The gsheet module allows you to interact with Google spreadsheets via the gsheets API.
In order to use this module, you'll need to register a client application with Google and go through an OAuth flow to receive an OAuth token. An example of doing this is in the example setup.
["gsheet"] USE-MODULES
# NOTE: You must create a Google `CredsContext` and apply it using PUSH-CONTEXT!
["sheet_id"] VARIABLES
# Returns all rows in a gsheet tab
'https://gsheet-tab-url' gsheet.URL>SHEET-ID/RANGE gsheet.ROWS
# Store a gsheet ID for rest of examples
'https://gsheet-tab-url' gsheet.URL>SHEET-ID/RANGE POP sheet_id !
# Get all rows in "Sheet1"
sheet_id @ 'Sheet1' gsheet.ROWS
# Look for a header row and return rows beneath it as an array of records
sheet-id @ 'Sheet1' ['Heading1' 'Heading2'] gsheet.RECORDS
# Write data to a range of cells
sheet-id @ 'Sheet1!D1:F2' [["Col1" "Col2" "Col3"] ["1" "2" 30]] gsheet.ROWS!
(context --)
This pushes a CredsContext (See
) onto the gsheet module's
context stack. The most recent context is used to provide credentials to access
the gsheets API. The CredsContext must be configured in Python.
Here's a simple example:
def get_interp():
interp = Interpreter()
def configure_gsheet_module(interp):
class GSheetCredsContext(gsheet_module.CredsContext):
def get_app_creds(self):
res = {
"client_id": <read this from file>,
"client_secret": <read this from file>,
return res
def get_auth_token(self):
res = <read this from file>
return res"['gsheet'] USE-MODULES")
return interp
( -- )
This pops a context from the context stack and throws it away.
( gsheet_url -- sheet_id range )
Given a URL to a gsheet tab, returns the sheet ID and its range. The range is typically the tab name. The sheet ID is used with other words in this module.
( gsheet_url -- sheet_id tab_id )
Given a gsheet URL, returns its sheet id followed by its tab ID.
( gsheet_id -- info )
Returns metainfo for a gsheet ID.
( url -- info )
Givne a URL to a gsheet, returns the metainfo for the gsheet (and all tabs)
( url -- tab_info )
Givne a URL to a gsheet tab, returns the metainfo for that tab
( url -- num )
Given a URL to a gsheet tab, returns the number of rows in that tab
( gsheet_id range -- rows )
Returns cell data for a specified sheet and range as an array of rows.
( gsheet_id range rows -- )
Updates a gsheet range with an array of row data.
( gsheet_id range header -- records )
Returns a range of gsheet data as an array of records. The fields in each record
correspond to the specified header
If the header
cannot be found in the range, an error is raised.
( url update_requests -- )
This provides direct access to the batchUpdate API.
This takes a url
and an array of update_requests
where each request is a Request object like:
["dimension" "ROWS"]
["startIndex" 5]
] REC;
["deleteDimension" [
] REC]
This word adds the tab ID associated with the url
to each of the request objects and executes the batch update call.
( url tab_title update_requests -- )
This provides direct access to the batchUpdate API for updating a specific tab.
This takes a url
to a gsheet, the title of the tab to operate on, and an array of update_requests
where each element is a Request object with a single key being the gsheet operation to perform
(e.g., updateCells, deleteDimension, etc.) and with a value corresponding to the operation.
If the value requires a range, the sheetId
will be filled out automatically.
( url -- )
Clears all content and formatting from a gsheet
( url tabname -- )
Clears all content and formatting from the specified tab in a gsheet.
( url tabname -- )
Ensures that a tab named tabname
is in the gsheet.
( url -- rows )
Given a URL to a gsheet tab, returns its rows.
( url headers -- records )
Given a URL and a list of headers, returns an array of records. The fields in
each record correspond to the specified header
If the header
cannot be found in the range, an error is raised.
( url -- conditional_formats )
Given a URL to a gsheet, return all of its conditional formats.
( url -- )
Deletes all conditional formats from a gsheet tab.
( url Range Format -- )
Given a gsheet url a Range
object (see RANGE
) and a Format
object (see FORMAT
), applies this format to all cells in the range.
( url -- filters )
Given a gsheet url, returns all filters defined in the tab.
( url end_row -- )
Given a 1-based end row, updates all filters in the specified gsheet by extending their rows to that specified end row.
( url col_start row_start col_end row_end -- Range )
Given a gsheet url and a starting row and column (e.g., 'A' 1) and an ending row and column (e.g., 'H' 32), returns a Range object that represents this range. Row numbers are 1-based.
( color_rec -- Color )
Given a color record with fields "red", "green", "blue", "alpha" whose values are from 0 to 255, returns a Color
( type value -- Condition)
Given a condition type and value, returns a Condition
object. See for more on how to choose type
and value
( -- Format)
Constructs a default Format
object that can be modified using words like <BACKGROUND-COLOR
( -- Border)
Constructs a default Border
object with 1px width and solid lines.
( condition format -- BooleanRule )
Given a condition and a format, creates a BooleanRule
that can be used to conditionally format cells.
( Format Color -- Format )
Sets the background color on a Format
( Format Color -- Format )
Sets the foreground color on a Format
( Format bool -- Format )
Sets bold flag on Format
( Format text_format -- Format )
Sets the text format (also a Format
) of a Format
: <BOLD-TEXT TRUE <BOLD <TEXT-FORMAT; # ( Format -- Format )
( url Range Rules -- )
Applies conditional formatting rules to the specified range in the specified gsheet tab.
( url Range border_record -- )
Applies borders to the specified range in the specified gsheet tab. The border_record has fields like "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "innerHorizontal", "innerVertical".
["top" BORDER]
["bottom" BORDER]
["left" BORDER]
["right" BORDER]
["innerHorizontal" BORDER]
["innerVertical" BORDER]
] REC;
( 0based_index -- col_name )
Given a 0-based index, returns the corresponding column name. E.g., given 0, return 'A'.
( col_name -- 0based_index )
Given a column name, returns the corresponding 0-based index. E.g., given 'Z', returns 25.