Table of Contents:
- VM Template Build Automation Configuration
- Template Build Variable Overview
- Configuration Variables
- Parameterized Platform OS Answer Files
- Usage
- Using Packer Commands
This repo includes variables files that can be used to configure customized platform OS template configurations.
The variables are defined in .json
and .pkrvars.hcl
Running the config script ./templates/
- synchronizes/converts the json config files to HCL2 formatted variable files
files in the respective common/distribution/release directories as well as - creates the necessary symlinks to each distribution directory.
$ git clone
$ cd vm-templates
$ templates/
Variables can be set for template build settings/configs related to:
- common build settings:
- distribution specific settings:
- release specific settings
- flavor/type specific settings
- environment specific settings
All of the .json
variable files are converted to HCL2 formatted .pkr.hcl
files by the aforementioned templates/
Upon editing/updating any of the above .json
make sure to re-run the templates/
to make sure the updates are reflected in the corresponding hcl files.
Edit the templates/common-vars.json
file to configure the following common variables:
- Virtual Machine Settings
- Template and Content Library Settings
- OVF Export Settings
- Removable Media Settings
- Boot and Provisioning Settings
- HCP Packer Registry
"variables": {
"auto_build": "True",
"box_name": "vmlinux",
"box_tag": "",
"build_format": "hcl",
"build_username": "{{ env `PACKER_USER_USERNAME` }}",
"build_password": "{{ env `PACKER_USER_PASSWORD` }}",
"build_job_url": "{{ env `BUILD_URL` }}",
"build_job_id": "{{ env `BUILD_ID` }}",
"build_git_commit_hash": "{{ env `GIT_COMMIT` }}",
"build_on_error": "abort",
"builder_type": "vsphere-iso",
"common_data_source": "disk",
"common_vm_version": "20",
"fetch_os_image": "False",
"data_source_command": "",
"vmware_iso_nfs_local_mounted": "false",
"cert_url_endpoint": "",
"compression_level": "6",
"description": "Linux VM",
"disk_adapter_type": "scsi",
"inspec_timeout": "50m",
"ip_settle_timeout": "5s",
"ip_settle_timeout_bad": "1m",
"ip_settle_timeout_default": "5s",
"ip_wait_timeout_default": "30m",
"ip_wait_timeout": "60m",
"iso_base_dir": "iso-repos/linux",
"iso_dir": "",
"iso_file": "",
"iso_url": "",
"iso_checksum": "",
"iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
"answerfile_file_path": "kickstart.cfg",
"os_image_dir": "/data/datacenter/jenkins/osimages",
The default provisioning data source for Linux machine image builds is disk
. This is used to serve the OS-specific answer file (e.g., kickstart.cfg (RHEL), autounattend.xml (Windows)) files to the Linux/Windows guest operating system during the build. If the distribution and/or release does not support the CD kickstart convention, then packer can be configured to automatically start a built-in http server to offer the kickstart configuration over http. To use this method, change the common_data_source
to 'http'.
Using the disk
convention for answer files is useful for environments that may not be able to route back to the system from which Packer is running. For example, building a machine image in VMware Cloud on AWS, or running packer from a container instance (docker, openshift, etc).
"variables": {
"common_data_source": "disk",
The Packer vsphere-iso
plugin cd_content
option is used when selecting disk
unless the distribution does not support a secondary CD-ROM. For distributions that do not support a secondary CD-ROM the floppy_content
option is used.
Edit the templates/common-vars.json
file to configure the settings for the Ansible provisioning on Linux machine images.
