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Releases: linz/basemaps


28 Jul 04:50
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Bug Fixes

  • cli: do not trace everything by default (#2383) (39eba95)
  • lambda-tiler: always include access-control-allow-origin (#2385) (1edc2b6)
  • lambda-tiler: increase source cache to approx 1GB (#2384) (83236fb)


28 Jul 03:09
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28 Jul 02:51
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Bug Fixes

  • ci: Screenshot cannot find the imagery to compare (#2366) (4f1c3a2)
  • cli: when importing imagery do not use a custom name (#2369) (93e6e2a)
  • lambda-tiler: CORS is handled by the function url. (#2376) (8ad2bf1)
  • lambda-tiler: do not cache responses as they can be modifed (#2372) (686e978)
  • lambda-tiler: ignore cors for function urls (#2377) (96f5d66)


  • cli: Move the default test tile into cli package (#2367) (fec8fb4)
  • config: generate all the deprecated child tilesets BM-361 (#2360) (1d9df13)
  • infra: create a function url for the lambda-tiler (#2359) (16b2962)
  • lambda-tiler: create unique id for source requests (#2370) (59c90a7)
  • lambda-tiler: force more aggressive cache control on most endpoints (#2371) (18f9e67)
  • lambda-tiler: log cache hit percentages (#2368) (3f7bf0c)
  • lambda-tiler: move all routes to route handler (#2354) (4896e7c)


22 Jul 01:43
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Bug Fixes

  • cli: do not use built in fetch (#2341) (415b877)
  • lambda-tiler: correct wgs84 bounding box when layers are large BM-631 (#2345) (5d469f9)
  • lambda-tiler: use the imagery title if we have it over the title from the collection.json (#2340) (d73c48a)
  • landing: ignore all layers with " dem " in the title (#2350) (a90e179)
  • landing: remove full screen button in debug mode as it obsures text BM-635 (#2344) (052f45c)
  • server: actually start the server from the cli (#2347) (a5e382b)


  • upgrade proj to 2.8.0 as it has improved transverse mercator projection logic BM-631 (#2346) (4b74efb)
  • cli: Import config will update the latest ConfigBundle dynamo record. (#2338) (25e864c)
  • config: Insert a config bundle records in dynamodb to refference the config file in s3. (#2335) (143eeda)
  • config: use base58 hashes (#2342) (8688351)
  • server: Allow to start server from a config bundle dynamo reference (#2339) (366ef79)


20 Jul 23:02
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Bug Fixes

  • cli: serve was sometimes crashing due to parameters being defined too early (#2321) (5dc92b7)
  • cli: ensure diff is printed for changes (#2328) (653fdb9)
  • cli: when group is negative dont group (#2283) (c812bf2)
  • config: improve handling of GSD math when standardizing layer names (#2313) (cc8a14c)
  • lambda-tiler: allow /v1/tiles/WMTSCapabilities.xml and default to using "aerial" (#2329) (4615d3a)
  • lambda-tiler: unescape %20 when looking for fonts (#2305) (a64a626)
  • landing: disable vector tiles in nztm (#2319) (6c6acd5)
  • landing: do not duplicate the basemap layers in the layer selector (#2330) (c1e73f4)
  • landing: lookup epsg code for layers from the tile matrix id (#2302) (bd36eba)
  • landing: Remove the check for layer switcher (#2294) (43cd22b)
  • landing: wait for map to be actually loaded before adding a "#map-loaded" div (#2298) (1b18400)
  • shared: assume vdom output is always utf8 (#2327) (f458132)


  • cli: Add assets location into bundle json file. (#2334) (f90a6be)
  • cli: add bmc serve to create a server from a bundled config (#2306) (700c729)
  • cli: add cli for listing, filtering and grouping files in AWS (#2281) (b4dec98)
  • cli: Add output path for the dump screenshots. (#2300) (3358caa)
  • cli: allow using a local path for role configuration (#2282) (e985ea2)
  • cli: install playwright and basemaps/landing for the screenshot util (#2286) (4e6559b)
  • cli: Merge sprites cli into @basemaps/cli and update screenshot cli to support server assets. (#2275) (0ee4f83)
  • cli: New cli to bundle the assets into cotar file. (#2311) (d632301)
  • cli: update import cli to optional output backup database (#2331) (4ee5603)
  • config: add category and title to imagery (#2278) (4d5d8e7)
  • config: create virtual tileset by imagery name (#2309) (50ca2b5)
  • config: ensure ids are prefixed before querying with them (#2322) (ad0d3c4)
  • config: make layer names more standard (#2308) (8be654c)
  • lambda-tiler: allow serving assets from a cotar file (#2310) (ba43fa5)
  • lambda-tiler: order wmts extra layers by name (#2332) (114b366)
  • lambda-tiler: prefer using route handler for managing routes (#2312) (3c481dd)
  • landing: support ?tileFormat as a alias to format BM-636 (#2333) (9b646b0)
  • use better names for WMTS (#2314) (fbbf6c1)
  • lambda-tiler: prefer WebMercatorQuad for tileMatrix name over EPSG:3857 (#2295) (a35f239)
  • shared: update wmts titles to use imagery title and category (#2285) (2580636)


