Given a collection of CogGeoTiffs, generate the composition pipeline required to create a XYZ WebMercator tile
See @basemaps/tiler-sharp
for how to run the composition pipeline in NodeJs
import { Tiler } from '@basemaps/tiler';
const tiler = new Tiler(256 /* Tile size px */);
const tiffs = [tiffA, tiffB]; // @cogeotiff/core GeoTiff's
const layers = await tiler.tile(tiffs, x, y, z);
// Layers is now the positioning and scaling information for the tiffs
import { TilerMaker } from '@basemaps/tiler-sharp';
const maker = new TileMaker(256);
const data = await maker.compose(layers);
console.log(data.buffer); // PNG image of the resulting layers