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Part III: Functional programming
Laurent Gatto


  • Functions
  • Robust programming with functions
  • High-level functions


Among the R's strong points, Hadley Whickham cites:

[R has] a strong foundation in functional programming. The ideas of functional programming are well suited to solving many of the challenges of data analysis. R provides a powerful and flexible toolkit which allows you to write concise yet descriptive code.


To understand computations in R, two slogans are helpful:

  • Everything that exists is an object.
  • Everything that happens is a function call.

John Chambers

Messy code hides bugs

  • Functions are a means of abstraction. A concept/computation is encapsulated/isolated from the rest with a function.
  • Functions should do one thing, and do it well (compute, or plot, or save, ... not all in one go).
  • Side effects: your functions should not have any (unless, of course, that is the main point of that function - plotting, write to disk, ...). Functions shouldn't make any changes in any environment. The only return their output.
  • Do not use global variables. Everything the function needs is being passed as an argument. Function must be self-contained.
  • Function streamline code and process

From the R Inferno:

Make your functions as simple as possible. Simple has many advantages:

  • Simple functions are likely to be human efficient: they will be easy to understand and to modify.
  • Simple functions are likely to be computer efficient.
  • Simple functions are less likely to be buggy, and bugs will be easier to fix.
  • (Perhaps ironically) simple functions may be more general—thinking about the heart of the matter often broadens the application.

Finally, functions are

  • Easier to debug
  • Easier to profile
  • Easier to parallelise

Functions are an central part of robust R programming.

Function parts

A function is made of

  • a name
  • some inputs (formal parameters)
  • a single output (return value)
  • a body
  • an environment, the map of the location of the functions variable
f <- function(x) {
    y <- x + 1
    return(x * y)

And these can be accessed and modified indivdually


body(f) <- quote({
    y <- x * y
    return(x + y)

Lexical scoping

  • If a name is not found in a functions environment, it is looked up in the parent (enclosing) from.
  • If it is not found in the parent (enclosing) frame, it is looked up in the parent's parent frame, and so on...

Lexical scoping: default behaviour, current environment, then traversing enclosing/parent environments.

f <- function(x) x + y


y <- 2

This is of course bad practice, we don't want to rely on global variables.



Start by mentally running the code chunks below - what do the functions return?

After testing new code chunks, don't forget to clean up your workspace, to avoid unexpected results.

f <- function() {
    x <- 1
    y <- 2
    c(x, y)
x <- 2
g <- function(){
    y <- 1
    c(x, y)
x <- 1
h <- function() {
    y <- 2
    i <- function() {
        z <- 3
        c(x, y, z)
x <- 1
i <- function() {
    z <- 3
    c(x, y, z)
h <- function() {
    y <- 2
j <- function(x) {
    y <- 2
        c(x, y)
k <- j(1)
j <- function() {
    if (!exists("a")) {
        a <- 1
    } else {
        a <- a + 1
j() ## First call
j() ## Second call
f <- function(x) {
    f <- function(x) {
        f <- function(x) {
        f(x) + 1
    f(x) * 2

More about functions

  • Argument matching by position or by names
  • Calling a function with a list of arguments
args <- list(x = 1:10, trim = 0.3), args)
  • Default arguments
f <- function(x = 1, y = 2) x * y
f <- function(x = 1, y = x + 2) x * y
  • Missing arguments
f <- function(x = 1, y) {
	c(missing(x), missing(y))
f(x = 1)
  • Passing non-matched parameters ... to an inner function
plot2 <- function(...) {
    message("Verbose plotting...")

f <- function(...) list(...)
  • Return values: last statement, explicit return, make output invisible
f1 <- function() 1
f2 <- function() return(1)
f3 <- function() return(invisible(1))
  • Explicit triggers before exiting. Useful to restore global state (plotting parameters, cleaning temporary files, ...)
f1 <- function(x) {
    x + 1

f2 <- function(x) {
f3 <- function() {

f4 <- function() {
    on.exit(print("2"), add = TRUE)
  • Anonymous functions, created on-the-flight and passed to lapply or other high-level functions.
function(x) x + y
body(function(x) x + y)
args(function(x) x + y)
environment(function(x) x + y)

*apply functions

How to apply a function, iteratively, on a set of elements?

apply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)

  • MARGIN = 1 for row, 2 for cols.
  • FUN = function to apply
  • ... = extra args to function.
  • simplify = should the result be simplified if possible.

*apply functions are (generally) NOT faster than loops, but more succint and thus clearer.

v <- rnorm(1000) ## or a list
res <- numeric(length(v))

for (i in 1:length(v)) 
  res[i] <- f(v[i])

res <- sapply(v, f)

## if f is vectorised
function use case
apply matrices, arrays, data.frames
lapply lists, vectors
sapply lists, vectors
vapply with a pre-specified type of return value
tapply atomic objects, typically vectors
by similar to tapply
eapply environments
mapply multiple values
rapply recursive version of lapply
esApply ExpressionSet, defined in Biobase

See also the BiocGenerics package for [l|m|s|t]apply S4 generics, as well as parallel versions in the parallel package (see Performance section).

In the interation on 0 length unit test exercice

sqrtabs <- function(x) {
    v <- abs(x)
    sapply(1:length(v), function(i) sqrt(v[i]))

What where your suggestions to improve the function in the light of the available *apply functions?

See also the plyr package, that offers its own flavour of apply functions.

in/out list data frame array
list llply() ldply() laply()
data frame dlply() ddply() daply()
array alply() adply() aaply()

Other functions

  • replicate - repeated evaluation of an expression
  • aggregate - compute summary statistics of data subsets
  • ave - group averages over level combinations of factors
  • sweep - sweep out array summaries

Anonymous functions

A function defined/called without being assigned to an identifier and generally passed as argument to other functions.

M <- matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
apply(M, 1, function(Mrow) 'do something with Mrow')
apply(M, 2, function(Mcol) 'do something with Mcol')

Interactive use vs programming: sapply/lapply

df1 <- data.frame(x = 1:3, y = LETTERS[1:3])
sapply(df1, class)
df2 <- data.frame(x = 1:3, y = Sys.time() + 1:3)
sapply(df2, class)

Rather use a form where the return data structure is known...

lapply(df1, class)
lapply(df2, class)

or that will break if the result is not what is exected

vapply(df1, class, "1")
vapply(df2, class, "1")

Efficient apply-like functions

These functions combine high-level vectorised syntax for clarity and efficient C-level vectorised imputation (see Performance section).

  • In base: rowSums, rowMeans, colSums, colMeans
  • In Biobase: rowQ, rowMax, rowMin, rowMedias, ...
  • In genefilter: rowttests, rowFtests, rowSds, rowVars, ...

Generalisable on other data structures, like ExpressionSet instances.


Vectorised operations are natural candidats for parallel execution. See later, Parallel computation topic.


  • R Gentleman, R Programming for Bioinformatics, CRC Press, 2008
  • Ligges and Fox, R Help Desk, How Can I Avoid This Loop or Make It Faster? R News, Vol 8/1. May 2008.
  • Grouping functions: sapply vs. lapply vs. apply. vs. tapply vs. by vs. aggregate ...