"variables": {
"ansible_command": "env PATH=$PATH:~/.venv/ansible/bin PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 ansible-playbook",
"ansible_galaxy_command": "env PATH=$PATH:~/.venv/ansible/bin ansible-galaxy",
"ansible_galaxy_req_file": "../ansible/develop-lj/ansible-linux/collections/requirements.packer.yml",
"ansible_inventory_group_vars": "../ansible/inventory/group_vars",
"ansible_inventory_file": "../ansible/inventory/xenv_groups.yml",
"ansible_playbook_dir": "../ansible/develop-lj/ansible-linux",
"ansible_playbook_file": "../ansible/develop-lj/ansible-linux/bootstrap_vm_template.yml",
"ansible_playbook_tag": "vm-template",
"ansible_playbook_vault": "./vars/vault.yml",
"ansible_playbook_vault_password_file": "~/.vault_pass",
"ansible_staging_directory": "/var/tmp/packer-provisioner-ansible-local",
"ansible_vault_password": "{{ env `ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD` }}"
Edit the templates/common-vars.json
file to configure the following:
- vSphere Endpoint and Credentials
- vSphere Settings
"variables": {
"vcenter_host": "",
"vcenter_host2": "",
"vcenter_username": "{{ env `VMWARE_VCENTER_USERNAME` }}",
"vcenter_password": "{{ env `VMWARE_VCENTER_PASSWORD` }}",
"vcenter_datacenter": "DFW",
"vcenter_cluster": "NONPROD-OS",
"vcenter_cluster_root_folder": "/DFW/vm",
"vm_host": "",
Edit the templates/<distribution>/distribution-vars.json
file in each distribution folder to configure distribution-specific settings such as the following:
- vcenter_cluster
- vm_guest_os_family
- vm_boot_command_prefix
- vm_boot_command_postfix
- vm_boot_wait
(time interval)
- vm_communicator
- vm_host
- vm_template_host
- vm_template_host2
- vm_disk_controller_type
- vm_firmware
- vm_network_card
- vm_shutdown_timeout
(time interval)
Example: templates/RHEL/distribution-vars.json:
"vcenter_cluster": "LINUX",
"common_data_source": "disk",
"vm_boot_command_prefix": "<tab> inst.text",
"vm_boot_command_postfix": "<wait><enter>",
"vm_boot_wait": "5s",
"vm_communicator": "ssh",
"vm_template_host": "",
"vm_template_host2": "",
"vm_disk_controller_type": "lsilogic",
"vm_network_card": "vmxnet3",
"vm_shutdown_timeout": "15m",
"vm_guest_os_family": "linux",
"vm_firmware": "bios"
Note in the prior RHEL example, the parameter value for vcenter_cluster
has been designated for the linux RHEL distributions as LINUX
This can be set to specific values for each distribution.
For example, for the windows distributions, to set the parameter value for vcenter_cluster
, the following can be specified:
Example: templates/Windows/distribution-vars.json:
"vcenter_cluster": "NONPROD-OS",
"common_data_source": "disk",
"answerfile_file_path": "autounattend.xml.pkrtpl.hcl",
"compression_level": "6",
"disk_adapter_type": "sata",
"vm_boot_command": "<spacebar>",
"vm_boot_wait": "3s",
"vm_communicator": "winrm",
"vm_disk_size": "40000",
"vm_disk_controller_type": "pvscsi",
"vm_firmware_alt": "efi-secure",
"vm_firmware": "bios",
"vm_cdrom_type": "sata",
"vm_guest_os_type": "windows2019srv_64Guest",
"vm_guest_os_family": "windows",
"vm_network_card_e1000": "e1000",
"vm_network_card": "vmxnet3",
"vm_mem_reserve_all": "true",
"vm_inst_os_language": "en-US",
"vm_inst_os_keyboard": "en-US"
Edit the templates/<distribution>/<release>/template.json
file in each distribution folder to configure release-specific settings such as the following:
