prompt = inpaint_additional_prompt
- else:
- prompt = inpaint_additional_prompt + '\n' + prompt
- goals.append('inpaint')
- if current_tab == 'ip' or \
- mixing_image_prompt_and_vary_upscale or \
- mixing_image_prompt_and_inpaint:
- goals.append('cn')
- progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading control models ...')
- if len(cn_tasks[flags.cn_canny]) > 0:
- controlnet_canny_path = modules.config.downloading_controlnet_canny()
- if len(cn_tasks[flags.cn_cpds]) > 0:
- controlnet_cpds_path = modules.config.downloading_controlnet_cpds()
- if len(cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip]) > 0:
- clip_vision_path, ip_negative_path, ip_adapter_path = modules.config.downloading_ip_adapters('ip')
- if len(cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip_face]) > 0:
- clip_vision_path, ip_negative_path, ip_adapter_face_path = modules.config.downloading_ip_adapters(
- 'face')
- progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Loading control models ...')
+ if async_task.input_image_checkbox:
+ base_model_additional_loras, clip_vision_path, controlnet_canny_path, controlnet_cpds_path, inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_image, inpaint_mask, ip_adapter_face_path, ip_adapter_path, ip_negative_path, skip_prompt_processing, use_synthetic_refiner = apply_image_input(
+ async_task, base_model_additional_loras, clip_vision_path, controlnet_canny_path, controlnet_cpds_path,
+ goals, inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_image, inpaint_mask, inpaint_parameterized, ip_adapter_face_path,
+ ip_adapter_path, ip_negative_path, skip_prompt_processing, use_synthetic_refiner)
# Load or unload CNs
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Loading control models ...')
pipeline.refresh_controlnets([controlnet_canny_path, controlnet_cpds_path])
ip_adapter.load_ip_adapter(clip_vision_path, ip_negative_path, ip_adapter_path)
ip_adapter.load_ip_adapter(clip_vision_path, ip_negative_path, ip_adapter_face_path)
- if overwrite_step > 0:
- steps = overwrite_step
- switch = int(round(steps * refiner_switch))
+ async_task.steps, switch, width, height = apply_overrides(async_task, async_task.steps, height, width)
- if overwrite_switch > 0:
- switch = overwrite_switch
+ print(f'[Parameters] Sampler = {async_task.sampler_name} - {async_task.scheduler_name}')
+ print(f'[Parameters] Steps = {async_task.steps} - {switch}')
- if overwrite_width > 0:
- width = overwrite_width
- if overwrite_height > 0:
- height = overwrite_height
- print(f'[Parameters] Sampler = {sampler_name} - {scheduler_name}')
- print(f'[Parameters] Steps = {steps} - {switch}')
- progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Initializing ...')
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Initializing ...')
+ loras = async_task.loras
if not skip_prompt_processing:
- prompts = remove_empty_str([safe_str(p) for p in prompt.splitlines()], default='')
- negative_prompts = remove_empty_str([safe_str(p) for p in negative_prompt.splitlines()], default='')
- prompt = prompts[0]
- negative_prompt = negative_prompts[0]
- if prompt == '':
- # disable expansion when empty since it is not meaningful and influences image prompt
- use_expansion = False
- extra_positive_prompts = prompts[1:] if len(prompts) > 1 else []
- extra_negative_prompts = negative_prompts[1:] if len(negative_prompts) > 1 else []
- progressbar(async_task, 2, 'Loading models ...')
- lora_filenames = modules.util.remove_performance_lora(modules.config.lora_filenames, performance_selection)
- loras, prompt = parse_lora_references_from_prompt(prompt, loras, modules.config.default_max_lora_number, lora_filenames=lora_filenames)
- loras += performance_loras
- pipeline.refresh_everything(refiner_model_name=refiner_model_name, base_model_name=base_model_name,
- loras=loras, base_model_additional_loras=base_model_additional_loras,
- use_synthetic_refiner=use_synthetic_refiner, vae_name=vae_name)
- pipeline.set_clip_skip(clip_skip)
- progressbar(async_task, 3, 'Processing prompts ...')
- tasks = []
- for i in range(image_number):
- if disable_seed_increment:
- task_seed = seed % (constants.MAX_SEED + 1)
- else:
- task_seed = (seed + i) % (constants.MAX_SEED + 1) # randint is inclusive, % is not
- task_rng = random.Random(task_seed) # may bind to inpaint noise in the future
- task_prompt = apply_wildcards(prompt, task_rng, i, read_wildcards_in_order)
- task_prompt = apply_arrays(task_prompt, i)
- task_negative_prompt = apply_wildcards(negative_prompt, task_rng, i, read_wildcards_in_order)
- task_extra_positive_prompts = [apply_wildcards(pmt, task_rng, i, read_wildcards_in_order) for pmt in
- extra_positive_prompts]
- task_extra_negative_prompts = [apply_wildcards(pmt, task_rng, i, read_wildcards_in_order) for pmt in
- extra_negative_prompts]
- positive_basic_workloads = []
- negative_basic_workloads = []
- task_styles = style_selections.copy()
- if use_style:
- for i, s in enumerate(task_styles):
- if s == random_style_name:
- s = get_random_style(task_rng)
- task_styles[i] = s
- p, n = apply_style(s, positive=task_prompt)
- positive_basic_workloads = positive_basic_workloads + p
- negative_basic_workloads = negative_basic_workloads + n
- else:
- positive_basic_workloads.append(task_prompt)
- negative_basic_workloads.append(task_negative_prompt) # Always use independent workload for negative.
- positive_basic_workloads = positive_basic_workloads + task_extra_positive_prompts
- negative_basic_workloads = negative_basic_workloads + task_extra_negative_prompts
- positive_basic_workloads = remove_empty_str(positive_basic_workloads, default=task_prompt)
- negative_basic_workloads = remove_empty_str(negative_basic_workloads, default=task_negative_prompt)
- tasks.append(dict(
- task_seed=task_seed,
- task_prompt=task_prompt,
- task_negative_prompt=task_negative_prompt,
- positive=positive_basic_workloads,
- negative=negative_basic_workloads,
- expansion='',
- c=None,
- uc=None,
- positive_top_k=len(positive_basic_workloads),
- negative_top_k=len(negative_basic_workloads),
- log_positive_prompt='\n'.join([task_prompt] + task_extra_positive_prompts),
- log_negative_prompt='\n'.join([task_negative_prompt] + task_extra_negative_prompts),
- styles=task_styles
- ))
- if use_expansion:
- for i, t in enumerate(tasks):
- progressbar(async_task, 4, f'Preparing Fooocus text #{i + 1} ...')
- expansion = pipeline.final_expansion(t['task_prompt'], t['task_seed'])
- print(f'[Prompt Expansion] {expansion}')
- t['expansion'] = expansion
- t['positive'] = copy.deepcopy(t['positive']) + [expansion] # Deep copy.
- for i, t in enumerate(tasks):
- progressbar(async_task, 5, f'Encoding positive #{i + 1} ...')
- t['c'] = pipeline.clip_encode(texts=t['positive'], pool_top_k=t['positive_top_k'])
- for i, t in enumerate(tasks):
- if abs(float(cfg_scale) - 1.0) < 1e-4:
- t['uc'] = pipeline.clone_cond(t['c'])
- else:
- progressbar(async_task, 6, f'Encoding negative #{i + 1} ...')
- t['uc'] = pipeline.clip_encode(texts=t['negative'], pool_top_k=t['negative_top_k'])
+ tasks, use_expansion, loras, current_progress = process_prompt(async_task, async_task.prompt, async_task.negative_prompt,
+ base_model_additional_loras, async_task.image_number,
+ async_task.disable_seed_increment, use_expansion, use_style,
+ use_synthetic_refiner, current_progress, advance_progress=True)
if len(goals) > 0:
- progressbar(async_task, 7, 'Image processing ...')
+ current_progress += 1
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Image processing ...')
if 'vary' in goals:
- if 'subtle' in uov_method:
- denoising_strength = 0.5
- if 'strong' in uov_method:
- denoising_strength = 0.85
- if overwrite_vary_strength > 0:
- denoising_strength = overwrite_vary_strength
- shape_ceil = get_image_shape_ceil(uov_input_image)
- if shape_ceil < 1024:
- print(f'[Vary] Image is resized because it is too small.')
- shape_ceil = 1024
- elif shape_ceil > 2048:
- print(f'[Vary] Image is resized because it is too big.')
- shape_ceil = 2048
- uov_input_image = set_image_shape_ceil(uov_input_image, shape_ceil)
- initial_pixels = core.numpy_to_pytorch(uov_input_image)
- progressbar(async_task, 8, 'VAE encoding ...')
- candidate_vae, _ = pipeline.get_candidate_vae(
- steps=steps,
- switch=switch,
- denoise=denoising_strength,
- refiner_swap_method=refiner_swap_method
- )
- initial_latent = core.encode_vae(vae=candidate_vae, pixels=initial_pixels)
- B, C, H, W = initial_latent['samples'].shape
- width = W * 8
- height = H * 8
- print(f'Final resolution is {str((height, width))}.')
+ async_task.uov_input_image, denoising_strength, initial_latent, width, height, current_progress = apply_vary(
+ async_task, async_task.uov_method, denoising_strength, async_task.uov_input_image, switch,
+ current_progress)
if 'upscale' in goals:
- H, W, C = uov_input_image.shape
- progressbar(async_task, 9, f'Upscaling image from {str((H, W))} ...')
- uov_input_image = perform_upscale(uov_input_image)
- print(f'Image upscaled.')
- if '1.5x' in uov_method:
- f = 1.5
- elif '2x' in uov_method:
- f = 2.0
- else:
- f = 1.0
- shape_ceil = get_shape_ceil(H * f, W * f)
- if shape_ceil < 1024:
- print(f'[Upscale] Image is resized because it is too small.')
- uov_input_image = set_image_shape_ceil(uov_input_image, 1024)
- shape_ceil = 1024
- else:
- uov_input_image = resample_image(uov_input_image, width=W * f, height=H * f)
- image_is_super_large = shape_ceil > 2800
- if 'fast' in uov_method:
- direct_return = True
- elif image_is_super_large:
- print('Image is too large. Directly returned the SR image. '
- 'Usually directly return SR image at 4K resolution '
- 'yields better results than SDXL diffusion.')
- direct_return = True
- else:
- direct_return = False
+ direct_return, async_task.uov_input_image, denoising_strength, initial_latent, tiled, width, height, current_progress = apply_upscale(
+ async_task, async_task.uov_input_image, async_task.uov_method, switch, current_progress,
+ advance_progress=True)
if direct_return:
d = [('Upscale (Fast)', 'upscale_fast', '2x')]
- if modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw or black_out_nsfw:
+ if modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw or async_task.black_out_nsfw:
progressbar(async_task, 100, 'Checking for NSFW content ...')
- uov_input_image = default_censor(uov_input_image)
+ async_task.uov_input_image = default_censor(async_task.uov_input_image)
progressbar(async_task, 100, 'Saving image to system ...')
- uov_input_image_path = log(uov_input_image, d, output_format=output_format)
- yield_result(async_task, uov_input_image_path, black_out_nsfw, False, do_not_show_finished_images=True)
+ uov_input_image_path = log(async_task.uov_input_image, d, output_format=async_task.output_format)
+ yield_result(async_task, uov_input_image_path, 100, async_task.black_out_nsfw, False,
+ do_not_show_finished_images=True)
- tiled = True
- denoising_strength = 0.382
- if overwrite_upscale_strength > 0:
- denoising_strength = overwrite_upscale_strength
- initial_pixels = core.numpy_to_pytorch(uov_input_image)
- progressbar(async_task, 10, 'VAE encoding ...')
- candidate_vae, _ = pipeline.get_candidate_vae(
- steps=steps,
- switch=switch,
- denoise=denoising_strength,
- refiner_swap_method=refiner_swap_method
- )
- initial_latent = core.encode_vae(
- vae=candidate_vae,
- pixels=initial_pixels, tiled=True)
- B, C, H, W = initial_latent['samples'].shape
- width = W * 8
- height = H * 8
- print(f'Final resolution is {str((height, width))}.')
if 'inpaint' in goals:
- if len(outpaint_selections) > 0:
- H, W, C = inpaint_image.shape
- if 'top' in outpaint_selections:
- inpaint_image = np.pad(inpaint_image, [[int(H * 0.3), 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], mode='edge')
- inpaint_mask = np.pad(inpaint_mask, [[int(H * 0.3), 0], [0, 0]], mode='constant',
- constant_values=255)
- if 'bottom' in outpaint_selections:
- inpaint_image = np.pad(inpaint_image, [[0, int(H * 0.3)], [0, 0], [0, 0]], mode='edge')
- inpaint_mask = np.pad(inpaint_mask, [[0, int(H * 0.3)], [0, 0]], mode='constant',
- constant_values=255)
- H, W, C = inpaint_image.shape
- if 'left' in outpaint_selections:
- inpaint_image = np.pad(inpaint_image, [[0, 0], [int(W * 0.3), 0], [0, 0]], mode='edge')
- inpaint_mask = np.pad(inpaint_mask, [[0, 0], [int(W * 0.3), 0]], mode='constant',
- constant_values=255)
- if 'right' in outpaint_selections:
- inpaint_image = np.pad(inpaint_image, [[0, 0], [0, int(W * 0.3)], [0, 0]], mode='edge')
- inpaint_mask = np.pad(inpaint_mask, [[0, 0], [0, int(W * 0.3)]], mode='constant',
- constant_values=255)
- inpaint_image = np.ascontiguousarray(inpaint_image.copy())
- inpaint_mask = np.ascontiguousarray(inpaint_mask.copy())
- inpaint_strength = 1.0
- inpaint_respective_field = 1.0
- denoising_strength = inpaint_strength
- inpaint_worker.current_task = inpaint_worker.InpaintWorker(
- image=inpaint_image,
- mask=inpaint_mask,
- use_fill=denoising_strength > 0.99,
- k=inpaint_respective_field
- )
- if debugging_inpaint_preprocessor:
- yield_result(async_task, inpaint_worker.current_task.visualize_mask_processing(), black_out_nsfw,
- do_not_show_finished_images=True)
+ try:
+ denoising_strength, initial_latent, width, height, current_progress = apply_inpaint(async_task,
+ initial_latent,
+ inpaint_head_model_path,
+ inpaint_image,
+ inpaint_mask,
+ inpaint_parameterized,
+ async_task.inpaint_strength,
+ async_task.inpaint_respective_field,
+ switch,
+ async_task.inpaint_disable_initial_latent,
+ current_progress,
+ advance_progress=True)
+ except EarlyReturnException:
- progressbar(async_task, 11, 'VAE Inpaint encoding ...')
