Quickly get a list of open pull request from any repository or details about a specific one.
./prstatus [-dh] [-t TOKEN] [-r REPO]...
-h | --help display this syntax information and exit
-d | --debug display API request details and exit
-t | --token TOKEN OAuth token **(required)**
More info: http://git.io/vmNUX
Example: ./prstatus -t e72e16c7e42f292c6912e7710c8
-r | --repo USER/REPO Target repository **(required)**
Note: specify repo\'s owner username OR organization
Example: ./prstatus -r reddit/reddit
./prstatus -r levifig/prstatus
-p | --pullrequest ID Specify unique pull request by its ID (requires specific repo)
Example: ./prstatus -r reddit/reddit -p 1449
is written in Bash, requires Bash 4.x or higher, and depends on jq
for JSON projecessing and curl
for API interaction.