- answerfile_file_path
- release-specific answerfile - iso_checksum_type
- iso_checksum
- iso_url
- vm_inst_os_image
- vm_boot_wait
(time interval)
- vm_guest_os_type
RHEL Example: templates/RHEL/9/template.json:
"answerfile_file_path": "./templates/ks9.cfg.pkrtpl.hcl",
"iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
"iso_url": "",
"iso_checksum": "a18bf014e2cb5b6b9cee3ea09ccfd7bc2a84e68e09487bb119a98aa0e3563ac2",
"vm_boot_command_prefix": "<up><wait><tab>",
"vm_guest_os_type": "rhel9_64Guest"
Windows Example: templates/Windows/2022/template.json:
"answerfile_file_path": "./2022/templates/autounattend.xml.pkrtpl.hcl",
"iso_checksum_type": "sha1",
"iso_checksum": "5caaad8e9d4f36caa7a61633ea572bddc88fa1bd",
"iso_url": "",
"vm_inst_os_image": "Windows Server 2022 SERVERSTANDARDCORE",
"vm_guest_os_type": "windows2019srvNext_64Guest"
Edit the templates/<distribution>/<release>/box_info.<flavor/type>.json
file to configure the following virtual machine hardware settings, as required:
- vm_mem_size
- vm_disk_size
- vm_cpu_num
- vm_cpu_cores_num
- vm_template_type
- box_name
- box_tag
- description
RHEL Example: templates/RHEL/9/box_info.small.json:
"vm_mem_size": "2000",
"vm_disk_size": "20000",
"vm_cpu_num": "2",
"vm_cpu_cores_num": "1",
"vm_template_type": "small",
"vm_disk_partition_auto": "true",
"box_name": "redhat9-small",
"box_tag": "dettonville/redhat9-small",
"description": "RedHat 9 - small template"
RHEL Example: templates/RHEL/9/box_info.large.json:
"vm_mem_size": "64000",
"vm_disk_size": "140000",
"vm_cpu_num": "4",
"vm_cpu_cores_num": "2",
"vm_template_type": "large",
"box_name": "redhat9-large",
"box_tag": "dettonville/redhat9-large",
"description": "RedHat 9 - large template"
Windows Example: templates/Windows/2022/box_info.standard.json:
"vm_inst_os_image": "Windows Server 2022 SERVERSTANDARDCORE",
"vm_inst_os_kms_key": "VDYBN-27WPP-V4HQT-9VMD4-VMK7H",
"vm_mem_size": "2000",
"vm_disk_size": "20000",
"vm_cpu_num": "2",
"vm_cpu_cores_num": "1",
"auto_build": "True",
"box_name": "windows2022",
"box_tag": "dettonville/windows2022",
"description": "Windows 2022 Server"
Windows Example: templates/Windows/2022/box_info.datacenter.json:
"vm_inst_os_image": "Windows Server 2022 SERVERDATACENTERCORE",
"vm_inst_os_kms_key": "WX4NM-KYWYW-QJJR4-XV3QB-6VM33",
"vm_mem_size": "64000",
"vm_disk_size": "140000",
"vm_cpu_num": "4",
"vm_cpu_cores_num": "2",
"box_name": "windows2022",
"box_tag": "dettonville/windows2022",
"description": "Windows 2022 Server"
Edit the templates/env-vars.<environment>.json
file to configure the following settings, as required:
- vm_deploy_folder
- vm_template_deploy_folder
- vm_template_deploy_folder2
- ansible_inventory_group_vars
- ansible_inventory_file
- ansible_playbook_dir
- ansible_playbook_file
- import_ovf_to_dc2
DEV Example: templates/env-vars.DEV.json:
"vm_deploy_folder": "TemplateBuildAutomation/DEV",
"vm_template_deploy_folder": "/dettonville-dc-01/vm/TemplateBuildAutomation/DEV"
PROD Example: templates/env-vars.PROD.json:
"vm_deploy_folder": "TemplateBuildAutomation/PROD",
"vm_template_deploy_folder": "/dettonville-dc-01/vm/TemplateBuildAutomation/PROD"
Answer files for each platform OS have been setup as templates that can make use of the variables mentioned in the prior sections to further customize each template build.