- inpaint_pixel_fill = core.numpy_to_pytorch(inpaint_worker.current_task.interested_fill)
- inpaint_pixel_image = core.numpy_to_pytorch(inpaint_worker.current_task.interested_image)
- inpaint_pixel_mask = core.numpy_to_pytorch(inpaint_worker.current_task.interested_mask)
- candidate_vae, candidate_vae_swap = pipeline.get_candidate_vae(
- steps=steps,
- switch=switch,
- denoise=denoising_strength,
- refiner_swap_method=refiner_swap_method
- )
+ if 'cn' in goals:
+ apply_control_nets(async_task, height, ip_adapter_face_path, ip_adapter_path, width, current_progress)
+ if async_task.debugging_cn_preprocessor:
+ return
- latent_inpaint, latent_mask = core.encode_vae_inpaint(
- mask=inpaint_pixel_mask,
- vae=candidate_vae,
- pixels=inpaint_pixel_image)
- latent_swap = None
- if candidate_vae_swap is not None:
- progressbar(async_task, 12, 'VAE SD15 encoding ...')
- latent_swap = core.encode_vae(
- vae=candidate_vae_swap,
- pixels=inpaint_pixel_fill)['samples']
- progressbar(async_task, 13, 'VAE encoding ...')
- latent_fill = core.encode_vae(
- vae=candidate_vae,
- pixels=inpaint_pixel_fill)['samples']
+ if async_task.freeu_enabled:
+ apply_freeu(async_task)
- inpaint_worker.current_task.load_latent(
- latent_fill=latent_fill, latent_mask=latent_mask, latent_swap=latent_swap)
+ # async_task.steps can have value of uov steps here when upscale has been applied
+ steps, _, _, _ = apply_overrides(async_task, async_task.steps, height, width)
- if inpaint_parameterized:
- pipeline.final_unet = inpaint_worker.current_task.patch(
- inpaint_head_model_path=inpaint_head_model_path,
- inpaint_latent=latent_inpaint,
- inpaint_latent_mask=latent_mask,
- model=pipeline.final_unet
- )
+ images_to_enhance = []
+ if 'enhance' in goals:
+ async_task.image_number = 1
+ images_to_enhance += [async_task.enhance_input_image]
+ height, width, _ = async_task.enhance_input_image.shape
+ # input image already provided, processing is skipped
+ steps = 0
- if not inpaint_disable_initial_latent:
- initial_latent = {'samples': latent_fill}
+ all_steps = steps * async_task.image_number
- B, C, H, W = latent_fill.shape
- height, width = H * 8, W * 8
- final_height, final_width = inpaint_worker.current_task.image.shape[:2]
- print(f'Final resolution is {str((final_height, final_width))}, latent is {str((height, width))}.')
+ if async_task.enhance_checkbox and async_task.enhance_uov_method != flags.disabled.casefold():
+ enhance_upscale_steps = async_task.performance_selection.steps()
+ if 'upscale' in async_task.enhance_uov_method:
+ if 'fast' in async_task.enhance_uov_method:
+ enhance_upscale_steps = 0
+ else:
+ enhance_upscale_steps = async_task.performance_selection.steps_uov()
+ enhance_upscale_steps, _, _, _ = apply_overrides(async_task, enhance_upscale_steps, height, width)
+ enhance_upscale_steps_total = async_task.image_number * enhance_upscale_steps
+ all_steps += enhance_upscale_steps_total
- if 'cn' in goals:
- for task in cn_tasks[flags.cn_canny]:
- cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight = task
- cn_img = resize_image(HWC3(cn_img), width=width, height=height)
- if not skipping_cn_preprocessor:
- cn_img = preprocessors.canny_pyramid(cn_img, canny_low_threshold, canny_high_threshold)
- cn_img = HWC3(cn_img)
- task[0] = core.numpy_to_pytorch(cn_img)
- if debugging_cn_preprocessor:
- yield_result(async_task, cn_img, black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True)
- return
- for task in cn_tasks[flags.cn_cpds]:
- cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight = task
- cn_img = resize_image(HWC3(cn_img), width=width, height=height)
- if not skipping_cn_preprocessor:
- cn_img = preprocessors.cpds(cn_img)
- cn_img = HWC3(cn_img)
- task[0] = core.numpy_to_pytorch(cn_img)
- if debugging_cn_preprocessor:
- yield_result(async_task, cn_img, black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True)
- return
- for task in cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip]:
- cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight = task
- cn_img = HWC3(cn_img)
- # https://github.com/tencent-ailab/IP-Adapter/blob/d580c50a291566bbf9fc7ac0f760506607297e6d/README.md?plain=1#L75
- cn_img = resize_image(cn_img, width=224, height=224, resize_mode=0)
- task[0] = ip_adapter.preprocess(cn_img, ip_adapter_path=ip_adapter_path)
- if debugging_cn_preprocessor:
- yield_result(async_task, cn_img, black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True)
- return
- for task in cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip_face]:
- cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight = task
- cn_img = HWC3(cn_img)
- if not skipping_cn_preprocessor:
- cn_img = extras.face_crop.crop_image(cn_img)
- # https://github.com/tencent-ailab/IP-Adapter/blob/d580c50a291566bbf9fc7ac0f760506607297e6d/README.md?plain=1#L75
- cn_img = resize_image(cn_img, width=224, height=224, resize_mode=0)
- task[0] = ip_adapter.preprocess(cn_img, ip_adapter_path=ip_adapter_face_path)
- if debugging_cn_preprocessor:
- yield_result(async_task, cn_img, black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True)
- return
- all_ip_tasks = cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip] + cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip_face]
- if len(all_ip_tasks) > 0:
- pipeline.final_unet = ip_adapter.patch_model(pipeline.final_unet, all_ip_tasks)
- if freeu_enabled:
- print(f'FreeU is enabled!')
- pipeline.final_unet = core.apply_freeu(
- pipeline.final_unet,
- freeu_b1,
- freeu_b2,
- freeu_s1,
- freeu_s2
- )
+ if async_task.enhance_checkbox and len(async_task.enhance_ctrls) != 0:
+ enhance_steps, _, _, _ = apply_overrides(async_task, async_task.original_steps, height, width)
+ all_steps += async_task.image_number * len(async_task.enhance_ctrls) * enhance_steps
- all_steps = steps * image_number
+ all_steps = max(all_steps, 1)
print(f'[Parameters] Denoising Strength = {denoising_strength}')
@@ -820,161 +1240,47 @@ def handler(async_task):
print(f'[Parameters] Initial Latent shape: {log_shape}')
- preparation_time = time.perf_counter() - execution_start_time
+ preparation_time = time.perf_counter() - preparation_start_time
print(f'Preparation time: {preparation_time:.2f} seconds')
- final_sampler_name = sampler_name
- final_scheduler_name = scheduler_name
- if scheduler_name in ['lcm', 'tcd']:
- final_scheduler_name = 'sgm_uniform'
- def patch_discrete(unet):
- return core.opModelSamplingDiscrete.patch(
- pipeline.final_unet,
- sampling=scheduler_name,
- zsnr=False)[0]
- if pipeline.final_unet is not None:
- pipeline.final_unet = patch_discrete(pipeline.final_unet)
- if pipeline.final_refiner_unet is not None:
- pipeline.final_refiner_unet = patch_discrete(pipeline.final_refiner_unet)
- print(f'Using {scheduler_name} scheduler.')
- elif scheduler_name == 'edm_playground_v2.5':
- final_scheduler_name = 'karras'
+ final_scheduler_name = patch_samplers(async_task)
+ print(f'Using {final_scheduler_name} scheduler.')
- def patch_edm(unet):
- return core.opModelSamplingContinuousEDM.patch(
- unet,
- sampling=scheduler_name,
- sigma_max=120.0,
- sigma_min=0.002)[0]
- if pipeline.final_unet is not None:
- pipeline.final_unet = patch_edm(pipeline.final_unet)
- if pipeline.final_refiner_unet is not None:
- pipeline.final_refiner_unet = patch_edm(pipeline.final_refiner_unet)
+ async_task.yields.append(['preview', (current_progress, 'Moving model to GPU ...', None)])
- print(f'Using {scheduler_name} scheduler.')
+ processing_start_time = time.perf_counter()
- async_task.yields.append(['preview', (flags.preparation_step_count, 'Moving model to GPU ...', None)])
+ preparation_steps = current_progress
+ total_count = async_task.image_number
def callback(step, x0, x, total_steps, y):
- done_steps = current_task_id * steps + step
+ if step == 0:
+ async_task.callback_steps = 0
+ async_task.callback_steps += (100 - preparation_steps) / float(all_steps)
async_task.yields.append(['preview', (
- int(flags.preparation_step_count + (100 - flags.preparation_step_count) * float(done_steps) / float(all_steps)),
- f'Sampling step {step + 1}/{total_steps}, image {current_task_id + 1}/{image_number} ...', y)])
+ int(current_progress + async_task.callback_steps),
+ f'Sampling step {step + 1}/{total_steps}, image {current_task_id + 1}/{total_count} ...', y)])
+ should_enhance = async_task.enhance_checkbox and (async_task.enhance_uov_method != flags.disabled.casefold() or len(async_task.enhance_ctrls) > 0)
+ show_intermediate_results = len(tasks) > 1 or should_enhance
for current_task_id, task in enumerate(tasks):
- current_progress = int(flags.preparation_step_count + (100 - flags.preparation_step_count) * float(current_task_id * steps) / float(all_steps))
- progressbar(async_task, current_progress, f'Preparing task {current_task_id + 1}/{image_number} ...')
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, f'Preparing task {current_task_id + 1}/{async_task.image_number} ...')
execution_start_time = time.perf_counter()
- if async_task.last_stop is not False:
- ldm_patched.modules.model_management.interrupt_current_processing()
- positive_cond, negative_cond = task['c'], task['uc']
- if 'cn' in goals:
- for cn_flag, cn_path in [
- (flags.cn_canny, controlnet_canny_path),
- (flags.cn_cpds, controlnet_cpds_path)
- ]:
- for cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight in cn_tasks[cn_flag]:
- positive_cond, negative_cond = core.apply_controlnet(
- positive_cond, negative_cond,
- pipeline.loaded_ControlNets[cn_path], cn_img, cn_weight, 0, cn_stop)
- imgs = pipeline.process_diffusion(
- positive_cond=positive_cond,
- negative_cond=negative_cond,
- steps=steps,
- switch=switch,
- width=width,
- height=height,
- image_seed=task['task_seed'],
- callback=callback,
- sampler_name=final_sampler_name,
- scheduler_name=final_scheduler_name,
- latent=initial_latent,
- denoise=denoising_strength,
- tiled=tiled,
- cfg_scale=cfg_scale,
- refiner_swap_method=refiner_swap_method,
- disable_preview=disable_preview
- )
- del task['c'], task['uc'], positive_cond, negative_cond # Save memory
- if inpaint_worker.current_task is not None:
- imgs = [inpaint_worker.current_task.post_process(x) for x in imgs]
- img_paths = []
- current_progress = int(flags.preparation_step_count + (100 - flags.preparation_step_count) * float((current_task_id + 1) * steps) / float(all_steps))
- if modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw or black_out_nsfw:
- progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Checking for NSFW content ...')
- imgs = default_censor(imgs)
- progressbar(async_task, current_progress, f'Saving image {current_task_id + 1}/{image_number} to system ...')
