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ISP Toolbox Webserver

ISP Toolbox Backend Server Code

  • powers market evaluator, network cost comparison, los-check, dsm-export
  • hosted: AWS, EC2, S3
  • database: AWS Postgres
  • KV store: Elasticache - redis
  • domain:

Development Philosophy:

  • Move Fast and Break Things! - Get to market as fast as possible, you want people to use your code and improve connectivity with it
  • Don't reinvent the wheel - "not invented here" syndrome is real, always research if someone already built what you want
  • KISS - keep it simple, stupid
  • DRY - don't repeat yourself

Main Technologies / Frameworks:

This is basically the Instagram techstack

All of these frameworks have stellar open source documentation, so be sure to consult them

Getting Dev Environment Setup

  • get AWS account fbc-tower-design - bunnylol aws
  • create EC2 instance from template
  • chmod 400 on .pem file
  • ssh using the isptoolbox.pem in the lastpass folder - ask a dev for the pem
  • install docker and docker compose

Docker Note: installing docker on amzn ami (yum package manager - aws package repository)

The commands for installing docker on the AWS ami are slightly different than the official docker docs:

these commands are if the user you are logged in as is ec2-user

sudo yum update -y; sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker;
sudo service docker start; sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user;

To make the changes in docker group run this command:

exec sudo su - ec2-user
  • ensure docker daemon is running (dockerd)
  • clone git repository
    • make sure you clone all submodules git submodule update --init --recursive
  • make setup_dev to build docker containers - these will have volume mounts - this enables hot reloading code, only re-run this if you've added an npm module or modified the pip/conda dependencies
  • make run_dev to run locally on localhost:8000

Running locally with https

  1. install mkcert - On your laptop (macbook)

    1. brew install mkcert

    2. run chown command

    3. brew install mkcert

    4. mkcert -install

    5. mkcert -cert-file cert.pem -key-file key.pem localhost ::1

    6. open .

  2. copy .pem files to ec2 instance - On your ec2 instance

    1. drag and drop cert.pem and key.pem into your ec2 instance ISPToolbox/webserver/

Make command list

make setup_dev

  • Installs required packages on system. Should only need to be ran once during first-time setup.

make run_dev

  • Runs code in development environment
    • gis data is production
    • your local code checkout is mounted as a volume in docker
    • hot reloading should be enabled

make update

  • Updates and/or installs python packages as definred in requirements.txt via pip.

make makemigrations

  • Creates django migrations for model changes.

make migrate

  • Performs django migrations for model changes.

make run

  • Starts the webserver.

make run_test

  • Starts the e2e testing version of the server.
    • Server will be slower because of backend instrumentation.
    • Same DB/code checkout configuration as run_dev
    • hot reloading disabled

Code coverage in dev/test

Prerequisites: You will need to pip install the following packages on your dev host:


After running tests/doing manual testing on the run_test version of the server, stop the server, then do the following:

cd webserver
python3 ../scripts/ .coveragerc-base .coveragerc-dev .coveragerc
coverage combine
coverage report
coverage html
coverage erase

You should have a copy of the integration test coverage under coverage/htmlcov/index.html

Running fbctower locally with WWW OnDemand

  1. On your EC2 instance

    make run_dev

this will startup the whole backend stack on your machine

in VSCode forward ports 8000 AND 8010 to your localhost (macbook)

Alt text

  1. On your WWW OnDemand

Update the domain and protocols in XIspToolboxControllerConfig.php

const ISPTOOLBOX_BACKEND_DOMAIN = 'localhost:8000'; //@nocommit '';
const ISPTOOLBOX_BACKEND_PROTOCOL = 'http://'; //@nocommit 'https://';
const ISPTOOLBOX_BACKEND_WS_PROTOCOL = 'ws://'; //@nocommit 'wss://';

Pushing New Images to Production

Option 1: Github action

  1. push latest code change to github main branch, wait for workflow to complete successfully. Make sure aws cli is configured locally -

    git push origin main

    aws configure

  2. deploy images to ecs


Option 2: Scripts for manual push (something broke)

