-- mod-version:3 local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local config = require "core.config" local style = require "core.style" local StatusView = require "core.statusview" local TreeView = require "plugins.treeview" config.plugins.gitstatus = common.merge({ color_icons = true, recurse_submodules = true, -- The config specification used by the settings gui config_spec = { name = "Git Status", { label = "Colorize icons", description = "Colorize the icons as well", path = "color_icons", type = "toggle", default = true }, { label = "Recurse Submodules", description = "Also retrieve git stats from submodules.", path = "recurse_submodules", type = "toggle", default = true } } }, config.plugins.gitstatus) style.gitstatus_addition = {common.color "#587c0c"} style.gitstatus_modification = {common.color "#0c7d9d"} style.gitstatus_deletion = {common.color "#94151b"} local scan_rate = config.project_scan_rate or 5 local cached_color_for_item = {} -- Override TreeView's get_item_text to add modification color local treeview_get_item_text = TreeView.get_item_text function TreeView:get_item_text(item, active, hovered) local text, font, color = treeview_get_item_text(self, item, active, hovered) if cached_color_for_item[item.abs_filename] then color = cached_color_for_item[item.abs_filename] end return text, font, color end -- Override TreeView's get_item_icon to add modification color local treeview_get_item_icon = TreeView.get_item_icon function TreeView:get_item_icon(item, active, hovered) local character, font, color = treeview_get_item_icon(self, item, active, hovered) if config.plugins.gitstatus and config.plugins.gitstatus.color_icons and cached_color_for_item[item.abs_filename] then color = cached_color_for_item[item.abs_filename] end return character, font, color end local git = { branch = nil, inserts = 0, deletes = 0, } local function exec(cmd) local proc = process.start(cmd) -- Don't use proc:wait() here - that will freeze the app. -- Instead, rely on the fact that this is only called within -- a coroutine, and yield for a fraction of a second, allowing -- other stuff to happen while we wait for the process to complete. while proc:running() do coroutine.yield(0.1) end return proc:read_stdout() or "" end core.add_thread(function() while true do if system.get_file_info(".git") then -- get branch name git.branch = exec({"git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"}):match("[^\n]*") local inserts = 0 local deletes = 0 -- get diff local diff = exec({"git", "diff", "--numstat"}) if config.plugins.gitstatus.recurse_submodules and system.get_file_info(".gitmodules") then local diff2 = exec({"git", "submodule", "foreach", "git diff --numstat"}) diff = diff .. diff2 end -- forget the old state cached_color_for_item = {} local folder = core.project_dir for line in string.gmatch(diff, "[^\n]+") do local submodule = line:match("^Entering '(.+)'$") if submodule then folder = core.project_dir .. PATHSEP .. submodule else local ins, dels, path = line:match("(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(.+)") if path then inserts = inserts + (tonumber(ins) or 0) deletes = deletes + (tonumber(dels) or 0) local abs_path = folder .. PATHSEP .. path -- Color this file, and each parent folder, -- so you can see at a glance which folders -- have modified files in them. while abs_path do cached_color_for_item[abs_path] = style.gitstatus_modification abs_path = common.dirname(abs_path) end end end end git.inserts = inserts git.deletes = deletes else git.branch = nil end coroutine.yield(scan_rate) end end) core.status_view:add_item({ name = "status:git", alignment = StatusView.Item.RIGHT, get_item = function() if not git.branch then return {} end return { (git.inserts ~= 0 or git.deletes ~= 0) and style.accent or style.text, git.branch, style.dim, " ", git.inserts ~= 0 and style.accent or style.text, "+", git.inserts, style.dim, " / ", git.deletes ~= 0 and style.accent or style.text, "-", git.deletes, } end, position = -1, tooltip = "branch and changes", separator = core.status_view.separator2 })