- for x in imgs:
- d = [('Prompt', 'prompt', task['log_positive_prompt']),
- ('Negative Prompt', 'negative_prompt', task['log_negative_prompt']),
- ('Fooocus V2 Expansion', 'prompt_expansion', task['expansion']),
- ('Styles', 'styles',
- str(task['styles'] if not use_expansion else [fooocus_expansion] + task['styles'])),
- ('Performance', 'performance', performance_selection.value)]
- if performance_selection.steps() != steps:
- d.append(('Steps', 'steps', steps))
- d += [('Resolution', 'resolution', str((width, height))),
- ('Guidance Scale', 'guidance_scale', guidance_scale),
- ('Sharpness', 'sharpness', sharpness),
- ('ADM Guidance', 'adm_guidance', str((
- modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].positive_adm_scale,
- modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].negative_adm_scale,
- modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].adm_scaler_end))),
- ('Base Model', 'base_model', base_model_name),
- ('Refiner Model', 'refiner_model', refiner_model_name),
- ('Refiner Switch', 'refiner_switch', refiner_switch)]
- if refiner_model_name != 'None':
- if overwrite_switch > 0:
- d.append(('Overwrite Switch', 'overwrite_switch', overwrite_switch))
- if refiner_swap_method != flags.refiner_swap_method:
- d.append(('Refiner Swap Method', 'refiner_swap_method', refiner_swap_method))
- if modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].adaptive_cfg != modules.config.default_cfg_tsnr:
- d.append(
- ('CFG Mimicking from TSNR', 'adaptive_cfg', modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].adaptive_cfg))
- if clip_skip > 1:
- d.append(('CLIP Skip', 'clip_skip', clip_skip))
- d.append(('Sampler', 'sampler', sampler_name))
- d.append(('Scheduler', 'scheduler', scheduler_name))
- d.append(('VAE', 'vae', vae_name))
- d.append(('Seed', 'seed', str(task['task_seed'])))
- if freeu_enabled:
- d.append(('FreeU', 'freeu', str((freeu_b1, freeu_b2, freeu_s1, freeu_s2))))
- for li, (n, w) in enumerate(loras):
- if n != 'None':
- d.append((f'LoRA {li + 1}', f'lora_combined_{li + 1}', f'{n} : {w}'))
- metadata_parser = None
- if save_metadata_to_images:
- metadata_parser = modules.meta_parser.get_metadata_parser(metadata_scheme)
- metadata_parser.set_data(task['log_positive_prompt'], task['positive'],
- task['log_negative_prompt'], task['negative'],
- steps, base_model_name, refiner_model_name, loras, vae_name)
- d.append(('Metadata Scheme', 'metadata_scheme',
- metadata_scheme.value if save_metadata_to_images else save_metadata_to_images))
- d.append(('Version', 'version', 'Fooocus v' + fooocus_version.version))
- img_paths.append(log(x, d, metadata_parser, output_format, task))
- yield_result(async_task, img_paths, black_out_nsfw, False,
- do_not_show_finished_images=len(tasks) == 1 or disable_intermediate_results)
- except ldm_patched.modules.model_management.InterruptProcessingException as e:
+ imgs, img_paths, current_progress = process_task(all_steps, async_task, callback, controlnet_canny_path,
+ controlnet_cpds_path, current_task_id,
+ denoising_strength, final_scheduler_name, goals,
+ initial_latent, async_task.steps, switch, task['c'],
+ task['uc'], task, loras, tiled, use_expansion, width,
+ height, current_progress, preparation_steps,
+ async_task.image_number, show_intermediate_results)
+ current_progress = int(preparation_steps + (100 - preparation_steps) / float(all_steps) * async_task.steps * (current_task_id + 1))
+ images_to_enhance += imgs
+ except ldm_patched.modules.model_management.InterruptProcessingException:
if async_task.last_stop == 'skip':
print('User skipped')
async_task.last_stop = False
@@ -983,20 +1289,156 @@ def callback(step, x0, x, total_steps, y):
print('User stopped')
+ del task['c'], task['uc'] # Save memory
execution_time = time.perf_counter() - execution_start_time
print(f'Generating and saving time: {execution_time:.2f} seconds')
- async_task.processing = False
+ if not should_enhance:
+ print(f'[Enhance] Skipping, preconditions aren\'t met')
+ stop_processing(async_task, processing_start_time)
+ return
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Processing enhance ...')
+ active_enhance_tabs = len(async_task.enhance_ctrls)
+ should_process_enhance_uov = async_task.enhance_uov_method != flags.disabled.casefold()
+ if should_process_enhance_uov:
+ active_enhance_tabs += 1
+ total_count = len(images_to_enhance) * active_enhance_tabs
+ base_progress = current_progress
+ current_task_id = -1
+ done_steps_upscaling = 0
+ done_steps_inpainting = 0
+ enhance_steps, _, _, _ = apply_overrides(async_task, async_task.original_steps, height, width)
+ exception_result = None
+ for img in images_to_enhance:
+ enhancement_image_start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ last_enhance_prompt = async_task.prompt
+ last_enhance_negative_prompt = async_task.negative_prompt
+ if should_process_enhance_uov and async_task.enhance_uov_processing_order == flags.enhancement_uov_before:
+ current_task_id += 1
+ current_task_id, done_steps_inpainting, done_steps_upscaling, img, exception_result = enhance_upscale(
+ all_steps, async_task, base_progress, callback, controlnet_canny_path, controlnet_cpds_path,
+ current_task_id, denoising_strength, done_steps_inpainting, done_steps_upscaling, enhance_steps,
+ async_task.prompt, async_task.negative_prompt, final_scheduler_name, height, img, preparation_steps,
+ switch, tiled, total_count, use_expansion, use_style, use_synthetic_refiner, width)
+ if exception_result == 'continue':
+ continue
+ elif exception_result == 'break':
+ break
+ # inpaint for all other tabs
+ for enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text, enhance_prompt, enhance_negative_prompt, enhance_mask_model, enhance_mask_cloth_category, enhance_mask_sam_model, enhance_mask_text_threshold, enhance_mask_box_threshold, enhance_mask_sam_max_detections, enhance_inpaint_disable_initial_latent, enhance_inpaint_engine, enhance_inpaint_strength, enhance_inpaint_respective_field, enhance_inpaint_erode_or_dilate, enhance_mask_invert in async_task.enhance_ctrls:
+ current_task_id += 1
+ current_progress = int(base_progress + (100 - preparation_steps) / float(all_steps) * (done_steps_upscaling + done_steps_inpainting))
+ progressbar(async_task, current_progress, f'Preparing enhancement {current_task_id + 1}/{total_count} ...')
+ enhancement_task_start_time = time.perf_counter()
+ extras = {}
+ if enhance_mask_model == 'sam':
+ print(f'[Enhance] Searching for "{enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text}"')
+ elif enhance_mask_model == 'u2net_cloth_seg':
+ extras['cloth_category'] = enhance_mask_cloth_category
+ mask, dino_detection_count, sam_detection_count, sam_detection_on_mask_count = generate_mask_from_image(
+ img, mask_model=enhance_mask_model, extras=extras, sam_options=SAMOptions(
+ dino_prompt=enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text,
+ dino_box_threshold=enhance_mask_box_threshold,
+ dino_text_threshold=enhance_mask_text_threshold,
+ dino_erode_or_dilate=async_task.dino_erode_or_dilate,
+ dino_debug=async_task.debugging_dino,
+ max_detections=enhance_mask_sam_max_detections,
+ model_type=enhance_mask_sam_model,
+ ))
+ if len(mask.shape) == 3:
+ mask = mask[:, :, 0]
+ if int(enhance_inpaint_erode_or_dilate) != 0:
+ mask = erode_or_dilate(mask, enhance_inpaint_erode_or_dilate)
+ if enhance_mask_invert:
+ mask = 255 - mask
+ if async_task.debugging_enhance_masks_checkbox:
+ async_task.yields.append(['preview', (current_progress, 'Loading ...', mask)])
+ yield_result(async_task, mask, current_progress, async_task.black_out_nsfw, False,
+ async_task.disable_intermediate_results)
+ print(f'[Enhance] {dino_detection_count} boxes detected')
+ print(f'[Enhance] {sam_detection_count} segments detected in boxes')
+ print(f'[Enhance] {sam_detection_on_mask_count} segments applied to mask')
+ if enhance_mask_model == 'sam' and (
+ dino_detection_count == 0 or not async_task.debugging_dino and sam_detection_on_mask_count == 0):
+ print(f'[Enhance] No "{enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text}" detected, skipping')
+ continue
+ goals_enhance = ['inpaint']
+ try:
+ current_progress, img, enhance_prompt_processed, enhance_negative_prompt_processed = process_enhance(
+ all_steps, async_task, callback, controlnet_canny_path, controlnet_cpds_path,
+ current_progress, current_task_id, denoising_strength, enhance_inpaint_disable_initial_latent,
+ enhance_inpaint_engine, enhance_inpaint_respective_field, enhance_inpaint_strength,
+ enhance_prompt, enhance_negative_prompt, final_scheduler_name, goals_enhance, height, img, mask,
+ preparation_steps, enhance_steps, switch, tiled, total_count, use_expansion, use_style,
+ use_synthetic_refiner, width)
+ if (should_process_enhance_uov and async_task.enhance_uov_processing_order == flags.enhancement_uov_after
+ and async_task.enhance_uov_prompt_type == flags.enhancement_uov_prompt_type_last_filled):
+ if enhance_prompt_processed != '':
+ last_enhance_prompt = enhance_prompt_processed
+ if enhance_negative_prompt_processed != '':
+ last_enhance_negative_prompt = enhance_negative_prompt_processed
+ except ldm_patched.modules.model_management.InterruptProcessingException:
+ if async_task.last_stop == 'skip':
+ print('User skipped')
+ async_task.last_stop = False
+ continue
+ else:
+ print('User stopped')
+ exception_result = 'break'
+ break
+ finally:
+ done_steps_inpainting += enhance_steps
+ enhancement_task_time = time.perf_counter() - enhancement_task_start_time
+ print(f'Enhancement time: {enhancement_task_time:.2f} seconds')
+ if exception_result == 'break':
+ break
+ if should_process_enhance_uov and async_task.enhance_uov_processing_order == flags.enhancement_uov_after:
+ current_task_id += 1
+ current_task_id, done_steps_inpainting, done_steps_upscaling, img, exception_result = enhance_upscale(
+ all_steps, async_task, base_progress, callback, controlnet_canny_path, controlnet_cpds_path,
+ current_task_id, denoising_strength, done_steps_inpainting, done_steps_upscaling, enhance_steps,
+ last_enhance_prompt, last_enhance_negative_prompt, final_scheduler_name, height, img,
+ preparation_steps, switch, tiled, total_count, use_expansion, use_style, use_synthetic_refiner,
+ width)
+ if exception_result == 'continue':
+ continue
+ elif exception_result == 'break':
+ break
+ enhancement_image_time = time.perf_counter() - enhancement_image_start_time
+ print(f'Enhancement image time: {enhancement_image_time:.2f} seconds')
+ stop_processing(async_task, processing_start_time)
while True:
if len(async_tasks) > 0:
task = async_tasks.pop(0)
- generate_image_grid = task.args.pop(0)
- if generate_image_grid:
+ if task.generate_image_grid:
task.yields.append(['finish', task.results])
diff --git a/modules/config.py b/modules/config.py
index a6767c370..ee867e5fc 100644
--- a/modules/config.py
+++ b/modules/config.py
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ def replace_config(old_key, new_key):
def get_presets():
preset_folder = 'presets'
presets = ['initial']
@@ -106,8 +105,11 @@ def get_presets():
print('No presets found.')
