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This folder contains a number of examples of scripts that can be loaded and executed by the MIKE 1D engine.

Enable a script

To enable a script there are different options:


Put the file beside the setup file and give it the same name, keeping the .cs extension, i.e. if you have a mySetup.mhydro, name this file mySetup.cs. Similar for a mySetup.mdb, mySetup.m1dx or mySetup.sim11.

For a MIKE URBAN setup, if the script has the same name as the .mdb file, it will be executed as part of any export step, i.e for all simulations. To execute for a single simulation only, and to enable it in the run step only, give the script the same name as the exported .m1dx file.

Command line

Enable through command line using the -script parameter:

   "c:\Program Files (x86)\DHI\2019\bin\x64\DHI.Mike1D.Application.exe" MySetup.m1dx -script=AdditionalOutput.cs -gui -close

If the .cs file is not in the same folder as the setup file (.m1dx) file, a relative or full path must be provided

   "c:\Program Files (x86)\DHI\2019\bin\x64\DHI.Mike1D.Application.exe" MySetup.m1dx -script=..\myscripts\AdditionalOutput.cs -gui -close


It is possible to check in the simulation log file whether a script has been loaded. When a script is being loaded, the logfile will contain a line on the form:

2019-05-20 15:00:00: Loading script file mySetupScript.cs ...

The line is also written to the log file when exporting a MIKE URBAN setup to MIKE 1D (.m1dx file).

Define a script

A script method needs the [Script] attribute. The name of the method is not important, however the method must have one of the following arguments.

Modify a setup

To modify a setup after it has been loaded, add a Mike1DData parameter

    public void SetupLoaded(Mike1DData mike1DData)

Interact with engine during runtime

To interact with the engine during runtime, add a IMike1DController parameter

    public void ControllerCreated(IMike1DController controller)

Multiple scripts in same file

There can be multiple script methods in the same file. All methods with the [Script] attribute will be executed. If the order of the script methods is important, it is possible to order them like [Script(Order = 1)].

User defined script parameters

It is possible to define additional parameters to a script, on the form:

    public void ModifySetup(Mike1DData mike1DData, IDiagnostics diagnostics, bool addWaterDepth = false, double alpha = 1.0)

A diagnostics parameter can be added, and used for adding lines to the setup log file. All other parameters are considered user defined. The values of the user defined parameters can be modified from the command line by use of the -scriptpars: argument:

   set m1d="c:\Program Files (x86)\DHI\2019\bin\x64\DHI.Mike1D.Application.exe"
   %m1d% MySetup.m1dx -script=ScriptParameters.cs -scriptpars:addWaterDepth=true;alpha=1.5; -gui -close

The script method ModifySetup defines all the user defined parameters with a default value. In case the -scriptpars: is not used, or one of the parameters is not added to the -scriptpars:, the default value is used.

An example script with user defined script parameters can be found in ScriptParameters.cs

Debug a script

It is possible to debug scripts. The -scriptdebug argument to the MIKE 1D application will build the script with debug information.

Start Visual Studio or a similar IDE. Open the script file in Visual Studio. Add the -scriptdebug argument and also the -wait to the command line, which will pause the simulation at the start and pop op a messagebox. That makes it possible in Visual Studio to attach the debugger to the DHI.Mike1D.Application.exe process. When the debugger is attached, add some breakpoints in the script, and press "OK" in the messagebox to continue, and your breakpoints should be hit. Example of command line for attaching the Visual Studio debugger:

   set m1d="c:\Program Files (x86)\DHI\2019\bin\x64\DHI.Mike1D.Application.exe"
   %m1d% MySetup.m1dx -script=ScriptParameters.cs -scriptdebug -wait -gui -close