-- mod-version:3 --[[ base64 -- v1.5.3 public domain Lua base64 encoder/decoder no warranty implied; use at your own risk Needs bit32.extract function. If not present it's implemented using BitOp or Lua 5.3 native bit operators. For Lua 5.1 fallbacks to pure Lua implementation inspired by Rici Lake's post: http://ricilake.blogspot.co.uk/2007/10/iterating-bits-in-lua.html author: Ilya Kolbin (iskolbin@gmail.com) url: github.com/iskolbin/lbase64 COMPATIBILITY Lua 5.1+, LuaJIT LICENSE See end of file for license information. --]] -- This utility has been altered to remove unused functionality --[[ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ License for the base64 utility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Ilya Kolbin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --]] local base64 = {} local extract = function( v, from, width ) return ( v >> from ) & ((1 << width) - 1) end function base64.makeencoder( s62, s63, spad ) local encoder = {} for b64code, char in pairs{[0]='A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J', 'K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y', 'Z','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n', 'o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','0','1','2', '3','4','5','6','7','8','9',s62 or '+',s63 or'/',spad or'='} do encoder[b64code] = char:byte() end return encoder end local DEFAULT_ENCODER = base64.makeencoder() local char, concat = string.char, table.concat function base64.encode( str, encoder, usecaching ) encoder = encoder or DEFAULT_ENCODER local t, k, n = {}, 1, #str local lastn = n % 3 local cache = {} for i = 1, n-lastn, 3 do local a, b, c = str:byte( i, i+2 ) local v = a*0x10000 + b*0x100 + c local s if usecaching then s = cache[v] if not s then s = char(encoder[extract(v,18,6)], encoder[extract(v,12,6)], encoder[extract(v,6,6)], encoder[extract(v,0,6)]) cache[v] = s end else s = char(encoder[extract(v,18,6)], encoder[extract(v,12,6)], encoder[extract(v,6,6)], encoder[extract(v,0,6)]) end t[k] = s k = k + 1 end if lastn == 2 then local a, b = str:byte( n-1, n ) local v = a*0x10000 + b*0x100 t[k] = char(encoder[extract(v,18,6)], encoder[extract(v,12,6)], encoder[extract(v,6,6)], encoder[64]) elseif lastn == 1 then local v = str:byte( n )*0x10000 t[k] = char(encoder[extract(v,18,6)], encoder[extract(v,12,6)], encoder[64], encoder[64]) end return concat( t ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local command = require "core.command" local style = require "core.style" -- TODO: what about the vertical location of text? (svg uses the baseline) -- TODO: add the overrides only when screenshotting to avoid overhead -- TODO: complete the font table local start_screenshot = false local screenshotting = false local draw_data = {} local known_fonts = {} local known_colors = {} local current_clip = "" local known_clips = {} local function is_color(t) if type(t) ~= "table" then return false end if #t ~=4 then return false end for i=1,4 do if type(t[i]) ~= "number" then return false end end return true end local function get_color(color) return "rgba(" .. table.concat(color, ",") .. ")" end local function get_fill_color(color) if known_colors[color] then return "var(--lxl_".. known_colors[color] .. ")" end local fill_color = get_color(color) -- Try to find a known color with the same values for k, v in pairs(known_colors) do if get_color(k) == fill_color then -- Save the color with the name of the found color known_colors[color] = v return get_fill_color(k) end end -- Try to find the color with a different opacity local opaque_color = {table.unpack(color)} opaque_color[4] = 255 local opaque_fill_color = get_color(opaque_color) for k, _ in pairs(known_colors) do if get_color(k) == opaque_fill_color then -- Hacky way to reuse the defined color with a custom opacity return get_fill_color(k) .. '" opacity="' .. color[4]/255 end end -- Logging warning next frame to avoid drawing it in the screenshot core.add_thread(function() core.warn("Unknown color: %s", common.serialize(color)) end) return fill_color end local old_begin_frame = renderer.begin_frame function renderer.begin_frame(...) if start_screenshot then start_screenshot = false screenshotting = true known_fonts = {} current_clip = "" known_clips = {} -- `shape-rendering="crispEdges"` is needed to avoid antialisaing