return presets
- return presets + [f[:f.index('.json')] for f in os.listdir(preset_folder) if f.endswith('.json')]
+ return presets + [f[:f.index(".json")] for f in os.listdir(preset_folder) if f.endswith('.json')]
+def update_presets():
+ global available_presets
+ available_presets = get_presets()
def try_get_preset_content(preset):
if isinstance(preset, str):
@@ -198,6 +200,7 @@ def get_dir_or_set_default(key, default_value, as_array=False, make_directory=Fa
path_fooocus_expansion = get_dir_or_set_default('path_fooocus_expansion', '../models/prompt_expansion/fooocus_expansion')
path_wildcards = get_dir_or_set_default('path_wildcards', '../wildcards/')
path_safety_checker = get_dir_or_set_default('path_safety_checker', '../models/safety_checker/')
+path_sam = get_dir_or_set_default('path_sam', '../models/sam/')
path_outputs = get_path_output()
@@ -397,7 +400,7 @@ def init_temp_path(path: str | None, default_path: str) -> str:
default_performance = get_config_item_or_set_default(
- validator=lambda x: x in Performance.list(),
+ validator=lambda x: x in Performance.values(),
default_advanced_checkbox = get_config_item_or_set_default(
@@ -442,6 +445,12 @@ def init_temp_path(path: str | None, default_path: str) -> str:
validator=lambda x: isinstance(x, dict) and all(isinstance(k, str) and isinstance(v, str) for k, v in x.items()),
+vae_downloads = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='vae_downloads',
+ default_value={},
+ validator=lambda x: isinstance(x, dict) and all(isinstance(k, str) and isinstance(v, str) for k, v in x.items()),
+ expected_type=dict
available_aspect_ratios = get_config_item_or_set_default(
@@ -460,6 +469,12 @@ def init_temp_path(path: str | None, default_path: str) -> str:
validator=lambda x: x in modules.flags.inpaint_engine_versions,
+default_inpaint_method = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='default_inpaint_method',
+ default_value=modules.flags.inpaint_option_default,
+ validator=lambda x: x in modules.flags.inpaint_options,
+ expected_type=str
default_cfg_tsnr = get_config_item_or_set_default(
@@ -484,6 +499,11 @@ def init_temp_path(path: str | None, default_path: str) -> str:
validator=lambda x: isinstance(x, int),
+default_overwrite_upscale = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='default_overwrite_upscale',
+ default_value=-1,
+ validator=lambda x: isinstance(x, numbers.Number)
example_inpaint_prompts = get_config_item_or_set_default(
@@ -492,6 +512,50 @@ def init_temp_path(path: str | None, default_path: str) -> str:
validator=lambda x: isinstance(x, list) and all(isinstance(v, str) for v in x),
+example_enhance_detection_prompts = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='example_enhance_detection_prompts',
+ default_value=[
+ 'face', 'eye', 'mouth', 'hair', 'hand', 'body'
+ ],
+ validator=lambda x: isinstance(x, list) and all(isinstance(v, str) for v in x),
+ expected_type=list
+default_enhance_tabs = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='default_enhance_tabs',
+ default_value=3,
+ validator=lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and 1 <= x <= 5,
+ expected_type=int
+default_enhance_checkbox = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='default_enhance_checkbox',
+ default_value=False,
+ validator=lambda x: isinstance(x, bool),
+ expected_type=bool
+default_enhance_uov_method = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='default_enhance_uov_method',
+ default_value=modules.flags.disabled,
+ validator=lambda x: x in modules.flags.uov_list,
+ expected_type=int
+default_enhance_uov_processing_order = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='default_enhance_uov_processing_order',
+ default_value=modules.flags.enhancement_uov_before,
+ validator=lambda x: x in modules.flags.enhancement_uov_processing_order,
+ expected_type=int
+default_enhance_uov_prompt_type = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='default_enhance_uov_prompt_type',
+ default_value=modules.flags.enhancement_uov_prompt_type_original,
+ validator=lambda x: x in modules.flags.enhancement_uov_prompt_types,
+ expected_type=int
+default_sam_max_detections = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='default_sam_max_detections',
+ default_value=0,
+ validator=lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and 0 <= x <= 10,
+ expected_type=int
default_black_out_nsfw = get_config_item_or_set_default(
@@ -518,10 +582,39 @@ def init_temp_path(path: str | None, default_path: str) -> str:
example_inpaint_prompts = [[x] for x in example_inpaint_prompts]
+example_enhance_detection_prompts = [[x] for x in example_enhance_detection_prompts]
+default_inpaint_mask_model = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='default_inpaint_mask_model',
+ default_value='isnet-general-use',
+ validator=lambda x: x in modules.flags.inpaint_mask_models,
+ expected_type=str
+default_enhance_inpaint_mask_model = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='default_enhance_inpaint_mask_model',
+ default_value='sam',
+ validator=lambda x: x in modules.flags.inpaint_mask_models,
+ expected_type=str
+default_inpaint_mask_cloth_category = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='default_inpaint_mask_cloth_category',
+ default_value='full',
+ validator=lambda x: x in modules.flags.inpaint_mask_cloth_category,
+ expected_type=str
+default_inpaint_mask_sam_model = get_config_item_or_set_default(
+ key='default_inpaint_mask_sam_model',
+ default_value='vit_b',
+ validator=lambda x: x in [y[1] for y in modules.flags.inpaint_mask_sam_model if y[1] == x],
+ expected_type=str
config_dict["default_loras"] = default_loras = default_loras[:default_max_lora_number] + [[True, 'None', 1.0] for _ in range(default_max_lora_number - len(default_loras))]
-# mapping config to meta parameter
+# mapping config to meta parameter
possible_preset_keys = {
"default_model": "base_model",
"default_refiner": "refiner_model",
@@ -537,6 +630,7 @@ def init_temp_path(path: str | None, default_path: str) -> str:
"default_sampler": "sampler",
"default_scheduler": "scheduler",
"default_overwrite_step": "steps",
+ "default_overwrite_switch": "overwrite_switch",
"default_performance": "performance",
"default_image_number": "image_number",
"default_prompt": "prompt",
@@ -547,7 +641,10 @@ def init_temp_path(path: str | None, default_path: str) -> str:
"checkpoint_downloads": "checkpoint_downloads",
"embeddings_downloads": "embeddings_downloads",
"lora_downloads": "lora_downloads",
- "default_vae": "vae"
+ "vae_downloads": "vae_downloads",
+ "default_vae": "vae",
+ # "default_inpaint_method": "inpaint_method", # disabled so inpaint mode doesn't refresh after every preset change
+ "default_inpaint_engine_version": "inpaint_engine_version",
@@ -754,4 +851,40 @@ def downloading_safety_checker_model():
return os.path.join(path_safety_checker, 'stable-diffusion-safety-checker.bin')
+def download_sam_model(sam_model: str) -> str:
+ match sam_model:
+ case 'vit_b':
+ return downloading_sam_vit_b()
+ case 'vit_l':
+ return downloading_sam_vit_l()
+ case 'vit_h':
+ return downloading_sam_vit_h()
+ case _:
+ raise ValueError(f"sam model {sam_model} does not exist.")
+def downloading_sam_vit_b():
+ load_file_from_url(
+ url='https://huggingface.co/mashb1t/misc/resolve/main/sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth',
+ model_dir=path_sam,
+ file_name='sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth'
+ )
+ return os.path.join(path_sam, 'sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth')
+def downloading_sam_vit_l():
+ load_file_from_url(
+ url='https://huggingface.co/mashb1t/misc/resolve/main/sam_vit_l_0b3195.pth',
+ model_dir=path_sam,
+ file_name='sam_vit_l_0b3195.pth'
+ )
+ return os.path.join(path_sam, 'sam_vit_l_0b3195.pth')
+def downloading_sam_vit_h():
+ load_file_from_url(
+ url='https://huggingface.co/mashb1t/misc/resolve/main/sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth',
+ model_dir=path_sam,
+ file_name='sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth'
+ )
+ return os.path.join(path_sam, 'sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth')
diff --git a/modules/flags.py b/modules/flags.py
index 29ac4615f..4b6cd7b59 100644
--- a/modules/flags.py
+++ b/modules/flags.py
@@ -8,9 +8,15 @@
upscale_2 = 'Upscale (2x)'
upscale_fast = 'Upscale (Fast 2x)'
-uov_list = [
- disabled, subtle_variation, strong_variation, upscale_15, upscale_2, upscale_fast
+uov_list = [disabled, subtle_variation, strong_variation, upscale_15, upscale_2, upscale_fast]
+enhancement_uov_before = "Before First Enhancement"
+enhancement_uov_after = "After Last Enhancement"
+enhancement_uov_processing_order = [enhancement_uov_before, enhancement_uov_after]
+enhancement_uov_prompt_type_original = 'Original Prompts'
+enhancement_uov_prompt_type_last_filled = 'Last Filled Enhancement Prompts'
+enhancement_uov_prompt_types = [enhancement_uov_prompt_type_original, enhancement_uov_prompt_type_last_filled]
CIVITAI_NO_KARRAS = ["euler", "euler_ancestral", "heun", "dpm_fast", "dpm_adaptive", "ddim", "uni_pc"]
@@ -35,7 +41,8 @@
"dpmpp_3m_sde_gpu": "",
"ddpm": "",
"lcm": "LCM",
- "tcd": "TCD"
+ "tcd": "TCD",
+ "restart": "Restart"
@@ -74,6 +81,10 @@
output_formats = ['png', 'jpeg', 'webp']
+inpaint_mask_models = ['u2net', 'u2netp', 'u2net_human_seg', 'u2net_cloth_seg', 'silueta', 'isnet-general-use', 'isnet-anime', 'sam']
+inpaint_mask_cloth_category = ['full', 'upper', 'lower']
+inpaint_mask_sam_model = ['vit_b', 'vit_l', 'vit_h']
inpaint_engine_versions = ['None', 'v1', 'v2.5', 'v2.6']
inpaint_option_default = 'Inpaint or Outpaint (default)'
inpaint_option_detail = 'Improve Detail (face, hand, eyes, etc.)'
@@ -103,7 +114,6 @@ class MetadataScheme(Enum):
controlnet_image_count = 4
-preparation_step_count = 13
class OutputFormat(Enum):
@@ -153,7 +163,7 @@ class Performance(Enum):
def list(cls) -> list:
- return list(map(lambda c: c.value, cls))
+ return list(map(lambda c: (c.name, c.value), cls))
def values(cls) -> list:
diff --git a/modules/hash_cache.py b/modules/hash_cache.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e857b0030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/hash_cache.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import json
+import os
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+from multiprocessing import cpu_count
+import args_manager
+from modules.util import sha256, HASH_SHA256_LENGTH, get_file_from_folder_list
+hash_cache_filename = 'hash_cache.txt'
+hash_cache = {}
+def sha256_from_cache(filepath):
+ global hash_cache
+ if filepath not in hash_cache:
+ print(f"[Cache] Calculating sha256 for {filepath}")
+ hash_value = sha256(filepath)
+ print(f"[Cache] sha256 for {filepath}: {hash_value}")
+ hash_cache[filepath] = hash_value
+ save_cache_to_file(filepath, hash_value)
+ return hash_cache[filepath]
+def load_cache_from_file():
+ global hash_cache
+ try:
+ if os.path.exists(hash_cache_filename):
+ with open(hash_cache_filename, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
+ for line in fp:
+ entry = json.loads(line)
+ for filepath, hash_value in entry.items():
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath) or not isinstance(hash_value, str) and len(hash_value) != HASH_SHA256_LENGTH:
+ print(f'[Cache] Skipping invalid cache entry: {filepath}')
+ continue
+ hash_cache[filepath] = hash_value
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f'[Cache] Loading failed: {e}')
+def save_cache_to_file(filename=None, hash_value=None):
+ global hash_cache
+ if filename is not None and hash_value is not None:
+ items = [(filename, hash_value)]
+ mode = 'at'
+ else:
+ items = sorted(hash_cache.items())
+ mode = 'wt'
+ try:
+ with open(hash_cache_filename, mode, encoding='utf-8') as fp:
+ for filepath, hash_value in items:
+ json.dump({filepath: hash_value}, fp)
+ fp.write('\n')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f'[Cache] Saving failed: {e}')
+def init_cache(model_filenames, paths_checkpoints, lora_filenames, paths_loras):
+ load_cache_from_file()
+ if args_manager.args.rebuild_hash_cache:
+ max_workers = args_manager.args.rebuild_hash_cache if args_manager.args.rebuild_hash_cache > 0 else cpu_count()
+ rebuild_cache(lora_filenames, model_filenames, paths_checkpoints, paths_loras, max_workers)
+ # write cache to file again for sorting and cleanup of invalid cache entries
+ save_cache_to_file()
+def rebuild_cache(lora_filenames, model_filenames, paths_checkpoints, paths_loras, max_workers=cpu_count()):
+ def thread(filename, paths):
+ filepath = get_file_from_folder_list(filename, paths)
+ sha256_from_cache(filepath)
+ print('[Cache] Rebuilding hash cache')
+ with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
+ for model_filename in model_filenames:
+ executor.submit(thread, model_filename, paths_checkpoints)
+ for lora_filename in lora_filenames:
+ executor.submit(thread, lora_filename, paths_loras)
+ print('[Cache] Done')
diff --git a/modules/meta_parser.py b/modules/meta_parser.py
index ff930cc0b..14f858355 100644
--- a/modules/meta_parser.py
+++ b/modules/meta_parser.py
@@ -11,16 +11,15 @@
import modules.sdxl_styles
from modules.flags import MetadataScheme, Performance, Steps
from modules.flags import SAMPLERS, CIVITAI_NO_KARRAS
-from modules.util import quote, unquote, extract_styles_from_prompt, is_json, get_file_from_folder_list, sha256
+from modules.hash_cache import sha256_from_cache
+from modules.util import quote, unquote, extract_styles_from_prompt, is_json, get_file_from_folder_list
re_param_code = r'\s*(\w[\w \-/]+):\s*("(?:\\.|[^\\"])+"|[^,]*)(?:,|$)'
re_param = re.compile(re_param_code)
re_imagesize = re.compile(r"^(\d+)x(\d+)$")
-hash_cache = {}
-def load_parameter_button_click(raw_metadata: dict | str, is_generating: bool):
+def load_parameter_button_click(raw_metadata: dict | str, is_generating: bool, inpaint_mode: str):
loaded_parameter_dict = raw_metadata
if isinstance(raw_metadata, str):
loaded_parameter_dict = json.loads(raw_metadata)
@@ -49,6 +48,8 @@ def load_parameter_button_click(raw_metadata: dict | str, is_generating: bool):
get_str('scheduler', 'Scheduler', loaded_parameter_dict, results)
get_str('vae', 'VAE', loaded_parameter_dict, results)
get_seed('seed', 'Seed', loaded_parameter_dict, results)
+ get_inpaint_engine_version('inpaint_engine_version', 'Inpaint Engine Version', loaded_parameter_dict, results, inpaint_mode)
+ get_inpaint_method('inpaint_method', 'Inpaint Mode', loaded_parameter_dict, results)
if is_generating:
@@ -160,6 +161,36 @@ def get_seed(key: str, fallback: str | None, source_dict: dict, results: list, d
+def get_inpaint_engine_version(key: str, fallback: str | None, source_dict: dict, results: list, inpaint_mode: str, default=None) -> str | None:
+ try:
+ h = source_dict.get(key, source_dict.get(fallback, default))
+ assert isinstance(h, str) and h in modules.flags.inpaint_engine_versions
+ if inpaint_mode != modules.flags.inpaint_option_detail:
+ results.append(h)
+ else:
+ results.append(gr.update())
+ results.append(h)
+ return h
+ except:
+ results.append(gr.update())
+ results.append('empty')
+ return None
+def get_inpaint_method(key: str, fallback: str | None, source_dict: dict, results: list, default=None) -> str | None:
+ try:
+ h = source_dict.get(key, source_dict.get(fallback, default))
+ assert isinstance(h, str) and h in modules.flags.inpaint_options
+ results.append(h)
+ for i in range(modules.config.default_enhance_tabs):
+ results.append(h)
+ return h
+ except:
+ results.append(gr.update())
+ for i in range(modules.config.default_enhance_tabs):
+ results.append(gr.update())
def get_adm_guidance(key: str, fallback: str | None, source_dict: dict, results: list, default=None):
h = source_dict.get(key, source_dict.get(fallback, default))
@@ -215,14 +246,6 @@ def get_lora(key: str, fallback: str | None, source_dict: dict, results: list, p
-def get_sha256(filepath):
- global hash_cache
- if filepath not in hash_cache:
- hash_cache[filepath] = sha256(filepath)
- return hash_cache[filepath]
def parse_meta_from_preset(preset_content):
assert isinstance(preset_content, dict)
preset_prepared = {}
@@ -245,8 +268,7 @@ def parse_meta_from_preset(preset_content):
height = height[:height.index(" ")]
preset_prepared[meta_key] = (width, height)
- preset_prepared[meta_key] = items[settings_key] if settings_key in items and items[
- settings_key] is not None else getattr(modules.config, settings_key)
+ preset_prepared[meta_key] = items[settings_key] if settings_key in items and items[settings_key] is not None else getattr(modules.config, settings_key)
if settings_key == "default_styles" or settings_key == "default_aspect_ratio":
preset_prepared[meta_key] = str(preset_prepared[meta_key])
@@ -290,18 +312,18 @@ def set_data(self, raw_prompt, full_prompt, raw_negative_prompt, full_negative_p
self.base_model_name = Path(base_model_name).stem
base_model_path = get_file_from_folder_list(base_model_name, modules.config.paths_checkpoints)
- self.base_model_hash = get_sha256(base_model_path)
+ self.base_model_hash = sha256_from_cache(base_model_path)
if refiner_model_name not in ['', 'None']:
self.refiner_model_name = Path(refiner_model_name).stem
refiner_model_path = get_file_from_folder_list(refiner_model_name, modules.config.paths_checkpoints)
- self.refiner_model_hash = get_sha256(refiner_model_path)
+ self.refiner_model_hash = sha256_from_cache(refiner_model_path)
self.loras = []
for (lora_name, lora_weight) in loras:
if lora_name != 'None':
lora_path = get_file_from_folder_list(lora_name, modules.config.paths_loras)
- lora_hash = get_sha256(lora_path)
+ lora_hash = sha256_from_cache(lora_path)
self.loras.append((Path(lora_name).stem, lora_weight, lora_hash))
self.vae_name = Path(vae_name).stem
diff --git a/modules/upscaler.py b/modules/upscaler.py
index 974e4f37c..de9a143c5 100644
--- a/modules/upscaler.py
+++ b/modules/upscaler.py
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-import os
-import torch
-import modules.core as core
+from collections import OrderedDict
-from ldm_patched.pfn.architecture.RRDB import RRDBNet as ESRGAN
+import modules.core as core
+import torch
from ldm_patched.contrib.external_upscale_model import ImageUpscaleWithModel
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from modules.config import path_upscale_models
+from ldm_patched.pfn.architecture.RRDB import RRDBNet as ESRGAN
+from modules.config import downloading_upscale_model
-model_filename = os.path.join(path_upscale_models, 'fooocus_upscaler_s409985e5.bin')
opImageUpscaleWithModel = ImageUpscaleWithModel()
model = None
@@ -18,6 +16,7 @@ def perform_upscale(img):
print(f'Upscaling image with shape {str(img.shape)} ...')
