-- mod-version:3 local core = require "core" local config = require "core.config" local style = require "core.style" local common = require "core.common" local StatusView = require "core.statusview" config.plugins.statusclock = common.merge({ enabled = true, time_format = "%H:%M:%S", date_format = "%A, %d %B %Y", -- The config specification used by the settings gui config_spec = { name = "Status Clock", { label = "Enabled", description = "Show or hide the clock from the status bar.", path = "enabled", type = "toggle", default = true, on_apply = function(enabled) core.add_thread(function() if enabled then core.status_view:get_item("status:clock"):show() else core.status_view:get_item("status:clock"):hide() end end) end }, { label = "Time Format", description = "Time specification defined with Lua date/time place holders.", path = "time_format", type = "string", default = "%H:%M:%S" }, { label = "Date Format", description = "Date specification defined with Lua date/time place holders.", path = "date_format", type = "string", default = "%A, %d %B %Y", } } }, config.plugins.statusclock) local time_data = { time_text = '', date_text = '', } local last_time = os.time() local function update_time() if os.time() > last_time then local time_text = os.date(config.plugins.statusclock.time_format) local date_text = os.date(config.plugins.statusclock.date_format) if time_data.time_text ~= time_text or time_data.time_text ~= date_text then time_data.time_text = time_text time_data.date_text = date_text end -- only redraw if seconds enabled if config.plugins.statusclock.time_format:find("%S", 1, true) then core.redraw = true end last_time = os.time() end end core.status_view:add_item({ name = "status:clock", alignment = StatusView.Item.RIGHT, get_item = function(self) update_time() return { style.text, time_data.date_text, style.dim, self.separator, style.text, time_data.time_text, } end, position = -1, separator = core.status_view.separator2 })