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510 lines (407 loc) · 15.4 KB

File metadata and controls

510 lines (407 loc) · 15.4 KB


This document describes how Lightblue evaluates associations between entities. Associations allow injecting one entity into another as an array field. For instance, order entity and customer entity are business entities, and every order includes a customer:

order : {
  "customerId":{ "type":"string" },
  "customer": { "type":"reference",
                "entity" : "customer",
                "version" : "1.0.0",     
                "query" : { "field":"_id", "op":"=", "rfield":"$parent.customerId" },
                "projection": { "field":"*","include":true,"recursive":true},
                "sort" : { "$parent._id":"asc" }
  • type: "reference": Identifies the field as a reference type.
  • entity: The name of the entity referred from the current entity
  • version: The particular version of the entity that is being referenced
  • query: A query to select the referenced entity. The query expression is expected to relate some fields of the referenced entity with some fields of the referencing entity. The query is evaluated relative to the current field. So, a field reference of the form "fieldName" refers to a field in the referenced entity. A field reference of the form "$parent.fieldName" refers to a field in the referencing entity.
  • projection: Determines which fields of the referenced entity will be injected into the referencing entity.
  • sort: An optional sort to order the referenced entity instances

In this example, the customer field of the order entity is populated using customers whose _id match order.customerId. All fields of the matching customers are injected into the order entity. If there are multiple customers matching that criteria, they are sorted by their _id, in ascending order.

Modifications to existing operation

For projections, implied inclusions don't cross entity boundaries

For a projection

{ 'field':'x.*','recursive':1,'include':1}

the field 'x' is included explicitly, and anything under 'x' is included implicitly, because of the recursive flag. The modification to the current semantics of such projections is that 'x.*' only includes fields under 'x' as long as those fields belong to the same entity as 'x'. So if, say, 'x.y.z' is a reference to another entity, the above projection won't include 'x.y.z'. To include that field, you have to


This is to eliminate infinite loops in case of cyclic references. If 'x' belongs to entity A, and if also 'x.y.z' is of type entity A, such restriction prevents an infinite loop.


Reference projection is optional

If no projection is given, assume all fields are included, recursively. Note that recursive inclusions don't cross entity boundaries.

Query plan depends both on association queries and the search query.

Let A be defined as:

A: { 
     "b" : { "type":"reference",
             "query": { "field":"a_id", "op":"=", "rfield":"$parent._id"}

Here, the field 'a_id' is a field of entity B.

If the retrieval criteria is

   { "field":"_id", "op":"=", "rvalue":<value> }

then the optimum retrieval is:

   retrieve A using  {"field":"_id","op":"=","rvalue":<value>}
     retrieve B using {"field":"a_id","op":"=","rvalue":<_id> }

If the retrieval criteria is

   { "field":"b.someField","op":"=","rvalue":<value> }

then the optimum retrieval is:

    retrieve B using {"field":"someField","op":"=","rvalue":<value>}
      retrieve A using {"field":"_id","op":"=","rvalue":<b.a_id>}

Sorting requests need to be considered

A sort request can contain fields from only one entity. Otherwise, we'd have to build the result set and sort it ourselves. For simplicity, lets assume that sort request can only contain fields from the root entity.

Query plan depends on the projection request

The requested projection and query determine what parts of entity association tree will be retrieved. The composite metadata that will be used to build the query plan must be constructed to include all the fields requested by the projection, and all the fields referred to in the request query.

Composite Metadata

Composite metedata is a directed tree. The requested entity is at the root of the composite metadata. Every entity arrived by following an association is another node in the composite metadata, and the edge points to the destination of the association. The composite metadata computation should take into account the request projection and request query fields, so all the queried and projected fields should be in the composite metadata. The root node of the composite metadata corresponds to the requested entity. Child nodes of the composite metadata correspond to the entities reached via a reference field.