if model is None:
+ model_filename = downloading_upscale_model()
sd = torch.load(model_filename)
sdo = OrderedDict()
for k, v in sd.items():
diff --git a/modules/util.py b/modules/util.py
index 5003f79ab..30b9f4d18 100644
--- a/modules/util.py
+++ b/modules/util.py
@@ -176,13 +176,11 @@ def generate_temp_filename(folder='./outputs/', extension='png'):
def sha256(filename, use_addnet_hash=False, length=HASH_SHA256_LENGTH):
- print(f"Calculating sha256 for {filename}: ", end='')
if use_addnet_hash:
with open(filename, "rb") as file:
sha256_value = addnet_hash_safetensors(file)
sha256_value = calculate_sha256(filename)
- print(f"{sha256_value}")
return sha256_value[:length] if length is not None else sha256_value
@@ -383,13 +381,6 @@ def get_file_from_folder_list(name, folders):
return os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(folders[0], name)))
-def makedirs_with_log(path):
- try:
- os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
- except OSError as error:
- print(f'Directory {path} could not be created, reason: {error}')
def get_enabled_loras(loras: list, remove_none=True) -> list:
return [(lora[1], lora[2]) for lora in loras if lora[0] and (lora[1] != 'None' if remove_none else True)]
@@ -397,6 +388,9 @@ def get_enabled_loras(loras: list, remove_none=True) -> list:
def parse_lora_references_from_prompt(prompt: str, loras: List[Tuple[AnyStr, float]], loras_limit: int = 5,
skip_file_check=False, prompt_cleanup=True, deduplicate_loras=True,
lora_filenames=None) -> tuple[List[Tuple[AnyStr, float]], str]:
+ # prevent unintended side effects when returning without detection
+ loras = loras.copy()
if lora_filenames is None:
lora_filenames = []
diff --git a/notification-example.mp3 b/notification-example.mp3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a0753cc7
Binary files /dev/null and b/notification-example.mp3 differ
diff --git a/notification-example.ogg b/notification-example.ogg
deleted file mode 100644
index fe4291d06..000000000
Binary files a/notification-example.ogg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/presets/.gitignore b/presets/.gitignore
index 27e74136a..e39511a94 100644
--- a/presets/.gitignore
+++ b/presets/.gitignore
@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/presets/anime.json b/presets/anime.json
index 78607edbf..bf735c9b8 100644
--- a/presets/anime.json
+++ b/presets/anime.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "default_model": "animaPencilXL_v310.safetensors",
+ "default_model": "animaPencilXL_v500.safetensors",
"default_refiner": "None",
"default_refiner_switch": 0.5,
"default_loras": [
@@ -42,16 +42,19 @@
"Fooocus Masterpiece"
"default_aspect_ratio": "896*1152",
+ "default_overwrite_step": -1,
"checkpoint_downloads": {
- "animaPencilXL_v310.safetensors": "https://huggingface.co/mashb1t/fav_models/resolve/main/fav/animaPencilXL_v310.safetensors"
+ "animaPencilXL_v500.safetensors": "https://huggingface.co/mashb1t/fav_models/resolve/main/fav/animaPencilXL_v500.safetensors"
"embeddings_downloads": {},
"lora_downloads": {},
"previous_default_models": [
+ "animaPencilXL_v400.safetensors",
+ "animaPencilXL_v310.safetensors",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/presets/default.json b/presets/default.json
index d02bb8a4d..e9aa2b62f 100644
--- a/presets/default.json
+++ b/presets/default.json
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
"Fooocus Sharp"
"default_aspect_ratio": "1152*896",
+ "default_overwrite_step": -1,
"checkpoint_downloads": {
"juggernautXL_v8Rundiffusion.safetensors": "https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/fav_models/resolve/main/fav/juggernautXL_v8Rundiffusion.safetensors"
diff --git a/presets/lcm.json b/presets/lcm.json
index 6713fdd50..441cbdc8d 100644
--- a/presets/lcm.json
+++ b/presets/lcm.json
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
"Fooocus Sharp"
"default_aspect_ratio": "1152*896",
+ "default_overwrite_step": -1,
"checkpoint_downloads": {
"juggernautXL_v8Rundiffusion.safetensors": "https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/fav_models/resolve/main/fav/juggernautXL_v8Rundiffusion.safetensors"
diff --git a/presets/playground_v2.5.json b/presets/playground_v2.5.json
index 5bc6059e4..ac28c2609 100644
--- a/presets/playground_v2.5.json
+++ b/presets/playground_v2.5.json
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
"Fooocus V2"
"default_aspect_ratio": "1024*1024",
+ "default_overwrite_step": -1,
+ "default_inpaint_engine_version": "None",
"checkpoint_downloads": {
"playground-v2.5-1024px-aesthetic.fp16.safetensors": "https://huggingface.co/mashb1t/fav_models/resolve/main/fav/playground-v2.5-1024px-aesthetic.fp16.safetensors"
diff --git a/presets/pony_v6.json b/presets/pony_v6.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..549d7c526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presets/pony_v6.json
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ "default_model": "ponyDiffusionV6XL.safetensors",
+ "default_refiner": "None",
+ "default_refiner_switch": 0.5,
+ "default_vae": "ponyDiffusionV6XL_vae.safetensors",
+ "default_loras": [
+ [
+ true,
+ "None",
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ [
+ true,
+ "None",
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ [
+ true,
+ "None",
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ [
+ true,
+ "None",
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ [
+ true,
+ "None",
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ ],
+ "default_cfg_scale": 7.0,
+ "default_sample_sharpness": 2.0,
+ "default_sampler": "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu",
+ "default_scheduler": "karras",
+ "default_performance": "Speed",
+ "default_prompt": "",
+ "default_prompt_negative": "",
+ "default_styles": [
+ "Fooocus Pony"
+ ],
+ "default_aspect_ratio": "896*1152",
+ "default_overwrite_step": -1,
+ "default_inpaint_engine_version": "None",
+ "checkpoint_downloads": {
+ "ponyDiffusionV6XL.safetensors": "https://huggingface.co/mashb1t/fav_models/resolve/main/fav/ponyDiffusionV6XL.safetensors"
+ },
+ "embeddings_downloads": {},
+ "lora_downloads": {},
+ "vae_downloads": {
+ "ponyDiffusionV6XL_vae.safetensors": "https://huggingface.co/mashb1t/fav_models/resolve/main/fav/ponyDiffusionV6XL_vae.safetensors"
+ }
diff --git a/presets/realistic.json b/presets/realistic.json
index 6db6d0b76..8402bbc1a 100644
--- a/presets/realistic.json
+++ b/presets/realistic.json
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"default_loras": [
- "SDXL_FILM_PHOTOGRAPHY_STYLE_BetaV0.4.safetensors",
@@ -42,12 +42,13 @@
"Fooocus Negative"
"default_aspect_ratio": "896*1152",
+ "default_overwrite_step": -1,
"checkpoint_downloads": {
"realisticStockPhoto_v20.safetensors": "https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/fav_models/resolve/main/fav/realisticStockPhoto_v20.safetensors"
"embeddings_downloads": {},
"lora_downloads": {
- "SDXL_FILM_PHOTOGRAPHY_STYLE_BetaV0.4.safetensors": "https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/fav_models/resolve/main/fav/SDXL_FILM_PHOTOGRAPHY_STYLE_BetaV0.4.safetensors"
+ "SDXL_FILM_PHOTOGRAPHY_STYLE_V1.safetensors": "https://huggingface.co/mashb1t/fav_models/resolve/main/fav/SDXL_FILM_PHOTOGRAPHY_STYLE_V1.safetensors"
"previous_default_models": ["realisticStockPhoto_v10.safetensors"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/presets/sai.json b/presets/sai.json
index 918028f37..21146311f 100644
--- a/presets/sai.json
+++ b/presets/sai.json
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
"Fooocus Cinematic"
"default_aspect_ratio": "1152*896",
+ "default_overwrite_step": -1,
"checkpoint_downloads": {
"sd_xl_base_1.0_0.9vae.safetensors": "https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0/resolve/main/sd_xl_base_1.0_0.9vae.safetensors",
"sd_xl_refiner_1.0_0.9vae.safetensors": "https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-refiner-1.0/resolve/main/sd_xl_refiner_1.0_0.9vae.safetensors"
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index e79b72aa2..39a961027 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Fooocus also developed many "fooocus-only" features for advanced users to get pe
You can directly download Fooocus with:
-**[>>> Click here to download <<<](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/releases/download/release/Fooocus_win64_2-1-831.7z)**
+**[>>> Click here to download <<<](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/releases/download/v2.5.0/Fooocus_win64_2-5-0.7z)**
After you download the file, please uncompress it and then run the "run.bat".
@@ -285,11 +285,11 @@ See the common problems [here](troubleshoot.md).
Given different goals, the default models and configs of Fooocus are different:
-| Task | Windows | Linux args | Main Model | Refiner | Config |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-| General | run.bat | | juggernautXL_v8Rundiffusion | not used | [here](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/blob/main/presets/default.json) |
-| Realistic | run_realistic.bat | --preset realistic | realisticStockPhoto_v20 | not used | [here](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/blob/main/presets/realistic.json) |
-| Anime | run_anime.bat | --preset anime | animaPencilXL_v100 | not used | [here](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/blob/main/presets/anime.json) |
+| Task | Windows | Linux args | Main Model | Refiner | Config |
+|-----------| --- | --- |-----------------------------| --- |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+| General | run.bat | | juggernautXL_v8Rundiffusion | not used | [here](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/blob/main/presets/default.json) |
+| Realistic | run_realistic.bat | --preset realistic | realisticStockPhoto_v20 | not used | [here](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/blob/main/presets/realistic.json) |
+| Anime | run_anime.bat | --preset anime | animaPencilXL_v500 | not used | [here](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/blob/main/presets/anime.json) |
Note that the download is **automatic** - you do not need to do anything if the internet connection is okay. However, you can download them manually if you (or move them from somewhere else) have your own preparation.
diff --git a/requirements_versions.txt b/requirements_versions.txt
index b2111c1f5..9147db47f 100644
--- a/requirements_versions.txt
+++ b/requirements_versions.txt
@@ -1,18 +1,24 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdxl_styles/samples/fooocus_pony.jpg b/sdxl_styles/samples/fooocus_pony.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b34e5c76d
Binary files /dev/null and b/sdxl_styles/samples/fooocus_pony.jpg differ
diff --git a/sdxl_styles/sdxl_styles_fooocus.json b/sdxl_styles/sdxl_styles_fooocus.json
index cf64eab44..c589f6866 100644
--- a/sdxl_styles/sdxl_styles_fooocus.json
+++ b/sdxl_styles/sdxl_styles_fooocus.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"name": "Fooocus Masterpiece",
- "prompt": "(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), {prompt}, illustration, disheveled hair, detailed eyes, perfect composition, moist skin, intricate details, earrings, by wlop",
+ "prompt": "(masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), {prompt}, illustration, disheveled hair, detailed eyes, perfect composition, moist skin, intricate details, earrings",
"negative_prompt": "longbody, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, missing fingers, pubic hair,extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality"
@@ -30,5 +30,10 @@
"name": "Fooocus Cinematic",
"prompt": "cinematic still {prompt} . emotional, harmonious, vignette, highly detailed, high budget, bokeh, cinemascope, moody, epic, gorgeous, film grain, grainy",
"negative_prompt": "anime, cartoon, graphic, text, painting, crayon, graphite, abstract, glitch, deformed, mutated, ugly, disfigured"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Fooocus Pony",
+ "prompt": "score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, {prompt}",
+ "negative_prompt": "score_6, score_5, score_4"
diff --git a/update_log.md b/update_log.md
index 8aa436479..9a0f3788f 100644
--- a/update_log.md
+++ b/update_log.md
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+# [2.5.0](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/releases/tag/v2.5.0)
+This version includes various package updates. If the auto-update doesn't work you can do one of the following:
+1. Open a terminal in the Fooocus folder (location of config.txt) and run `git pull`
+2. Update packages
+ - Windows (installation through zip file): open a terminal in the Fooocus folder (location of config.txt) `..\python_embeded\python.exe -m pip install -r .\requirements_versions.txt` (Windows using embedded python, installation method zip file) or download Fooocus again (zip file attached to this release)
+ - other: manually update the packages using `python.exe -m pip install -r requirements_versions.txt` or use the docker image
+* Update python dependencies, add segment_anything
+* Add enhance feature, which offers easy image refinement steps (similar to adetailer, but based on dynamic image detection instead of specific mask detection models). See [documentation](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/discussions/3281).