  1. login to AWS and ECR repository

    aws configure

    aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

  2. build docker images locally and change tags, push to ecr


  3. deploy images to ecs


Debugging Django Tests with VSCode

run the following command:

make debug_test TESTCASE=<TESTCASE>

where <TESTCASE> is the test module of interest (e.g. workspace.tests.test_viewsheds)

vscode debugger must attach before the test is run

Locally run Django Webserver (Ubuntu) (Old steps, follow "Running fbctower locally with WWW OnDemand" unless you really need to run without docker)

Configure system environment (once):

  • make setup

Make sure to follow steps printed to console in order to set up a test postgres db. Find them here as well for convenience:

  • sudo -i -u postgres
  • createdb django_test
  • psql
  • \password postgres

Set the password to "password"

Install required packages:

  • make update

Perform django migrations:

  • make migrate

Run the Webserver:

  • make run

Building + Pushing new static Files

Make sure you commit the new staticfiles.json manifest file

  • make static_prod

Database Migrations (Standard Django Process)

Run when you have made changes to or added to Django Models.

  • make makemigrations
  • make migrate

Test changes locally and unit test if applicable.

Once you're ready to push database schema changes to production:

The latest environment variables are in the terraform/ file

DB_NAME=django_db DB_USERNAME=fbcmasteruser DB_PASSWORD=<db-password> python migrate

Cypress Getting Started (GUI):


  • Macbook
  • AWS EC2 instance

Running Locally on Macbook (recommended ✅):

  1. install node on your macbook
  2. install cypress on your macbook npm install cypress --save-dev
    • install other npm packages by going to the root of the repository /ISPToolbox and running npm install
  3. on your macbook git clone repository locally - i like the github desktop app
  4. run isptoolbox application on ec2 instance
  5. on your macbook npx cypress open

Run Cypress in EC2 (not recommended ❌):

  1. install cypress on your ec2 instance
  2. install the following other dev dependencies:
npm install -D @cypress/code-coverage
npm install -D @istanbuljs/nyc-config-typescript
  1. install xquartz on your mac machine
  2. ssh onto your ec2 instance using x11 eg: ssh -Y -i isptoolbox.pem user@instance
  3. verify x forwarding works xclock
  4. npx cypress open

Cypress Headless (CLI):

  1. install cypress on your ec2 instance
  2. npx cypress run


My code works on my dev server but not on the prod image!

  1. pull the docker image from AWS ECR

docker pull

  1. set the environment to point to the production database (create a .env file)


  1. run the following command:

docker run --env-file .env -p -p python runserver

Reverting production to an earlier stable build

  1. use the digest hash of the last stable image and tag it as latest ./scripts/ <DIGEST_HASH>

you can see a list of the ecr images in the aws console, or in the workflow step on github

  1. update the tasks in ecs, they will pull the latest image ./scripts/



  • Make BigQueries on M-Lab data here
  • M-Lab BigQueries require a google account in M-Lab's discuss group
  • FB Google accounts don't allow access to google groups
  • Use this account to access instead:

Overlay Update

Update Mapbox sources on public."Overlay_overlay" Table

create overlay objects in your sandbox:

make default_objects

Alternatively update the table directly:

Below are example of SQL Commands

Example of rdof, tower, and communityConnect

INSERT INTO public."Overlay_overlay"(type, source_url, source_layer, created)
VALUES ('rdof', 'mapbox://alexychong.9r5cne0h', 'auction_904_final_simplified-1qpgm7', NOW())

INSERT INTO public."Overlay_overlay"(type, source_url, source_layer, created)
VALUES ('tower', 'mapbox://victorleefb.9l1ok6po', 'towerLocator-3rfxut', NOW())

INSERT INTO public."Overlay_overlay"(type, source_url, source_layer, created)
VALUES ('communityConnect', 'mapbox://alexychong.bp1lmhp5', 'calculated-cc-speeds-shp-casfao', NOW())

Inspect Running / Queued / Failed Jobs

Alt text

Why isn't my LiDAR / 3D view loading?

  • Check that potree static files are being pulled and are not 404ing
    • if they are you need to recursively clone submodules (potree is a submodule)
      • git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Check that you have the lidar boundaries loaded in your database
    • make default_objects


Configure gatekeepers at: Grant or block access to certain features Uses the library: Keep in mind the differences between local database and production database


Check our contributing guide to learn about how to contribute to the project.


ISPToolbox is licensed under the MIT License.

Users must review the licenses for the data that is accessed and assess whether their own use of the data complies with the licenses of said data.