Swallow compiler TODO list Type declaration Enumeration Raw Values Enumeration Associated Values Enumeration Control Flow Conditional statements If Switch No Implicit Fallthrough Range matching Tuple Value binding Where Control Transfer Continue Break in a loop statement Break in a switch statement Fallthrough Labeled statements Test case complements Codes that can crash swallow:[2/2] [X] Following codes run one by one in REPL would crash the swallow func test(a : Int) -> String { return ""; } func test(a : String) -> Bool { return true; } let a = (test(56), test("")) [X] Following code will make compiler in dead loop for( Codes that doesn’t work as expected: [2/3] [X] Class declaration class cobject { var fd = -1 } let b = cobject() [ ] Type declared within a tuple doesn’t work for swallow let (c, d : Double) = (1, 2) [X] Expression inside a string "\(a"