+* Rewrite async worker code, make code much more reusable to allow iterations and improve reusability
+* Improve GroundingDINO and SAM image masking
+* Fix inference tensor version counter tracking issue for GroundingDINO after using Enhance (see [discussion](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/discussions/3213))
+* Move checkboxes Enable Mask Upload and Invert Mask When Generating from Developer Debug Mode to Inpaint Or Outpaint
+* Add persistent model cache for metadata. Use `--rebuild-hash-cache X` (X = int, number of CPU cores, default all) to manually rebuild the cache for all non-cached hashes
+* Rename `--enable-describe-uov-image` to `--enable-auto-describe-image`, now also works for enhance image upload
+* Rename checkbox `Enable Mask Upload` to `Enable Advanced Masking Features` to better hint to mask auto-generation feature
+* Get upscale model filepath by calling downloading_upscale_model() to ensure the model exists
+* Rename tab titles and translations from singular to plural
+* Rename document to documentation
+* Update default models to latest versions
+ * animaPencilXL_v400 => animaPencilXL_v500
+ * DreamShaperXL_Turbo_dpmppSdeKarras => DreamShaperXL_Turbo_v2_1
+* Add preset for pony_v6 (using ponyDiffusionV6XL)
+* Add style `Fooocus Pony`
+* Add restart sampler ([paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.14878))
+* Add config option for default_inpaint_engine_version, sets inpaint engine for pony_v6 and playground_v2.5 to None for improved results (incompatible with inpaint engine)
+* Add image editor functionality to mask upload (same as for inpaint, now correctly resizes and allows more detailed mask creation)
# [2.4.3](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/releases/tag/v2.4.3)
* Fix alphas_cumprod setter for TCD sampler
diff --git a/webui.py b/webui.py
index a0982cae5..01ba3ac5d 100644
--- a/webui.py
+++ b/webui.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
import args_manager
import copy
import launch
+from extras.inpaint_mask import SAMOptions
from modules.sdxl_styles import legal_style_names
from modules.private_logger import get_current_html_path
@@ -89,6 +90,37 @@ def generate_clicked(task: worker.AsyncTask):
+def inpaint_mode_change(mode, inpaint_engine_version):
+ assert mode in modules.flags.inpaint_options
+ # inpaint_additional_prompt, outpaint_selections, example_inpaint_prompts,
+ # inpaint_disable_initial_latent, inpaint_engine,
+ # inpaint_strength, inpaint_respective_field
+ if mode == modules.flags.inpaint_option_detail:
+ return [
+ gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False, value=[]),
+ gr.Dataset.update(visible=True, samples=modules.config.example_inpaint_prompts),
+ False, 'None', 0.5, 0.0
+ ]
+ if inpaint_engine_version == 'empty':
+ inpaint_engine_version = modules.config.default_inpaint_engine_version
+ if mode == modules.flags.inpaint_option_modify:
+ return [
+ gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False, value=[]),
+ gr.Dataset.update(visible=False, samples=modules.config.example_inpaint_prompts),
+ True, inpaint_engine_version, 1.0, 0.0
+ ]
+ return [
+ gr.update(visible=False, value=''), gr.update(visible=True),
+ gr.Dataset.update(visible=False, samples=modules.config.example_inpaint_prompts),
+ False, inpaint_engine_version, 1.0, 0.618
+ ]
title = f'Fooocus {fooocus_version.version}'
@@ -100,6 +132,7 @@ def generate_clicked(task: worker.AsyncTask):
with shared.gradio_root:
currentTask = gr.State(worker.AsyncTask(args=[]))
+ inpaint_engine_state = gr.State('empty')
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=2):
with gr.Row():
@@ -146,6 +179,7 @@ def skip_clicked(currentTask):
skip_button.click(skip_clicked, inputs=currentTask, outputs=currentTask, queue=False, show_progress=False)
with gr.Row(elem_classes='advanced_check_row'):
input_image_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label='Input Image', value=False, container=False, elem_classes='min_check')
+ enhance_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label='Enhance', value=modules.config.default_enhance_checkbox, container=False, elem_classes='min_check')
advanced_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label='Advanced', value=modules.config.default_advanced_checkbox, container=False, elem_classes='min_check')
with gr.Row(visible=False) as image_input_panel:
with gr.Tabs():
@@ -155,7 +189,7 @@ def skip_clicked(currentTask):
uov_input_image = grh.Image(label='Image', source='upload', type='numpy', show_label=False)
with gr.Column():
uov_method = gr.Radio(label='Upscale or Variation:', choices=flags.uov_list, value=flags.disabled)
- gr.HTML('\U0001F4D4 Document')
+ gr.HTML('\U0001F4D4 Documentation')
with gr.TabItem(label='Image Prompt') as ip_tab:
with gr.Row():
ip_images = []
@@ -188,7 +222,7 @@ def skip_clicked(currentTask):
ip_type.change(lambda x: flags.default_parameters[x], inputs=[ip_type], outputs=[ip_stop, ip_weight], queue=False, show_progress=False)
ip_advanced = gr.Checkbox(label='Advanced', value=False, container=False)
- gr.HTML('* \"Image Prompt\" is powered by Fooocus Image Mixture Engine (v1.0.1). \U0001F4D4 Document')
+ gr.HTML('* \"Image Prompt\" is powered by Fooocus Image Mixture Engine (v1.0.1). \U0001F4D4 Documentation')
def ip_advance_checked(x):
return [gr.update(visible=x)] * len(ip_ad_cols) + \
@@ -199,18 +233,84 @@ def ip_advance_checked(x):
ip_advanced.change(ip_advance_checked, inputs=ip_advanced,
outputs=ip_ad_cols + ip_types + ip_stops + ip_weights,
queue=False, show_progress=False)
with gr.TabItem(label='Inpaint or Outpaint') as inpaint_tab:
with gr.Row():
- inpaint_input_image = grh.Image(label='Image', source='upload', type='numpy', tool='sketch', height=500, brush_color="#FFFFFF", elem_id='inpaint_canvas', show_label=False)
- inpaint_mask_image = grh.Image(label='Mask Upload', source='upload', type='numpy', height=500, visible=False)
+ with gr.Column():
+ inpaint_input_image = grh.Image(label='Image', source='upload', type='numpy', tool='sketch', height=500, brush_color="#FFFFFF", elem_id='inpaint_canvas', show_label=False)
+ inpaint_advanced_masking_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label='Enable Advanced Masking Features', value=False)
+ inpaint_mode = gr.Dropdown(choices=modules.flags.inpaint_options, value=modules.config.default_inpaint_method, label='Method')
+ inpaint_additional_prompt = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Describe what you want to inpaint.", elem_id='inpaint_additional_prompt', label='Inpaint Additional Prompt', visible=False)
+ outpaint_selections = gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=['Left', 'Right', 'Top', 'Bottom'], value=[], label='Outpaint Direction')
+ example_inpaint_prompts = gr.Dataset(samples=modules.config.example_inpaint_prompts,
+ label='Additional Prompt Quick List',
+ components=[inpaint_additional_prompt],
+ visible=False)
+ gr.HTML('* Powered by Fooocus Inpaint Engine \U0001F4D4 Documentation')
+ example_inpaint_prompts.click(lambda x: x[0], inputs=example_inpaint_prompts, outputs=inpaint_additional_prompt, show_progress=False, queue=False)
+ with gr.Column(visible=False) as inpaint_mask_generation_col:
+ inpaint_mask_image = grh.Image(label='Mask Upload', source='upload', type='numpy', tool='sketch', height=500, brush_color="#FFFFFF", mask_opacity=1, elem_id='inpaint_mask_canvas')
+ invert_mask_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label='Invert Mask When Generating', value=False)
+ inpaint_mask_model = gr.Dropdown(label='Mask generation model',
+ choices=flags.inpaint_mask_models,
+ value=modules.config.default_inpaint_mask_model)
+ inpaint_mask_cloth_category = gr.Dropdown(label='Cloth category',
+ choices=flags.inpaint_mask_cloth_category,
+ value=modules.config.default_inpaint_mask_cloth_category,
+ visible=False)
+ inpaint_mask_dino_prompt_text = gr.Textbox(label='Detection prompt', value='', visible=False, info='Use singular whenever possible', placeholder='Describe what you want to detect.')