Cyclic references are possible. We deal with these as follows:

  • Composite metadata is computed based on the request projection and request query. Composite metadata will be constructed with sufficient depth to retrieve all required fields, and nothing more.
  • The interpretation of recursive inclusion projections will be changed to not cross entity boundaries. So, in the example below if the request projection is {"field":"*","include":true,"recursive":true}, the projection will not include contents of "b", "c", and "a". To include "a", the request must ask for
 [ {"field":"*","include":true,"recursive":true},
      {"field":"a.*","include":"true","recursive":true} ]
This will include only one level of "a". To include "a.a", another projection 
must be added:
 [ {"field":"*","include":true,"recursive":true},
      {"field":"a.a.*","include":true,"recursive":true}  ]


A : {
       "b" : { "type":"reference",
               "entity": "B",
       "c" : { "type":"reference",
               "entity": "C",
       "a" : { "type":"reference",

Here, the composite metadata is a tree:

  N_1 (A)
  +-- N_2 (B)
  +-- N_3 (C)
  +-- N_4 (A)
      +-- N_5 (B)

The depth of the composite metadata depends on what fields are requested. That means, a separate instance of composite metadata needs to be constructed for each retrieval request. Assuming the above metadata definition is given:

req: { "field":"b.someField", "op":"=", "rvalue": }
projection: { "a.a.c" }
Composite Metadata: 

   N_1 (A)
    +-- N_2 (B)
    +-- N_4 (A)
         +-- N_7 (A)
              +-- N_9 (C)

As shown above, an entity may appear more than once in the composite metadata.


CompositeMetadata extends EntityMetadata. It provides two views on the entity:

  • An entity tree view where the requested entity is at the root, and all the other entities reached by following references are child entities.
  • A field tree view where the root entity fields are replicated, and any ReferenceField is replaced with a ResolvedReferenceField. A resolved reference is an ArrayField that also contains the CompositeMetadata for the entity reached through that reference.

Query Plans

A query plan determines which entities will be retrieved in what order using what criteria. The query submitted with the retrieval request is converted into its conjunctive normal form. Each conjunct of the request query is then assigned to the nodes and edges of the query plan. If a conjunct refers to only one entity, that conjunct is assigned to the node corresponding to that entity. If a conjunct refers to two entities, the conjunct is assigned to the edge between those entities. Same is done for association queries.

  • Current implementation does not support query clauses referring to entities that are not directly connected.
  • Current implementation does not support query clauses that refer to more than two entities.
  • The actual query clause assignment is done by QueryPlanChooser. Edge queries are rewritten for every incarnation of the query plan.

The underlying undirected graph of a query plan is isomorphic to the underlying undirected graph of its composite metadata. Query plan may reverse the direction of edges of the composite metadata, but cannot add or remove edges.

   (N_1, Q_1) --+ 
                +--> (N_3, Q_3) --> (N_4, Q_4)
   (N_2, Q_2) --+

In the above query plan, entities for N_1 and N_2 are retrieved first, then using those results, a query to retrieve N_3 is written and executed. For every N_3 retrieved, N_4 queries are evaluated and executed.

Entities are retrieved starting from the source nodes (nodes with no incoming edges). Execution continues until all the sink nodes of the query plan are retrieved. A node is evaluated after all the ancestors of it are evaluated.

The queries assigned to each node are the clauses of the conjunctive normal form of all queries. A query Q is assigned to a node N if Q has variables referring to N, and all other variables of Q refer to an ancestor of N.

Future consideration: Paths starting from different sources can be executed in parallel.

Implementation considerations: Some queries can be converted to $in expressions for bulk retrieval, or retrival can be performed one by one. (This is not currently done.)

Rewriting queries:

FieldComparisonExpression instances need to be rewritten as ValueComparisonExpressions once one of the fields can be replaced with a value. That happens after an instance of an containing that field is retrieved.

{ "field":<field1>, "op":<op>, "rfield":<field2> }

Assume field1 refers to a field of entityOf(N_i), and field2 refers to a field of an entity of an ancestor of N_i (i.e. field2 values are known). Then, the query component can be written as a ValueComparisonExpression:

  {"field":"<field1>, "op":<operator>, "rvalue":<value> }

(if field and rfield are interchanged and if the operation is not commutative, operator should be negated as well, i.e. > should become <)

Processing query expressions

Ideally, we'd like to deal with queries in conjunctive normal form.

   Q: { "$and": [ q_1, q_2, q_3, ... ] }

If the request query and all the associations queries are in conjunctive normal form, all we need to worry about is the query clauses q_1, q_2,..., and associate these clauses to the nodes of the query plan. To reformat the queries in conjunctive normal form, we will apply the following rewrite rules, and obtain several equivalent queries.