issues like -- spaces between rects -- `font-variant-ligatures: none;` is needed because we don't support ligatures, -- so the svg shouldn't too table.insert(draw_data, string.format([[ ]], core.root_view.size.x, core.root_view.size.y, core.root_view.size.x, core.root_view.size.y)) -- Extract known colors known_colors = {} local colors = {} for k, v in pairs(style) do if is_color(v) then known_colors[v] = k table.insert(colors, string.format([[ --lxl_%s: %s; ]], k, get_color(v))) end end for k, v in pairs(style.syntax) do if is_color(v) then known_colors[v] = k table.insert(colors, string.format([[ --lxl_%s: %s; ]], k, get_color(v))) end end table.insert(draw_data, "") -- Needed because we close it when we first set a clip table.insert(draw_data, "") end return old_begin_frame(...) end local old_end_frame = renderer.end_frame function renderer.end_frame(...) local res = old_end_frame(...) if screenshotting then screenshotting = false -- Needed to close the last clip table.insert(draw_data, "") table.insert(draw_data, string.format("")) core.command_view:enter("Choose a name", { validate = function(text) return #text > 0 end, submit = function(name) -- Add extension if needed name = string.gsub(name, "%.[sS][vV][gG]", "") .. ".svg" local fp = assert( io.open(name, "wb") ) fp:write(table.concat(draw_data, "\n")) fp:close() end }) end return res end -- Used by our renderer to round coordinates local function rect_to_grid(x, y, w, h) local x1, y1, x2, y2 = math.floor(x + .5), math.floor(y + .5), math.floor(x + w + .5), math.floor(y + h + .5) return x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 end local old_draw_rect = renderer.draw_rect function renderer.draw_rect(x, y, width, height, color, ...) if screenshotting then local _x, _y, _w, _h = rect_to_grid(x, y, width, height) local fill_color = get_fill_color(color) table.insert(draw_data, string.format([[]], _x, _y, _w, _h, fill_color)) end return old_draw_rect(x, y, width, height, color, ...) end local function get_font_style(font) local path = font:get_path() -- Only consider the first font in a fontgroup if type(path) == "table" then path = path[1] end local fp = assert( io.open(path, "rb") ) local font_content = fp:read("a") fp:close() local name, extension = string.match(common.basename(path), "(.*)%.(.-)$") local encoded_font = base64.encode(font_content) -- TODO: We need a table of extensions -> mime-type -- For now we just assume TrueType return name, string.format([[ ]], name, extension, encoded_font, "truetype") end local old_draw_text = renderer.draw_text function renderer.draw_text(font, text, x, y, color, ...) if screenshotting then local font_path = font:get_path() -- Only consider the first font in a fontgroup if type(font_path) == "table" then font_path = font_path[1] end if not known_fonts[font_path] then local name, encoded_font = get_font_style(font) known_fonts[font_path] = name -- FIXME: We might want to keep all of those and add them all at the start, -- before concatenating the draw_data table.insert(draw_data, encoded_font) end local fill_color = get_fill_color(color) -- Split at spaces, because multiple spaces get removed by svg renderers for s, e in string.gmatch(text, "()%S+()") do local partial_text = string.sub(text, s, e - 1) partial_text = partial_text:gsub("%]%]>", "]]]]>") -- escape eventual CDATA end token in the text partial_text = partial_text:gsub("%]", "]]>] ]=], x + offset, math.floor(y + font:get_height() * 0.8), known_fonts[font_path], math.floor(font:get_size()), fill_color, partial_text)) end end return old_draw_text(font, text, x, y, color, ...) end local old_set_clip_rect = renderer.set_clip_rect function renderer.set_clip_rect(x, y, width, height, ...) if screenshotting then local _x, _y, _w, _h = rect_to_grid(x, y, width, height) current_clip = string.format("%d_%d_%d_%d", _x, _y, _w, _h) -- Close last clip table.insert(draw_data, "") -- Ideally we don't need this, but just use the ` ]], current_clip, _x, _y, _w, _h)) end -- table.insert(draw_data, string.format([[ -- -- ]], _x, _y, _w, _h, -_w)) table.insert(draw_data, string.format([[ ]], current_clip)) end return old_set_clip_rect(x, y, width, height, ...) end command.add(nil, { ["screenshot:svg-screenshot"] = function() start_screenshot = true end }) keymap.add({ ["ctrl+f12"] = "screenshot:svg-screenshot" })