+ example_inpaint_mask_dino_prompt_text = gr.Dataset(
+ samples=modules.config.example_enhance_detection_prompts,
+ label='Detection Prompt Quick List',
+ components=[inpaint_mask_dino_prompt_text],
+ visible=modules.config.default_inpaint_mask_model == 'sam')
+ example_inpaint_mask_dino_prompt_text.click(lambda x: x[0],
+ inputs=example_inpaint_mask_dino_prompt_text,
+ outputs=inpaint_mask_dino_prompt_text,
+ show_progress=False, queue=False)
+ with gr.Accordion("Advanced options", visible=False, open=False) as inpaint_mask_advanced_options:
+ inpaint_mask_sam_model = gr.Dropdown(label='SAM model', choices=flags.inpaint_mask_sam_model, value=modules.config.default_inpaint_mask_sam_model)
+ inpaint_mask_box_threshold = gr.Slider(label="Box Threshold", minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, value=0.3, step=0.05)
+ inpaint_mask_text_threshold = gr.Slider(label="Text Threshold", minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, value=0.25, step=0.05)
+ inpaint_mask_sam_max_detections = gr.Slider(label="Maximum number of detections", info="Set to 0 to detect all", minimum=0, maximum=10, value=modules.config.default_sam_max_detections, step=1, interactive=True)
+ generate_mask_button = gr.Button(value='Generate mask from image')
+ def generate_mask(image, mask_model, cloth_category, dino_prompt_text, sam_model, box_threshold, text_threshold, sam_max_detections, dino_erode_or_dilate, dino_debug):
+ from extras.inpaint_mask import generate_mask_from_image
+ extras = {}
+ sam_options = None
+ if mask_model == 'u2net_cloth_seg':
+ extras['cloth_category'] = cloth_category
+ elif mask_model == 'sam':
+ sam_options = SAMOptions(
+ dino_prompt=dino_prompt_text,
+ dino_box_threshold=box_threshold,
+ dino_text_threshold=text_threshold,
+ dino_erode_or_dilate=dino_erode_or_dilate,
+ dino_debug=dino_debug,
+ max_detections=sam_max_detections,
+ model_type=sam_model
+ )
+ mask, _, _, _ = generate_mask_from_image(image, mask_model, extras, sam_options)
+ return mask
+ inpaint_mask_model.change(lambda x: [gr.update(visible=x == 'u2net_cloth_seg')] +
+ [gr.update(visible=x == 'sam')] * 2 +
+ [gr.Dataset.update(visible=x == 'sam',
+ samples=modules.config.example_enhance_detection_prompts)],
+ inputs=inpaint_mask_model,
+ outputs=[inpaint_mask_cloth_category,
+ inpaint_mask_dino_prompt_text,
+ inpaint_mask_advanced_options,
+ example_inpaint_mask_dino_prompt_text],
+ queue=False, show_progress=False)
- with gr.Row():
- inpaint_additional_prompt = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Describe what you want to inpaint.", elem_id='inpaint_additional_prompt', label='Inpaint Additional Prompt', visible=False)
- outpaint_selections = gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=['Left', 'Right', 'Top', 'Bottom'], value=[], label='Outpaint Direction')
- inpaint_mode = gr.Dropdown(choices=modules.flags.inpaint_options, value=modules.flags.inpaint_option_default, label='Method')
- example_inpaint_prompts = gr.Dataset(samples=modules.config.example_inpaint_prompts, label='Additional Prompt Quick List', components=[inpaint_additional_prompt], visible=False)
- gr.HTML('* Powered by Fooocus Inpaint Engine \U0001F4D4 Document')
- example_inpaint_prompts.click(lambda x: x[0], inputs=example_inpaint_prompts, outputs=inpaint_additional_prompt, show_progress=False, queue=False)
with gr.TabItem(label='Describe') as desc_tab:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
@@ -222,7 +322,7 @@ def ip_advance_checked(x):
desc_btn = gr.Button(value='Describe this Image into Prompt')
desc_image_size = gr.Textbox(label='Image Size and Recommended Size', elem_id='desc_image_size', visible=False)
- gr.HTML('\U0001F4D4 Document')
+ gr.HTML('\U0001F4D4 Documentation')
def trigger_show_image_properties(image):
value = modules.util.get_image_size_info(image, modules.flags.sdxl_aspect_ratios)
@@ -231,6 +331,12 @@ def trigger_show_image_properties(image):
desc_input_image.upload(trigger_show_image_properties, inputs=desc_input_image,
outputs=desc_image_size, show_progress=False, queue=False)
+ with gr.TabItem(label='Enhance') as enhance_tab:
+ with gr.Row():
+ with gr.Column():
+ enhance_input_image = grh.Image(label='Use with Enhance, skips image generation', source='upload', type='numpy')
+ gr.HTML('\U0001F4D4 Documentation')
with gr.TabItem(label='Metadata') as metadata_tab:
with gr.Column():
metadata_input_image = grh.Image(label='For images created by Fooocus', source='upload', type='filepath')
@@ -252,6 +358,164 @@ def trigger_metadata_preview(filepath):
metadata_input_image.upload(trigger_metadata_preview, inputs=metadata_input_image,
outputs=metadata_json, queue=False, show_progress=True)
+ with gr.Row(visible=modules.config.default_enhance_checkbox) as enhance_input_panel:
+ with gr.Tabs():
+ with gr.TabItem(label='Upscale or Variation'):
+ with gr.Row():
+ with gr.Column():
+ enhance_uov_method = gr.Radio(label='Upscale or Variation:', choices=flags.uov_list,
+ value=modules.config.default_enhance_uov_method)
+ enhance_uov_processing_order = gr.Radio(label='Order of Processing',
+ info='Use before to enhance small details and after to enhance large areas.',
+ choices=flags.enhancement_uov_processing_order,
+ value=modules.config.default_enhance_uov_processing_order)
+ enhance_uov_prompt_type = gr.Radio(label='Prompt',
+ info='Choose which prompt to use for Upscale or Variation.',
+ choices=flags.enhancement_uov_prompt_types,
+ value=modules.config.default_enhance_uov_prompt_type,
+ visible=modules.config.default_enhance_uov_processing_order == flags.enhancement_uov_after)
+ enhance_uov_processing_order.change(lambda x: gr.update(visible=x == flags.enhancement_uov_after),
+ inputs=enhance_uov_processing_order,
+ outputs=enhance_uov_prompt_type,
+ queue=False, show_progress=False)
+ gr.HTML('\U0001F4D4 Documentation')
+ enhance_ctrls = []
+ enhance_inpaint_mode_ctrls = []
+ enhance_inpaint_engine_ctrls = []
+ enhance_inpaint_update_ctrls = []
+ for index in range(modules.config.default_enhance_tabs):
+ with gr.TabItem(label=f'#{index + 1}') as enhance_tab_item:
+ enhance_enabled = gr.Checkbox(label='Enable', value=False, elem_classes='min_check',
+ container=False)
+ enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text = gr.Textbox(label='Detection prompt',
+ info='Use singular whenever possible',
+ placeholder='Describe what you want to detect.',
+ interactive=True,
+ visible=modules.config.default_enhance_inpaint_mask_model == 'sam')
+ example_enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text = gr.Dataset(
+ samples=modules.config.example_enhance_detection_prompts,
+ label='Detection Prompt Quick List',
+ components=[enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text],
+ visible=modules.config.default_enhance_inpaint_mask_model == 'sam')
+ example_enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text.click(lambda x: x[0],
+ inputs=example_enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text,
+ outputs=enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text,
+ show_progress=False, queue=False)
+ enhance_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Enhancement positive prompt",
+ placeholder="Uses original prompt instead if empty.",
+ elem_id='enhance_prompt')
+ enhance_negative_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Enhancement negative prompt",
+ placeholder="Uses original negative prompt instead if empty.",
+ elem_id='enhance_negative_prompt')
+ with gr.Accordion("Detection", open=False):
+ enhance_mask_model = gr.Dropdown(label='Mask generation model',
+ choices=flags.inpaint_mask_models,
+ value=modules.config.default_enhance_inpaint_mask_model)
+ enhance_mask_cloth_category = gr.Dropdown(label='Cloth category',
+ choices=flags.inpaint_mask_cloth_category,
+ value=modules.config.default_inpaint_mask_cloth_category,
+ visible=modules.config.default_enhance_inpaint_mask_model == 'u2net_cloth_seg',
+ interactive=True)
+ with gr.Accordion("SAM Options",
+ visible=modules.config.default_enhance_inpaint_mask_model == 'sam',
+ open=False) as sam_options:
+ enhance_mask_sam_model = gr.Dropdown(label='SAM model',
+ choices=flags.inpaint_mask_sam_model,
+ value=modules.config.default_inpaint_mask_sam_model,
+ interactive=True)
+ enhance_mask_box_threshold = gr.Slider(label="Box Threshold", minimum=0.0,
+ maximum=1.0, value=0.3, step=0.05,
+ interactive=True)
+ enhance_mask_text_threshold = gr.Slider(label="Text Threshold", minimum=0.0,
+ maximum=1.0, value=0.25, step=0.05,
+ interactive=True)
+ enhance_mask_sam_max_detections = gr.Slider(label="Maximum number of detections",
+ info="Set to 0 to detect all",
+ minimum=0, maximum=10,
+ value=modules.config.default_sam_max_detections,
+ step=1, interactive=True)
+ with gr.Accordion("Inpaint", visible=True, open=False):
+ enhance_inpaint_mode = gr.Dropdown(choices=modules.flags.inpaint_options,
+ value=modules.config.default_inpaint_method,
+ label='Method', interactive=True)
+ enhance_inpaint_disable_initial_latent = gr.Checkbox(
+ label='Disable initial latent in inpaint', value=False)
+ enhance_inpaint_engine = gr.Dropdown(label='Inpaint Engine',
+ value=modules.config.default_inpaint_engine_version,
+ choices=flags.inpaint_engine_versions,
+ info='Version of Fooocus inpaint model. If set, use performance Quality or Speed (no performance LoRAs) for best results.')
+ enhance_inpaint_strength = gr.Slider(label='Inpaint Denoising Strength',
+ minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.001,
+ value=1.0,
+ info='Same as the denoising strength in A1111 inpaint. '
+ 'Only used in inpaint, not used in outpaint. '
+ '(Outpaint always use 1.0)')
+ enhance_inpaint_respective_field = gr.Slider(label='Inpaint Respective Field',
+ minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.001,
+ value=0.618,
+ info='The area to inpaint. '
+ 'Value 0 is same as "Only Masked" in A1111. '
+ 'Value 1 is same as "Whole Image" in A1111. '
+ 'Only used in inpaint, not used in outpaint. '
+ '(Outpaint always use 1.0)')
+ enhance_inpaint_erode_or_dilate = gr.Slider(label='Mask Erode or Dilate',
+ minimum=-64, maximum=64, step=1, value=0,
+ info='Positive value will make white area in the mask larger, '
+ 'negative value will make white area smaller. '
+ '(default is 0, always processed before any mask invert)')
+ enhance_mask_invert = gr.Checkbox(label='Invert Mask', value=False)
+ gr.HTML('\U0001F4D4 Documentation')
+ enhance_ctrls += [
+ enhance_enabled,
+ enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text,
+ enhance_prompt,
+ enhance_negative_prompt,
+ enhance_mask_model,
+ enhance_mask_cloth_category,
+ enhance_mask_sam_model,
+ enhance_mask_text_threshold,
+ enhance_mask_box_threshold,
+ enhance_mask_sam_max_detections,
+ enhance_inpaint_disable_initial_latent,
+ enhance_inpaint_engine,
+ enhance_inpaint_strength,
+ enhance_inpaint_respective_field,
+ enhance_inpaint_erode_or_dilate,
+ enhance_mask_invert
+ ]
+ enhance_inpaint_mode_ctrls += [enhance_inpaint_mode]
+ enhance_inpaint_engine_ctrls += [enhance_inpaint_engine]
+ enhance_inpaint_update_ctrls += [[
+ enhance_inpaint_mode, enhance_inpaint_disable_initial_latent, enhance_inpaint_engine,
+ enhance_inpaint_strength, enhance_inpaint_respective_field
+ ]]
+ enhance_inpaint_mode.change(inpaint_mode_change, inputs=[enhance_inpaint_mode, inpaint_engine_state], outputs=[
+ inpaint_additional_prompt, outpaint_selections, example_inpaint_prompts,
+ enhance_inpaint_disable_initial_latent, enhance_inpaint_engine,
+ enhance_inpaint_strength, enhance_inpaint_respective_field
+ ], show_progress=False, queue=False)
+ enhance_mask_model.change(
+ lambda x: [gr.update(visible=x == 'u2net_cloth_seg')] +
+ [gr.update(visible=x == 'sam')] * 2 +
+ [gr.Dataset.update(visible=x == 'sam',
+ samples=modules.config.example_enhance_detection_prompts)],
+ inputs=enhance_mask_model,
+ outputs=[enhance_mask_cloth_category, enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text, sam_options,
+ example_enhance_mask_dino_prompt_text],
+ queue=False, show_progress=False)
switch_js = "(x) => {if(x){viewer_to_bottom(100);viewer_to_bottom(500);}else{viewer_to_top();} return x;}"
down_js = "() => {viewer_to_bottom();}"
@@ -264,19 +528,24 @@ def trigger_metadata_preview(filepath):
inpaint_tab.select(lambda: 'inpaint', outputs=current_tab, queue=False, _js=down_js, show_progress=False)
ip_tab.select(lambda: 'ip', outputs=current_tab, queue=False, _js=down_js, show_progress=False)
desc_tab.select(lambda: 'desc', outputs=current_tab, queue=False, _js=down_js, show_progress=False)
+ enhance_tab.select(lambda: 'enhance', outputs=current_tab, queue=False, _js=down_js, show_progress=False)
metadata_tab.select(lambda: 'metadata', outputs=current_tab, queue=False, _js=down_js, show_progress=False)
+ enhance_checkbox.change(lambda x: gr.update(visible=x), inputs=enhance_checkbox,
+ outputs=enhance_input_panel, queue=False, show_progress=False, _js=switch_js)
with gr.Column(scale=1, visible=modules.config.default_advanced_checkbox) as advanced_column:
- with gr.Tab(label='Setting'):
+ with gr.Tab(label='Settings'):
if not args_manager.args.disable_preset_selection:
preset_selection = gr.Dropdown(label='Preset',
value=args_manager.args.preset if args_manager.args.preset else "initial",
performance_selection = gr.Radio(label='Performance',
- choices=flags.Performance.list(),
+ choices=flags.Performance.values(),
with gr.Accordion(label='Aspect Ratios', open=False, elem_id='aspect_ratios_accordion') as aspect_ratios_accordion:
aspect_ratios_selection = gr.Radio(label='Aspect Ratios', show_label=False,
@@ -321,13 +590,13 @@ def refresh_seed(r, seed_string):
def update_history_link():
if args_manager.args.disable_image_log:
return gr.update(value='')
return gr.update(value=f'\U0001F4DA History Log')
history_link = gr.HTML()
shared.gradio_root.load(update_history_link, outputs=history_link, queue=False, show_progress=False)
- with gr.Tab(label='Style', elem_classes=['style_selections_tab']):
+ with gr.Tab(label='Styles', elem_classes=['style_selections_tab']):
@@ -360,7 +629,7 @@ def update_history_link():
lambda: None, _js='()=>{refresh_style_localization();}')
- with gr.Tab(label='Model'):
+ with gr.Tab(label='Models'):
with gr.Group():
with gr.Row():
base_model = gr.Dropdown(label='Base Model (SDXL only)', choices=modules.config.model_filenames, value=modules.config.default_base_model_name, show_label=True)
@@ -401,7 +670,7 @@ def update_history_link():
sharpness = gr.Slider(label='Image Sharpness', minimum=0.0, maximum=30.0, step=0.001,
info='Higher value means image and texture are sharper.')
- gr.HTML('\U0001F4D4 Document')
+ gr.HTML('\U0001F4D4 Documentation')
dev_mode = gr.Checkbox(label='Developer Debug Mode', value=False, container=False)
with gr.Column(visible=False) as dev_tools:
@@ -455,21 +724,23 @@ def update_history_link():
minimum=-1, maximum=1.0, step=0.001, value=-1,
info='Set as negative number to disable. For developer debugging.')
overwrite_upscale_strength = gr.Slider(label='Forced Overwrite of Denoising Strength of "Upscale"',
- minimum=-1, maximum=1.0, step=0.001, value=-1,
+ minimum=-1, maximum=1.0, step=0.001,
+ value=modules.config.default_overwrite_upscale,
info='Set as negative number to disable. For developer debugging.')
disable_preview = gr.Checkbox(label='Disable Preview', value=modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw,
interactive=not modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw,
info='Disable preview during generation.')
disable_intermediate_results = gr.Checkbox(label='Disable Intermediate Results',
info='Disable intermediate results during generation, only show final gallery.')
disable_seed_increment = gr.Checkbox(label='Disable seed increment',
info='Disable automatic seed increment when image number is > 1.',
read_wildcards_in_order = gr.Checkbox(label="Read wildcards in order", value=False)
- black_out_nsfw = gr.Checkbox(label='Black Out NSFW',
- value=modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw,
+ black_out_nsfw = gr.Checkbox(label='Black Out NSFW', value=modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw,
interactive=not modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw,
info='Use black image if NSFW is detected.')