27 Jun 02:18
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Bug Fixes

  • cli: ensure cli can run inside of docker (#2273) (8184167)
  • cli: ensure errors are thrown (#2248) (c0923fe)
  • cli: give each internal job a fresh copy of all data (#2250) (52d59de)
  • cli: look into batch to get exact list of tiffs being processed (#2249) (69b722e)
  • upgrade sharp to fix the bad webp upscalling behaviour (#2261) (68fe14c)
  • config: include missing zod dependency (#2245) (94914dc)
  • infra: allow tiler to read from static bucket (#2257) (07dbffb)
  • infra: ensure a s3 prefixed asset location is set (#2258) (ee85b1b)
  • lambda-cog: ensure /v1/version, health and ping endpoints exist (#2247) (8eea093)
  • lambda-cog: only assume a read-only role if the current role does not have permission (#2253) (189aec7)
  • lambda-tiler: serve sprites with correct mime types (#2259) (1014e1c)
  • landing: ensure the bundled assets are exported (#2244) (863c374)
  • tiler-sharp: resize to the target window after extracting the region (#2243) (4a29606)


  • cli: merge all cli from config-cli package and server package into cli package. (#2260) (73afd61)
  • config: create a hash of config bundles and use bundle created timestamp for records (#2274) (bd9c7bb)
  • config-cli: New cli to import configs from a bundle config json into dynamo (#2255) (a2e36ad)
  • config-cli: new command tool to bundle config json from a config path (#2252) (868636c)
  • config-cli: Provide a cli for creating temporary server and dump screenshots. (#2236) (0713b05)
  • lambda-tiler: serve assets via /v1/sprites and /v1/fonts (#2246) (0e04c63)
  • tiler-sharp: extract regions before rescaling them when overzooming (#2240) (fe9b858)


07 Jun 02:40
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07 Jun 01:08
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Bug Fixes

  • lambda-tiler: remove console.log (#2224) (addc742)
  • tiler: down grade sharp to 0.29.2 as we are scaling webp past 16k (#2237) (53cd5ef)


  • config-cli: New config-cli package includes dump basemaps screenshots command line tool (#2231) (39186d5)
  • docker: add a container of basemaps-server and basemaps-landing (#2225) (13f8144)
  • lambda-tiler: tiff paths should allow trailing slashes (#2223) (4cd4948)
  • server: bundle basemaps-server cli so its easier to install (#2218) (8457b66)
  • server: provide a better error when loading configuration bundles (#2222) (8318192)
  • sprites: create sprites using sharp (#2235) (e7b6a9e)


29 May 23:03
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Bug Fixes

  • cli: Action Cog get processing Id after read job json. (#2204) (e459d2a)
  • infra: Fix the cog batch job to put record to dynamodb. (#2197) (3c89246)
  • lambda-tiler: do not serve mvt in the wrong projection (#2212) (a68e588)
  • landing: remove the version information from the screenshot view (#2198) (b982061)


  • cli: allow overriding imagery names (#2169) (5c3bdd8)
  • cli: Chunk batch job based on the size. (#2217) (770430c)
  • cli: Insert imagery and tileset config after cog creation complete (#2191) (3ea5efd)
  • cli: Make a sseperate folder for each tiff for group cogs batch job. (#2213) (e2aef5e)
  • cli: make cogs will update the process job status if exists. (#2180) (855ce1c)
  • cli: Pass processingId to action job cli for the batch job. (#2199) (f962fe2)
  • cli: Upgrade action cog to be able to group small jobs into a single batch job. (#2210) (8a7de91)
  • config: add configuration parser and bundler (#2200) (795e3f2)
  • infra: Add config bucket read permission to lambda-tiler (#2196) (acd3414)
  • infra: Add import api environments variables into lambda-tiler. (#2195) (2788150)
  • infra: Increase the import api size limitation to 1200GB. (#2215) (94c4da8)
  • infra: Increase the lambda cog timeout to 10 minutes. (#2216) (0fdc09d)
  • lambda-cog: New lambda Cog for import api. (#2207) (79f4ae7)
  • lambda-cog: reduce the max pixel size and increase the limit of processing size (#2208) (451109e)
  • lambda-cog: Update the import api output path (#2220) (0122f85)
  • lambda-tiler: Add file number limitation to import api. (#2203) (4694e29)
  • lambda-tiler: allow selection of output format for wmts with ?format= (#2211) (e32e1ed)
  • lambda-tiler: Increase limit of total file size. (#2205) (5246ea0)
  • lambda-tiler: increase the max number of tiffs to load at once to 25 (#2219) (d7d30a8)
  • lambda-tiler: Load MaxImagePixelSize from import api. (#2206) (b851934)
  • landing: remove debug overlays to make it easier to screenshot (#2193) (81dd275)
  • server: use a bundled [@basemaps]( to serve static assets (#2202) (c60f518)


12 May 00:06
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Bug Fixes

  • lambda-tiler: Fix the insert of processing job config and actually start job after inserting config. (#2182) (65d9c84)
  • lambda-tiler: remove vector_layers as maplibre uses it as a validator (#2189) (457d978)


  • lambda-tiler: Remove the job id to use ulid and update HTTP status code. (#2188) (7d72f0c)