The Platform OS answer file details:
OS Platform Distribution | release | answer file |
RHEL | 8 | templates/RHEL/templates/ks8.cfg.pkrtpl.hcl |
RHEL | 9 | templates/RHEL/templates/ks9.cfg.pkrtpl.hcl |
Windows | 2019 | templates/Windows/server/2019/templates/autounattend.xml.pkrtpl.hcl |
Windows | 2022 | templates/Windows/server/2022/templates/autounattend.xml.pkrtpl.hcl |
NOTE: This example we will have chosen RHEL/9
$ cd templates
$ env PACKER_LOG=1 BUILD_TAG=build_vm_template-test \
packer build \
-only vsphere-iso.RHEL \
-on-error=abort \
-var-file=RHEL/distribution-vars.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=RHEL/9/template.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=RHEL/9/box_info.small.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=env-vars.DEV.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var vm_template_build_name=vm-template-rhel9-small-dev-0204 \
-var vm_template_build_type=small \
-var vm_template_name=vm-template-rhel9-small-dev \
-var vm_build_env=DEV \
-var iso_dir=RHEL/9 \
-var iso_file=rhel-9.2-x86_64-dvd.iso \
Now watch your build kick off and run through the building process. Once it has completed you will be ready to test it out.
The majority of these templates are used to test ansible-datacenter VM provisioning playbooks using the packer-box-templates repo. I would highly recommend leveraging this repo for testing ansible playbook and etc.
Use build script to perform a VM build:
$ packer hcl2_upgrade -with-annotations common-vars.vars.json
$ packer hcl2_upgrade common-vars.json
$ packer hcl2_upgrade test-vars.json
$ VARS_JSON=$(jq --argjson varInfo "$(<common-vars.json)" '.variables += $varInfo' -n '{variables: $varInfo }')
$ echo $VARS_JSON | packer hcl2_upgrade -with-annotations
$ echo $VARS_JSON | packer hcl2_upgrade -with-annotations -output-file=foo
$ env PACKER_LOG=1 BUILD_TAG=build_vm_template-test \
packer build \
-only vsphere-iso.RHEL \
-on-error=abort \
-var-file=RHEL/distribution-vars.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=RHEL/9/template.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=RHEL/9/box_info.small.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=env-vars.DEV.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var vm_template_build_name=vm-template-rhel9-small-dev-0204 \
-var vm_template_build_type=small \
-var vm_template_name=vm-template-rhel9-small-dev \
-var vm_build_env=DEV \
-var iso_dir=RHEL/9 \
-var iso_file=rhel-9.2-x86_64-dvd.iso \
$ env PACKER_LOG=1 BUILD_TAG=build_vm_template-test \
packer build \
-only vsphere-iso.Windows \
-on-error=abort \
-var-file=Windows/distribution-vars.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=Windows/2022/template.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=Windows/2022/box_info.standard.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=env-vars.DEV.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var vm_template_build_name=vm-template-windows2022-standard-dev-0028 \
-var vm_template_build_type=standard \
-var vm_template_name=vm-template-windows2022-standard-dev \
-var vm_build_env=DEV \
-var iso_dir=windows/2022 \
-var iso_file=windows-SRV2022.LTSC.21H2.Build-20348.1006.iso \
$ packer validate \
-only vsphere-iso.RHEL \
-on-error=abort \
-var-file=RHEL/distribution-vars.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=RHEL/9/template.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=RHEL/9/box_info.small.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=env-vars.DEV.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var vm_template_build_name=vm-template-rhel9-small-dev-0204 \
-var vm_template_build_type=small \
-var vm_template_name=vm-template-rhel9-small-dev \
-var vm_build_env=DEV \
-var iso_dir=RHEL/9 \
-var iso_file=rhel-9.2-x86_64-dvd.iso \
$ packer validate \
-only vsphere-iso.Windows \
-on-error=abort \
-var-file=Windows/distribution-vars.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=Windows/2022/template.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=Windows/2022/box_info.standard.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var-file=env-vars.DEV.json.pkrvars.hcl \
-var vm_template_build_name=vm-template-windows2022-standard-dev-0028 \
-var vm_template_build_type=standard \
-var vm_template_name=vm-template-windows2022-standard-dev \
-var vm_build_env=DEV \
-var iso_dir=windows/2022 \
-var iso_file=windows-SRV2022.LTSC.21H2.Build-20348.1006.iso \
- vagrant-box-templates