@@ -484,7 +755,7 @@ def update_history_link():
info='Image Prompt parameters are not included. Use png and a1111 for compatibility with Civitai.',
- save_metadata_to_images.change(lambda x: gr.update(visible=x), inputs=[save_metadata_to_images], outputs=[metadata_scheme],
+ save_metadata_to_images.change(lambda x: gr.update(visible=x), inputs=[save_metadata_to_images], outputs=[metadata_scheme],
queue=False, show_progress=False)
with gr.Tab(label='Control'):
@@ -510,11 +781,15 @@ def update_history_link():
with gr.Tab(label='Inpaint'):
debugging_inpaint_preprocessor = gr.Checkbox(label='Debug Inpaint Preprocessing', value=False)
+ debugging_enhance_masks_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label='Debug Enhance Masks', value=False,
+ info='Show enhance masks in preview and final results')
+ debugging_dino = gr.Checkbox(label='Debug GroundingDINO', value=False,
+ info='Use GroundingDINO boxes instead of more detailed SAM masks')
inpaint_disable_initial_latent = gr.Checkbox(label='Disable initial latent in inpaint', value=False)
inpaint_engine = gr.Dropdown(label='Inpaint Engine',
- info='Version of Fooocus inpaint model')
+ info='Version of Fooocus inpaint model. If set, use performance Quality or Speed (no performance LoRAs) for best results.')
inpaint_strength = gr.Slider(label='Inpaint Denoising Strength',
minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.001, value=1.0,
info='Same as the denoising strength in A1111 inpaint. '
@@ -530,21 +805,24 @@ def update_history_link():
inpaint_erode_or_dilate = gr.Slider(label='Mask Erode or Dilate',
minimum=-64, maximum=64, step=1, value=0,
info='Positive value will make white area in the mask larger, '
- 'negative value will make white area smaller.'
- '(default is 0, always process before any mask invert)')
- inpaint_mask_upload_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label='Enable Mask Upload', value=False)
- invert_mask_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label='Invert Mask', value=False)
+ 'negative value will make white area smaller. '
+ '(default is 0, always processed before any mask invert)')
+ dino_erode_or_dilate = gr.Slider(label='GroundingDINO Box Erode or Dilate',
+ minimum=-64, maximum=64, step=1, value=0,
+ info='Positive value will make white area in the mask larger, '
+ 'negative value will make white area smaller. '
+ '(default is 0, processed before SAM)')
inpaint_mask_color = gr.ColorPicker(label='Inpaint brush color', value='#FFFFFF', elem_id='inpaint_brush_color')
inpaint_ctrls = [debugging_inpaint_preprocessor, inpaint_disable_initial_latent, inpaint_engine,
inpaint_strength, inpaint_respective_field,
- inpaint_mask_upload_checkbox, invert_mask_checkbox, inpaint_erode_or_dilate]
+ inpaint_advanced_masking_checkbox, invert_mask_checkbox, inpaint_erode_or_dilate]
- inpaint_mask_upload_checkbox.change(lambda x: gr.update(visible=x),
- inputs=inpaint_mask_upload_checkbox,
- outputs=inpaint_mask_image, queue=False,
- show_progress=False)
+ inpaint_advanced_masking_checkbox.change(lambda x: [gr.update(visible=x)] * 2,
+ inputs=inpaint_advanced_masking_checkbox,
+ outputs=[inpaint_mask_image, inpaint_mask_generation_col],
+ queue=False, show_progress=False)
inpaint_mask_color.change(lambda x: gr.update(brush_color=x), inputs=inpaint_mask_color,
@@ -589,10 +867,12 @@ def refresh_files_clicked():
overwrite_width, overwrite_height, guidance_scale, sharpness, adm_scaler_positive,
adm_scaler_negative, adm_scaler_end, refiner_swap_method, adaptive_cfg, clip_skip,
base_model, refiner_model, refiner_switch, sampler_name, scheduler_name, vae_name,
- seed_random, image_seed, generate_button, load_parameter_button] + freeu_ctrls + lora_ctrls
+ seed_random, image_seed, inpaint_engine, inpaint_engine_state,
+ inpaint_mode] + enhance_inpaint_mode_ctrls + [generate_button,
+ load_parameter_button] + freeu_ctrls + lora_ctrls
if not args_manager.args.disable_preset_selection:
- def preset_selection_change(preset, is_generating):
+ def preset_selection_change(preset, is_generating, inpaint_mode):
preset_content = modules.config.try_get_preset_content(preset) if preset != 'initial' else {}
preset_prepared = modules.meta_parser.parse_meta_from_preset(preset_content)
@@ -601,17 +881,35 @@ def preset_selection_change(preset, is_generating):
checkpoint_downloads = preset_prepared.get('checkpoint_downloads', {})
embeddings_downloads = preset_prepared.get('embeddings_downloads', {})
lora_downloads = preset_prepared.get('lora_downloads', {})
+ vae_downloads = preset_prepared.get('vae_downloads', {})
- preset_prepared['base_model'], preset_prepared['lora_downloads'] = launch.download_models(
- default_model, previous_default_models, checkpoint_downloads, embeddings_downloads, lora_downloads)
+ preset_prepared['base_model'], preset_prepared['checkpoint_downloads'] = launch.download_models(
+ default_model, previous_default_models, checkpoint_downloads, embeddings_downloads, lora_downloads,
+ vae_downloads)
if 'prompt' in preset_prepared and preset_prepared.get('prompt') == '':
del preset_prepared['prompt']
- return modules.meta_parser.load_parameter_button_click(json.dumps(preset_prepared), is_generating)
+ return modules.meta_parser.load_parameter_button_click(json.dumps(preset_prepared), is_generating, inpaint_mode)
- preset_selection.change(preset_selection_change, inputs=[preset_selection, state_is_generating], outputs=load_data_outputs, queue=False, show_progress=True) \
- .then(fn=style_sorter.sort_styles, inputs=style_selections, outputs=style_selections, queue=False, show_progress=False)
+ def inpaint_engine_state_change(inpaint_engine_version, *args):
+ if inpaint_engine_version == 'empty':
+ inpaint_engine_version = modules.config.default_inpaint_engine_version
+ result = []
+ for inpaint_mode in args:
+ if inpaint_mode != modules.flags.inpaint_option_detail:
+ result.append(gr.update(value=inpaint_engine_version))
+ else:
+ result.append(gr.update())
+ return result
+ preset_selection.change(preset_selection_change, inputs=[preset_selection, state_is_generating, inpaint_mode], outputs=load_data_outputs, queue=False, show_progress=True) \
+ .then(fn=style_sorter.sort_styles, inputs=style_selections, outputs=style_selections, queue=False, show_progress=False) \
+ .then(lambda: None, _js='()=>{refresh_style_localization();}') \
+ .then(inpaint_engine_state_change, inputs=[inpaint_engine_state] + enhance_inpaint_mode_ctrls, outputs=enhance_inpaint_engine_ctrls, queue=False, show_progress=False)
performance_selection.change(lambda x: [gr.update(interactive=not flags.Performance.has_restricted_features(x))] * 11 +
[gr.update(visible=not flags.Performance.has_restricted_features(x))] * 1 +
@@ -622,46 +920,34 @@ def preset_selection_change(preset, is_generating):
adm_scaler_negative, refiner_switch, refiner_model, sampler_name,
scheduler_name, adaptive_cfg, refiner_swap_method, negative_prompt, disable_intermediate_results
], queue=False, show_progress=False)
output_format.input(lambda x: gr.update(output_format=x), inputs=output_format)
advanced_checkbox.change(lambda x: gr.update(visible=x), advanced_checkbox, advanced_column,
queue=False, show_progress=False) \
.then(fn=lambda: None, _js='refresh_grid_delayed', queue=False, show_progress=False)
- def inpaint_mode_change(mode):
- assert mode in modules.flags.inpaint_options
- # inpaint_additional_prompt, outpaint_selections, example_inpaint_prompts,
- # inpaint_disable_initial_latent, inpaint_engine,
- # inpaint_strength, inpaint_respective_field
- if mode == modules.flags.inpaint_option_detail:
- return [
- gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False, value=[]),
- gr.Dataset.update(visible=True, samples=modules.config.example_inpaint_prompts),
- False, 'None', 0.5, 0.0
- ]
- if mode == modules.flags.inpaint_option_modify:
- return [
- gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False, value=[]),
- gr.Dataset.update(visible=False, samples=modules.config.example_inpaint_prompts),
- True, modules.config.default_inpaint_engine_version, 1.0, 0.0
- ]
- return [
- gr.update(visible=False, value=''), gr.update(visible=True),
- gr.Dataset.update(visible=False, samples=modules.config.example_inpaint_prompts),
- False, modules.config.default_inpaint_engine_version, 1.0, 0.618
- ]
- inpaint_mode.input(inpaint_mode_change, inputs=inpaint_mode, outputs=[
+ inpaint_mode.change(inpaint_mode_change, inputs=[inpaint_mode, inpaint_engine_state], outputs=[
inpaint_additional_prompt, outpaint_selections, example_inpaint_prompts,
inpaint_disable_initial_latent, inpaint_engine,
inpaint_strength, inpaint_respective_field
], show_progress=False, queue=False)
+ # load configured default_inpaint_method
+ default_inpaint_ctrls = [inpaint_mode, inpaint_disable_initial_latent, inpaint_engine, inpaint_strength, inpaint_respective_field]
+ for mode, disable_initial_latent, engine, strength, respective_field in [default_inpaint_ctrls] + enhance_inpaint_update_ctrls:
+ shared.gradio_root.load(inpaint_mode_change, inputs=[mode, inpaint_engine_state], outputs=[
+ inpaint_additional_prompt, outpaint_selections, example_inpaint_prompts, disable_initial_latent,
+ engine, strength, respective_field
+ ], show_progress=False, queue=False)
+ generate_mask_button.click(fn=generate_mask,
+ inputs=[inpaint_input_image, inpaint_mask_model, inpaint_mask_cloth_category,
+ inpaint_mask_dino_prompt_text, inpaint_mask_sam_model,
+ inpaint_mask_box_threshold, inpaint_mask_text_threshold,
+ inpaint_mask_sam_max_detections, dino_erode_or_dilate, debugging_dino],
+ outputs=inpaint_mask_image, show_progress=True, queue=True)
ctrls = [currentTask, generate_image_grid]
ctrls += [
prompt, negative_prompt, style_selections,
@@ -687,6 +973,10 @@ def inpaint_mode_change(mode):
ctrls += [save_metadata_to_images, metadata_scheme]
ctrls += ip_ctrls
+ ctrls += [debugging_dino, dino_erode_or_dilate, debugging_enhance_masks_checkbox,
+ enhance_input_image, enhance_checkbox, enhance_uov_method, enhance_uov_processing_order,
+ enhance_uov_prompt_type]
+ ctrls += enhance_ctrls
def parse_meta(raw_prompt_txt, is_generating):
loaded_json = None
@@ -703,7 +993,7 @@ def parse_meta(raw_prompt_txt, is_generating):
prompt.input(parse_meta, inputs=[prompt, state_is_generating], outputs=[prompt, generate_button, load_parameter_button], queue=False, show_progress=False)
- load_parameter_button.click(modules.meta_parser.load_parameter_button_click, inputs=[prompt, state_is_generating], outputs=load_data_outputs, queue=False, show_progress=False)
+ load_parameter_button.click(modules.meta_parser.load_parameter_button_click, inputs=[prompt, state_is_generating, inpaint_mode], outputs=load_data_outputs, queue=False, show_progress=False)
def trigger_metadata_import(filepath, state_is_generating):
parameters, metadata_scheme = modules.meta_parser.read_info_from_image(filepath)
@@ -714,7 +1004,7 @@ def trigger_metadata_import(filepath, state_is_generating):
metadata_parser = modules.meta_parser.get_metadata_parser(metadata_scheme)
parsed_parameters = metadata_parser.to_json(parameters)
- return modules.meta_parser.load_parameter_button_click(parsed_parameters, state_is_generating)
+ return modules.meta_parser.load_parameter_button_click(parsed_parameters, state_is_generating, inpaint_mode)
metadata_import_button.click(trigger_metadata_import, inputs=[metadata_input_image, state_is_generating], outputs=load_data_outputs, queue=False, show_progress=True) \
.then(style_sorter.sort_styles, inputs=style_selections, outputs=style_selections, queue=False, show_progress=False)
@@ -754,15 +1044,18 @@ def trigger_describe(mode, img):
desc_btn.click(trigger_describe, inputs=[desc_method, desc_input_image],
outputs=[prompt, style_selections], show_progress=True, queue=True)
- if args_manager.args.enable_describe_uov_image:
- def trigger_uov_describe(mode, img, prompt):
+ if args_manager.args.enable_auto_describe_image:
+ def trigger_auto_describe(mode, img, prompt):
# keep prompt if not empty
if prompt == '':
return trigger_describe(mode, img)
return gr.update(), gr.update()
- uov_input_image.upload(trigger_uov_describe, inputs=[desc_method, uov_input_image, prompt],
- outputs=[prompt, style_selections], show_progress=True, queue=True)
+ uov_input_image.upload(trigger_auto_describe, inputs=[desc_method, uov_input_image, prompt],
+ outputs=[prompt, style_selections], show_progress=True, queue=True)
+ enhance_input_image.upload(lambda: gr.update(value=True), outputs=enhance_checkbox, queue=False, show_progress=False) \
+ .then(trigger_auto_describe, inputs=[desc_method, enhance_input_image, prompt], outputs=[prompt, style_selections], show_progress=True, queue=True)
def dump_default_english_config():
from modules.localization import dump_english_config