These are the query rewrite rules:

  1. Nested $and's can be combined:


Q: { "$and" : [ q_1, ... {"$and": [ x, y, ... ] } ] }

then Q can be written as

   { "$and": [ q_1, ..., x, y, ... ] }
  1. Multiple values in an $or can be written as $in


Q : { "$or" : [ ..., {"field":X, "op":"=","rvalue":v1},... {"field":X, "op":"=","rvalue":v2}, ... ] }

then Q can be written as

   { "$or" : [ ..., {"$in" : {"field":X,"values":[v1,v2]} },... ] }
  1. $in can be extended


Q:  { "$or" : [ ..., {"$in" : {"field":X,"values":[v1,v2]} }, ...  {"field":X, "op":"=","rvalue":v3}, ... }

then Q can be written as

   { "$or" : [ ..., {"$in": [ "field":X,"values":[v1,v2,v3]} },... ] }
  1. $or with a single expression can be eliminated


Q: { "$or" : [ q ] }

then Q can be written as q

  1. $not $or can be converted to $and


Q: { "$not" : { "$or" : [ q_1, q_2, ... ] ] } 

then Q can be written as

   {"$and" : [ not(q_1), not(q_2),  ... ] }

provided not(q_i) can be performed for all q_i.

Anything contained in an $or operator is useless for query plan construction. There is no way to efficiently retrieve something like that, unless underlying data collection is small.

Query plan construction

We are given composite metadata C, the request query RQ, requested projection RP, and requested sort RS, we have to construct query plans and score them.

This is the entity definition for the following examples:

A : {
  "_id":{"type":"uid" },
  "b_id":{ "type":"string" },
  "b": { "type":"reference",
         "entity" : "B",
         "query" : { "field":"_id", "op":"=", "rfield":"$parent.b_id" }
  "c_id":{ "type":"string" },
  "c": { "type":"reference",
         "entity" : "C",
         "query" : { "field":"_id", "op":"=", "rfield":"$parent.c_id" }

Notation: X < Y means X is an ancestor of Y in query plan.


Enumerate all permutations of edge directions of composite metadata. For each option:

  • Assign queries to each node
  • Rewrite queries based on the query plan
    • Determine node ordering based on queries with multiple fields
    • Eliminate query plan if there are queries that cannot be rewritten.
  • Score query plan, and keep the best score

Implementation: This algorithm is implemented in QueryPlanChooser class. It gets two plugins: QueryPlanIterator and QueryPlanScorer. The QueryPlanIterator determines the different query plans that will be scored. The BruteForceQueryPlanIterator iterates through all possible permutations of edge directions. The QueryPlanScorer scores a query plan. The IndexedFieldScorer gives better scores to query plans that keep nodes with queries on indexed fields closer to the root.

Complexity: If there are N nodes in composite metadata, there are (N-1) edges in the query plan. Query plans are obtained by flipping edges, so there are 2^(N-1) distinct query plans. This is the baseline complexity. Better iterators can be written to prune the exhaustive search tree.

Example: The above example has 3 nodes, so 4 distinct query plans:

A --+--> B
    +--> C
B --> A --> C
C --> A --> B
   +--> A

Query assignments

Below, let nodeOf(f) denote the query plan node of the path f. In the above example, nodeOf("c._id")=C. For a query Q, nodesOf(Q) is the union of nodeOf(f) for all fields f in Q.

  • If q is one of
{ "field":f, "op":o, "rvalue":r }
{ "field":f, "regex":... }
{ "array":f, "contains":... }

then q is assigned to nodeOf(f)

  • If q is
 { "field":f, "op":o, "rfield":g }

then * If there is an edge between nodeOf(f) and nodeOf(g), assign q to that edge. * If there is no such edge, fail (this probably can be improved)

  • If q is
{ "array":f, "elemtMatch":R }

then we work with the node set nodeOf(f) and nodesOf(R), and apply the above rules.

Scoring Query Plans

The score assigned to the query plan should reflect the effort of executing it. So smaller score means better performance. We will select the query plan with the smallest score.

Ideally, score should reflect how quickly the next item in the resultset can be retrieved. For instance, a query that retrieves all elements of a collection without any filtering should have the same, or similar score to a query that retrieves one row using a unique index.

Heuristics for scoring a query plan:

  • If query plan nodes has queries for fields with indexes, query plan score is better as those nodes get closer to the sources.
  • If query plan nodes has queries, query plan score is better as those nodes get closer to the sources.